
Multiversal Chronicles: Journeys Beyond Unknown

“Best of luck on your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You’ll no doubt encounter numerous challenges in your path, but I have faith that you’d do well.” the Creator said as Aerin got sucked into the wormhole. *** “Hmm...where am I?” He looked around in the small cabin he found himself in, but as he got more time to familiarize well with the situation, a stark realization gripped him. ‘Wait a minute...Is this Teyvat?!’ As Aerin met and interacted with more characters from the game, he realized that his earlier assumption was correct. He was in the world of Genshin Impact. *** As he lived here over the years, he befriended lots of friends and made many memories there. On one instance, he listened closely to a certain Pirate Queen as she spoke standing on the deck, “For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom.” And in another, he sat in the same carriage as a strange girl with flower-shaped pupils, “Now, Aerin, you know I prefer my snacks with a bit more... spice. How about some pickled skulls with a side of fermented ghoul tears? Now that's a breakfast fit for me!” ‘Sigh, these people are really a bit too much for me.’ He could only shake his head at their weird antics... *** A/N: A wholesome story with special emphasis on dialogues and interactions of people with our MC. It's a multiversal story. If you want to skip prologue, start reading from chapter 8 since the main story starts from there only.

Xeren_Vale · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs


Jake, his voice tinged with sadness from the previous emotional outburst, went on to elaborate, "You see, Cerebral Hypermetabolism Syndrome, or C.H.S., is a rather unique condition. Essentially, it means that someone's brain operates at an exceptionally high metabolic rate. In simpler terms, the brain is working much harder than usual. 

As a consequence of this increased brain activity, a person with C.H.S. experiences a significant improvement in their cognitive functions. Memory, problem-solving, creativity, and even their ability to learn new things tend to get a substantial boost. It's like unlocking hidden potential in their mind. 

Moreover, this heightened metabolic state appears to have a direct impact on a person's Intelligence Quotient, or I.Q. 

This suggests that the condition not only enhances their cognitive abilities but also has a lasting effect on their overall intellectual capacity. 

Because of this increased neural activity, It can quickly handle tasks like understanding complex concepts, solving problems, and absorbing information at a much faster rate than usual. It's as if the brain's cognitive processes are in turbo mode, making learning and thinking swifter and more efficient. 

After hearing this, she made a puzzled expression and asked, "How does C.H.S. differ from other conditions, like Hyperthyroidism, that also result in heightened metabolism?" 

Her expression now revealed a deepening sense of confusion. It was only natural for her to feel this way. There were already numerous medical conditions characterized by elevated metabolism rates, like Hyperthyroidism, in existence. This left her grappling with a fundamental question: How did C.H.S. stand apart from these pre-existing disorders that shared the same factor of heightened metabolism, which was at the core of Aerin's condition? The similarities raised more questions than answers. 

Jake's voice took on a somber tone as he continued, "You see, having a high metabolism rate on its own isn't necessarily a problem. What becomes problematic is when this elevated metabolism negatively impacts neurons, especially in specific circumstances. Cerebral Hypermetabolism Syndrome, or C.H.S., is a prime example of such a situation. 

However, what makes C.H.S. truly perplexing is its extraordinary rarity. It's such an exceptionally unlikely occurrence, and our understanding of the human brain is far from complete. As a result, there's only one recorded instance of this disorder ever being documented in medical history." 

Ashlyn, eager to gain a better understanding, posed a straightforward question, "Could you please provide us with a straightforward and understandable description of C.H.S. that the general public can grasp easily?" 

To which Jake nodded and started explaining. "In people with Cerebral Hypermetabolism Syndrome (C.H.S.), there's a specific gene mutation that affects how their brains use energy. This mutation messes with the balance of different processes happening in their brain cells. As a result, their brain cells start producing, using, and recycling energy at a much higher rate than usual. To put it into perspective, someone with C.H.S. has a brain that's working five times harder in terms of energy consumption, which is a lot more than conditions like Hyperthyroidism, where the increase is only about 1.5 times the standard rate. So, C.H.S. really stands out with its extremely high level of brain energy activity. 

