
Multiversal Combat Arena

Gray was an avid Vsbattle fan, who would constantly debate and power scale characters from fiction. Unfortunately for him, Truck-Kun claims another victim, and he dies. He awakens in a massive arena, it's a massive artifact that lets him summon characters from fiction to an arena, where they must battle to the death. Drawn from various stories, these characters engage in intense combat, showcasing their unique skills and powers. As Gray orchestrates these brutal clashes, he grapples with his role and the consequences of his actions. Warning: I only own Gray, my OC, and I'll be mostly using the VsBattleWiki for my Scaling and decisions, along with my knowledge. I'll do my best not to be biased. This is a glorified collection of vsbattles, so don't expect much more lol.

Theon_Bennit · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Arena

(*=Inner Thoughts)

Gray, an ordinary 19-year-old with an insatiable love for the fantastical, spent his days engrossed in passionate debates over which fictional characters were stronger than the others. His room, a sanctuary of imagination, bore the tapestries of his dedication. Adorned with posters depicting iconic heroes and formidable villains, it was a realm where the imaginary merged with reality. Engrossed in online forums and heated conversations with friends, Gray was known for his ability to dissect the minutiae of fictional universes, his eyes alight with fervor and intellect.

One evening, as the sun painted the horizon with hues of amber and crimson, Gray found himself engrossed in yet another debate. Unbeknownst to him, fate was about to weave its narrative. Lost in the fervor of his argument, he stepped onto the street without a second thought, failing to notice the blaring horn that shattered the air.

A deafening impact followed, the harsh screech of brakes filling the air as a massive truck careened into Gray's path. Time seemed to slow as the world transformed into a whirlwind of chaos. Pain and confusion mingled as the collision sent Gray sprawling across the asphalt.

*Did I just...? What happened?* Gray's thoughts were a jumble of disbelief and realization, his body aching as he tried to make sense of the moment. The debate, the excitement, it all seemed distant now, replaced by the harsh reality of pain and the surreal nature of his predicament.

His appearance, once unremarkable, was now a juxtaposition of vulnerability and resilience. Tousled, raven-black hair framed a face etched with both youthful enthusiasm and the gravity of his newfound fate. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep hazel, reflected the fervent curiosity that had driven his debates. His features, once unassuming, now carried a timeless quality, as if touched by the very tales he so ardently pondered.

Amid the disorientation, Gray's thoughts raced like a torrential downpour. Fragments of memories and regrets whirled through his mind, each moment replaying like a vivid snapshot. The weight of his incomplete arguments and unfinished tales gnawed at him as if the universe had decided that his narrative was to be forever suspended.

As Gray's consciousness returned, he found himself in a place of eerie emptiness.

*Where am I? This can't be... Is this a dream?*

The air held a tinge of anticipation, the atmosphere heavy with the promise of something yet to unfold. He stood alone amidst a sprawling arena, its vast expanse stretching out in all directions. Towering stone pillars adorned with intricate engravings stood as sentinels, their presence adding an almost mythical aura to the scene.

Gray's footsteps echoed as he moved forward, his heart pounding with a mixture of awe and trepidation. He couldn't help but marvel at the magnitude of his surroundings, his mind buzzing with a million questions.

*Is this real? How did I get here?*

It was as if he had stepped into the very heart of the debates that had fueled his life, transcending the boundaries of fiction and reality.

Amid the silence, Gray's voice found its way into the emptiness. "Is this... is this some kind of ultimate gladiator arena?" he murmured to himself, his words resonating as if seeking affirmation from the very arena itself. His thoughts swirled, a storm of emotions and curiosities threatening to consume him, even as a spark of excitement ignited within him.

His gaze shifted to a central dais, where an ornate pedestal stood with a sense of purpose. Upon it rested an ancient book, its pages emitting a soft, ethereal glow. The book's cover was a tapestry of swirling patterns, imbued with an otherworldly luminescence. As Gray approached, his fingers traced the intricate engravings that adorned the pedestal, his breath catching as he glimpsed the enormity of what lay before him.

The arena, bathed in soft, ambient light, stretched out in breathtaking grandeur. The stone pillars, ancient and majestic, seemed to reach for the heavens, their engravings depicting scenes of battles long past. The arena floor, a mosaic of intricate designs, seemed to shimmer with the essence of countless stories interwoven into its very fabric.

Gray's footsteps echoed through the vast expanse as he moved toward the book. It was open to a page that displayed a character, vivid and lifelike. His heart raced as he realized that each page held the essence of a different character, waiting to be called upon to enter the arena.

With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Gray turned the page. The character's image changed, and the details of another personality came to life before his eyes. It was as if each page was a portal to a unique universe, a doorway into the hearts and minds of fictional beings.

The weight of his fascination bore down on him as he realized the power he now possessed. It was a power he had always dreamed of, to interact with the characters he had debated over, to witness their strengths and weaknesses firsthand. But now, the reality of it left him awestruck.

Gray's fingers trailed across the pages, and he marveled at the diversity and complexity of the characters. Each one held a story, a destiny, and a legacy. He could almost hear their voices, feel their desires, and sense the narratives that had shaped them. Awe mingled with apprehension as he realized the book's potential, the weight of his choices settling upon his shoulders like a mantle of responsibility.

