
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Tranh châm biếm
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200 Chs

Speedrun 26

[Quest: [The fall of Ehit] Completed 15,000 WP (1/8) (1,875 WP) Received]

[World Tier decreased to Tier 3]

With a frustrated sigh, I dismissed the notifications and quickly checked the kill notification, only to be further disappointed.

I wasn't entirely sure if it was because he was just a soul, but Ehit would have granted me 5,000 experience points. However, due to the significant tier difference between us, the tier four entity provided me with a mere one percent of his total experience value, translating to a rather underwhelming 50 points of experience.

Nonetheless, there still remained a significant threat to this world that could potentially disrupt young Aletia's future happiness. Following her previous wishes, I harnessed the power of Relativity to extend my senses across the globe, pinpointing an entire race called Apostles, and swiftly, with a single application of [Existence], erasing the tier three soulless dolls from existence.

Thankfully, there were still a few tier three dragons in the world, helping to maintain the world's tier at three. I wasn't entirely certain what would happen if the world's tier dropped below that threshold while I was still inside it, but I had no intention of testing it out anytime soon.

As the notifications for each kill came in, all yielding a disappointing 0 points of experience, I gave my status a quick glance before I closing the system screen altogether and sighing .

[Andrew Complete Status Screen]

(A/N: Should i use this format? Effects: Str = How much he can lift, Dex= Reaction time, Agi = Movement Speed, Per= how far he can normally perceive the world. BTW, SW = Soul Weight > Its displaying the remaining "Space in his soul", instead of total. Total is currently sitting at 29,362, and its influenced by global level .)

"Experience might become a challenge in the future..." I muttered to myself, realizing that I would need to target tier five and six entities to make any significant progress. 'Perhaps I can rely on the experience-sharing option, but given the system's rules, there's a good chance it won't overlook tier differences,' I thought, contemplating the challenges ahead. Then, I turned to the fuming vampire girl.

"Stop pouting, your mouth will get stuck that way. You were never in any real danger," I commented while rolling my eyes.

"No, it won't!" She exclaimed before looking at me, uncertain. "Will it?"

"It will," I nodded, deadpan. "It's a severe ailment called 'Duck Face,' and one in three women suffers from it at some point in their lives. It's a grave disease, only curable with a lot of attention."

"You're messing with me, right?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Not even a little bit. This affliction wreaked havoc in my world," I said somberly, gazing up at the night sky as if recalling a tragic past. "So many people were lost to it," I added, allowing a single tear to trail down my cheek.

"That tear gave you away! I'm absolutely certain you're messing with me!" She huffed, looking away. My conjured tear disappeared from my face, and my sorrowful expression transformed into a mischievous grin.

"Guilty as charged," I admitted with a smile, refusing to let go of my teasing. "You look way cuter when you're smiling, so quit pouting."

"C-cute..." She whispered, her cheeks flushing. Then, realizing her reaction, she squinted her eyes at me. "You could have at least told me that you were using me as bait!"

"Nah, there was a chance Ehit could read your mind," I explained with a shrug. "And even if he managed to possess you, which had barely a 0.1% success rate, I would've just ripped his soul out of you and let him learn the consequences of attacking my secretary," I said with a grin.

She shook her head, sighing in resignation, before asking, "So, when and how are we leaving?

"In a moment," I replied, raising my palm and willing a drop of blood from a specific race into existence, and reality complied, while my Authority consumed millions of points of mana to bridge the gap in my knowledge about the species.

[Rabbitmen] [Arifureta]

+2 STR, +5 AGI, +2 DEX, +1 VIT, +3 PER per Global Level

That was the entire race... No special abilities, just a fuckton of Agility and a nice bonus to strength, dexterity, and perception. Given Olivia's focus on speed, I was sure she would love it. Plus, I had a feeling I would appreciate the bunny ears and tail she would gain from it.