However, due to the increased metabolic rate, while fueling enhanced cognitive abilities, it also accelerates cellular wear and tear in years to come. The intense metabolic demand pushes cells to their limits, reducing their overall lifespan. Just as a car engine running at full throttle all the time can wear out faster, the same principle applies to brain cells. They have a limit to how much they can handle such high metabolism levels. Over time, this cumulative strain leads to the early deterioration of brain cells, impacting overall brain health. 

Unlike certain parts of our body, such as skin or blood cells, which can renew and repair themselves quite well, neurons, the building blocks of our brain, have a limited ability to do so. Think of neurons as a precious resource; they can't be easily replaced once they're damaged or lost. 

Now, consider the extraordinary metabolic demands placed on the brain in C.H.S. It's like asking an already busy worker to take on an even heavier workload without any extra help. This excessive energy demand can make it even harder for the brain to replace or repair damaged neurons. 

In simpler terms, while some parts of our body can heal and regenerate like a superhero, our brain, particularly its neurons, struggles in this department. When C.H.S. pushes the brain's energy needs to the extreme, it's like piling on extra work for an already overburdened employee, making it challenging for the brain to maintain its long-term health and replace damaged cells." 

Ashlyn's astonishment was palpable as she grappled with how our body can react in certain unique situations, like Cerebral Hypermetabolism Syndrome (C.H.S.). 

She found it utterly surprising that our body, which generally has its own rules and responses, could exhibit such remarkable and unexpected reactions under very specific circumstances, such as those presented by C.H.S. It was a testament to the complexity and adaptability of the human body, a reminder that there's still so much we don't fully understand about its capabilities and responses in exceptional cases like this one.

"I see. I think I've grasped the general idea now. But one thing has constantly been bugging me since the start. And that is why this disorder is so extremely rare. In a world with billions of people, why has this condition only been documented in a single individual?" 

Jake saw this question coming. After all, no matter what type of disorder it might be, he acknowledged that in a world teeming with over 8 billion individuals, it did seem improbable for just one person to experience this disorder. 

He then went on to explain that, based on the research findings left by Aerin, there were several factors contributing to the rarity of C.H.S., each contributing to the unique emergence of this condition, such as: 

The genetic mutation that causes Cerebral Hypermetabolism Syndrome (C.H.S.) is exceptionally uncommon. It happens when specific genes, responsible for managing how our body's energy and neural activity work together, change in a particular way. These changes are rare because our genetic code is incredibly intricate and precise. 

C.H.S. requires a unique genetic combination where multiple genes work together in a very particular way to cause the syndrome. These genes must line up just right to make the brain use more energy while maintaining manageable physiological consequences. However, this precise alignment of genes is extremely rare. It's like winning a tricky genetic lottery because it's so unlikely to happen naturally. 

Besides our genes, things in our environment and how our genes are influenced over time (called epigenetics) can also impact the development of genetic conditions. In the case of C.H.S., the specific combination of events and factors that led to this particular genetic mutation working together with other elements to create the condition is quite unusual and unique. It's like a rare and specific set of circumstances that had to come together perfectly for C.H.S. to occur. 

The convergence of so many unique factors that lead to C.H.S.—genetic, environmental, and molecular—is statistically improbable. The reason it's so unlikely for C.H.S. to occur in multiple individuals is that the chances of all these factors lining up perfectly in the same way for more than one person are exceedingly low. 

Additionally, it is also possible due to the complexity of genetic interactions and the rarity of the syndrome, it might be underdiagnosed or undiscovered in many cases. This means there might be people with C.H.S., but we don't know or fully understand it yet. 

And also, as I stated earlier, we don't have a great understanding of the human brain. Since we're still learning much about how the brain works, this lack of knowledge could also explain why C.H.S. is so uncommon." 

Ashlyn, seeking a deeper understanding, inquired, "So, does C.H.S. develop from birth, or does it require certain conditions or triggers to activate?" 

Her question delved into the origins of the condition, whether it was something a person had from the moment they were born or if there were specific circumstances that led to its development. It was a crucial point to clarify in the quest to grasp the nature of C.H.S. 

"It is written by Aerin that he himself discovered this syndrome, a puzzle that had left doctors worldwide scratching their heads. 

It all began when he was just six years old, and he witnessed an unimaginably painful event - a horrifying ordeal where his own family endured brutal torture and was raped. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle or, perhaps, a twist of fate. 

