
Chapter 33:

1 year after the war.

With the end to the war that killed many and broke the famouse Tsunade, times of peace came and people were overjoyed. Konoha's citezens proudly boasted their victory and praised their heroes. Tsunade had dissapeared soon after the war leaving the Senju clan without a head and leaving all their assets behind to journey with her apprentice and learn new medical techniques.That was just a cover though, Tsunade had been too traumatized to continue working in Konoha. Everything reminded her of Dan and all the blood that drenched her hands that day, so much for the world's greatest medic. She couldn't save those who matered to her.

Jiraya also left to start his own spy network and protect Konoha by gathering intel on foriegn nations.

In Soragakure, the year was spent stabilizing the chaotic lands, corrupt ex nobles turned warlords were overthrown by a mysterious organization and killed. Anyone who submitted would get to keep their land if their crimes weren't steep and only had to share 30% of their resources. A new era of technology slowly engulfed the land and everyone welcomed the change.

Nero also started recruiting people who were tasked with building underground bases that would be fully completed in the next 10 to 15 years.

5 Years after the war~

Nero POV

After five years of stabilizing my organization and reinvesting hundreds of millions into the contruction of secret labs and bases all around the continent Inferno was finally taking shape. In terms of membership our numbers were still low, but my influence spanned across the entire continent and I became a billionaire. I also began focusing my attention on building hidden underground bases on small isalnds where I developed deep sea mining, they were fully automated facilities and only I knew of their existence.

Along the way Inferno also gained new members. They were formally members of the Uzumaki clan but after their homes and village was destroyed they scattered out and some of them made their way to my doorstep. I took them in and even started actively looking for other Uzumaki's and bloodline holders. Most were children. Grown men,women and the elderly were hard to control but I the next generation wouldn't be. They would grow up and be conditioned to give themselves to Inferno without question.

I finally woke up Ayaka from her long induced coma. Her first reaction was to go beserk and try to kill me for killing....what was his name again? Anyway it took a few memory wipes and rewrites but she finally became an obidient guard-dog.

8 years after the war~

Poverty fell and emplyment was at an all time high. Facilities were built in every in every part of what was now known as the Sky alliance. In the public eye it was run by a council of nobles who had the final say in everything, but economically Nero was the one running the show. His decisions could lead to the rise or fall of the allaince and only the council knew this dark truth. Many companies had come to be during the new age of technology and change but whaf the civilians didn't know was that those comapnies in the primary and secondary stage of production belonged to Nero, other merchants then jumped onto the new trend and became retailers with the only supplier being Nero.

After years the new tecnological era had slowly risen to dominate all available markets. They had steam powered machines that eased farming, moving cargo became safer and faster with the introduction of the steam train that had rails being built all around the lands within the allaince. Nero's underground facilities were also mostly complete and he was using VR chambers to wipe the memories of those who had worked on building them. They would become his secret bases and nobody could know about them. He also moved the zero tails and most of the classified projects to said islands.

New mining operations were being funded and crude oil was being dug out and pumped into huge refineries where it was fractionally broken down. Metals especially chakra metal were under strict supervision. A civillian couldn't buy chakra metals and even a coorparation needed permits to buy and distribute it. Nero controlled the legal processing of the permit requests and stalled for as long as possible. With the allaince backing him he gained monopoly over the chakra metal mine available in Soragakure. He also brought in tons upon tons of other metals and horded them in exchange for giving the council the blueprint for steam powered tractors and trains and a few functional facilities to build them. Nero didn't bring out any of his advanched technology like the VR training chamber, fighter jets, combustion powered trains and vehicles, cybanatic enhancements, chemical synthesis plants and a lot of other advanced facilities and technology.

Everything was slowly being thought of and produced, glass, higher quality in Jewellary, domestic and industrial machines, concrete, electric home appliances, even sky scrapers became sort of a norm in big cities.

Coal powered electrical plants were also being planned out and were expected to be up and running in 8 to 10 years. Although coal powered plants were already a thing in Amegakure.

The food, beverage and entertainment industry also rose. Whiskey, beer, wine, gin, soda and all manner of beverages became loved by the people.

Nero made billions in profits, he was richer than an entire village at this point and everyone with influence answered to him, either directly or indirectly.

~ 12 years after the war~

Inferno launched it's first satilite in the sky, telescopes were built and used to observe distant planets. One planet in particular stood out. It was an earth sized planet that was covered with strange energy readings and glowed in an eerie purple.It produced a very unique energy signature and suggested they were of supernatural origin. A new type of energy in Nero's perspective.

