
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Chapter 21: The End is Near

~Seiya POV (13 years old) ~

Looking at Budo being pissed off soon shoots towards me in rage for killing the Empire Forces as much as I would like to battle him.

I have a timetable to do so I'll just one punch the guy instead of playing around.

As Budo was coming to the range of my Godspeed mode with my Mastema wings at the ready he was yelling at me in rage, "You dare harm the Empire and that includes his majesty! For that and killing our forces you will die come now Thunder Go- "

Sorry, there my guy but lighting and thunder is my shtick, not yours.

When I was already behind Budo in the air my Mastema wing blades were coated in Haki as they looked like they were high condensed voltage of electricity blades as I say to Budo as his head fallen off from him in a cold tone, "Lighting Angel… Sorry, but you were literally a sitting duck who wouldn't go for the kill if they had the chance."

Soon he body started to fall as I managed to get his Teigu Thunder God's Rage: Adramelech as I used my Soul Fruit ability to make it soul bound to me surprising me that there was no resistance and now appeared before me without many commands already fitting my size.

Blinking at this I guess the Teigu took a positive light towards me than its original master huh?


As much as I would like to fight Budo I have no attention to everything is about done with since I'm just too powerful for him to pose an actual threat.

The Empire at this point with me stealing the Shikoutazer would seal the Empire's fate for its loss to the revolution.

Since the end is near, I might as well see the aftermath of peace from the fall of the Empire with my girls traveling worlds.

With that out of the way, I see that all the Imperial Forces were being handled by the Northern Soldiers since most of them surrendered.

The logical solution they could have done since. I was able to feel their fear of me destroying all their forces just in a matter of seconds.

Wise choice indeed.

With that, I soon started to make a mad dash towards the Capital to take over the city by storm in my Godspeed form already getting there in seconds from the air.

Before I do anything, I have already started to read the thoughts of everyone in the Capital to figure out where the rest of the Teigu's are and certain people to find with their Teigus turned into mine.

After a few minutes, I managed to get all the data I need to proceed to the next step, plundering.

Now that I'm high above the air of the Capital its time to get those gifts I promised my lovely girls, "Now then since I'm high above the Capital a full-powered Conqueror Haki should be enough range to get everyone knocked down since not everyone here is strongly willed only possibly Esdeath, Budo, Najenda, and Akame can withstand it but I already took care of three and Najenda is busy in the Southern Region of the Empire time to have my searching for fun."

With that, I released a large amount of Conqueror Haki towards the entire Captial making everyone knocked out from the pressure.

But I did make sure to know where the locations of the places where I can find the Teigu's are first.

The first Teigu inside the Central Capital is the central police force building in the area they have the Teigu of Magical Beast Transformation: Hekatonkheires or otherwise known as Koro inside plus I bet he would make a great guard dog.

Soon enough I managed to teleport inside the area where the building was and searching the area in my Godspeed mode made it easy to locate the little guy as I smile towards it, "Hey there little guy I'm Seiya Parta and now I'm your owner now better listen ok?"

With that, I implanted the Soul Fruit ability into Koro as he was in its deactivated state but soon it started to crawl around as I break his container as it wags out all the water from him or her and soon hops happily at me.

Smiling at this I picked him up and carried him in my arms as I say to him in a gentle tone to my new dog, "Good boy there Koro, for now on your part of my family guard dog I promise to feed you plenty of good food how about that sounds buddy?"

Koro soon snuggles into my chest as it affirms my answer with its voice, "Arf Arf!"

Seeing this I soon told my new companion to prepare himself, "Alright then Koro from this point on you're my dog and my responsibility but first we have to get to the next targets first I'll tell you who you can eat alright?"

Koro nodded his head happily and soon enough I went towards the next Teigu of my next target being Saikyuu the user of the Teigu of The Complete Book Of The World: Rongo Rongo.

With that, I teleported into his building with all of his belongings inside with him knocked out cold as I pry the book off of him as I told Koro his first command, "Koro you have permission to eat this man make sure to savor each taste don't know how often I'll let you do it ok?"

