
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 27

"..." Hearing what Rias said, all the people outside were shocked. Residents of the Saitama district seemed to have their suspicions confirmed. And the indignant middle-aged woman felt like an even bigger fool, communicating and arguing with a simple program.

-Can we talk to your management? - the middle-aged woman asked again.

- According to the rules of the Dictator base. You can submit a request, or solve your problems by voicing them to me. But you have no right to demand anything from members of the Dictator base. We do not force you to join the Dictator base, it is your own choice. We provide Medical Treatment, Food, Water, Shelter and Security, and in return we receive complete submission! If you want to talk about the emotion of humanity, former human rights laws, etc. and so on. "It's better for you to look for shelter elsewhere," Rias said in a monotonous voice.

- How so? Having such a fortress, do they feel sorry for a corner for our handful of people? - the brave old man said bitterly.

- Complete submission? Do they want slaves? - the young guy said indignantly.

- What if they use us as cannon fodder? - said a middle-aged man with fear.

- What if they want to violate our bodies? - the young girl said with fear.

- People! Kind people! Calm down! As long as our Lord is with us, we are not afraid of the bad weather prepared by Fate. I assure you that as soon as the people living here believe in the pure thoughts of our Lord, they will know virtue! - said a middle-aged man with excitement.

- Yes! Surely God is with us! - Hundreds of ordinary people began to repeat enthusiastically.

- God's Apostle is absolutely right! They just need to believe and know the Blessing of God! And then virtue towards one's neighbor will be born in them," said another believer.

After digging around a bit to collect their belongings, people began to enter the territory of the Dictator base, agreeing to submit to the local authorities.

As soon as they entered the territory of the base, a fantastic picture opened before them. They even began to feel as if they were in another world!

An endless area with many structures. A 30 meter ceiling covering all 16 square kilometers.

Tens of thousands of new generation LED lamps, the "LED31" series, shone on the ceiling, creating the feeling of being flooded with light.\

- Please don't leave. Before you are finally accepted, you will have to undergo a medical examination. Since this is an Apocalypse not only of zombies, but also of evolution, there is a possibility that a parasite has settled in your body and is undergoing evolution - as soon as the last person entered the base, Rias announced the first task.

- Evolution? Parasites? What are you speaking about? - people began to shout restlessly.

- At each Haloterminal on the territory, all information will be available to you after you become members of the base. And now I ask you not to fuss and line up. To the medical center building, located 943 meters to your right, for a thorough examination of your body - Rias gave the first order to the recruits.

Having no choice, people began to follow Rias' orders. Having lined up and passing through the disinfection gate, 10 people at a time, people began to undergo a medical examination.

The first they met was a middle-aged woman who was sitting at a table in the reception area. She asked them questions and wrote out directions with room numbers, and Rias entered what they said into the database, thereby filling out their medical cards.

Afterwards, they went to the offices where doctors with the latest medical equipment were already waiting for them. Taking tests and undergoing body scans with various modern electrical devices like MRI, FLG, X-ray and many others, people left, and others came in instead.

After 3 hours of examination, 8 people were identified with parasites in their bodies, who had already passed the initial stage of growth and were moving to the middle stage.


And when Rias began to show in detail hologram slides of the parasites and describe in detail their supposed evolution. Based on the data obtained from advanced equipment and diagnoses of specialists in their professions living on the Dictator base.

All the refugees shuddered with fear, this caused such horror and panic that some people vomited and even lost consciousness.

As a result, it was decided that those 8 people should be placed in quarantine wards for treatment, removing parasites from the body or killing them directly in the human body.

The rest were settled in barracks, explaining the rules of the Dictator base and providing access to available public information through Haloterminals.

After which everyone took a bath and changed into military uniform, the wearing of which was stipulated in the rules of stay at the base.

In the evening, food was prepared and distributed for everyone, and the training course that Rias compiled was also described in detail.

Some were outraged at being forced to do such a useless thing as grueling training in the Apocalypse. The dispute flared up to the point where a riot almost broke out.

But the beginnings of this rebellion were quickly suppressed. As soon as a warning shot was fired from the MK4/2 machine gun. Which turned out to be attached to a structure supporting solar panels, and was located at a height of 10 meters above the ground.

Rias, according to the regulations, immediately read out the options that they could either leave or submit! After which there were no more objections and everyone went to rest in their beds, waiting for tomorrow's harsh day.

Late in the evening, Ingrid checked on Xi Yu, but he still did not wake up, and almost a day had passed. Although she knew that everything was fine with him, for some reason this did not console her.

She herself could not understand her feelings for him. At first, she thought it was just family affection, but when yesterday Eva and Sylvia said that if Xi Yu ordered them, they would not resist...

This created in her a feeling of jealousy and reluctance that she could no longer perceive as family affection. You can deceive others, but how can you deceive yourself...

Time passed, but Xi Yu did not wake up. Almost 2 days passed like this.

