
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Chapter 22: Awakening and New Era

~Seiya POV (13 years old) ~

As I returned to my home, I see that my group was home with the King nowhere to be found as Susanoo soon comes to my side as the rest soon followed with a happy expression, "Ah! Hello, master Seiya I see you have arrived and brought some gifts and new allies."

Nodding my head towards them soon I ask them the following question in my mind, "So what happen when I was gone and where is the King Numa anyway?"

Next, Akame answers my question with her blank voice with a smile, "The men of the King came by and took the assassins we defeated with them to show a demonstration of execution it was the best method to ensure that the king was the one to take the victory in case some remnants wanted revenge."

Good call on that one actually.

The revenge team would be easy to deal with but surely annoying.

Whatever not my problem anymore but soon enough I brought gifts to everyone from the Capital to them first was Kurome with Koro looking confused before he was snatched away and being affectionately hugged.

Kurome looks at me with a pure innocent smile as she says, "Thank you Seiya! This little guy is so cute is he an Organic Type like Susanoo but cuter?!"

Laughing nervously, I nodded as Koro seems to enjoy the hug.

Next was Akame's gift in the form of a Teigu of Black Marlin as she likes the ring design as I soul bound it to her as she says to me, "I accept my dear."

Looking at her oddly I soon understand what she meant I was soon blushing as the other two were just glaring at Akame as she smirks at victory.

Lastly giving the last gift to Esdeath her Teigu Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract as I undid the lid making sure that she can drink it, "And for you Esdeath I got your original Teigu for you I was wondering if anyone wanted to try but it does come with its own issue."

Akame and Kurome soon shake their heads no for the power as Esdeath was smiling happily as she gets a cup from our home and pours one for me as she says surprising me, "Come on dear I know you want to try this as well plus with our strong will do you think a puny demon will is enough to stop us?"

Smiling at this I took the cup and she took the whole vase as we both drank the blood an-









Caught off guard from this I was soon holding my head as hearing these voices in my head was maddening but…

Soon enough I fully released my Conqueror Haki destroying whatever voices were telling me to do!

Only I do what I want to do and not some demon telling me what?!!

Soon enough I and Esdeath soon got our bearing together as we were now calming down as I say to her in a concerned tone, "You defeated them too right dear…"

Esdeath soon replies to me with a confident but tired tone, "Huff… yeah mentally exhausting but nothing that these voices will tell me what to do what I want… huff…"

But I wasn't done yet soon I brought out the Power Surging: Balzac as I already soul bound it as I got everyone attention, "Ok everyone I have with me is the Power Surging: Balzac this Teigu when worn, Balzac can tap into the wearer's body and mind and unlock its potential by 100%, giving the wearer super speed, super strength, lightning-quick agility, and unparalleled intelligence."

When I brought this out Kurome asks shyly about the mask, "Uh… Seiya I hope I'm not being greedy here but can I have that mask when you're done as my Soul Bound weapon since I really want to unlock as much as I can please."

Nodding my head I agree with her when I really need to use it on myself just once since I won't get much from it as I can, "Sure thing Kurome but after I try it first ok I want to see if I can get one my abilities to be awakened."

With that, I soon put on Balzac and soon enough I was glowing a light aura around me!

I feel empowered!

I feel strong!

I feel great!

I feel… PAIN?!

Soon enough my body started to spasm a bit as I soon took away the mask but not before I felt like I forced awakened one of my Devil Fruit abilities?!

But I feel like I was reborn somehow despite the pain I feel at ease like I realized an important subject…

As I was seeing the sky, I didn't know why at that moment, but I felt like I made a connection with an infinite energy source somehow…

Like it was already there it's just I didn't know till now…

Looking at the sky I didn't know why but somehow, I put my will to the sky commanding the lighting into a different form…




When I took off the mask, I was already healing but the damage of awakening my fruit ability almost made me die from the pain…

Soon Esdeath comes close to me as she sees my face in concern, "Seiya! What happened to you I thought you gotten strong, but you never mentioned the pain part!"

looking at her as my wounds from my body soon started to heal from my forced awakening with a wry smile, "Yeah that is a first for me as well I thought I would already be unlocked my max potential I feel a lot stronger than before but not all, I think it might be because of the Tyrant ability to evolve but I guess my body wasn't ready to receive the full power but one."

When I mention that I had awakened one of my Devil Fruit abilities everyone was soon interested in what I unlocked that Akame asks in curiosity, "Unlocked one of your abilities… which one did you unlocked…"



"Rumble… RUMBLE!!!"


Pointing up into the sky everyone was soon surprised to see a giant electric-based dragon come to existence out of thin air as it was now under my control.

Under my will.

That's right I didn't get all my abilities unlocked but I managed to Awaken my Logia Rumble Fruit abilities!

Seeing my Rumble Fruit ability awaken like this I feel as if I know what an Awakened Logia Fruit can do.

As Logia allows a user to create, control, and manifest as an elemental form of nature, it would make logical sense that the next step in this power would be that the true characteristic of a force of nature becomes evident in the Logia's powers…

No that's not right…

Rather a Logia Awakening is that their power takes on a will, or mind, of its own.

The element expands rapidly and behaves chaotically, like a true force of nature, consuming everything and completely transforming the battlefield into utter chaos which represents their Logia's element.

Yeah, I think that what I felt when I awakened my Rumble Fruit ability with the Balzac Teigu ability, but I feel that I won't be able to do this again anytime soon.