Following this traumatic experience, there was a noticeable surge in his intelligence. It was as if the trauma had unlocked some hidden potential within him. He always held suspicions that this newfound intelligence was somehow connected to that terrible incident, and that's why he decided to dive deep into the fields of Neurology and Microbiology while also preparing for his plan. 

He dedicated himself to years of rigorous study, eventually completing PhD—level studies in both disciplines. Along the way, he conducted numerous experiments and tests on his own body, all in pursuit of understanding the enigmatic C.H.S. 

After an arduous journey of self-discovery and relentless research, Aerin finally cracked the code. He realized that C.H.S. could be triggered by a sudden release of stress hormones, particularly Cortisol and norepinephrine. These hormones flooded his system in response to the traumatic event he had witnessed as a child. This breakthrough allowed him to connect the dots and shed light on the origins of his condition." 

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place during the conversation, Ashlyn couldn't help but comment, almost absentmindedly, "It's starting to make sense now, like fitting together parts of a massive puzzle. I suppose Aerin must have had a truly unique childhood." 

"Yes, he certainly did have a unique childhood, albeit in a rather negative sense," Jake remarked with a touch of sympathy for Aerin's past. 

As the conversation flowed, Wilbur continued, "Alright, let's move on to the next question." 

Ashlyn, still curious, inquired further, "So, could you provide us with more details about Aerin's family?" 

With this question, she aimed to explore the family aspect of Aerin's life, recognizing that family dynamics often shape a person's experiences and outlook on the world. 

"Aerin's family was quite ordinary, like many others. It was a family of four: Aerin, his mother, his father, and his big sister, who was eight years older than him. 

Aerin's father, of Japanese descent, pursued a career as an investment analyst. On the other hand, his mother, with Scandinavian origins, followed her passion for Literature and became a university professor. She spent her days sharing her love for books and stories with her students in the classroom. She was not just a teacher but was also known for being incredibly beautiful." 


"Yeah. Actually, you won't believe what we found when we were going through Aerin's stuff in the basement of his home in Beverly Hills. It was something really special —a painting he had actually made himself. It was a portrait of his family, and you could tell it came from the heart. 

And, you know, when we looked at that painting, it was pretty clear that Aerin's mom was quite a beauty. I mean, if she had ever considered it, she might have easily had a successful career as a top model with her striking looks." 

This wasn't just casual flattery. The words came from a person regarded as one of the finest agents in the entire United States, and when he spoke, his words carried immense weight. It wasn't empty praise; it was a genuine acknowledgment of Aerin's mother's extraordinary beauty and potential. 

Ashlyn nodded in agreement, adding, "Absolutely, it seems Aerin inherited some remarkable genes from his mother. I mean, he was undeniably very handsome." 

Wilbur continued, "You're right. And you know, he had this incredible bond with his mother, a love that was beyond words. It's quite evident that she meant the world to him." 

Wilbur then also contributed another facet to the discussion. He pointed out that even before the tragic event that marked Aerin's life, he had displayed exceptional intelligence as a child. His consistent top grades in school were a testament to his natural aptitude and intellect. It was as if intelligence had always been an intrinsic part of his character. 

As the interview moved on, Ashlyn raised an important question, her brow slightly furrowed with confusion. She asked, "The next question I have is about something Aerin mentioned – 'recognizing his love later on.' To be honest, I found that part a bit puzzling, and he didn't seem to explain it thoroughly in the video." 

"The matter is that —after the tragedy struck," he continued, "Aerin found himself without any relatives. He ended up in an orphanage in Reykjavik, where he kept mainly to himself. But there was more to him than met the eye during those years. He was constantly planning and thinking about how to approach and confront his targets. But what's really remarkable is that despite his circumstances, Aerin's intelligence opened doors for him. Scholarships seemed to come his way effortlessly, so money wasn't a problem. 

Aerin didn't just rely on his intellect. He also delved into close-quarters combat techniques like Krav Maga and Muay Thai. It was all part of his preparation. In addition to combat training, Aerin immersed himself in the intricate worlds of Neurology and Microbiology. He studied university-level books in these fields because he was driven to gain a deep understanding of his own condition as well. 

