
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 29

- Level 1. Profession - "Saint", Trait - Mercy, Luck 16 - Ingrid said timidly, with reddened cheeks, she was embarrassed to pronounce Saint.

- Holy... How lucky! - Xi Yu said excitedly, rejoicing like a child, simply unable to contain his emotions.

- What kind of profession is this, "Saint"? - Eva asked curiously, voicing everyone's silent question.

- This profession is given only to women, and the rarity of its appearance is even greater than even "Hero"! If you pump it out, then you won't have to worry about wounds, parasites, diseases, zombie bites and scratches, and even severed limbs! This profession will replace all doctors! - Xi Yu said excitedly.

After hearing this, everyone was filled with surprise and joy to have such an ally on their side in such turbulent times. And Ophelia, as Ingrid's sister, feeling proud of her sister, was more happy than anyone else.

- How can she cure parasites if it is not a disease? - Fumiko asked curiously.

- She will have a skill, "Purification"! It cleanses of everything foreign in the human body, even dirt and toxins in the body. She will be able to remove even controlling effects from a person such as hypnosis, curses, puppets, etc. and so on. - Xi Yu said with excitement.

- And can you also get rid of the "Lawyer" ability through a contract? - Ophelia asked with interest.

She didn't ask in order to get rid of the contract. She needed to know if Xi Yu could continue to trust her after the contract was verified if Ingrid could clear her at any time.

- No. The contract is not a negative impact. In order for a contract to be certified by a Lawyer, it must be signed without any objection, either conscious or unconscious.

- It is impossible to certify a contract that is signed by force; only through a transaction showing the will to sign on both sides is the contract valid.

- When Saeko signed the contract, she showed a desire to sign it in order to protect you and herself from my possible obsession with lust.

"She herself was hardly worried that I would harm her in any way other than lust, even if she was my slave."

"And if she experienced unconscious reluctance, then the contract would simply crumble and disappear without taking place," Xi Yu explained in detail, knowing that in the future this information could be useful to them.

- Okay, next one! - Xi Yu said in anticipation.

- Level 2. Profession – "Cyber ​​Babylon", Trait – Diligence, Luck 8 – Eve said with interest about Xi Yu's opinion on her profession.

"Well, I'm not particularly familiar with your profession... But in a past life, there wasn't a single person who didn't know about you and your divine abilities in cyber reality," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- Did you also know me in a past life? - Eva asked in surprise, and the others became interested.

- I repeat, everyone knew you! This is not a metaphor! I'm talking about all the survivors in the world! You were the first to connect all countries through the network and unite them into one front through the network!

- Also, you, and several other people similar to your profession, created many things that saved many lives. Hand in hand with civil and mechanical engineers, you created everything from the simplest livitizing stretcher, similar to a flying carpet from fairy tales, to robots...

- But what made you famous most of all was the Wisdom network you created. Thanks to it, it was possible to buy any useful information, from the location, weaknesses and types of monsters, to who has what skills and how many people with the "Hero" profession serve a particular base! - Xi Yu enlightened Eve about her contribution to humanity.

- Did I take money for information? - Eva asked in surprise.

- Yes. You weren't very kind to people then... During the Apocalypse, something happened to you that no one knew for sure.

- There were many rumors about your biography, some said that you were just an evil old woman, and others that you were a victim of violence by a pervert or torture by a maniac.

- But the fact that you introduced virtual currency for information is even better. Because in order to get information, you needed the currency of your network, and you could only get it by selling you information... Thanks to which the information of the "Wisdom" network was constantly replenished and expanded, and was not kept secret from others - he told in detail what he knew Xi Yu talks about Eve's past life actions to inspire her to create such a network now.

- You shouldn't think about bad things! Maybe the rumors that something bad happened to you were just your excuse for not meeting people.

"In the Apocalypse, if there is no one to rely on, even the "Hero" may disappear forever," Xi Yu continued to share information.

"But you said that "Hero" is the strongest profession, and that "Warrior", even in numbers, is not a threat to the Hero," Saeko asked with interest.

- This was a way for different recruiting bases for the "Hero" professions. Each "Hero" for the base is like a nuclear weapon for the country, the more there are, the more dangerous and stronger they are! If the "Hero" rejected the invitation to join this or that base, then other Heroes were sent down on him like hounds, so that if I didn't get this nuclear weapon, then it would be better if no one got it... - remembering something, sadly Xi Yu said.

- How did they find out who's profession was "Hero"? - Ophelia became interested.