By commanding the Giant Lighting dragon in the air to vanish with a wave of my hand everyone was staring at me with wide-eyed surprise as Esdeath was the first to come out with a very impressed and shocked voice, "Darling what was that… I know you for a long while, but I never once saw you do something like this at this magnitude of strength did you unlock all your power for that to happen…"

Shaking my heads towards a no to Esdeath I say honestly to her my answer with a sheepish smile on my face, "Not even close about a half quarter of my Maximum Potential has been unlocked but with my Tyrant abilities I can keep getting strong but I don't feel like I could produce the same effect like today it was a one time deal."

Soon enough everyone is in silence as Esdeath says to me in a polite tone, "Dear… you need to be nerfed for us to catch up."

Laughing at Esdeath response I gave my answer that I will try but that won't be for anytime soon but with my Awakened Devil Fruit ability I think I can handle myself fine for the time being.

Yeah as I managed to get myself together I soon as I say to my group in a happy tone, "Alright everyone from this moment forward the Empire is going to change for something else starting today, and from this point forward our next step is going towards the whole worlds next."

The rest seems confused but Esdeath was really excited at the idea of our plan finally working after waiting this far, "Wait darling is this for real? Are we finally starting to travel soon!"

Nodding my head at Esdeath she gives a small fist pump in the air for excitement I would to since everyone in the Akame ga Kill world is simply too weak for us now?

But with Shambhala, we can finally start going into the multiverse and experience life at its fullest as well as travel around the world!

However soon Kurome stares at me with a confused look as she wasn't the only one with the obvious question, "Uh… Seiya dear what exactly are you and big sis Esdeath talking about here?"

Scratching the back of my head nervously I guess I should start from the very beginning with them as Esdeath nods her head if I want to have a stable relationship, I have to be honest.

~Third POV~

Two years have passed since the overthrow of the Empire was done in the last month when the forces of the Imperial Soldiers were defeated against The Man Who Can Shake the World marking the end of the Empire.

Seiya and Akame are both 15 years old, Esdeath is 17 years old, Kurome is 14 years old, Susanoo unknown, Koro unknown, and the new named Jade from its old name Shikoutazer.

The Rebel forces have won against the Empire and have done great changes for the better soon calling themselves the Republic Kingdom with the leader of the Revolution Army as their king and soon made his promises to the allies he has.

During that 2-year time is when the rules of nobles were soon dying out replacing that everyone would place as equals for the better and new officers are protecting the people and attacking the Danger Beasts.

Najenda was made a General for help supporting the Rebel forces and final push to the revolution along with her fellow Generals and Soldiers who believed in her cause.

Gozuki and Uncle Bill died happily protecting the kids from the assassins team creation as he placed his life to the rebels in return none of the children were to be killed to which the Leader of Rebels agreed but Gozuki and Bill must take responsibility for past actions while the kids he saved remembered him as their true fathers.

As for what happened to Prime Minister Honest, he was fully punished like from the manga but only a lot worse as for the Emperor happened to him as in the canon of the story as he told the rebel leader to do a better job than him.

When establishing their rule, the Path to Peace organization soon started a war with the Republic but was soon defeated by the rebels in about a 6-month period before peace was really here in the Republic.

The Tribes of the other Regions were all met with peace agreements and trade routes promise for the Republic to make sure they promise the land they agreed on to which the Republic delivered to their allies.

King Numa has executed the assassins that tried to kill him in public for disturbing the deal agreement with the Ghosts of the Partas as their leader changed the whole battlefield with one battle determining the battle of the Republic.

Of course, they were handsomely paid for their help with the 1,000,000 Million Gold Coins for the effort.

As the years continue Seiya group didn't stop their growth of training but they did stop by Frieden Village to see how Cosmina and Run were doing.

They both managed to do great things as Run was finally a teacher like he always dreamed of helping kids education and Cosmina soon turned into pop star ideal in the Akame ga Kill World since everyone loves her voice enough for the Sabatini Show to be made as backup singers and entertainers for Cosmina.

Even the Cosmina family managed to get another help from two girls name Sheele and Chelsea since one was looking for work and the other wanted to experience a normal life after disbanding from an assassin's life.

A lot of events changed has changed with the interference of Seiya and the disappearance of Esdeath in the main point of the story.

Seiya has also told his two harem members Akame and Kurome the whole truth when they asked, they were shaken from the truth but soon accepted Seiya, even more, when they learned the whole truth of their purpose of what happened to them in the manga version of the story that Seiya destroyed the plot of the story.

During that time Seiya managed to use Shambhala to search around in its pocket space seeing a whole new dimension as he spends his time creating a home inside of it and traveling around different portals viewing each different world.

Currently, he managed to see four worlds to him that are of interest to him.

One was filled with black creatures with bones like armor on them fighting against a group of people using weapons and mech weapons to fight against these creatures of darkness calling them Grimm.

Second was a tower like structure with a confusing and odd structure with kids being used as forced labor for the one they call Zeref.

Third was a Kingdom filled with an odd number of creatures of Beast men and a candidate decision to be the next king of a Kingdom of Lugnica.

Last was one that is an organization symbol that had X's on it from each other with an odd number of people of different races and people calling themselves Hunters.

RWBY, Re: Zero, Hunter x Hunter, and Fairy Tail showing different points of certain characters' lives happening.

Each world that have their own unique abilities to help him and his group but soon comes across a small problem…

Viewing each world Seiya grew a frown expression as he realizes that three of the four worlds consist of magic…

Something that Seiya has no actual knowledge of except from shows but otherwise none at all to know…

Deciding what to do next was talk to his group currently in the pocket dimension home filled with all of their belongings and home discussing what world should they head to first about the pros and cons in those worlds.