Now that I had created it once, I didn't need to extract the blood from this world. I could simply recreate it by projecting my Authority. So, I dismissed the drop of blood and turned to Aly.

"Now, we can go," I said with a grin, ignoring her confusion about my actions. "There are two options. I could stash you away in my dimension and pull you out in another world, or I could extract you with the help of the system," I explained. "The safest of these two is extraction. It will cost me some currency, but it's better than you becoming incompatible with a world and exploding or ceasing to exist upon entry."

"Yeah, definitively sounds better," she said with a deadpan voice, her expression complex. "What do I need to do?"

"Nothing, simply stay in place and accept the prompt that will appear before you," I said and whistled, then shouted to Fluffy, "Playtime is over, girl! We're heading out!" A somber "Shaa" resounded in the environment as two eyeballs popped up from the shadow of my chin before Fluffy jumped out and stood in the air right before me. "Really, you didn't find a better place to exit..." I said with a deadpan expression, casting magic to clean up the blood from my chin and shirt.

Fluffy averted her eyes while gently purring, as if apologizing, and I shook my head while calling out to the system, "Eject."

A prompt, as usual, appeared before me, asking me to select what I wanted to extract from the world. I swiftly filtered through the list, carefully selecting the version of Aletia before me.

{Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl selected, Extraction Price: 2,000 WP}


I accepted the prompt, a bit annoyed that it cost more than the reward I received for killing the god. But I sighed, accepting the necessity of it, both to ensure her safety and because I probably couldn't grant her system access, as I did with Olivia, without it.

"Oh!" exclaimed Aly as the system prompt appeared before her. "A blue box appeared before my eyes!"

"That's my system. Just accept it, and we can exit the world."

"Wait, let me read the license agreement," she said, and my eye nearly popped out. "Oh, it's 20,000 pages long... This might take a while," she muttered, and I couldn't help but groan.

"Damn it, just accept it so we can leave," I whined, raising my arms in annoyance. "I have things to do, people to annoy, and, most importantly, a fucking staff to craft."

"But... but... But I want to know what I'm agreeing to," she stammered, cutely pouting.

"If you don't accept it in the next ten seconds, I'm leaving you here," I deadpanned.

{Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl has accepted the extraction, 2,000 WP deduced from your account.}

{No other foreign items detected}

{Ejection commencing.}



"See, was that so fucking hard?" I asked, annoyed, while the countdown timer continued to tick down.

"Well, how would I otherwise know that I'm not selling my soul to the devil or something!?" She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Huh, while that's a good point, the library can literally alter reality on a fundamental level. Do you think it would care for your puny soul?" I said, rolling my eyes. "The thing is literally two tiers above me."

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about, but don't call my soul puny," she squinted her eyes at me, annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, placing my hand on my chest in false sincerity. "Your soul is not puny; it's a cute little puff of pink cloud, made out of cotton candy and rainbows," I added with a chuckle, making her grunt in annoyance. She turned away, trying to ignore my existence, not even noticing that the countdown timer had concluded and that we were transported to the Library.

{Well, you two seem quite close,} commented Index suddenly, his voice startling Aly and making her yelp in surprise. She swiftly turned around, her eyes going wide as she realized we were no longer in Kansas, I mean... Torus.

"How's it hanging, Index?" I asked with a grin, enjoying how Aletia scanned the surroundings in awe and wonder.

{I'm in an excellent mood, Andrew. There was another prime planet added under the wings of the Library, and I was scanning through their literature to find corresponding worlds. And to be honest, it has been a blast! Can you believe there is a world with sentient geometric entities, where social status is determined by how many dimensions you have?}

"Like, what the actual fuck?" I asked more in surprise than in actual shock. "How does that even work? How do multidimensional entities even interact? Better yet, how do the one-dimensional entities even live?"

"This place is enormous!" interrupted Aly. "I can't see the end of it!" She added before bolting away, only to impact my chest face first as I appeared before her.

