
Multiverse Missions: Mercernary League

Vulturer · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

00: Unknown Encounter

In the Los Angeles central school district, one of the most significant schools in the nation is housed in a modern, golden-white structure.

It's a well-known fact that Valencia Academy is based here.


Lance was able to observe the students leaving and entering the Valencia Academy Library from the top floor thanks to the gleaming, spotless floor to ceiling windows.

As he listened to the person speaking behind him, a smirk started to form on his lips. 

Lance's mouth moved casually, forming a sneer, and spitting out the following words with coldness: 

"You're upset with me because I got a love letter from your crush? Brother, I didn't expect you to be such a puppy."

The male voice, now flustered and anxious, continued:

"Lancelot! How dare you! I am your elder brother, and this is an order! Tear it right now!"

Lance sneered again:

"Big brother, did you tell Father about this?" He won't likely approve of me tearing up a confession from one of our investor's daughters."

"How did you know..." The young man calling himself 'big brother' seemed to understand something: "You deliberately seduced her!"

Then came a few more curses and the sound of things being thrown to the ground. 

Lance's expression remained unchanged as he calmly observed his brother smashing the library's items.

The brother pleaded once more after taking a few breaths:

"Please, Lance, I beg you, remember how well I treated you. I love her.."

Lance's patience was finally exhausted: "Why do you show me such a pitiful state of yourself for a mere woman, brother?" 

Arthur's eyes glistened with a chill, and his tone grew icier. 

"So you absolutely refuse, do you?"

It was only at this moment that Lance felt vaguely wrong, and he turned around to face his brother: "Yes, I have to be the better step-brother, Arthur."

With a look of madness on his face, Arthur raised his head and pulled a gun out of his pocket.


Before Lance could react, his brother, who had gone insane, shot him. 

The moment Lance's body hit the ground, his brother roared with laughter.

There was no silencer on the pistol, such a loud noise has long ago made people outside realise that something was wrong.


Of course, witnessing such a scene is shocking. 

Some bystanders used the chaos to their advantage to stop his brother and push the gun aside, while others hurriedly dialed his father.

While sitting there motionless and staring blankly at his dead body, Arthur didn't seem to notice anything that was happening around him.


Suspended above his corpse, Lance looked at the chaos around him.

He didn't expect Arthur to actually kill, despite the crazy way his brother was acting.

Lance took a direct blow to the head as a result.

Lance didn't try to re-enter his body, it already had a see through hole in it's head, even if he comes back to life- he will be seen as a monster by this society.

Lance turned as his father entered the office to listen to what he was saying.

"You piece of shit, even though you killed that fool, why did you fucking kill him in such a public place?"

"Dad! Dad! He got me angry! Please forgive me..."

"William, shut up everyone who saw Arthur kill Lance right away.." 

Lance listened as his father ordered someone on his phone.

It isn't exactly true that he was a brother of Arthur, he was born before his mother met Arthur's father.

The fact that he was not his son didn't make his death any less tragic.

It was pointless to be angry because, if he could, he would have killed the two jerks and dumped their corpses in a chemical lake to rot.

Slowly his vision seemed to be covered with an NSFW filter, blurring everyone as he tried to focus on the sounds around him.

In the endless darkness, a voice spoke.

[The Mercenary League has welcomed Player 2406!]

[Pairing Player to Mercenary System 2406…]

The mechanic's voice now took on the cheerfulness of a young child, which to him sounded annoying rather than cute.

[Ding! Hello Player, I am your Mercenary System, and I am here to let you know that once you say the magic words, "Let's begin!" you will be transferred to your first task.]

[Ding! As your guide and wonderful system, I would love to create a wonderful working relationship with you!]

[Ding! Please feel free to ask me anything!]

Lance rolled his imaginary eyes. It really deserved the old saying: there is no worst, only worse.

He had lived for nearly eighteen years but had never come across this thing called good luck.

Once more, the system's voice appeared out of nowhere.

[Ding! In your real world, you have died already, please talk to me so I can assume that you are ready to cooperate?]

Lance said after a while, "Benefits, 2406."

[Ding! Does Mr. Lance desire fame, wealth, or the admiration of thousands of people? I'll make sure you can have everything you want once you agree!]

Lance said without hesitation after hearing the classic line of scammers, "I don't want to be some slave." 

Mercenary System: "..."

[Ding! Mr. Lance, after the number of needed missions, is completed, you can return to the real world with the time earned by doing missions! ]

Lance's eyeballs turned, that's right, what he wanted was to be alive again.

After a while, Lance calmed down, "What is the mission?"

[Regular people will sign up as players, carry out tasks for "The Mercenary League," and receive rewards when they're done.]

Lance didn't understand, "You're talking in circles, I am asking what it is not how to do it."

Mercenary System: "..."

Mercenary  System repeated: [Is Mr. Lance ready to say the Magical! Two! Words!]

Lance was a little surprised: "So I can't refuse?" 

Mercenary  System's voice seemed to have a trace of wronged grievance: 

[Ding! Of course, our League already has 2000 Players.]

"What will happen if I don't say those magical words of yours?"

[Ding! Mr. Lance has resentment in him and will slowly disappear due to lack of soul energy in thirty days!]

So, his end was after all death here.

"How does doing your missions keep me alive?"

[Ding! Mr. Lance will receive Soul Coins or more after every mission is completed! Please complete as many side missions as you can while on the mission because each Soul Coin is equivalent to an hour of life. ]

"..." Looking at his corpse which his father and brother had given to a cheap morgue to hide his whereabouts, he finally made his decision.

"Let's begin."

GG Readers, you just advanced to Chapter 2!

Vulturercreators' thoughts