Without anybody being aware from then they launched one every 6 months. Maintanance drones were always on standby to fix anything that broke in space and payloads of resources were sent with every flight. Since they couldn't really move to the moon without provoking the people living up there. Nero just decided to make a base on a small moon of the nearest planet and slowly build a habitat before sending in any humans.

This would all take decades to complete or even centuries if he didn't speed the process up,but Nero didn't care he would get what he wanted.

A probe spaceship was also built and would explore nearby planets. It cost tens of billions and was made entierly of chakra metal. It's Ion thruster could help it reach speeds of 200,000 meters per second at full speed.

There were hidden bases and facilities built on remote islands. They were mostly used to create mining drones, hide the various artillery, fighter jets, warships and ground vehicles while other places were used for experiments. One place in particular was used exclusively to test out new seals. For the most part it was a sucess, space folding seals, barriers, body enhancing seals, trapping seals, floating seals and gravity manipulating seals were a huge success but there were more complex seals, like time based seals, teleportation seals chakra pathway creation seals, soul manipulation seals just to mention a few.

Inferno's official agents increased to 4 thousand and new branches were formed. Since Inferno had the capability to forcefully awaken the chakra of anyone, the entirety of the organization had capable people, even the non combat personnel could atleast be ranked at the chunin rank. Most of the members were aged between 12-18 while the oldest were aged 35-45. They were the strongest of all the others and only looked to be in their late 20's due to cybernatic enhancements.

The espionage branch dealt with international stealth missions and had 400 members a 100 of those were non combat agents.

The counter intelligence branch dealt with protecting any information related to Inferno making the organization become a myth as more and more shinobi came to investigate. They had 550 combat personel and 160 were non combat members.The R&D branch had 500 scientists and engineers divded into studying different subjects from biomachenics, physics, chemistry biology, seals and many other professions.

The main fighting force numbered at 1400 and all of them were atleast level 4 and were led by a level 6 commander who had risen through the ranks over the years. They wore lightweight armor that could tank up to C-rank jutsu. Although they had the freedom to choose their weapon of choice, most prefered to dual wield enhanced and modified tec 9's. They also carried swords on their back. Due to their intense training and deeply rooted mentality that claimed dying in battle for Inferno was the most beautiful and just cause. Nero dubbed them as the Spartan division and they lived up to it. Their training only ensured that out of a hundred only 25 passed others either quit or die trying.

300 Pilots were also trained and placed in the airforce division. Nero had 450 tanks, 500 armored vehicles, 200 warships that could fly using floatation seals and rockets but consumed a lot of fuel.

There was also150 different types of airplanes in reserve. Most of the airplanes were hybrids that could achieve vertical takeoff with the use of floatation seals that could the be folded and turned into wings to mimic fighter jets, the bigger ones could work as cargo planes but in times of need they also worked to deploy soldiers on site and could shoot air to air missils, air to ground missils and even had machine guns mounted on them.

The biggest could hold up to 25 people plus the pilots. The rest of the members were divided into squads and followed a strict hirachy. Level 3 agents could command a squad of 8 to 10 level 1 to 2 members. Level 4 to 5 agents could lead a platoon of 3 squads,and level 6 agents could comand a company which consistsof 5 to 9 platoons. From there level 9 to level 10 agents coulf lead batillions of 400 men and if Nero authorized it they could lead even more men.

The naval force had 800 members and 8 ships currently being assembled. They would be deployed 8n the near future, for now normal wooden ships made sturdier with seals were being used in thier placr. Regular C rank and some B rank jutsu wouldn't sink the ship in one hit.

The rest of the people numbered around 70 thousand and were hired employees whose only jobs were to assemble parts into the finished product and they knew as little as possible for their own good and when they quit or retired or were fired for being spies their memories were wiped.

Ichigo had risen to be a level 9 agent during this time she became Nero's personal assistant/ bodyguard.After her squad was disbanded after they became level 6 and earned their own cybernatic enhancement to live longer and became the second generation cyber-humanas as they were called.

Nero himself had taken drastic measures to ensure that he was strong enough that only a handful of people were a threat. He was the most advanced cyber-human around. Besides the basic orcular HUD that could detect projectiles moving at 3 times the speed of sound. He also removed his right arm and installed a multi-purpose cybernatic. He inscribed space bending runes to hold a huge volume of nanites that had been made to assimilate hundreds of materials and inventions. As of yet though he couldn't replicate anything that was organic, spiritual or energy. He could only channel them through the use of tools.

