Darren just turned 23, and heard news from his boyfriend that he was not gay anymore. Deciding to take a walk along field he knew well, but got attacked by a hit by a car and attacked by a serial killer.
Sleeping soundly, Darren would be dreaming deeply about his lover and partner. Cuddled up in a heavy blanket, comfy and warm, he'd toss and turn. Jolting awake, spooked by the alarm he had set on his phone for the day.
Rubbing his eyes, and ruffling his hair in annoyance to the alarm, would smack it, turning it off. Getting up and tossing the blanket he was ever so cozy in the warmth of his bed. Flipping his legs over his bed, bare feet touching the cold carpet.
Groggily getting up, Darren would look out his window, amazed at the different hues and colors of gold, orange, brown, red, and yellow. A soft wind tossed and picked up the leaves around his yard, looking at the wheat field behind the large oak trees across the street, their golden colors shining in the autumn morning sun. Fog creeping in slowly, would add to the beauty of his favorite season.
Getting dressed in warm day clothes, he;dd look at his phone, pausing…no texts from his boyfriend. Darren's birthday was in 2 days, worrying that Tucker had forgotten already, he'd decide to let it go 1 more day. Heading out his bedroom door, avoiding his husky laying sprawled out on the floor, walking downstairs. Making toast with peanut butter, grabbing his backpack, would head out the door.
Walking to the bus, cars roared by, one caught his eye, a creepy windowless black van…Darren would feel eyes locked on him, as if he had been chosen as a main target of some main character crime novel. Shaking it off as his imagination, he'd continue walking. Making it in time for before the bus had come on time, he'd get on not conscious of what he thought before.