
Multiversal Anime Group Chat: A Journey Across Realms

One day the Supreme God woke up and choose violence. That sums about the summary of this fanfic.

Kuroki_Shishiro · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter 14: Kirihara Research Institute

(Dante POV)

"So, Dante-kun, care to explain everything step by step?" Komoe-chan said, her fingers intertwining as she rested her chin on them, perched on a very high seat to reach the top of her desk.

"Heh, cute. Ahem, as I was saying, Komoe-chan.

So, get this, after I woke up yesterday, I had this major epiphany.

Like, I blacked out on my bed, right? Next thing I know, my mind's off on some cosmic joyride through the universe or whatever.

Who knows how long I was out for? But when I finally snapped back. Bam!

I felt this surge of tingly sensation in my brain, it felt like my brain's been expanded and reconstructed to do complex calculations.

And check it out now, I'm practically a teleportation pro, doing all sorts of sick stuff." After saying things in an overly grand way, I displayed nonstop teleportation of myself and other items inside the room.

With a sigh, Komoe-chan replied, "Could you please put my things back where they belong? Thank you. Now, Dante-kun, we need to talk. You're not using any substances, are you? Your behavior is quite peculiar, and I'm concerned. Please promise me you're not doing drugs. I've known you for a while, and you've always been a respectful student. But now, you're starting to act like those three troublemakers. Are they rubbing off on you? Maybe it's time to think about changing your seat."

"Anyways, have you been to any research facilities for testing yet? Your abilities seem quite advanced to me. I can hardly believe you've only recently awakened to them. It appears you're quite talented, Dante-kun. I hope you'll give it your all and receive a high evaluation." With a cute smile befitting of a loli, Komoe-chan said such praises.

"Heh, actually, Komoe-chan, I haven't gotten around to that yet. I was thinking of giving the ol' school testing facilities a whirl today, though. Figured I'd give 'em a taste of my newfound greatness, you know?" Although it is starting to pain me acting like this, I already started it might as well continue acting until I finish getting tested.

'Cringe, yah. But a man needs to finish what he started.' I said to myself as I gazed at the loli teacher.

"To be honest with you, Dante-kun, with the level of skill you're displaying, I doubt the school has the facilities needed for a thorough test. This isn't exactly a top-tier institution, you know? At most, we're equipped for Level 2 stuff. Just hold on a sec, I'll make a quick call." After Komoe-chan said such words, she jumped down from her chair as she left the room.

'Aleister should intervene now, right? I should end up in a testing facility right under him. Unless the stuff I have shown is insufficient for him to make a move. But my phasing ability alone and continuous teleportation without delay should be enough right? I really hope it is. I don't want to waste a lot of time in this world.' With such thoughts, I sat blankly waiting for Komoe-chan.

'Still, Komoe-chan doesn't really feel like a teacher. Being a loli sure is though, huh? I just can't take her seriously. She is too cute to be a teacher.' After the disrespectful thoughts, Komoe-sensei returned to the room.

Observing her small steps towards the overly tall chair and witnessing her climb onto it brought a chuckle to my lips.

"You just thought of something rude haven't you Dante-kun?" With a not-so-friendly smile, Komoe-chan said such things.

"Pfft, me? Think something rude about the adorable Komoe-chan? Blasphemy, sensei. Pure blasphemy." I retorted watching Komoe-chan angrier.

"Sigh, I really need to consider relocating your seat. Anyway, I spoke to the principal about your situation, Dante-kun. Do you happen to know about the Kirihara Research Facility in the R&D district? The principal suggested that you head there after lunch." With a tired expression, Komoe-chan sat in her chair dejectedly.

'Kirihara? Is that Amata Kirihara's facility? If so then it is definitely Aleisters doing. This is dangerous and exciting. That guy is a madman, should I end him now? If I dispose of him the sub-quests should be finished but I don't know how Aleister would react. I still need to invite someone. Damn, Sogiita where tf are you.' Such thoughts ran in my mind as I contemplated between wasting more time or simply randomly inviting someone and finishing the quest fast.

'Nah, it's stupid to waste an invitation. But looking for Sogiita is hard. I can't find any information about him on the net and his first appearance is still far off at the festival.' With a defeated sigh, I gazed at Komoe-chan.

"Hey, Komoe-chan, life's a drag sometimes, huh? How about you and me ditch class and grab a few cans of beer? What d'ya say?" With a mischievous smile, I invited the Loli teacher.

"F-firstly, Dante-kun, what on earth are you thinking by asking your sensei to ditch class? Second, you're not old enough to drink beer! Third, don't go hitting on your teacher, it's inappropriate, okay?" Answered the flustered loli.

"Heh, catch ya later, Komoe-chan. I'm off to the R&D district now. Later, alligator!" Without waiting for the loli's response, I instantly teleported out.

After the random teleportation to get out of school, I gazed at my current surroundings.

'The commercial district, huh? Better get something to eat before heading out, I guess. That burger joint looks good, I'll eat there.' Walking closer to the burger joint, I saw two school girls talking to each other in one of its seats.

'Saten and Uiharu. Mmm, if I don't find Sogiita in 10 days, should I look for a really good hacker? Mmm… I don't think they are worth the invite that much, damn. Inviting someone sure is hard. Aside from gemstones that wouldn't experience any drop in strength, most people I plan on inviting are not that useful, huh?' Clicking my tongue, I ordered stuff I found looking good only to find that I didn't have any money with me.

'Meh, time to do magic, I guess?' I said such things before teleporting some money inside the other cash registers in my pockets.