This negated the need to constantly carry around his armor with him a suit since he literally always had his suits on him. Over the twenty years he had perfected and enhanced his Ashura model. He created two new models after that. The Explorer, it was specialized for hostile environments like outer space, underwater and high gravity, acidic region, extreme heat or cold and had the longest battery life.

He didn't neglcect his nanites either having upgrwded to rank A over the years. Most of the energy gathered from his energy plants was saved up as mana points. His status had also changed over the years.




Title: World jumper, Death challenger, War maniac, Genius inventor(new)(you have earned your place as a genius who can turn scrap to a functional and effecient machines.),Peace keeper(new) (you have high charisma and have a high chance to dissuade fights.)

Condition:Perfect health, Monsterous physique, cursed by death,

Mana:700 million

Nanites:100% A-rank nanites active, next upgrade costs 50 billion mana points.

Abilities:S-rank Mixed martial arts, S-rank gun-fu, SS-rank marksmanship,A-rank advanced swordsman, B-rank bowmaster, A-rank tracking, A-rank driving. A-rank nanotechnology manipulation, A-rank energy absorption, Perfect nanite construct creation, pure mana manipulation, elemental magic,B-rank magic runes(upgrade) ,retractable constructs,Advanced machenical intuition(upgraded skill),living database,Technology Augmentation,decent psychic feedback(new upgraded skill), Illusion awareness. Mind shifting (new active skill)(User can manipulate his own mind)]

His most valuable possessions were his system's nanites. He had upgraded the to A rank over the years and gained one new ability.

Such an ability was very dangerous too, but it had allowed him to change various aspects about himself at will he could quite literally drive himself insane or change his own moral alignment, change pain to pleasure or vice versa.

Nero had used his ability to change aspects of himself. One of times being to remove the physical limiters placed by his mind and strengthened his mind to handle extreme stress, identify and break illusions placed on himhe.He also used it to really flesh out his Ryū persona and erased anyhting related to Nero from the public. As if he never existed. Besides that he tried to enhance his mind further to become omnipotent or atleast achieve a higher realm of existence but all attempts failed at the moment.

He then reshaped mind into a complex palace of information and protected it as tightly as he could. Besides that though he didn't use this ability in fear of losing himself. He could remove that fear but that would lead to disaster. A posetive side note was that it is what kept him entertained over the years.

Sadly farming points became very slow after upgrading to A-rank. He only gained a few hundred million even though he was absorbing enough energy to power a big city back on earth for decades.

Within inferno cybermatic enhancement through scientific ninja tools and other technologies was seen as the future in evolution, a new tool was invented that disregarded the use of handsigns to create jutsu. One just had to seal said technique in a scroll, attach the scroll on their wrist and release the technique. It was only available to level 9 and level 10 members though which only consisted of around 10 people right now.

hundreds of brilliant minds came together and started resesrching more about the nature energy absorbing enzymes, how to fuse man and machine perfectly and even industrial uses of other exotic materials thought to be useless at first. Most of the posetive results were used to benefit inferno.

Another company also 'discovered' a way to use combustable fuel for light vehicles.They slowly replaced the dirt and stone roads within major cities with asphalt. Cars were becoming popular among nobles and rich merchants. The sky allaince gathered the interest of every nation from every coner of the world as they flexed their capabilities and technological advancement.

The hidden valley also joined the Sky allaince as part of it's military defense. At first they tried to forcefully take over the new alliance thinking they had a military advantage but that was quickly proven wrong. Although the Sky allaince didn't have as many skilled shinobi. Only around 500 shinobi and the strongest were at the rank of jounin but numbered less than 70 while the rest where chunin or genin. The Sky allaince instead had guns, mobile metal vehicles with mounted guns that could make it rain bullets and could be found all across the nation ready to intercept and riddle any army with holes. In terms of shinobi the hidden Valley won but in terms of combat power, supplies and defense the sky allaince was way ahead of any nation on their side of the world.

Their popularity also rose during this time as other villages far and wide wanted a piece of their technology. Soragakure of course wanted to say no, but since they didn't actually have any power over the multiple companies owned by Nero they could only watch as deals were worked out and branches of the companies were opened in other nations.

The land fire had been the first before the other villages joined in and offered various rewards and benefits to Nero's companies.

Nero only offered Soragakure exclusive right to military weapons and made it abundantly clear. which consisted of guns and grenades, nothing too destructive that would cause a tilt in the power scales most of the mass produced advanced weapons were not beyond the ones used in world war two.