I grabbed hold of her with telekinesis, and as she struggled to get out of my hold, I levitated her back to Index's pedestal, explaining with a deadpan expression, "It's literally infinite. Stay here, or you're going to get lost and starve to death before I could even find you." Her eyes went wide, and her face paled, but Index, in his infinite wisdom, interjected.

{You could have asked me or a Librarian to find her,} he added, turning to face Aly and introducing himself. {Greetings, young Atavist, I'm Index, the Lexicon of Knowledge~!} His voice boomed at the last part, reverberating throughout the library, bouncing off the shelves before his tone shifted back to normal. He added, {Welcome to the Multiversal Library, where all known worlds are but a book away!}

"Is that like a new slogan?" I asked with a chuckle.

{Yes!} he exclaimed, turning around to face me. {I was working on it for ages! It makes me sound mysterious, doesn't it?}

"Quite mysterious, indeed," I replied with a gentle smile.

"Um... Hi, Index," Aly greeted the book a bit awkwardly. "Nice to meet you."

As we chatted with the magical book, Aly grew more comfortable with the floating "Lexicon of Knowledge." I learned more about the world of shapes and even promised Index that I would visit that world when I reached higher tiers. Strangely, it was marked as a Tier 9 world with entities ranging from single-dimensional dots to n-dimensional hypercubes.

According to Index, I would need a higher perception to perceive them and more mental power to comprehend them. It was a world where the laws of physics were altered to such a degree that simple life couldn't exist, only geometry.

After our discussion, I took Aly on a tour of the library, showing her the second floor with its restaurants, shops, crafting and training rooms, and finally the living quarters, specifically my apartment.

"It's quite barren," Aly commented, looking around the empty, barely lived-in place.

"There's a reason for that. I can count on one hand how many times I've slept here," I explained. "I have a transportable house inside a trunk that I used before, but it's outlived its purpose, so I'm currently using a separate dimension, which I was about to show you."

Through [Soul Cohesion] I pinpointed Mai's location, shifting both of our reference points to her coordinates. However, what I saw was unexpected.

"Mai... Why are you taking a bath right next to what seems to be a shrine dedicated to me?" I asked seriously, and her eyes locked with mine, widening to the size of dinner plates.

The bath dispersed, the shrine disintegrated, and she reformed her body, now clad in her maid outfit. She flashed me a smile, pretending as if nothing had happened. "What are you talking about, Master?" she tilted forward, her arms placed behind her back, while giving me an embarrassed smile. "You must be extremely exhausted; you're already hallucinating. You should lie down, allow me to massage you, and let the stress be washed away," she offered as a massage table materialized next to her.

"You know what... I have no time for this, nor do I wish to think about it, so you're right, we've seen nothing out of the ordinary," I commented with a serious expression. "Right, Aly?"

"Yeah, I've seen nothing, what's more, I'm legally blind," Aly said with rapid nods, clearly unwilling to anger an entity that was currently radiating more mana than even I had access to.

"Anyway, thanks for the massage offer, but we've got stuff to do," I said with a wry smile. I turned to Aly and said, "Aly, this is Mai. She's essentially my maid, responsible for keeping this dimension clean and in working order." I turned to Mai and gestured towards Aly. "Mai, this is Aly, my new secretary who will be responsible for outside affairs. Get used to each other; you'll be working together for quite some time."

Mai looked at me with a dejected expression before, in a saddened tone, voicing her concerns, "Master, are you abandoning me for this harlot?"

"Who the heck are you calling a harlot, you big-boobed wench?" countered Aly, poking said body part, which led the two of them to descend into an argument.

As Aly and Mai continued their argument, I tuned them out and focused on spreading both of my Authorities across this small reality. While it was much smaller compared to the vast universes I had been in before, its size allowed me to carry out my plan effectively.

