
Multiverse monarch

.......betrayal......love......companion.......life... a boy who has the gift to links all natural beings with its sense... as he set his mind to explore his body limits in the world of limitless. Sets in multiverse full of undiscovered continents in space, link with vines of light connecting between landmass. Keithra a 3 years old single child with a single mom.. sits with tears upon the veranda singing sighing song while facing the crescent moon in a two-story house in a remote forest at midnight.... the sound of its voice reverberate to the jungle tingling the soul of nature....... Follow his journey to unlock... to know... to dream... to cultivate... to subdue...in the vast multiverse awaits

faris_keith · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

1 Breezed

Chapter 1 Breezed

A Serene night with moonlight shined throughout the whole forest, colored the sea of tree with a tinge of purplish light spread by night dews with cloud-like ancient tree fill the forest of Hijau, its sooth the soul for those who see it.

At the edge of the undisturbed forest, away from others, far from the residential settlement, stood a fined hand-carved treehouse with an elder wood tree as its center to support the two-story house.

At Second-floor treehouse veranda of his room,

Facing the crescent moon🌙, there's a child with clear greyish emerald blue eyes flickering full of intelligence, unlike its peer, talking to himself.

"The moon tonight feels quite different? maybe it just my feeling," thought keithra as he standing there while looking at the moon in his pajamas, With short silverish gold hair, porcelain-like skin as 3 years old child should be.

Unaware, there's a creature not too far at the other side of the forest shined by the moonlight slumbered.

Filtering what was taught to him by his mother, Tehlia.

"There must be something mom did not tell me? it just feels something was off when I try to ask about dad and about other family members" he knew only he and his mom in the forest all these years as he wrinkled his forehead while looking at the night sky.

lost in his world of its own, with tears in his eyes thinking the emptiness inside his mind.

A breeze came from the forest softly breezing his face, waking him up from stupor as he reminisced an old lullaby his mother used to sing when he slept.

His tiny mouth moved on its own singing the song "la luna misteriosa.....🎶" with a voice like celestial hymn silently reverberate to the forest.

As the tune and the wind breezed throughout the forest.

A few kilometers away, Somewhere in the lush forest where an invisible spiral bed of stone formation lies the creature in its middle.

The creature suddenly awakened by the hymn-like voice, in the silent blinking its eyes from the long-closed state. It staggered stands half a meter from the ground on its four tiny claw hooves. With chubby furry deer like bodies and tourmaline green eyes, reacting to the boy's voice.

It feels something tingling its soul string. Under the confused state, it's spread its will to the source of the voice.

At the veranda,

Keithra singing the song unaware of the surrounding area felt a calling in the direction of the creature's will, he then tried to connect with the will as he lifts his arm to the source of the will but it's not successful at first, as he tries focusing with mind eyes even though he doesn't know how to, but he tried and tried till its feel something dormant awakened in his mind sea.

Chingsssss, something chimed in his mind sea.

He then feels some kind of wave or sense from his mind sea stretch out far exceeded the creature's will, connected to the creature's will along the path of the sense.

As the creature sober up upon connection, he remembers his name as Embryz. Other than his name there nothing on its mind except his powerful will.

With the forest spread majestically thousands of kilometers away, with all kind of archaic trees grown out its might throughout the forest, Embryz tuck his will back as he felt he make the connection with keithra without the boy knowing it.

He tried to take a step as he feels the cramped muscle lighten as he walks around the stone formation, he tried to move out of it but he cannot penetrate it at all with his current strength.

The boy who still stretching his sense outward felt heaviness slowly taken him unconscious unknowingly he fell into a deep sleep on the veranda.

In the morning,

After doing the breakfast, Tehlia With blonde long slightly curly hair to her slender waist and lightly tanned skin called his son from outside of his room on the second floor. but no one answering, she knocked on the door lightly but still no one answering her, feels something was wrong with his only son.

She rushes into the room with the bed sheet still untouched, she pried open the door to the veranda She gasps with wide open eyes seeing his son motionless laying on the wooden floor.

Slowly she gently touches the tiny chest of her son with her trembling hand to feel the pulse, feeling the rushing beats of the heart, she softly sighs feeling the burden in her heart lifted...

"w hat happens to my keithra" as she tried to wake him up but stop her stretch out arm midway.

"U sually, he does not sleep in an open space like this" She carried her son onto the bed without waking him up, and let him sleep soundly...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

On the same day,

Embryz slowly regains his strength in the stone formation in the twilight as he extends his will to his surrounding thoughts to itself "w here in the hell is this place" with sudden enlightenment, he rushes to the edge of the formation.

there's a pointed rock tucked out just right outside the formation. He points his will to the stone, suddenly the formation cracks from its center.

Quake made by the commotion make embryz perplexed. As the formation breaks, he lay on a stone at the center of the formation to consolidate his will and strength.

Time past, its take quite a while for the formation to demolish on its own. Early in the morning with dew drops on his deer nose make him looks adorable, unlike his former self, even though he doesn't know the origin of itself. The scene with dew on his nose just doesn't seem right at all.

He inspects his surroundings with his eyes but All he sees is stone and ancient tree as far as eyes can see with occasionally seen unintelligent animal nor beast within his sight.

"w hat happened that night might be the ones, who awakened me" as he remembered the connections he makes with hymns owners sense.

He then takes a walk without direction in his mind, tumbling around while exploring his unfamiliar body.

With midgets like deer furry body, stand half a meter tries secured a fruit from a tree with his will, he knows his wills range is quite far but the strength of his will, he just doesn't know.

Frustrated by his failure. He walks and walks around cultivating his will as time flows as is it.


Two days past by as keithra sleep after that night,

As he waking up, the first thing he saw is tearing eyes of his mom with tear stain all over his bed sheet.

Feeling the guilt, he rushed to hug his mother even before his mother tried to embrace him. With angel-like voice, he said, " mom I'm sorry&quot.

Hearing her son ethereal voice, she feels something's has been awakened deep inside her son...