
Ch.114 Fourth Holy Grail END

( Yuto Pov )

As I walked through the streets, I activated [ Eyes of Fate]. Seeing the black strings tied to everything and everyone, I knew something was wrong. Just as I was getting close to the Holy Grail, these black strings were tied to it.

" Sigh, shit."

Picking up the pace, I entered the theater.

* Bam *

slamming the dorm open

I heard Artoria's master command her to destroy the Grail.

Seeing the strings turn more black. I hurriedly took out Mahiru-no-yo and cut his arm off.

* Slice *

Kiritsugu:" Argg!"

But I was too late.

Black mud spilled from the Grail. With lighting covering my feet, I quickly grabbed Artoria. Cutting through space with the spear, we made it to safety.

Seeing the city burn, Artoria began to vanish.

" Shit. Nonono, Artoria."

Artoria:" It's alright, Yuto. it'll be fine."

" Hold on."

Taking out the extra summoning card I placed into the hands of Artoria.

Artoria looked confused for a moment before I activated the card, which caused light to descend upon her.

Artoria:" Yuto, this is?"

" It'll be alright, Artoria. we'll be together this time."

I hugged her as she hugged me.

But seeing those flames, Artoria spoke.

Artoria:" We should help as many as we could."

I looked at her and back at the city.

" Yeah, you're right."

Jumping off of the building, I began to heal as many as I could.

Just as I finished, I came across a boy.

Getting the rubble off of him, I brought him to see if he had any family that would claim him.seeimg none, I took him to my house.

As I walked on the road, Artoria followed me.

Artoria:" Yuto, did you know?"

" Know of what Artoria?"

Artoria:" Berserker was Lancelot."

" I recognized his helmet."

Artoria:" Is he gone?"

" Yeah, Nero took care of him. He mistaken her for you."

Artoria:" Did you....think I was a good ruler?"

I stopped and turned to Artoria.

Still holding the boy, I kneeled on one knee.

"Artoria Pendragon, I, Yuto Yamamoto, will always give my life to you. Even in death. I'll always follow you as my king, and I'll always love you as my wife."

Arotria:" Sniff. Yuto."

Artoria had tears coming from her eyes. I got up and kissed her.

" I'll always love you, Artoria."

Artoria:" Sniff. And I love you, Yuto."

With one arm, I wiped Artorias tears away.

" Come on, let's go home."

Artoria nodded.

We arrived home, and I put the kid in a room.

As I got downstairs to make dinner, I found Irisveil and her daughter already cooking.

" I see yhat you're making dinner."

Irisviel:" Yes, I hope you don't mind."

" Not at all."

I sat on the table across Illyasviel.

Irisviel:" About my Kiritsugu?"

" Gone." I spoke as I looked into her eyes, and she just nodded. Illya seemed sad. She thinks her father abandoned them.

Artoria was talking with Scathach. Apparently, they were having " girl time " with each other. Though I'm sure they're talking about sharing me.

Nero was still outside. Liz was with Sakura as well as Kariya.

* Clink * * Thud *

Nero:" Umu! I'm back!"

" Hm? you didn't kill Berserker?"

Nero:" Nope!"

She sat down next to me as she dropped berserkers' bodies on the floor.

" Huh, that's great. Thank you, Nero."

Nero:" Umu!"

" Sigh." I took off my sunglasses and rubbed my eyes.

Looking at my sunglasses, I think I'll stop wearing them from now on, or unless I get one, that's better.

' Maybe I should have Liz enchant them with fairy letters.'

As I thought that, I put them back on.

Irisviel:" Dinners ready!"

"I'll go get Artoria and Scathach."

Standing up, I walked upstairs to get the girls.

* Knock Knock *

Artoria:" Come in."

I opened the door and looked at Scathach and Artoria.

" Dinners ready."

I walked up to them.

I didn't know what to say, but it seems Scathach spoke first.

Scathach:" Me and Artoria already talked. We agreed to share you. But do anything that'll betray our trust. We'll have no choice but to leave you."

I didn't say anything and just hugged them.

They both smiled as they accepted my hug. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before going downstairs.

///Bringing you Chibi Scathach chasing Chibi Yuto///

I was looking down at the city as it was rebuilding. It's been a week since the end of the fourth holy grail.

* Clap clap *

Zelretch:" That was a great show."

" Who are you?" I turned to look at an old man as he stood with his cane.

' Hm? His body is made from jewels?' I thought as I used a transparent world.

Zelretch:" Hmm, it's not nice to look through someone, Yuto."

" Do we know each other?"

Zelretch:" You could say we learned under the same teacher together."

Zelretch:" Though I was surprised to see you as a knight of the round table. Heaing the tales of the hidden Knight. Seing you massacre a battalion with your bare hands. How nostalgic." He spoke as he looked at the city.

I was sitting at the edge looking down as well.

" If you know me, then you probably know I'm not from this world."

Zelretch:" Of course I know. It's feels familiar yet unfamiliar seeing you again."

" Sigh. Just what the hell do you want?"

I turned to look at him, but his body turned to a pile of jewels.

" Tsk."

/// Bringing you Chibi Nero bullying Berserker///

Artoria:" So you want me to travel with you in a different world?"

" Yeah. It's been a while since we've been on an adventure together."

Scathach:" it'll be a great experience."

Artoria just nodded as she wanted to explore a new world with me and Scatach.

Irisviel:" You guys leaving?"

" Yes, though we'll be back."

Irisviel nodded and went back to the couch.

Let's head upstairs.

They both nodded, and we entered a room.

The three of us were traveling to Black Clover.