
Ch. 170 Midnight Snack

( Yuto Pov )

I peacefully slept as I used Shiro as a pillow.

It felt relaxing hearing Shiro purr as I listened with the right side.

[ Health +1 ]

As I slept, I felt my sixth sense go off as I threw Shiro at the assailant.

It seemed Shiro noticed them as well as he imbued chakra into his claws.

Lowering my body to dodge a sword, I used Mt hidden blade and struck upwards into the assailants throat.

Kicking the back of the knees of the assassin that has Shiro on his face, I struck the hidden blade in his throat.

Shiro jumped off his face as he started licking his paws.

Just as I sheathed the hidden blade, my body turned completely turned into water as a katana passed through my body, cutting his partners head off in the process.

" Wha!...Ugkk!!"

I grabbed the man's wrist and kicked the back of his knees, making him kneel as I covered his mouth.

He tried to escape as I held him in a chokehold.

Seconds passed as his struggle began to become weaker and weaker until he became completely limp.

" I know you're faking it." I whispered into the assassins ear as he tried to make one last ditch effort.

But just before he could reach his secondary weapon, I broke his neck.

* Crack!! * * Thump!*

The body fell to the ground as I sat on the bed looking at Shiro, licking his paws clean.

" Sigh." I brushed my hair to the back of my head as I looked at the dead bodies.

" Habits die hard. Fucking hypocrite." I said to myself as I stood up and used my legs to turn the body of the assassins.

' Root ninjas. If I remember correctly, they have a seal on them that only disappears if they die or Danzo dies.'

' It's useless to check these bodies. It's better to just get rid of them.'

White flame appeared on their bodies as they disappeared into ashes.

The stench of blood and burned skin remained in the room.

I opened the window to air out the room and took out an item from my inventory.

[ Mask Spray ] [ Common ]

[ 5 uses ]

( Description: Masks any odor )

After using the whole bottle, I started purifying the room to cover any mess and finally sprayed perfume.

" Well, that's done, now..." I looked at Shiro, who was licking his fur to clean himself.

" Let's get you cleaned." I picked up Shiro and walked I ti the bathroom.

Shiro was calm as I cleaned him.

' I'm sure every cat lover out there is jealous.' I thought as I happily cleaned Shiro.

" I see you're still deadly as ever. huh, Shiro." I spoke to Shiro.

" Meow." Shiro replied as he linked his wet paws.

I chuckled as I brushed his fur with soap.

I could hear Shiro purring as I used a blow dryer.

I chuckled as I looked at the funny face Shiro made as the blow dryer was blowing in his face.

I chuckled as I wrapped Shiro in a towel like a burrito.

" What are you doing?" I heard Scathach by the door.

I looked at her with a smile and revealed Shiro wrapped in the towel.

" Burrito Cat."

" Meow."

Scathach chuckled as she held Shiro in her arms.

It was then I noticed the blood on Scathachs cheek.

I wiped it off with my finger as I checked it wasn't her her blood.

" Were you attacked as well?" I said as I helped Scathach clean herself.

She nodded as she petted Shiro, who started purring.

" You're not worried?" She asked with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow.

" Worried? didn't you strike fear into the gods, Ms. Godslayer." I replied as I used purify to finish the rest of the blood.

Scathach chuckled as we both walked back into the hallway.

" I'm guessing they only targeted us." I spoke.

" For now." Scathach replied.

" Imma get a midnight snack." I said as I walked downstairs.

" Hmm, I'll think I'll get one as well." Scathach spoke as she followed me.

We both walked downstairs into the kitchen.

There, we saw Danzo sitting on the chair as he held his cane in front with a serious atmosphere surrounded by Root ninjas.

Be we ignored him as we both looked into the fridge as we started making sandwiches.

The Root ninjas twitched as he saw our action as disrespectful.

Danzo narrowed his remaining eye as he saw us perfectly fine.

" Munch munch! " I looked at Danzo as I stuffed myself with sandwiches as Scathach ate them with grace and dignity.

We both stared at each other as the sound of my chewing was echoing through the room.

I kept doing this until one of the Root Ninjas couldn't take it anymore.

Just as the Root Ninja was about to make a move, I spoke using word magic along with space and Yin affinity.

" Summon."

A certain Black Panther appeared with a trail of black smoke using space as Kuro disappeared.

This all happened in a single second as the Root Ninjas were alarmed before they could take their weapon. I spoke once more.

" Don't bother."

It was then that the panthers revealed themselves as they surrounded the Root Ninjas.

* Grrrr!! *

They growled as they eyes each one of the Root Ninjas.

" In case you don't know..."

It was fhen that Kuro, the leader of the Black Panther clan, revealed himselves once more by my side as blood dripped from his mouth as he growled at Danzo.

" The Black Panther clan is one of the most dangerous and many from the holy land of cats, which I'm contracted with. "

I ran my hand through Kuros fur as I spoke once more.

" Kuro here is rare as he has Yin and Space... now you're wondering why I'm monologing, correct?"

I looked at Danzo as he stared at Kuro.

" All of you here are nothing but prey to him, just a midnight snack." I patted Kuro.

All the Root Ninjas looked at Danzo as he frowned as he gripped his cane.

" I'm here for a deal..."

" Fuck the deal. You ordered an attack on me, and my partners sleep, you ain't slick. Now begone before I defy the Hokages order to not kill you." Kuro roared as he the Root Ninjas stepped back.

* Grraaahh!! *

Kuro stepped forward as they all escaped along with Danzo.

' That wasn't a flicker jutsu that's must've been the Flying Raijin.'

I saw five people had to activate it so they could teleport along with Danzo plus the rest of the Root Ninjas.

' I see those Root Ninjas were only for teleporting. But how long will they last before Danzo throws them away. Especially if they die from Chakra exhaustion.'

" Well, thanks for answering my call, Kuro. am you guys as well."

Kurt used his paws to clean his mouth.

" More like force teleportation. But at least I have gotten a snack from it. Thanks, Young one."

It was then Kuto started observing me.

" You changed a lot if you have time. I like to hear what happened, I'm sure her Highness would also like to see you as well as your friend here." Kuro looked at Scathach before disappearing along with the rest of the Panthers.

As they disappeared, I looked at Scathach.

" The Kotoamatsukami...bastard was about to use it.."

Scathach nodded.

" But seeing how we were fine and outnumbered, he must've changed his mind. " Scathach added.

I sighed as I summoned Kuro once more.

" Summon."

" Hm? again? did you forget something, Young Lord?" Kuro spoke.

" Yes, I need you to send two elders from your clan to guard my parents in the shadow." I explained to him about the possibility wars in the shadows in the village.

Kuro nodded.

" As you wish, young Lord." He bowed before disappearing once again.

" I wonder. how do they travel here if you don't Summon them?" Scathach asked as she petted Shiro.

I shrugged.

" I dunno, they said something about Clans having their own secret passages, and the Panthers have something called the shadow realm. which I never visited." I spoke as Scathach nodded.

" Let's sleep together." Scathach spoke as we both laid on the couch with Shiro.

" Meow."

" Good night to you as well, Shiro." I spoke as i kissed Scathachs cheek as she gave me a beautiful smile.