Space warped as I assumed my divine form, and I retrieved a crystal laden with millions of enchantments from a hidden pocket, causing a shudder to ripple through this entire realm. Mai vanished, her mana construct dissipating, startling Aly and causing her to look around in surprise. The dimension itself began shaking, as if on the brink of tearing apart.

However, with a simple, effortless flex of [Relativity], I stabilized it and forced it to solidify. [Existence] projected outward, and the crystal before me disintegrated while leaving the mana and delicate enchantments coursing through it unharmed. [Hypercognition] activated, and countless mental instances carefully manipulated the mana, being careful not to harm the artificial soul.

I had spent numerous days trying to find a way to allow Mai to channel an unlimited pool of energy. However, every material combination, whether fictional or not, seemed to have limitations. There was a method to convert her from an enchantment into a spell, augmenting her inputs and outputs significantly, but it would expose her to mana fluctuations and potential attacks or manipulation. So it wasn't a viable option.

The answer came to me when I gained [Hypercognition]. Why limit myself to materials when I could enchant space and time itself? Concept magic would have allowed me to do so, but the complete idea only solidified after acquiring my Authorities.

I would force Mai's artificial soul to merge with this dimension, making her truly one with it. With my plans to house multiple realities here, this dimension would be merely a single facet, the Nexus of her existence.

Although it was highly risky, with the potential for her to lose herself in the depths of reality, I had a solution through our connection via [Soul Cohesion]. I would become her anchor to reality, and without me, she would cease to be.

[Arcane Arts], augmented by [Arcana], rewrote most of her enchantments, granting her new arrays of abilities. The closest crystal moon disintegrated, its complete energy converted to fuel the spell and enchantment I was weaving. Spells were layered upon each other, oversaturated with mana before everything fell into place. Augmented by my titles, [Existence] was once again projected outward, altering the existence of Mai's soul, and transforming it from artificial to real.

From this moment on, she was, in every sense, a real being. However, it wouldn't last. [Relativity] projected outward, and two more crystal moons disintegrated to fuel my actions. All of reality was compressed into a single point the size of a ping-pong ball. Mai's soul, a pristine marble floating before me, was once again warped, its essence forced to meld with the entire universe, fusing with it completely.

I dropped my divine form, feeling the annoyance that my reserves were starting to run dry, and warped both Aly and myself out of the void, back to Mai's dimension.

"Mai," I called out, and although I sensed her presence focusing on us, she didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and exclaimed, "Quit messing around; I know you're fine."

Reality shuddered, and mana coagulated into her annoyed form. She squinted her eyes at me, her arms crossed over her ample chest, wearing a grimace on her face. "That was extremely unpleasant and uncalled for, Master."

"I don't care. This is the next step in your evolution," I explained, currently unconcerned about her feelings. "Try flexing your power. With concept magic woven into you, you should be able to alter the laws in this dimension."

She huffed, visibly irritated with me, but did as commanded. Gravity intensified tenfold as the universal constant shifted. "Revert it!" I exclaimed in shock, watching as one of the Super Earths crumbled under its own weight, stars shrunk in size before all of it was suddenly reversed. This caused all my stars to bounce back to their original size, and release tremendous amounts of energy into the environment in the form of solar winds, which moments later destroyed most of the solar systems.

"Whoops..." Mai averted her eyes, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I took a deep breath and expanded [Relativity] across the entire realm, gradually rewinding time back to before the experiment was conducted. Done with that, I turned to my maid and, with a deadpan expression, said, "I don't want to see a repeat of that."

She nodded slowly, understanding that it wasn't a suggestion but a command. "Understood, Master," she replied with a bow.

"How are your energy reserves?" I asked changing the topic, while already suspecting her answer.

"I'm consuming more than we're generating," she answered immediately. "With the current consumption rate, I will run dry in a day," she said with a grim expression.

"Alright, Mai," I said with a grin, ready to start the second step of my plan. "This time, we're stealing a universe!" I exclaimed while Aly continued to wonder if she had made a good choice by embarking on a journey with a lunatic like me.