
Multiversal Spa Resort

A hot spring addict from Earth finds himself in a strange Spa Resort that can travel between worlds. Follow his journey as he satisfies his guests, levels up his Spa and fulfills his desires. / / / * This novel contains R18 content. * Cover artist is BoDam. * Currently on HIATUS

SnowLust · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Hot & Cold

As soon as Moon stepped through the door, his face was struck by a wave of intense heat.

"Whoa, that's toasty," he muttered, trying to adjust to the high temperature.

After getting used to the heat, he took a look around the place, taking note of the wooden walls and benches that surrounded him. 

The natural scent of the wood, combined with the warmth, added to the therapeutic ambiance of this small chamber.

"It's not nearly as good as a hot spring, but I don't mind relaxing in a sauna once in a while," Moon mused, depositing his robe into his inventory and taking a seat on a nearby bench.

The heat, though initially intense, now enveloped him in a soothing embrace, as beads of sweat began to build up on his body.

He leaned back on the seat, closing his eyes, as he started to enjoy the newest addition to his spa...

After Moon felt like he had enough of the sauna, he slowly made his way back to the lobby to explore the next facility.

Pushing open the door to the Cold Plunge, he immediately felt a rush of cool air over his naked frame.

The contrast from the sauna's heat was striking, and Moon found his body involuntarily shivering in order to keep warm.

"I really don't like cold stuff…" Moon complained, his teeth chattering slightly as he entered the chamber. 

In the middle of the room was a simple circular pool that had icy mist rising from it.

Moon approached it cautiously, eyeing the chilly depths with hesitation.

"Well, I already paid for it so might as well try it out," Moon muttered to himself, deciding to challenge his fears.

With a deep breath, he fell forward and submerged himself into the cold waters.


The shock of the temperature hit him like a wave, making him gasp for air.

Gulp! Gulp!

But Moon seemed to forget that there was no air underwater, causing him to just inhale frosty water into his body.

Reacting to his liquid-filled lungs, he tensed up and started to rapidly kick his legs in order to escape.


Emerging from the depths with a gasp, he quickly hopped out of the pool, back onto the chamber floor.

"I will not be doing that again!" Moon remarked with goosebumps all over his body.

He withdrew his robe and wrapped it tightly around his body, as he made his way back to the lobby.

"Wait? Isn't this the perfect time to test out that fireball technique?" He wondered, as his thin robe didn't do much to keep him warm and he was still feeling cold.

"System, how do I summon a fireball?"

[To use the (Basic Fireball Technique) all you've got to do is think about the target in your mind and shout "Fireball"]

"Uhh... Do I really have to shout it? Can't I just whisper it or something?"

After not getting an answer back, Moon just accepted it and chose the floor in front of him as the target.

"Fireball!" He shouted as loud as he could, embarrassment visible on his face.



A fireball shot out from Moon's body and exploded upon contacting the wooden floor, leaving behind a scorched tile and small flickering flames.

"Oooh! That was pretty cool. Fireball!" He chanted the spell once more, its explosion causing the small flames to grow larger.

"Wow! It's getting bigger. Fireball!" He kept up his chants, curious to see how big of a bonfire he could potentially make.






Stopping his daily run, a bored looking man noticed a commotion coming from a nearby building and decided to check it out.

His disinterested gaze scanned the surrounding area as he arrived at a strange looking wooden house.

"Who would build a house in a place like this?" He wondered, as he decided to go and find out the answer.

Upon entering, he was slightly intrigued to see a huge flame wall dancing around the middle of the room.

"Fireball!" A shout suddenly echoed from the other side of the fire.

Upon realizing that there was indeed someone else inside the building, the man casually walked near the scorching sea of flames and just lazily punched it.


The massive fire wall was instantly extinguished, only leaving behind a long black mark and suffocating amounts of smoke.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

"What the hell, man? I could've gone even further!" Moon said in an annoyed tone, trying his best to not breathe in the toxic fumes.

"Huh?" The bored-looking man raised an eyebrow, seemingly confused by Moon's complaints.

"Why did you have to put it out? Did the fire burn all of your hair away? And what the hell is the deal with your outfit?" Moon grumbled, noticing the man's shiny head and strange yellow jumpsuit.

"Also, it's rude to enter someone's home without knocking first!" he continued his complaints, shooting a disapproving glance at the man, who was currently busy picking his nose.


"Well, since you're here already, you might as well try out the facilities this place has to offer!" Moon said, as his displeased face quickly switched into that of a greedy salesman.

"Facilities? I thought this was your home?" The bored man asked, temporarily stopping his nose digging journey.

"Home, spa, what difference does it make? You barged into my private property and destroyed my belongings. It's only fair that you help me out." Moon answered, as he placed his arm around the man's shoulder and started to guide him towards one of the rooms.

'Belongings? That huge flame wall?' The man wondered, his confusion evident on his face.

"There!" Moon happily exclaimed, as he pushed open a door, directing the man inside.

"Welcome to the Cold Plunge! The most satisfying experience you'll ever have. Take your time and have fun." Moon declared with enthusiasm and then slowly closed the door with a sly grin.

Now all alone, gazing at the ominous looking pool in the middle of the room, the bored man wondered how he had even ended up in this situation...