As he flipped through the pages, he couldn't help but wonder how he had come to possess such an incredible artifact. Had his debates somehow led him to this moment? Had his passion for fictional battles carved a path that had led him to this arena of champions? It was a notion both thrilling and daunting, and Gray grappled with a swirl of emotions.

The arena's vastness seemed to stretch into eternity, a canvas upon which the stories of these characters would be written anew. The possibilities were endless, the narratives waiting to be shaped by the choices he would make. Gray's heart quickened as he considered the battles that would unfold, the alliances that would form, and the destinies that would be rewritten.

Amid the silence, Gray's voice found its way into the emptiness once again. "Is this... is this some kind of ultimate debate?" he murmured, his words carrying a mix of uncertainty and excitement. It was a question that hung in the air, a riddle to be answered as the characters he had summoned stood ready to clash.

The weight of the world's heaviest debates now rested upon his shoulders, but Gray was ready to embrace this newfound role. With determination burning in his eyes, he stepped away from the pedestal and faced the arena before him. The echoes of countless stories whispered through the air, the anticipation palpable.

Emotions surged within Gray, a torrent of excitement, uncertainty, and responsibility. The weight of the narratives he held in his hands was immense. He couldn't help but wonder if this was his destiny all along if his debates and discussions had somehow led him to this point.

The echoes of the arena seemed to whisper secrets and challenges, the air charged with electric energy. Gray's gaze lingered on the characters before him, their stories intertwining in ways he could only begin to imagine. He realized that the characters weren't mere pawns; they were individuals with histories, dreams, and desires.

Gray's mind raced as he considered the possibilities, his thoughts weaving through the tapestry of characters and stories

*Where to begin? Which battles should I bring to life first?*

He turned pages with both anticipation and hesitance, each character beckoning him to explore their narrative.

Then, as if guided by an unseen hand, his gaze settled on two particular characters: Madara Uchiha and Sosuke Aizen. Their images seemed to resonate with an almost magnetic pull. Madara, the legendary Uchiha leader with immense power and indomitable will. Aizen, the enigmatic Soul Reaper whose illusions are as mesmerizing as they are deadly. It was a clash of titans, a battle that would set the tone for the battles to come.

With a sense of certainty, Gray closed the book, his decision made. He was ready to witness the clash of Madara Uchiha and Sosuke Aizen, two characters whose powers and motivations would make for an unforgettable spectacle. It was a choice that would start it all, and Gray was prepared to embrace every moment of it.

As he stepped away from the pedestal, anticipation coursed through him. The arena, now charged with a palpable energy, awaited the commencement of the battle. Gray's heart raced, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through his veins. He had become more than a mere spectator; he was the architect of a tale that would echo through the realms of fiction.

Taking a deep breath, Gray extended his arms outward. His voice, carrying a resonance that seemed to transcend the physical, echoed through the expanse. "Madara Uchiha, the indomitable leader of the Uchiha Clan and a warrior known for his mastery of both Sharingan and Rinnegan. His strength and determination have left an indelible mark on the world of Naruto."

As his words reverberated, a faint ripple of energy pulsed through the air. In response, the stands that had once stood empty began to fill. Figures clad in various attire, their faces etched with familiarity, materialized in the seats. Fans of both Naruto and Bleach gathered, a silent audience eager to witness the clash of these two iconic characters.

"Beside Madara stands Sosuke Aizen," Gray continued, his voice carrying a weight that matched the gravity of his words. "Aizen, the enigmatic Soul Reaper whose mastery over illusion and manipulation is second to none. His presence has sent ripples through the Bleach universe, leaving a legacy that defies even the boundaries of death."

As Gray spoke, characters from both universes began to fill the seats. The stands now teemed with life, figures ranging from the heroic to the villainous. Naruto Uzumaki, Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Kakashi Hatake, and countless others took their places, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation. The arena was no longer empty; it was a stage set for the most epic of battles.

Gray felt a swell of pride and reverence as he observed the stands. The characters he had spent hours debating about, the champions he had pondered over, were now gathered in this surreal amphitheater. It was a testament to the power of fiction, the way these stories had transcended the pages and screens to become an integral part of his reality.

The energy in the air was electric, a palpable current of anticipation that enveloped the arena. Gray knew that he was not alone in his eagerness to see the clash of Madara Uchiha and Sosuke Aizen. The characters themselves, brought to life by his actions, seemed to emanate their aura of excitement and tension.

With his heart pounding, Gray raised his hands, his voice carrying across the arena once more. "Madara Uchiha, and Sosuke Aizen, champions of their respective universes, I summon you to this arena of battles! Let your strengths and ambitions collide in a spectacle that will resonate through the annals of fiction!"

As his words hung in the air, a surge of energy enveloped the arena. The ground trembled, and from thin air, Madara Uchiha and Sosuke Aizen materialized. They stood on opposite ends of the arena, their gazes locked in a silent exchange that seemed to convey the weight of their destinies.

The arena, now teeming with life, stood as a canvas for the impending clash. Gray watched with bated breath, his heart a symphony of emotions. He had ventured into the uncharted territories of fiction, and now, he was about to witness the fruits of his choices, the culmination of his passion and fascination.


if you have any fights you want me to do, comment them I guess, thanks for reading.

Theon_Bennitcreators' thoughts