
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Tranh châm biếm
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108 Chs

USJ Incident

A few days after the destruction of the U.A. training ground caused by two students, rumors about All Might teaching at U.A. began to spread and buzzed in the ears of journalists.

Today, the students were sent to the U.S.J. for training, unaware that a group of individuals intended to attack for various reasons, especially to lure All Might and eliminate him, just like Shigaraki Tomura, All For One's successor, do now.

Just before the exercise began, the students were captured by Kurogiri, divided into groups, and sent to various disaster areas to fight the villains who had taken over the entire U.S.J. building.

Kaoru could counter Kurogiri's teleportation ability, but he also wanted the students to grow, and this incident was one of the triggers for their growth into true heroes.

Substituting for Mineta, Kaoru was sent to the shipwreck area with Deku and Tsuyu.

"What's happening? Why are we here, gero? Makoto-kun, did you do this, gero?"

"Relax, Asui-san, Makoto-kun couldn't have done it. Moreover, the method of transfer using mist as a medium is very different from the portals used by Makoto-kun."

Seeing Deku remain calm in this situation surprised Kaoru a bit. Normally, they would react as Tsuyu did because people with spatial abilities were rare.

"Well, it seems that the villains have infiltrated and taken over the security and communication systems throughout the USJ area."

"How do you know, Makoto-kun?" Deku asked, looking surprised.

"If you're vigilant enough, you can guess what's happening right now, Izuku-kun!"

At the same time, a half-fish humanoid emerged from the pool behind Kaoru.

"Watch out—"

Before Tsuyu and Izuku could act, Kaoru, aware of the enemy's position from the start using observation haki, immediately shifted slightly and unleashed a fist backward without turning.

And of course, the blow landed right on the villain's face, crushing his facial bones, thanks to Kaoru's physical strength as a Herrscher combined with the use of kenbunshoku haki, he was confident he could even exchange punches with Kaido.

With one villain defeated, the remaining ones emerged and surrounded the trio.

"Aiya, it seems their numbers are quite large. In that case, Izuku-kun, Tsuyu-chan, I leave this to you. Remember, they are just weak villains, and you can easily defeat them."

Before they could respond, Kaoru quickly teleported to the highest point to oversee the entire battlefield.

For Kaoru, these low-level villains weren't his target, and he was confident the students could handle them easily unless Tomura sent Nomu or intervened himself.

Kaoru continued to monitor the battlefield with his observation haki, discreetly aiding the students whenever they struggled, causing villains to stumble or slip, giving them an advantage.


After some time, the students began to gain the upper hand in battle, gradually capturing the villains.

Meanwhile, Tomura, growing impatient as the students proved stronger than the accompanying villains, panicked even more as All Might had yet to arrive.

Unaware that All Might was casually drinking tea with Urahara at his shop, discussing his grievances as a professional hero.

Tomura, losing patience, ordered Kurogiri to send several Nomu to eliminate the UA students.

Seeing the Nomu appear signaled it was time for Kaoru to intervene, although he was curious why All Might hadn't arrived yet.

Kurogiri, busy sending Nomu to the USJ, was startled by the appearance of a strange portal and a student from UA emerging from it.

"I didn't expect someone else could perform spatial displacement like me. But unfortunately, your enemies this time are these creatures, we call them Nomu."

Kurogiri retreated after sending Nomu to the battlefield, and just as he fled, Kaoru swiftly moved towards the Nomu before it could react.


Kaoru delivered a slash with his bare hand towards the Nomu's body, and in an instant, the Nomu's body split from shoulder to waist.

Kaoru achieved this by coating his hand with a tiny portal and haki, creating a razor-sharp spatial slash capable of cutting anything, including the tough Nomu body.

Although Nomu was essentially a living corpse, losing half its body wasn't pleasant, and it tried to regenerate as much as possible.

Watching with curiosity, Kaoru's research-oriented nature resurfaced, and he promised to capture some Nomu for study with Urahara.

It didn't take long for the Nomu to regenerate, preparing to attack Kaoru, who had injured it.


The Nomu quickly lunged to land a blow on Kaoru, who calmly caught it as if catching a child's punch.

Seeing Kaoru's bold action, even the mindless Nomu showed a mocking face.


However, to their dismay, Kaoru remained unscathed, even yawning casually because he didn't feel the Nomu's strength.

"Despite having some unique features, it's still a failure!"

Kaoru said coldly and without expression.

Then, with a flick of his finger, the Nomu began to crumble and was sucked into a black hole he created.