- There are many skills that allow you to check the status of another person, as well as hide your own. But it is useless to hide your status, for the reason that you need to spend "Skill Points" on this.

- How many "Skill Points" will you spend on, for example, "Hiding Information". A person needs to spend the same amount of "Skill Points" on a skill, for example "Evaluation", in order to detect your status...


- But the fact is that Base Leaders raise sixes who spend all their "Skill Points" on, for example, "Evaluation"!

- In general, this is an exorbitant waste of "Skill Points" even for the "Hero" profession! - Xi Yu described in detail the tricks of identification.

- OK! It doesn't matter now, there will be time to talk about it later. Next! - Xi Yu said, driving away sad thoughts.

"Level 9. Profession – "Hero", Trait – Predator, Luck 12," Saeko said boldly, expecting praise.

- Wow! Well done! Our base now has a "Hero"! - Xi Yu said surprised and happy, not at all stingy in his praise of Saeko, because the profession "Hero" in the statistics registered in Xi Yu's past life had a ratio of 1x14,231 people. With 14-15 thousand survivors, only 1 "Hero" appears!

Hearing Xi Yu's praise, surprisingly it was Ophelia who was the most happy and proud of all, she stuck out her chest so much that Xi Yu simply could not help but slide over her several times, which did not go unnoticed by more than one of the girls, who unconsciously looked at their wealth, which Xi Yu had already noticed.

- Hmm... Next! - Xi Yu said, clearing his throat to get rid of awkwardness, in high spirits.

"Level 9. Profession – "Hero", Trait – Justice, Luck 14," Sylvia said in a voice as if she were telling a report on her training.

-... - Xi Yu was taken aback, not expecting one, but two "Heroes" at all!

- Did you know that each "Hero" appears in the ratio of 1 to 14-15 thousand people? - Xi Yu said still not believing his luck.

- Wow! Really? - Eve and Ophelia said in surprise.

- Yes... And the fact that our base with 7 members of the Supreme Management has two professions "Hero" seems like a fairy tale in reality... - Xi Yu said, no longer able to be surprised.

- Maria is also a "Hero"... - Sylvia said uncertainly.

-... - Now Xi Yu simply didn't know what was happening here! First "Perfect Leader" then "Saint"! And now there are 3 "Hero" professions! Unconsciously, Xi Yu looked at the last person who did not introduce his profession.

"I'm not a "Hero", moreover, my profession sounds kind of strange... I would even say ominous... - Fumiko answered dejectedly, afraid of criticism due to her weak self-esteem.

- Speak up, you are the last one. Whatever your profession, it will not change the fact that you are one of us. And you will still remain a member of the Supreme Management of the Dictator base! - Xi Yu said confidently, it was not pity, it was his responsibility!

Hearing what Xi Yu said, each of the girls could not help but nod in approval of his attitude in such a situation.

- Level 2. Profession – "K-Bloody Blacksmith", Feature – Passion, Luck 9 - Fumiko said uncertainly, stumbling on the ominous word "Bloody".


-... - Hearing what Fumiko said, Xi Yu jumped up from his seat!

This behavior of Xi Yu caused bewilderment to everyone except Fumiko, she was not perplexed like the others, but rather was frightened by Xi Yu's reaction.

- It can't be... There were only two "Bloody Smith" professions in the world! And every person on the planet knew them! They even fought wars with other bases for them! But Fumiko was not among these two! One was from Germany, and the second from China... Perhaps by that time... - Xi Yu, walking from side to side in excitement, unable to sit still, spoke to himself, thinking out loud.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, those present were shocked! And the most shocked was Fumiko! There are two people in the whole world, and she is the third!

- Xi Yu, is this a good or bad profession? - Still unconvinced, not wanting to be reassured in vain, Fumiko asked.

- Good? Ahahahahaha - Xi Yu asked as if in sarcasm, laughing maniacally.

- This is not just a good profession! This is the profession of the most gifted blacksmith in the world!

- The weapon that can be created by someone with the Bloodsmith profession is the most desirable in the world!

- The first person whose blood is shed on such a weapon becomes its owner forever! After the death of the owner, the weapon crumbles into dust!

- The owner feels the weapon as an extension of his limbs, and can also conduct his Energy of the Universe, making it, if necessary, lighter, heavier, sharper and stronger than it actually is!

- But the most important thing is that such weapons can develop by absorbing various ores saturated with energy and other rare materials, thereby becoming even stronger, and even gaining their own abilities! Now tell me, is this a good profession or not? - Xi Yu said with a smile, seeing how Fumiko's eyes glow with the desire to create such a weapon, forgetting about all worries and other extraneous thoughts.

