
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 26

- And so, the virtue of Love is the first of the human virtues. Those who do not have love do not know how to bring happiness to their loved ones. She reveals talents that people sometimes don't even know about. Heals the soul from mistrust, loneliness, greed. Gives: Insight to the lover to see a lot of good where the indifferent sees only emptiness. Strength to overcome any obstacles. Freedom to bring out the best in a person. Joy from life, events and communication with people. I believe in the best! - Ophelia read with interest, wanting to choose this particular virtue for Xi Yu.

- I am for the virtue of "Love", this will suit him well. Especially in combination with the sin of "Fornication". So at least he will be responsible for his adventures - after she finished reading, Ophelia expressed her opinion.

"I'm in favor too," everyone else answered.

- I'm against it. "Love" clouds the mind and distracts from the goal. It is also a weakness and often makes you think illogically. A lover can sacrifice millions of people for the sake of his beloved and without the main emotion of the virtue of "Love", and what can he do with it... And love goes not only to loved ones, but also to one's neighbor, and in the Apocalypse to love one's neighbor... - Rias expressed her opinion.

- But imagine how much chaos he will cause with his lust! Without love, he will dispose of his loved ones like toys! - Ophelia said in a stern voice, turning to Rias, and not noticing at all that Xi Yu spoke about love not "to her beloved," but "to her loved ones."

- You are all forgetting, we choose to defame his emotions. These are the emotions that will prevail over the rest. This does not mean at all that he cannot love, be angry or hate - Rias said monotonously.

The girls immediately woke up and, thinking, realized that they were very focused on the choice.

The discussion over Xi Yu's virtues continued for a very long time and reached the point where Rias rejected almost every virtue with criticism, until only "Persistence", "Industriousness" and "Courage" remained!

- If you add "Industriousness" to his "Fornication", it will not end well! And it's not worth talking about "Perseverance", what was missing was that he would perceive refusal as a challenge... - Ophelia objected, against 2 of the 3 options of virtues approved by Rias.

- How about "Courage"? - Eve expressed her opinion, for some reason she also didn't want her hard work to extend to Xi Yu's sex drive.

- Bravery is the determination and courage to resist fear and control over fear, not the absence of fear! The ability to soberly assess the situation and oneself in it, to overcome emotions (fear, uncertainty, etc.). A brave person has enough courage to take responsibility for his actions, while a coward avoids responsibility or makes excuses! Only brave people win battles and rule states in times of change.

Courage is one of the best volitional and moral qualities inherent in a person! It is from courage that comes the willingness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's loved ones. A daredevil knows what is worth "laying down one's life for" and what can simply be overlooked. Knows how to take the first step and lead others, soberly assessing the risks in any situation. He is able to fight and not give up no matter what!

Courage is strength. A brave person does not need self-affirmation; he firmly and calmly knows what he is capable of. He has: Independence from the opinions of the crowd. Self-confidence. Freedom from the oppressive feeling of fear. The will to make and implement difficult decisions. Full concentration in an extreme situation - Ophelia read aloud to everyone present.

-Won't he be overly brave? Throwing yourself into dangerous places without caring for your own life? - Ingrid asked worriedly.

- Your judgment is clouded by anxiety. Bravery is the determination and courage to resist and control fear! And not the ABSENCE of it! If simply fear does not lead his body into an incapacitated state or his thoughts into chaos. It will be just as effective in the dying moments of life as it will be effective in everyday life," Rias explained, reassuring Ingrid.

- I think the virtue "Courage" is not bad. If it allows him to take responsibility for his actions rather than avoid it... I vote "Yes" to "Courage"! - Ophelia expressed her opinion, and the other girls also liked this virtue.

Thus, "Fornication" was chosen as the supporting Emotion of Sin, and "Courage" as the supporting Emotion of virtue. The entire discussion took 4 hours! Most of the time was spent arguing with Rias, where logically she always won, but emotionally she did not understand anything.

2 hours later Xi Yu woke up.

[Please make your choice!]

[Please make your choice!]

"Rias, which emotion to choose between virtue and sin?" - Xi Yu, who had just woken up, said in an irritated tone. Feeling suppressed, incomparable to anything experienced so far, from the chaos of emotions, which were dominated by anger and irritation from the constant messages of the "Calling" System.

"Mr. Xi Yu, the following Emotions were generally recognized: the sin of "Fornication" and the virtue of "Courage," Rias said tenderly.

Without hesitation, choosing the virtue and sin that Rias said, Xi Yu felt his position in space spinning, and his vision darkening, after which he once again lost consciousness.

In the next morning. Gym. 8:32.

- Phew, I... phew... I'm at the limit of all characteristics, that's for sure! They don't want to get up anymore, no matter how exhausted I am! - Ophelia said, sweating and panting, turning to Ingrid, who was lying nearby and panting.

