
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs

Chapter 9 Cameras in the toilet and bathroom!

Pondering what Xi Yu had said while waiting for the Matz AI to load, Eva and Ingrid came to the conclusion that it was better not to bother themselves with this damn thing.

[Download was 100% complete. Welcome to Artificial Intelligence "Matz". Please adjust the AI ​​settings to your liking.] The mechanical voice of the AI ​​"Matz" rang out, and a hologram interface appeared in front of Xi Yu.

- Fine! So what do we have here, the AI's name is... Rias! And the username, well, let it be Mr. Xi Yu. The gender of the AI ​​is definitely female, I think the timbre of the voice is gentle... - Xi Yu muttered while he adjusted the AI ​​to his taste, and Ingrid and Eva watched with curiosity what was happening.

Ingrid had never interacted with high-end AI, and Eve was assessing the capabilities of the most advanced AI of the era.

[Settings successfully saved, Rias greets Master Xi Yu.] A gentle female voice rang out.

- Great! Rias, show me your prime directives? Xi Yu asked excitedly.

[As you wish, Master Xi Yu] Rias said tenderly.

And in front of Xi Yu, another hologram interface appeared with the main directives of which there were only 3.

1. Do not carry out user commands that cause direct or indirect damage to Last.

2. Do not execute user commands that violate the Law of the United States of America.

3. Do not perform actions without the user's command.

"..." Reading Rias's basic directives, Xi Yu was speechless.

- What kind of nonsense? Rias how can I change your prime directives? - Xi Yu said indignantly.

[Lord Xi Yu has the rights to issue additional directives, but does not have the rights to change the 3 main directives.] Rias's equally gentle voice rang out.

"Why then did Richard even need to fly to Tokyo to sign the contract if his AI wouldn't involve his company in anything illegal anyway..." Xi Yu said indignantly.

- Well, this was to be expected, but a contract is still needed! After all, they have so many competitors and envious people that they are ready to sue the "Last" company for any reason," Eva calmly explained.

- Can you hack it and rewrite the 3 main directives? - Xi Yu turned to Eve with hope.

- Sorry, but you overestimate me! Even if there were as many as 10 of me here, we wouldn't have been able to cope, simply due to the lack of appropriate technology - Eva explained, looking at Xi Yu as if she were an idiot.

"Okay, after the Apocalypse you will definitely be able to deal with this..." Xi Yu said calmly, and Eve rolled her eyes and ignored his comment.

- Okay... Rias, make the 4th directive. "Follow the commands of Xue Ingrid and Eva Hill," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

[The new directive has been approved and successfully registered. Please prioritize the execution of commands.] Rias said in a gentle voice as always.

"Zhu Xi Yu priority 1, Xue Ingrid priority 2, Eva Hill priority 3," Xi Yu said calmly.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Eve winced slightly without knowing why, and Ingrid's corners of her lips raised slightly, which did not escape Xi Yu's attention.

[Priority of use has been set] - Rias said still tenderly.

- Okay, that's over. Now let's get to work... Objective 1: Take control of this bunker. Task 2: Search for people using the following criteria: Number from 100 to 200 people. Occupation – specialist in his field. Female gender. Family composition - if there is a female gender or their absence. Task 3: Self-development and absorption of useful information, in case of an Apocalypse with further inability to use the Internet - Xi Yu thoughtfully said one task after another.

"With her 3 Yotabytes of memory, I think it won't be difficult for her to contain all the useful information in text format," Xi Yu thought as he gave commands to Rias.

[Tasks have been approved in accordance with existing directives. I'm starting to complete the tasks] Rias said tenderly.

- Why do you need women and girls? - Ingrid asked, looking suspiciously at Xi Yu, and Eva stared at him with a sharp, searching gaze.

- There are many reasons for this. Firstly, these are the people whom I have enough strength to control until I become strong enough to recruit others to the base. Secondly, during the Apocalypse it is most difficult for them to survive, and if they survive, they will face a life worse than death. And thirdly, I need a cohesive team without disagreements. And having such a sexy secretary as Secretary Xue, even if there were boys at the base, it wouldn't end well as soon as they raised a few levels... - Xi Yu said calmly, heading towards the elevator.