But Xi Yu noticed that not only Fumiko's eyes were glowing, the eyes of Sylvia and Saeko were burning with desire no less than herself. Having a weapon to grow with is every bladed weapon fan's dream. And since Saeko and Sylvia carried weapons and worked with them even before the Apocalypse, their desire to receive such a weapon was no less than Fumiko's desire to create it!

"Phew... Today you all really surprised me... Having such professions, our base will flourish even without relying on too many people... Although I have plans to make a base from all of Tokyo..." Xi Yu said thoughtfully , and Ophelia, Ingrid and Eva, listening attentively to him, were surprised to think about such a big project.

- What about the features? - Ophelia, who woke up, asked a question that worried her.

- Features are so far simply a reflection of your nature in the eyes of the "Calling" System, and you can receive your reward for these features only at level 10 and above. But in short, this is what you will be good at and the direction in which your abilities will develop... - Xi Yu explained without going into details.

- Are you saying... That I'm good at Deception? - Ophelia asked dejectedly.

- Knowing you... I would say in deception itself, but oh well, you'll figure it out later yourself "Tsundere" Ophelia - good-naturedly, out of a good mood, Xi Yu egged on Ophelia.

- Okay, what about blue-collar professions? Who has what profession? Is there a "Civil Engineer" among them? - Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- They... They have not yet activated their "Calling" System, since they have not yet reached the limit in attributes. We started a day earlier and only finished yesterday, and many of them still need a day or two," Ophelia reported, since she had been replacing Xi Yu as leader all this time.

-Are you KIDDING SO? Today is the 11th! Maximum 14 they will all turn into zombies! At the very least, it can start right now!

- A non-activated System protects us from the Fel of only the first wave! And the second should have already begun to spread!

- Have you sent messages to other people about what awaits them if they don't start killing zombies? Xi Yu asked excitedly.

- I... I-I didn't know! You said 2 weeks! - Ophelia said in a panic, imagining how all the members of the base turned into zombies.

- Rias! Immediately inform everyone at the base to dress in the "Ekvip" combat suit! And choose the right weapon for yourself from the 76th warehouse. If they resist, tell them that in 3 days maximum, and minimum already now, everyone who has not killed at least one zombie will turn into a zombie themselves, including children.

- If they gather now, members of the Higher Management will help them, if not, they will be locked in their own rooms until they are transformed! - Having strictly instructed Rias, Xi Yu looked at Ophelia with disappointment.

- They are from working professions, they do not need to achieve the last, most difficult 0.1 attribute.

- Did I say that we have a week or a week and a half to activate the system?

- Do you think I was in vain saying to hurry up with training and activate the system in advance?

- You are punished for negligence as a Leader!

- A leader is one whose decisions affect the survival of an entire base! Every mistake you make, even the most insignificant one, can now or in the future lead to the death of one or hundreds of thousands of people!

- The punishment will be two days of house arrest, and reading useful information on how to be a good Leader. Free! - Xi Yu said in a stern, tough, serious voice.

Everyone in the hall fell silent and even Saeko did not dare to intervene, thinking that a reprimand in such a serious matter should benefit Ofelia.

Ophelia was at first taken aback, and then blushed with shame at what Xi Yu said to her. No one had ever reprimanded her like that in her life, but Xi Yu's words were not a joke at all, which is why she couldn't and didn't want to argue, knowing that she hadn't paid enough attention to this issue.

Xi Yu did this for three reasons:

Firstly, to knock her down from her arrogance and relaxed state, which in the Apocalypse is tantamount to death, and in the case of the Leader, the death of the entire base.

Secondly, so that she would feel responsible and what her actions in this position could lead to.

Thirdly, in order to inform her. That her cool profession is not a guarantee that she will become a wonderful leader.

- Rias, broadcast information over all loudspeakers in Tokyo about the need to kill at least one zombie, otherwise they will all become zombies, not today or tomorrow.

- Also transmit this information via satellites to all countries and people you can reach.

- The survival of humanity is at stake... The more who survive, the greater the chance of resistance...

- Everyone except the punished one follows me! Today we will increase levels - issued a series of orders for Rias, Xi Yu headed towards the elevator, wanting to personally take part in the leveling.

- By the way... What do I have? - Xi Yu muttered and mentally said "Status," as a window of his status appeared in front of him, causing him to be shocked and stunned.