Kaoru's swift disposal of the Nomu caught the attention of Tomura and Kurogiri, making them panic as they hadn't expected a student to defeat a Nomu.

Tomura, losing patience, decided to act and unknowingly made a fatal mistake that endangered his life.

Tomura asked Kurogiri to send him to the students gathered in the plaza.


The students, having defeated their enemies, decided to gather in the plaza, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, new enemies appeared.

A man with unkempt hair wearing a hand-shaped mask covering his face, accompanied by a strange man resembling black smoke in a suit, suddenly appeared.

The man with unkempt hair quickly approached one of the students, extending his hand intending to use his decay power.

Unfortunately, the student he inadvertently chose was Yaoyorozu Momo, who had a good relationship with Kaoru.

Just before his hand could touch Momo, a massive killing intent pressure was felt throughout the USJ building, no, it could be felt throughout the city.

The teachers, heading to the USJ, were shocked by the sudden pressure, and those who hadn't realized what was happening began to understand that something was wrong, although they struggled to move due to the piercing pressure.

Meanwhile, in a certain suspicious store, a thin man with blond hair, enjoying his tea and conversation, suddenly woke up, transformed into his muscular form, and ran somewhere, apologizing and thanking the shop owner as he left.

Meanwhile, the shop owner continued to enjoy his tea, smiling as he felt the extraordinary pressure.

"Hehehe, I never thought Gilmas-kun had such a huge reiatsu, maybe almost as strong as the old man Yama and that fighting maniac."


Back at the USJ building, Tomura, the main target of the pressure, could do nothing but freeze, feeling a terrifying terror.

Kaoru arrived at the plaza using his portals, emitting Haoshoku Haki he learned when he still at the shinobi world, combined with the aura of the Herrschers.

It wasn't strange for Kaoru's aura to be so strong, for weak ones to faint was normal, like the students were doing now, or worse, they died from the terror he created.

Kurogiri, quite powerful, could only kneel, trying to withstand it, and fortunately, Kaoru didn't fully unleash his haki.

Every step Kaoru took, the air around him vibrated, the floor cracked, and small stones slowly lifted into the air.

Slowly, Kaoru approached Tomura, and at the same time, Tomura felt the terror increasing with each of Kaoru's footsteps.

When he looked at Kaoru, Tomura saw an expressionless face that seemed to regard everything as lowly, like a god watching humans that he could erase whenever he wanted.

This was the first time Tomura felt such immense fear, even his mentor had never shown an aura like Kaoru's.

After standing in front of Tomura, without uttering a word, Kaoru raised his hand, intending to use the same technique he used to split the Nomu's body, but this time on a larger scale and destructive.

Without mercy, Kaoru easily swung his hand towards Tomura, who could only watch his past replaying and resigned himself to death, but unfortunately, it never happened.

Because All Might, who had arrived, managed to catch Kaoru's hand just before it reached Tomura, although it cost him his own hand, which was now crushed and turned into minced meat, leaving only bones miraculously holding Kaoru's hand.

"Makoto-shounen, calm down, that's enough, the students are safe, and remember, a hero's duty is to capture villains and protect and help society, not to become a murderer, because once you kill, the stigma as a murderer will continue to stick with you!"

All Might's words woke Kaoru up, and he looked at All Might, who could still smile despite receiving such injuries.

"You know, All Might, I respect you as a number one hero, as you said, a hero's duty is to protect and help society in trouble, then one question from me... if the heroes are in trouble, then who will protect and help them?"

Kaoru turned away, then princess carried Momo and sent the students who had fainted due to his haki to the school's medical room before leaving All Might, who was silent.

Meanwhile, All Might, hearing Kaoru's question, remained silent as it was the first time he had heard such a question, but he was still stubborn and chose to ignore Kaoru's question for now and focus on capturing the villains who had infiltrated the USJ.

Unfortunately, Kurogiri, taking advantage of the opportunity, managed to escape with Tomura.

When All Might realized that the main culprit of this incident had escaped, he felt a bit sour.

"Ah, I hope shop owner has something sweet, I need something sweet to relieve stress, haishhh, young people these days are indeed very different."

Thus, the USJ incident ended very quickly, even before the teachers besides All Might could join the party.

Meanwhile, Kaoru indirectly succeeded in planting seeds of doubt about the path of justice in All Might's heart and seeds of terror and fear in Shigaraki Tomura's heart.

(A/N: wut da heel, now even chatgpt also call Kaoru as, she/her..... hahaha)