After thinking a little about what Xi Yu said, Ingrid and Eva decided that if the Apocalypse were real, it would make sense.

"Secretary Xue, gradually connect all systems to Rias, and in 2 weeks, 10,000 of the most advanced CCTV cameras should arrive." I want cameras everywhere! On every floor, in every room, against the walls of the bunker and even in the baths and toilets! - Xi Yu said in a stern, serious tone.

- Cameras in baths and toilets? - both girls asked, taken aback.

"You don't need to look at me like that, only Rias will be watching the cameras!" And she will notify you first of all about strange behavior or actions, Secretary Xue! Do you really think that I would like to see how a woman, or God forbid a girl, goes to the toilet? What do you think of me? - Xi Yu said with a darkened face, turning and looking Ingrid straight in the eyes.

"I... I didn't mean that..." not expecting such a turn from the spontaneously asked question, Ingrid said guiltily and turned away.

"You have a priority higher than ours, it shouldn't be difficult for you to spy on women in the shower without our knowledge," Eva said pouting, in retaliation for being ignored.

"Okay, I'll change priorities with you," Xi Yu said in a colder tone, looking at Eve.

"Rias, change your priorities derikt..." He took the phone and was about to give the command to Rias – Xi Yu, when he was interrupted by Eve's scream.

- STOP! I was joking! Why did you suddenly become so bitter? - rushing to Xi Yu and covering his mouth with her hands in a panic, she didn't know why she panicked, said Eve.

- Don't joke like that, and please discard any of your prejudices. I don't know how crazy I appear in your imagination with all that nonsense about the Apocalypse and the like, but I would like to clarify one point. Although I received this knowledge and the memory of my future self, I did not get the emotions. I would never spy on a girl I didn't like in the shower, much less in the toilet. Besides, even though I recruit 100 women, the very thought of any form of violence disgusts me," Xi Yu said still offended and quickly continued his way to the elevator.

- And often he gets angry over little things? - Eva asked Ingrid in a quiet voice when they slowed down and found themselves 8 - 10 meters behind Xi Yu.

- You probably won't believe it, but in 4 years of working with him... I can count on the fingers of both hands the number of times he showed at least some emotion, be it positive or negative. I don't know why these changes occurred in his expression of emotions. Maybe it's because of the coma or maybe he's always been like this, just holding back because of his professional demeanor at work. And it doesn't matter, it's even better, in the last 3 weeks I've seen more of his emotions than in all 4 years of working with him... Now he reminds me less of the callous robot he used to be - Ingrid also quietly expressed everything that she herself has accumulated.

"How unusual... Was it his principles that forced him to control himself, or changes after the coma?" - Eve thought looking at Xi Yu with interest.

- Wait. The Apocalypse will begin in a month, and if I have two slaves, I will give them all kinds of emotions! - Xi Yu said loudly while continuing to walk 8 - 10 meters in front of them.

- H-how did you hear? We were whispering! - the girls exclaimed in shock, not expecting that Xi Yu would hear their whispers from such a distance.

15 days later, 15 days until the Apocalypse.

A lot has been accomplished in these 15 days.

The entire wall was completed.

The walls extend 4 kilometers long and wide, 30 meters high and 5 meters thick around the Bunker. The walls have a strong foundation and are made of concrete and steel.

All 10 floors were completed as planned.

1st floor: Equipped for the needs of physical activities. It consists of a huge gym with the most modern exercise equipment. An equally extensive hall for fencing training, a tennis court and six sparring rooms.

2nd - 3rd floors: Equipped for workplaces of different professions. They are fully equipped with 20 laboratories for scientific professions, with all the necessary equipment. 50 fully equipped offices for office professions. 5 medical premises for different branches of medicine with the most advanced equipment. One huge forge with blacksmithing tools and equipment, as well as several dozen spare rooms for unexpected needs.