- Why are you so gloomy? Rias said that everything is fine, he's just passed out again - Ophelia said, noticing her sister's frown.

- I know... But how will everything turn out now? Will he be the same or will he become a sex maniac... And this damn Apocalypse... - Ingrid said worriedly.

- Do you really think that a 24-year-old virgin who has lived his entire life in the army, who received an additional Soul component with "Soul Power" that increases Willpower, will become a pervert? This is silly! Remember how he resisted all emotions at the same time! What about hormone resistance? You and I would have enough of this hormone that we would not be able to withstand it and succumb to its influence. I sometimes doubt that he is even a person... - Ophelia said thoughtfully at the end.

- And as for the Apocalypse... What should we be afraid of? Having such a fortress, with reserves for all occasions, Ophelia asked Ingrid with a smile.

- Afraid? You keep more than 300 people behind walls, not letting them into a safe place... Sister, you are so cruel, I simply cannot find words! It was possible to let them in at least to the +1 floor? After all, Xi Yu created it precisely for such refugees! That's what it's designed for! - Ingrid said indignantly.

- ... - not knowing what to answer, Ophelia just sighed.

- Okay... Let's try... I'm just afraid that they might create problems and we wouldn't have to shed blood... You also watch these videos from Rias with moments of people's lives in Tokyo... I don't think at all that these people are worthy of salvation, they are simply worse than animals! - Ophelia answered indignantly.

- Sister, not everyone is like that! There are many good and innocent people! You have even less love for your neighbor than Xi Yu, how did you become so callous? - Ingrid said indignantly, pouting like a little girl.


- OK. Rias, let the people outside into the +1 floor, and organize them according to the protocols Xi Yu wrote down for this case. Let them settle into barracks by gender, men into the men's barracks, and women with and without children into the women's barracks - Ophelia, Rias gave the order.


"As you wish..." Rias said monotonously and began to follow Ophelia's order.

Outside the walls of the +1 floor.

About 300-400 people settled right next to the walls of the bunker, waiting for the opportunity to find shelter there.

They have long realized that this is the safest place in which they can settle.

A day ago, they all became unwitting witnesses to how the people living here controlled a crowd of zombies like a flock of sheep!

They bring in and take away at will a whole herd of zombies of 100-150 individuals whenever they please.

And the powerful military equipment of the anti-aircraft gun category on the walls, which guards every kilometer of the shelter, simply inspires fear and awe.

Suddenly, the doors to the shelter opened, and the monotonous voice of Rias, familiar to many of those present, was heard from the loudspeakers.

He was familiar because of the constant warnings in case survivors entered those corners of the Saitama area in which there were some kind of guarded warehouses or helipads.

At first, Rias fires the first shot from a machine gun at the ground near the people, and then explains that this area is closed to their invasion.

And if people don't understand and try to get into the closed area again, she fires a second shot, promising that it was the last warning.

And that's when people, even after the second warning, don't understand or don't believe that it will shoot. Rias fires a precise headshot, killing the intruder instantly.

Many in the Saitama area know her voice and do not consider her to be excessive. Because no matter how many times she has to repeat herself, she always lets everyone hear her warning, and doesn't just shoot without question.

And it's as if she knows their faces by heart, because if you've already received a warning and you cross again, she already gives a second warning!

So the residents of the Saitamo area were already very familiar with Rias's monotonous voice.

- You were allowed to settle in the Dictator shelter, subject to the laws of the base. Those who wish can enter, but those who are not satisfied with obeying, I ask them to leave - Rias said monotonously.

- How is this possible? We waited here all day and your bosses decided to make us slaves? Take such cruel and inhumane measures against ordinary, innocent people? - exclaimed indignantly a middle-aged woman who, before the Apocalypse, worked as the head of a department of some company.

Many residents of the Saitama area listened but did not argue. They already knew that the owner of that monotone voice was incredibly strict. And no amount of persuasion will shake the firmness of the words spoken to her. What was checked when trying to get into these very warehouses or get to the helicopters.

- We do not make slaves of anyone and did not keep you waiting, your judgment is dulled by anger. In this state, a person more often harms himself than makes the right decisions. Tip: Take a deep breath and exhale. Once again, Deep into... - Rias began to teach the calming technique to people, when she was interrupted.

- Are you fucking kidding me? Inhale and exhale yourself! - the middle-aged woman was indignant and blushed with shame; she had never felt so humiliated. With her work, she was the one who humiliated her, but no one ever allowed herself to hurt her even a little. And after the Apocalypse, her husband, whom she also kept under her thumb, protected her everywhere and protected her from any danger.

- I am the Artificial Intelligence of the Matz series, Name: Rias. Artificial Intelligence does not have a physical body, it cannot take a breath or exhale - the same calm monotonous voice was heard.




















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