
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
195 Chs

Ch. 126 Bad Omen

( Yuto Pov )

I was at the apple Pie store getting a pie, adter paying for it, I left towards the top of a building.

Seeing Atalanta surrounded by people treating her like a hero. I watched for a while as I ate a slice.

Using my bracers to reflect the sun to her eyes, which caught her attention.

Seeing me on top of the building, she excused herself and made her way towards me.

" Why did you leave me?" Atalanta coldly spoke as she stood behind me.

" Pie?" I ignored her question and offered a pie.

Atalanta took the pie from my hand.

" You still didn't answer the question." Atalanta pursued the topic.

( Third Pov )

" Hm, I don't really like being surrounded by weirdos." Yuto said as he looked down at the people walking on the road.

" Besides, this is your story, so it's.."

" Our story." Atalanta cut him off.

" The two of us will be great hunters, and we'll do it together as great friends." Atalanta cut him off as she sat next to Yuto.

Yuto didn't say anything as he looked at the golden ribbons surrounded at Atalanta.

' It seems your story is starting Atalanta. I don't think I'll be able to see it.' Yuto thought as he saw black ribbons surround him.

' This could only mean death or a bad omen.' Yuto thought as he looked at his hand, which tried to touch the ribbons only for them to pass.

Atalanta looked at Yuto. She couldn't see his eyes as they were covered by the sunglasses.

' What ever happens, Yuto. I'm sure you'll always have my back.' Atalanta thought as she bite into the pie.

The two of them continued to eat their pie as they watched the sun set.

Yuto grabbed the golden ribbon from his pocket and held it out to Atalanta.

" Here. I was told this would bring good luck." Yuto said as he held it in front of Atalanta.

Atalanta grabbed it.

" A ribbon?" She questioned.

Yuto didn't say anything and kept eating.

" Thank you." Atalanta said as she wore the ribbon on her wrist.

' Like I thought. The golden ribbon doesn't work on me.' Yuto thought as he saw the golden ribbon shine more brightly around her.

' Whatever, hope it'll be interesting. Luckily, my luck is high, so I would probably survive.'

Yuto thought as he stared into the sky.

/// Bringing you, Chibi Yuto is chasing a blue ribbon.///

* A few weeks later ,*

Yuto and Atalanta are seen traveling once again.

' They're watching.' Yuto thought as he saw the white ribbons point to the sky.

' She's a pain in the ass.' Yuto thought once more as he felt the rising heat, but he forced it down with the breathing technique and life force.

' Purify.' Yuto used the skill to Purify his thoughts as it one of the benefits of the skills he found out.

The goddess Aphrodite has been bothering Yuto as she saw his charm and beauty. As well as seeing how he was able to resist her charms and spells.

" Hm? Something wrong?" Atalanta questioned as she looked back at Yuto.

" No. I'm just tired of sleeping on the ground." Yuto responded.

Atalanta nodded.

Yuto saw the white ribbon surrounding Atalanta.

' That must be Artemis.' Yuto thought.

" How long till we go to the port city?" Yuto asked as he acted natural as possible.

" In a few hours." Atalanta responded as she checked the map.

" Sigh, I'm already getting tired of traveling." Yuto spoke as he looked at the trees.

' Something is bothering him.' Atalanta thought as she looked at him by her side.

Atalanta has been keeping an eye on Yuto as her goddess has been asking her to protect Yuto.

' But why protect him? he's perfectly able to protect himself.' She thought as they kept walking on the road.

A few hours passed as they arrived at the port.

" Hoh? Look, they have a sword fish here." Yuto pointed at the sword fish on the table.

" Huh, I've never seen one." Atalanta spoke as she looked at the fish.

" Hmmm, it seems larger than the average sword fish." Yuto thought out loud.

" You're right, lad!! me and the boys caught this one last night. Put up one he'll of a fight!!" The fisherman spoke as he dropped a crate under the table.

" hoh? have you eaten sword fish before?" Yuto looked up to the fisherman.

" Yup! my wife bakes the best crab cakes and the best fish dishes in the city!" The smiled proudly.

" I've heard of a sea monster that's been taking some ships underwater." Yuto spoke.

The man was surprised by the unexpected question.

He furrows eyebrows and leans down to Yutos level.

" It's best you don't go near the water, lad. There's rumors it a kraken." He whispered.

Yuto nodded.

" I see. Too bad we can't cross the sea." Atalanta spoke as she heard the conversation.

The fisherman nodded as he walked back to get more creates for his shop.

" Come on, let's go see this best fish diner this city has to offer." Yuto spoke as he walked away from the shop.

Atalanta nodded as she followed after him.

A few seconds later, Atalanta and Yuto are seen exiting the shop.

" Munch Munch, this is good." Atalanta spoke.

" Yeah. Munch Munch. He wasn't lying. it was too bad she was flirting with another guy in there." Yuto spoke as he walked away from the shop.

Atalanta frowned but kept eating and followed after him.

Yuto took a few steps only to stop when every hair on his body stood up.

Looking back at Atalanta, she wasn't so different as well.

' What's this!!??' Atalanta thought as she dropped her food.

Yuto used the eyes of fate and looked up.

' That's a big ass ribbon.' Yuto thought as he saw a large white ribbon in the dark cloudy sky.

* BOOOOMMM!!!! *

Thunder struck the sea and the city as the waves raged.

Yuto saw the black ribbons deepen around him. This alarmed him greatly.

' Which God or goddess did I piss off!!???'


A giant face appeared in the sky made of clouds.

' Poseidon.' That name appeared on everyone's mind as they saw the God appeared in front of them.

' What did my future self do this time!!?' Yuto thought as he saw Atalanta look at him with a questioning face.

" Don't know what he's on!!" Yuto put his hands up.

" Look out!!" Atalanta shouted as she pointed at the large waves and thunderstorms hit the city.

" Sigh shit." Yuto spoke as he touched Atalantas' shoulder and teleported her away.

Seeing her gone, he looked back at Poseidon.

' He said I killed a God with this spear, right? maybe it's this moment.' Yuto thought as he took out [Faith's Fall]

Imbueing the spear with space and fire attributes as he held it in a throwing position.

But just as he was about to throw it, a huge tenacle came from the sea.


The tentacle was already in front of Yuto, which covered almost the whole city.

' Shit.' Yuto thought as he tried to move from his throwing position into a defensive position.