
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 8 Loading AI Matz!

Having parked at the entrance and getting out of the car, they were met by Ingrid already waiting.

- Secretary Xue, did no one tell you that you were created for this job? - Xi Yu said as soon as they approached Ingrid, who was meeting them.

- Is this some kind of sarcasm? Mister Zhu! - Ingrid muttered dissatisfiedly.

- You're wrong, I meant that you're doing an incredibly good job. Just looking at how many walls were built in just 11 days, I was shocked. I think they'll get it done even in less than a month," Xi Yu said, seriously admiring the work Ingrid has done.

- Besides, to fully equip the 3 lower floors in 11 days... How did you achieve this? - Xi Yu asked without understanding, continuing his walk through the bunker, accompanied by Eva and Ingrid.

- Well, I just gave the task and deadlines, greed for big money works wonders. Well, I think by offering them 10 times the normal construction fee, we awarded them a very significant incentive. In addition, I made each of the construction companies sign a contract. Their speed is definitely related to treaty sanctions. After all, if they do not meet the agreed deadlines, they will have to pay a tenfold penalty! - Ingrid responded feigning indifference.

Although she managed to deceive Eve with her indifference, she could not hide from Xi Yu. After all, his supernaturally heightened 5 senses and a quite decent sixth (Intuition due to the Power of the Soul) made it possible to capture much of what ordinary people and even animals are simply incapable of. He immediately noticed that Ingrid felt pleasure from his praise and appreciation of her work.

"Let's look at the 8th and 9th floors at the same time," Xi Yu said, pressing on the 8th floor, as soon as they entered the elevator.

Coming out on the 8th floor, Xi Yu and his lovely escort began to walk around the entire floor. Having visited the dining room, Xi Yu noticed that not only the room itself was bright, clean and well designed, but even the tables and chairs were very beautiful and comfortable.

The low-temperature warehouse based on rack structures is fully equipped and ready for use, and the freezers are automated and ready to store food. But Xi Yu decided to fill warehouses and freezers with fresh food 2-3 days before the Apocalypse, so that it could be stored longer.

After inspecting the 8th floor, they went down to the 9th floor. And if no questions arose with the arrangement of the command center, then as soon as they visited the living area of ​​the floor, Eve began to frown.

The rooms have expensive luxurious furniture, silk bedding, and carpets made of high-quality material.

The guest rooms have the same luxurious furniture, carpets, home theaters and air conditioning, and the bathrooms have large massage Jacuzzis.

The kitchens had a lot of expensive crystal dishes, electrical appliances, and the kitchen itself was very luxurious.

- What wastefulness, what is the point of such luxury in a bunker? - Seeing this whole situation, Eva said in an offensive tone.

- Well, you just don't believe and underestimate the Apocalypse. When you've seen enough of all this crap all day and want to relax a little, you'll understand that these optional luxurious little things are quite good at relaxing and relieving stress," Xi Yu said calmly, he understood perfectly well that neither Ingrid nor Eva believed that it would start soon.

- What the hell? Do you mean zombies? - Eva said sarcastically.

- No, I'm not talking about zombies, you get used to them over time. I'm talking about cannibalism, pedophilia, necrophilia and other crap. After half a year or a year, simple rape will no longer be considered illegal. You will be able to walk around the base and hear cries for help from a rape victim, and the thoughts "It's okay!", "Defenders of humanity, somehow need to relieve stress!" will pop up in your head. "This is the kind of crap I'm talking about," Xi Yu said, and Ingrid and Eva opened their mouths in shock looking at him.

- How so? Will rape no longer be illegal? What about morality? The government could not allow this to happen! - Eva said indignantly, and Ingrid silently agreed with her words.

- Government? Haha, what a joke. The government of the whole world will be helpless, and because of the Apocalypse, if they do not become obedient, they will be slaughtered by their own subordinates. Who are the presidents? These are old, helpless, weak people; killing them is like crushing an egg. Who wants to be ordered around by some helpless old man? Subordinates will understand not on the first day, but on the second that nothing will happen to them for this. No one will know, and if they find out, no one will care!

- And those few Ministers and Generals who have honest, trustworthy people around them will end badly out of concern for ordinary people or will become crueler to keep the situation under control and will be overthrown as villains. Only those Generals and Ministers who know how to intimidate well and scratch their tongues will remain. And over time, they themselves will begin to consider themselves the government, and these fat pigs will do things much more cruel than rape.

- For example, a member of the current Japanese cabinet, Kazuhiko Hayakawa, will become a pedophile. And after 8 years of the Apocalypse, it will be accidentally revealed that he kidnapped and raped little girls, and when they bothered him, lost their minds or behaved like lifeless ones, he simply killed them.

- And there are countless such cases, everyone went crazy in their own way. Are you talking to me about waste? The Top Management of the Base and members of their families will live here, who I need rested and reasonable - at the end of the explanation, Xi Yu said, looking at Eve.

- Phew... What a nightmare you had... - Ingrid said with a sad sigh.

- But if this Apocalypse had begun, could everything have been as you say? How did it happen that people became worse than the beast? - Eve asked cautiously with doubt.

- Everything is quite simple, you just need to visit the victim's place, or see with your own eyes what will happen there. Everywhere you turn you see death, it's good if it's someone else's, but often also the death of loved ones - Xi Yu said, deciding to enlighten Eva and Ingrid a little, heading towards the elevator.