Nero also used his influence to limit the supply of resources to Soragakure, ensuring that the could only arm and deploy 20 thousand, of which 80% were in charge of defending their boarders, cities and towns.

Of course this didn't stop illegal trades from taking place, a black market for guns, grenades, blueprints and other forms of technology that was 'classified' was sold at high prices on the black market.

Nero was aware of this of course but he didn't make any attempt to stop it, he was profiting from the trades as well. Besides he wanted to see how this would end up. No doubt gruesome and bloody when a war broke out.

Some stupid fools even dared to try and steal from him, but since everything was digital and nobody had a way of knowing that due to how secret it was kept by Inferno they couldn't anything valuable, those who tried to kidnap important people often met tragic ends. Throughout this entire time Nero's alais as Ryū became famous, assasins wanted his head and foreign delagates from every village tried to entice him with more money, women and power. He looked like aman in his fourties with an avergae face, grey hair and some wrinkles from overwokring. His real appearance however hadn't changed over the years, he still looked to be in his early twenties.

~15 years after the war~

The entire shinobi world went through huge changes. The smaller villages feared the threat posed by the bigger villages the new technology being sold globally in a flexible market. It was mostly domestic technology and agriculture that was set to grow rapidly in the next 6 to 8 years.

But the ongoing decline of said villages stopped and would slwoly recover if nothing was done to stop it.In a few years they would experience a growth like never before.

Smaller villages that were at the borders of Sunagakure, kongakure, kumogakure and Iwagakure formed an Allaince similar to the Sky allaince and also began tightenig their defenses and border patrols, they pooled together funds and started buying any scraps the other villages left behind, Nero also leaked some particularly dangerous intel about the bigger villages to the allaince and sped up their war preperations.

18 years after the war~

Small skirmishes started occuring regularly along the boarders of small countries. Forts were built and weaponized with Guns as the smaller villages tried to attack the bigger ones at their weakest before they recover and start probably the worst war in history. Since right now all the villages were low on manpower.

A full blown war was on the horizen as each nation prepared for an attack at any moment. 6 tense months flew by as each village waited patiently for the other to make a move.

The war finally began as Iwagakure's forces passed through the hidden grass to lay siege on the land of fire after moving their supplies and manpower secretly during the winter. Kuzogakure's reaction was to turn a blind eye to their 'allies' since Konoha hadn't been very good to them.

Konoha's retaliation was swift upon hearing news of an attack. From there a war of attrition occured, Konoha could only defend against Iwagakure's well organized attack and Iwagakure couldn't advance due to lack of supplies and fear of being pincer attacked and surrounded if they went too far in.

As all of this happened Nero had already begun his own preparations. His Ryū persona was assasinated. People next in line for his companies fought amongst themselves and billions in revenue were lost in a span of 3 months. Inferno of course wasn't affected, whether or not those companies fell didn't matter anymore. Deep sea mines and secret holdouts were scattered everywhere in Soragakure. Most of his resesrch facilities were equipped with enough resources to keep producing for a decade or two.

Soragakure's allaince council made their neutral stance known and stopped supplying any nation with tech and closed off it's borders. They focused on gaining control over the companies that literally decided if their economy and power wouod rise or fall.

Nero himself decided it was time to head to the elemental nations.He wanted to raid the special artifacts that were within the small villages. He was mostly interested in the meteorite that was said to grant a special type of chakra. He knew of it's corrosive nature and the dangers to those who partook in the star training but he had other plans for it. There was also some strange mine said to hold powerful ores that could destroy half a continent if their energy were to be released simultaneously.

He also wanted to test himself against other powerful figures who would be participating in the war. The Raikage, Ay,Killer bee, Minato, Pakura the seven ninja swordsmen and whoever Iwagakure had to offer. His excitement to test out his new armors and the powers he had engraved directly onto himself caused his to shudder in excitement.

Times would change after this. The plot didn't matter anymore since only a handful of people could make Nero feel cautious and of those one was sealed, the second and third weren't even born and Nero planned to keep it that way and the fourth was a bit tricky. Nero couldn't pinpoint his location even when using satalite imaging to track him, he was quite literally a ghost.

Of course Nero still kept in mind the chances of being betrayed by his own poeple, their man power was still quite low only numbering in the 10 thousands over the years, due to their VR chambers years of knowledge and skills were directly engraved in people within a few weeks or months at maximum but Nero didn't want a larger force that could end up spiraling out of his control.


I'm making changes to Naruto as a whole...Everything from this point will be different from the OG story and only a few major events from the OG story will take place. I won't spoil but keep reading to find out.