Aerin had invested every ounce of his being, body, and soul into the relentless pursuit of vengeance against those responsible for the tragic loss of his family. However, when he was just 14, and had nearly completed his preparations, a pivotal moment arrived—a moment that would profoundly impact his path. 

It was the arrival of a girl, someone incredibly innocent and genuinely sincere. To quote Aerin's words from the book, he described her as, 'like a bright streak of light into my bleak world filled with gray color. Something which I didn't deserve.' 

Aerin made every effort to distance himself from the girl because he knew the dangerous path he was embarking on in the coming months. He was reluctant to entangle innocent people in his dangerous mission. Nonetheless, the girl —Freyja, was stubborn. She had a habit of helping anyone who needed it. Her kindness was as genuine as it was boundless, a reflection of her deep-seated compassion that prompted her to reach out to those in need. 

Freyja's intentions were driven purely by her instinct to lend a helping hand, driven by a genuine desire to assist, despite not fully grasping the dangerous journey that Aerin was about to take. 

As time passed, Aerin began to spend more and more time with Freyja without forgetting his future plans. But gradually, he began to change. Freyja's pure-hearted nature had a profound impact on Aerin, a transformation that occurred subtly, without him even realizing it. It was a change for the better, as her innate goodness began to influence his own outlook on life. It was a slow process, like the gentle unfurling of a flower's petals. 

In those moments together, Aerin's sharp edges softened. His obsession with revenge started to lose its grip on him. Freyja's presence was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds of his darkness. It reminded him of the warmth and goodness in the world. 

But it all came crashing down when Aerin discovered that Freyja was the daughter of one of the men responsible for his family's tragedy. He felt betrayed. His thirst for revenge intensified, reaching greater heights than ever before. It became an all-consuming desire, one that threatened to engulf not just Aerin but also Freyja herself. 

But what options did Freyja have to quench his insatiable thirst for revenge other than willingly embracing him, the man she deeply cherished, even if it meant sacrificing herself in his embrace? Her motivations were twofold—partly driven by a profound sense of responsibility for his family's tragedy and partly fueled by her earnest desire to alleviate at least a fraction of his overwhelming anguish. 

It was only years later that Aerin realized that a faint shadow of Freyja remained in his heart, never leaving him even after her death." 

Following this revelation, a profound silence enveloped the entire setting for a few moments. The weight of the story was immense, and there was too much to process in that instant. 

"I understand now," Ashlyn said with a tinge of sorrow in her voice. She raised her hands to cover her mouth, a gesture of regret. "Stories like these, we've often encountered them in the pages of fictional novels. But here, it's like we're seeing a real-life tale that feels almost like fiction right in front of us." 

Her words conveyed both comprehension and a sense of sadness as the weight of the narrative settled upon her and the others present. 

"Yeah, perhaps it's time for the next question," Jake suggested, his tone carrying a hint of somberness. Aerin's life had been filled with such challenging circumstances at every juncture. 

This comment signaled a readiness to move forward in the conversation, though the weight of Aerin's experiences lingered in the room. 

"Certainly," Ashlyn began, her tone lighter as they shifted to a different topic. "Now, for our final question today, we'd like to learn more about Aerin's remarkable charitable efforts. After he achieved superstar status, he had a tendency to donate to orphanages, and he even dedicated his entire wealth to the 'Young Lives' foundation in his will." 

"Ah —that. I remember this one vividly. So what happened actually was —One day, out of the blue, Aerin approached me with an unexpected proposal. He said he was planning to establish a foundation for orphans. I was taken aback by his sudden decision," Wilbur recounted. 

Wilbur leaned in and recalled Aerin's words with empathy. "I remember him saying," he began, "that he saw this little girl in an alley by the street, sleeping in a cardboard shelter. Her silver hair, like his, and those sapphire blue eyes really struck him. He couldn't help but feel a deep connection to her. He told me, 'I just watched her, you know? And I couldn't help but wonder how I could use the millions of dollars I have for something good. I mean, I don't need all that money for my everyday life. I want to make a real difference with it.'" 