"In such an environment, the worldview quickly changes and people who have experienced difficulties quickly adapt, accepting the reality in which the law of the jungle reigns, "The strong eats the weak," Xi Yu said as he entered the elevator with Ingrid and Eva and pressed the 10th floor.

- Stress accumulates, constant feelings of irritation and fear turn into paranoia. There is nowhere to hide, and even people are not a fact that they are your allies. If you have female family members, then without power, it's good if they are simply raped, but if they are turned into public cattle... Letting them go in circles... - going out on the 10th floor and checking the "Electric Energy Storage Stations" , continue your lecture Xi Yu. And no matter how strange it may seem, neither Eva nor Ingrid interrupted.

- The pain of seeing what happens in such a situation with people close to you makes you want revenge, your heart hardens, and if you are weak in spirit, it is easy to go crazy. This vicious circle affects everyone! Even those who have no one cannot escape the stress of the madness going on around them. So you have to choose: Die, harden your heart or go crazy? - After checking the Electric Energy Storage Station, Xi Yu, Ingrid and Eva approached the place for which they came to the bunker today.

- If you want to preserve humanity and help those suffering, you need Power! Without it, you will simply die pointlessly. But what kind of Power can we talk about if even people with the "Hero" profession become vile and rotten, and yet they are much stronger than simple "Warriors"! - Xi Yu said approaching the Central Artificial Intelligence Server Matz.

- But the most unpleasant thing is that rotten communities are always stronger and kill many times more zombies than those in which there are righteous people or at least people with principles. And all because in the bases under the supervision of the righteous, ordinary people do not see or feel the cruelty of others," said Xi Yu, attaching the activation key to the AI ​​"Matz", thereby turning it on.

-They cling to morality and human rights! They do not undergo natural selection and do not fight for anything! Simply taking advantage of the kindness of naive righteous people and leading to the destruction of their own base - Xi Yu finished speaking while waiting for the AI ​​"Matz" to load.

- Hmm. Are you saying that if the Apocalypse passes, it's better to become rotten? - Ingrid said hesitantly, and Eve also became interested, after which she looked at Xi Yu, waiting for an answer.

- Well, I think there are only 2 options here: Either become rotten and support chaos, caring only that your warriors are strong. Or a cruel dictator, and keep everything and everyone under your complete control! If you come up with a third way, I'll be happy to listen," Xi Yu said, looking at the 38% load on the Matz AI.

"You can just live as before, only with the difference that you have to exterminate zombies," Ingrid expressed her opinion.

- How naive. Let's not even take into account those who have problems with food, water and much more. Take for example you and me on this already fully equipped base. Who will exterminate the zombies? - Xi Yu continued in an instructive tone.

"Well, let's recruit military personnel to the base before the apocalypse starts, and when it starts, we'll go against the zombies," Eve suggested the idea.

- Fine! So we recruited military personnel, let's say not many 100 people. I won't even stutter about 1000! We have 100 military men at our base, the Apocalypse has begun! Will you both be at this base too? - turning to Eve and Ingrid, Xi Yu asked.

- Well, yes, where else should we be? - Ingrid asked incomprehensibly.

- And so 101 men and 2 sexy women. End of the world. There is no government, and with it the police and laws... Should I continue in general? I assure you! No one would let you die! You would have known the kindness and cruelty of the whole hundred, and they would have made a hole in the back of my head. Or worse, knocked out and tied up, forcing them to watch this fun entertainment from their point of view - said Xi Yu, and Eva and Ingrid flinched at every word he said.

- Y-you turn everything into a negative light! Why would the military do this? - Eve said, not wanting to believe Xi Yu's words.

- You are a woman, I am a man. I'll tell you this, even if I'm a military man. The Apocalypse has arrived, hungry dead people are running around in the street. Today I am, but tomorrow I may not be! It is inherent in human genetics that in the event of mortal danger, he must continue the family line. In other words, when there is a danger of sex, you want even more than usual, and here are 2 sexy girls and 100 soldiers! Die like this with music! - Xi Yu calmly explained his point of view, and the loading of the AI ​​"Matz" showed 73%.

- And if not so, then in the army there are always those who subordinate and obey. An authoritative military man will take control of this entire base, and no one will listen to you and me! And when he has everything under control, the best thing that awaits you is warming his bed alone. But it won't work out that way, because he won't be able to rule with just a whip. He'll just play enough and give his carrots to his subordinates, I don't think there's any need to explain how this will end, - Xi Yu calmly enlightened Eva and Ingrid.

- What if we don't take the military? And take, for example, security guards or construction workers and with them... - Ingrid was about to offer another option, but was interrupted.

- Stop it Secretary Xue, this will end the same way. If you don't have power over those you invite here, then your word will be just one of many. The fact that it is your booker will not interest anyone. The strongest and most authoritative will simply group together and civil strife will begin until one leader appears for all. And to be a good leader in times like these you need a hard stick and a sweet carrot. The hard stick is manifestations of cruelty and instilling fear, and the sweet carrot is at least allowing subordinates to take women by force and release the stress that has accumulated in them. "Don't rack your brains, in a month you'll see everything for yourself," Xi Yu said, waiting for the load to reach 99%.