Koro nodded its head in excitement as he soon started to change and devour Saikyuu as I soon turn the Rongo Rongo into my Soul Bound weapon.

Soon enough Koro was taking his time so I might as well rob this guy since he's no longer going to be needing this.

With that, I took some gold that he had in his possession for myself as Koro was done eating him as he barks in satisfaction, "Arf arf arf arf!!!"

Koro jumping up to my shoulders and getting comfortable I managed to teleport us into the Prime Minister Son Syura room with multiple women with him with an awful smell in the air as I soon found his Teigu Dimensional Formation: Shambhala.

As I got the Teigu and try to soul bound into it and soon transformed into an actual pendent around my neck I guess I'll have to figure out how to world travel soon.

Seeing Syrua with a disgusted look on my face I soon turn to him and just killed him with my lightning and be done with it silently in his sleep.

Seeing that his done for I'll let the Rebels deal with the Empire forces now on to the last one on my list the Teigu Vault.

With that I soon teleported to the vault as I was now inside, I see there was Esdeath destined Teigu…


I wonder what would happen if we all drank it would we get that strong or not?

Can't hurt to try but I will ask them first before letting them try.

Soon enough I carefully placed the vase holding the Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract into my bag and sealed it inside using my lighting to generate the heat to meld the lid closed tightly.

Now seeing the few Teigu's around this place I found the one I was looking for with a smile on my face, "Ah… finally I found you Power Surging: Balzac you will be the key to help me gain the most I can and evolve my Devil Fruit abilities to their awaken states if not I just hope only one would do."

With that done with I placed the mask into my bag feeling that I got everything done all is left is the last Teigu is Imperial Guardian: Shikoutazer the Emperor last resort time to claim it at the very least.

With that I soon teleported into the direction of the Shikoutazer seeing the giant Armor mech as I soon touch it trying to use my Soul Fruit abilities to claim it as my own, "Truly a magnificent piece of armor but it was used under a child control is just a shame."

But soon enough the Teigu started to fight against my control when seeing this I narrowed my eyes as I release all my killing intent combing it to my Conqueror Haki clashing the control of its bound with the royalty and my will.

This have kept on going for about a few minutes before I finally see that the Shikoutazer submitted to my will, but it started to change completely?!

What the hell!

Soon the giant armor Teigu has started to… humanize…

Does that mean that Shikoutazer is turning into a homie!

But that only happens when its… a…

Organic type?

That is the possibility but then that means I was in the manga version of Akame ga Kill and not the anime then…

Huh I guess I was in the manga version after all?

Soon enough the Shikoutazer started to transform into a smaller size from the original seeing two glowing green light as eyes from the armor face now standing in 7'0" height a bit short as Susanoo.

But I was soon surprised to hear the Shikoutazer speak in a mechanical voice while kneeling to me, "Hello my master, I'm the Teigu Imperial Guardian: Shikoutazer the once great protector of the Emperor turns its directives into protecting you from all harm my lord."

Well this certainly a new development, but with my Soul Fruit ability I guess I was surprised at the fact that I could finally get a homie other than a soul bound weapon but then I turn to Koro and asked curiously enough, "Say Koro you wouldn't happen to have a human form too now would you?"

Seeing that Koro was confused only shook its head ok that's good at least.

With that done with I soon tap towards Shikoutazer as I speak to him giving him a new name some thoughts for later, "Sure but you need a new name saying Shikoutazer would be a mouth full so for now though I'll give you a new name at a later date."

Shikoutzaer nods its head as I soon grab him and we all teleported outside the Capital gates as I say to myself in relief, "Whew now that is a good amount of work now it's time to head home I wonder how the girls are doing now? Hmm… nah I bet there fine plus I bet Esdeath would be happy to her Teigu as a present but also searching for other worlds would take their time."

I guess I have a lot to do later but for now though I should visit home to see how they are doing.

I bet Kurome would love Koro to have as a pet.