During this time, Ingrid, Ophelia, Eva, Maria and Vincent reached the limit and also received the system. After which we even leveled up to level 1-2, without taking much risk.

But Saeko and Sylvia, on the contrary, killed zombies in droves. Saeko had 49 zombies on her account and today became level 9, and Sylvia was doing a little worse, she had 38 zombies on her account and moved to level 8.

Saeko had experience in killing, and they killed not so much to raise the level, but for training.

We tried to fight as many zombies as possible at the same time, wanting to test what they were capable of.

If it had been before the Apocalypse, they would not have had a chance against 3 zombies, but now they were fighting a crowd of 50 zombies and were elusive to them.

After the characteristics have increased by 80% - 90% from 8-9 levels, 0.1 in each attribute.

They rose from 1 unit. up to 1.8 - 1.9, respectively, feeling at the same time invincible and omnipotent.

Their attributes were almost like 2 of the most powerful people on planet earth in one!

And since Rias made them wear the "Ekvip" battle suit, they decided to get used to their new abilities.

Everyone unanimously decided to wait at least one week to level up to level 10.

And if Xi Yu doesn't wake up, then they will continue to raise the levels.

Because they were afraid that by leveling up above level 9 they would violate some of Xi Yu's training plans for them. For the same reason, they did not distribute the accumulated Attributes.

Morning. 11 (Eleventh) day of the Apocalypse.

Xi Yu woke up in a great mood and a wonderful state of mind!

After getting out of bed, taking a shower and brushing his teeth, Xi Yu went to the dining room and had a snack.

After which, in an excellent mood, he went to the Command Center, communicating with Rias along the way.

When the girls learned from Rias about Xi Yu's awakening and complete restoration, they were delighted.

Even Ophelia and Saeko were happy about this news. Although they disliked and felt hostility towards men. Xi Yu, to their surprise, instilled in them more security and trust than disgust and dislike.

- How do you feel? - Ingrid was the first to get to the Command Center and spoke to Xi Yu.

- Thank you. Now everything is all right. What new happened while I was out? - asked Xi Yu, without looking up from the hologram on which he read the documents received from Rias.

- Is that all you can tell me after almost becoming... Crazy? - Ingrid asked, angry and frowning at such a disregardful attitude from Xi Yu.

- Miss Xue. What do you want to hear? "Oh, it was so hard and painful for me..." Or maybe "I was afraid that I would lose myself, and when or if I opened my eyes, I would see that I was left all alone, and everyone else was already dead..."? I don't see the point in empty whining. It's better to spend this time usefully for the future development of the base and it's time to start compacting its foundation and the "Calling" System itself for everyone! - Xi Yu said, looking up from the documents and looking at the gloomy Ingrid.

- How long will you continue to address me as "Miss Xue"? Why do you address Ophelia by her first name, but continue to address me as a stranger? - Ingrid asked offendedly.

-Have you forgotten what you said to me the day we met? - Xi Yu said, looking at Ingrid with a smile.

Ingrid was shocked by what Xi Yu said and tried to remember what she said then. But it was so long ago that it seems like an eternity has passed for her. And at their first meeting she did not have the best opinion of him.

- I see you don't remember. But I so carefully follow the orders you gave then. I quote: "Whatever you fantasize about, but remember, boy! If you even once allow unprofessional treatment, a look or an attitude... I will push you into the same nursery from which you crawled out, and it doesn't matter what grandpa says!" As you may have noticed, I didn't have to be pushed into the nursery from which I came out," Xi Yu said with a smile.

It was his long-standing resentment that lay hidden and did not want to go away. That day, his pride suffered from Ingrid's words. He promised himself that until Ingrid apologized for what she said that day, he would behave with her like a cyborg without showing an ounce of emotion. And today, for some reason unknown to him, he boldly faced his shameful childhood resentment and told it like it was.

Although Xi Yu understood that this was no longer the 21-year-old Xue Ingrid he met, he still wanted to hear from her at least "Sorry, I said rashly."

Due to the constant difficulties that Ingrid had to endure during 4 years of assassination attempts by a competitive company, she matured a lot and changed both in character and temperament. And the passive influence of Xi Yu living and working with her should not be underestimated. Thus, she turned from a capricious, arrogant girl into a kind, gentle, and when necessary, tough and serious girl.

- I... I... I don't remember this! - Ingrid said in disbelief and confusion, not noticing how Xi Yu turned away and continued to look through the documents.

- How could I tell you this? This... I... I almost died then, and grandfather sent me you... - Ingrid began to remember diligently, but when she remembered, she turned pale, and regret appeared on her face.

- Sorry Xi Yu! It's just that I was very scared then, and when I saw that my beloved grandfather, instead of a couple of three battle-hardened warriors, sent a green boy... I... I didn't mean to, excuse me, please... - coming closer to Xi Yu and, unable to restrain herself and grabbing his hand as if afraid that he would run away, Ingrid began to beg for an apology.





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