Wilbur reminisced, "Back then, I did have my suspicions about his sudden change, but I didn't dwell on them too much. I figured it would only enhance his image in society if he took up such charitable deeds, so I agreed with him at the time. Now, looking back, I realize the deeper reason behind his commitment to helping orphans throughout his life. After all, at one point in his life, Aerin himself was an orphan." 

Ashlyn smiled, contemplating the genuinely remarkable life that Aerin had led. "You know," she began, "when you look at Aerin's life, it's clear that it was far from ordinary. The twists and turns, the challenges he faced, and the choices he made all set him on an extraordinary path." 

She then turned her attention to the completion of the interview. "As for our interview, I believe we've covered all the essential aspects," She remarked. "Would you like to add something?" 

"There's something quite interesting I'd like to share. Beyond the persona everyone knew, he had two secret identities that he kept hidden from the public. But for those of us fortunate enough to be close to him, we were in on this little secret." 

"Oh, really? That's intriguing. What were they?" Her interest was piqued, and she wanted to know more about these hidden identities. 

"Here's the first hidden identity: he was actually a successful author who went by the name Morpheus Zaxshew. You might recognize that name from the literary world; he was renowned for his exceptional writing skills." 

"Wait —What?! That Pseudonymous author who wrote many bestsellers like The Dune, the Wheel of Time, and the Grishaverse?!" She was utterly surprised by the revelation. 

He gave a small chuckle, seeing her reaction. 

"Yeah, that's the one. He had a real passion for writing in the Fantasy and Romance genres, insisting that they were the only ones that truly resonated with him." 

"Wow. It's... a huge revelation. I mean, I am his very big fan. And to think it was Aerin all along. That's...a lot to take in. He didn't mention a word about this in his video." She mumbled. 

"Then, Mr. Wilbur, what was his other identity?" Her curiosity was now fully engaged, and she was eager to learn more. 

"His other identity might not be as famous. He was known as Basnyl —a pseudonymous painter known for creating vibrant oil paintings in Boston." 

"Actually, I have heard of him. It's said that when he first emerged, he caused quite a stir in the art world, creating a sensation." 

"Yeah, believe it or not, that was all Aerin's doing. And what's truly astonishing is that he regarded all these pseudonymous identities like they were just his casual hobbies. He never devoted any serious effort or thought to them. It was more like he created them on a whim whenever the mood struck him." 

"Yeah, that was Aerin only. And the most shocking thing is that he considered all his pseudonymous identities as hobbies. He never actually put any serious thought into them. He just made them when he felt like it. These hidden personas weren't some grand masterplan; they were more like spontaneous outlets for his artistic expression, created just for the joy of it." 

"Well, I suppose it's partially due to his disorder that this was possible," Ashlyn said. 

"You're right. Ever since he discovered his disorder, he never really looked at it in a positive light. He just wanted a simple life, to complete his life's revenge and then live peacefully without any care for the world. But this disorder made him unable to do so. He calculated and determined that he had only about 13 years left to live when he first discovered it at the age of 15. It must have been a real challenge for him to come to terms with that." 

"You're absolutely right, Mr. Wilbur," Ashlyn concurred, nodding in agreement. "Aerin was quite different from people like us who aspire to achieve remarkable feats in our lives. He didn't seek greatness; instead, he longed for something ordinary and uneventful." 

With a poised demeanor, Ashlyn turned her attention toward the primary camera, flashing a confident and professional smile. She addressed the audience with an air of authority, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to bring tonight's show to a close. Also, please stay connected with us for the latest updates on the ongoing public uprising. 

You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, so make sure you're following us there. Don't stray too far because we'll be back in just a short while after this brief intermission. See you soon!" Her words were inviting, encouraging viewers to remain engaged and promising them more insightful content shortly.


Hey, it's me. This chapter's sole purpose was to make our MC's character more clear. In 2-3 chapters, I will finally send him to some world.

Also this syndrome is purely fictional; that is to say I created this on my own.

Besides that, it's around 4.1k words; the longest chapter I made.

If you spot any mistakes in the chapter, or if you have some suggestions, do tell me.

My exams are coming up and would last till mid-October. So, I don't think I could upload more in that timeframe. But yeah, I do have a draft made of the upcoming chapter. So, I will see if I could complete it then.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Xeren_Valecreators' thoughts