4th, 5th and 6th floors: Living quarters for base residents.

7th floor: equipped as a warehouse.

(Floors 8, 9 and 10 were mentioned in Chapter 7!)

Rias gained full control over all the bunker's technologies, and invested in the planned hundred people of different professions. 173 people came out with all family members. The family consists of either mothers or daughters, but men are absent for one reason or another.

She even managed to find a blacksmith and a female fencing teacher!

Kobayashi Fumiko: Age – 28 years. Family composition is missing. Personality – Strict and hardworking. Most of the time she remains calm and collected, but when it comes to blacksmithing, signs of delight appear, her voice becomes animated, and passion lights up in her eyes. She has a complex due to the deformity of her eye, for this reason she demeans herself as a woman.

"It's so good that among the 27 blacksmiths Rias found in Japan, there was a woman..." Xi Yu thought with relief, remembering the problems with the blacksmiths in his dream.

The blacksmith profession is very important! Those few who were fond of blacksmithing in peacetime after the Apocalypse quickly realized their value and became very arrogant and demanding...

"Even if she also becomes arrogant and demanding, her requests will not cause significant damage..." Xi Yu thought, remembering how in a dream his future self watched the General's distorted face. When their only blacksmith made a demand to send him his 16 year old daughter.

In Apocalypse, blacksmithing is one of the most coveted professions. Since firearms do not bring experience!

Experience is awarded only when killing with melee weapons, such as swords, knives, hammers, bows, etc., etc. Forges that create weapons with special characteristics capable of cutting through the incredibly durable skin of mutated zombies or evolved animals are valued more than "Heroes."

As for fencing, don't underestimate this seemingly entertaining form of argument! It was during the Apocalyptic Time that he showed himself in all his glory, which is why Xi Yu was glad to find a female teacher.

True, the fencing teacher, in addition to his younger sister, also has a father. But after thinking a little and looking at the detailed information collected by Rias, Xi Yu decided to make an exception.

Sylvia van Hossen: Age – 21 years. Family composition: Father, younger sister. Personality – A stern girl with high standards, she has difficulty expressing her feelings and is better at acting than talking. (Fencing teacher)

Vincent van Hossen: Age – 39 years. Family composition: Two daughters. Character – Always calm and collected, not prone to violent expressions of emotions.

Maria van Hossen: Age – 11 years. Family composition - Father, Elder sister. Personality – Cheerful, energetic, inquisitive, kind-hearted. He loves his father very much, clinging to him all the time.

The art of fencing is better than other types of melee weapons precisely because of sharp and precise attacks. In the future, with repeated evolution and mutation, monsters will appear so strong and impenetrable to conventional weapons that there is no point in trying to chop them down. Sharp, precise blows to the monster's weak points are needed, and of all types of weapons and martial arts, the most suitable for such actions are arrows and rapier piercing attacks.

(Do not confuse training rapiers with real ones! A training rapier looks like this)

(Standard: Rapier with dagger.)

(Real masterfully crafted rapier)

(Fencers carry a dagger just in case)

*Ding* *Ding*

- Hello? - a calm voice came from the phone receiver.

"Hello Mr. Setoshi, my name is Xi Yu and I would like to hire your organization," Xi Yu said in a businesslike tone, sitting in the Bunker Command Center.

- Hello Mr. Xi Yu, may I know the reasons why you contacted us? - asked Setoshi.

- I turned to you because of your reputation. I was attracted by the fact that you are ready for any work that does not violate the law, without asking unnecessary questions. And of course, I need absolute confidentiality after it's completed! - said Xi Yu.

- In this case, you have found exactly who you need, all our employees have signed contracts accordingly! There will be no information leakage, I can assure you of that! When and how many people do you need? - Setoshi asked in an interested tone.

"I need as many people as you can spare, the sooner the better," Xi Yu said calmly.

- Hm... I think it's better for us to meet and discuss all the details in person! - Setoshi said, taken aback.

Xi Yu needs Setoshi's services precisely because of the cargo that arrived from the Military Base in Arizona.