
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 13 Plan for the World Tree!

"Hello, Mister..." Ingrid said, hinting that he would introduce himself.

- Oh! Where are my manners! Nice to meet you, I'm Samuel Davis, son of Richard Davis, CEO of Last! Let me... - Having introduced himself pathetically, Samuel tried to take and kiss Ingrid's hand, when he was interrupted by a slap on the head from Xi Yu.

- Don't pay attention to this clown, his task here is to be a shadow and not shine! - Xi Yu said angrily, not understanding why he was so annoyed by this show-off.

Ingrid experienced pleasure from this small gesture of Xi Yu's attention; it even began to seem to her that he did not want another man to touch her.

"What am I thinking about... It's Xi Yu! He wouldn't even notice if another man kissed me. Although he has changed recently... Yes! Enough! Why am I even thinking about this? And this makes me happy? Am I really in Xi Yu... No! This cannot be! Not this insensitive guy! I treat him like a member of the family! Yes, exactly, he's just like family!" - Ingrid was in her thoughts, solving the dilemmas of feelings that had arisen, completely not paying attention to Xi Yu's arguments with Samuel Davis.


"Mr. Xi Yu, your behavior..." Samuel said, indignant at this treatment, but again, before he could finish, he was interrupted.


- If you shut up for even a minute, no one will think that you are dumb! - Xi Yu said, interrupting Samuel's next tirade.

- Mister Xi Yu! You are forcing me to sue you for assault and insult to my honor and dignity! - Samuel Davis said in a threatening tone, not wanting to retreat.

- Court? Don't tempt me Samuel Davis! I'm itching to break your legs so that my lawyers would talk to you instead of me - having heard about the trial, Xi Yu turned to look predatorily at Samuel Davis, with a desire to cripple him.

Seeing Xi Yu's predatory, lustful gaze, Samuel Davis shuddered.

"If only it weren't for the contract..." Xi Yu said with a doomed sigh, not paying any more attention to Samuel Davis, and heading towards Ingrid's parked car nearby.

"What the hell is wrong with him? Or am I such a coward? CRAP! Well, just wait Xi Yu, you will regret this..." Samuel Davis thought, having recovered from the psychological trauma Xi Yu had unknowingly created.

- Secretary Xue, what about the projects I assigned? - Xi Yu said in a businesslike, serious tone, addressing Ingrid, who was driving the car.

"The documents are there, if you have enough patience, you can look at them in the car," Ingrid said, pointing to the folder with the prepared documents.

"Secretary? Xue Ingrid, one of the most brilliant CEOs in the world, became the secretary of this ignorant bastard? How so? Who the hell is he!?" - Samuel Davis thought in amazement when he heard Xi Yu address Ingrid.

Looking through the documents, Xi Yu was pleased. The Quarantine project was a success. This was confirmed even by Rias, thanks to the recently installed Roko-3 life detectors throughout the bunker!

Life detectors of the "Roko-3" series are a technical tool that can detect living objects from a distance of several hundred meters. The device recognizes living objects due to the orientation of electromagnetic waves in any direction. The waves propagated by this device like a radar sanitizing the propagation area, find even the most insignificant living organisms whose size is barely 1 mm.

As for the project with cameras and gramophones, the estimated completion time for this project is 5 days. Maintaining the same speed, it will be completed by August 9, which simply could not help but please Xi Yu.

And with the construction of the barracks on the +1 floor, we had to hire several more construction companies in order to meet the deadlines.

The deadline for all of Xi Yu's planned projects is August 10th, 1 day before the start of the Apocalypse.

Looking through the documents, Xi Yu even discovered an attempt to steal gold located in the territory purchased around the bunker. But with all the cameras that Rias has, they didn't even get to see the gold itself before they were arrested and put in jail, thanks to a couple of corrupt politicians who were paid by Ingrid.

- How are things going with the Shares, what is my balance? - Looking through the documents, Xi Yu calmly asked.

- At the moment, the balance is 2 trillion 535 million 464 thousand 573 dollars, this is the balance after purchasing gold from all over the world. In some countries we had to overpay, while in others there were discounts. But in 2, 3 and 5 days ships will arrive with a cargo weighing 270,000,000 kg. For a total of 23.5 trillion dollars. If you add the gold you already have, it comes out to 310,000,000 kg. gold! - Ingrid said in a calm, business-like tone.

Just as Xi Yu was crazy with all his nonsense about the Apocalypse, he was also insanely rich. Receiving such money in such a seemingly easy way often led Ingrid to think about the likelihood of the coming of the Apocalypse, no matter how crazy it may sound. But the fantastic moments that Xi Yu has already mentioned, such as Zombies, 30 cm ants, killer mosquitoes, and many other incredible moments that pop up in conversation...

Thoughts about such fantastic nonsense brought her back to reality every time. But be that as it may, Ingrid began to believe that something fantastic had happened to the comatose Xi Yu. There is no other way to explain his knowledge of the future, of such a precise rise and fall of the Stock.

"This is not only my merit, Rias is very competent in finding the necessary information!" - a happy Ingrid modestly said, praising Xi Yu.

Even the simplest compliments from Xi Yu are much more valuable to Ingrid than the sweet words of any other person. Since she knows very well that someone is who, and Xi Yu definitely doesn't know how to flatter. He gives compliments once a year at best, and only from the bottom of his heart! And compliments from the heart, and even from such a callous person as Xi Yu, delight her.

"What the hell are they talking about? What trillions and hundreds of millions of kilograms of gold? Are they delusional? - Absolutely not believing what he heard, thought Samuel Davis.

"How many cartridges have we already managed to obtain for the MK4/2 machine guns and E427 anti-aircraft guns?" Xi Yu asked another question, having learned from the documents that they are constantly accumulating in any of the available volumes.

"This needs to be clarified... Rias, how many rounds of ammunition for MK4/2 machine guns and E427 anti-aircraft guns do you currently have?" Ingrid said, taking the phone and turning to Rias.

Ingrid had become so accustomed to Rias's help over these few weeks that she didn't even want to think about parting with her and how to live on without her.

"At the moment, there are 132 billion 543 million 550 thousand rounds of ammunition for machine guns of the MK4/2 series, and 41 billion 241 million 500 thousand rounds for anti-aircraft guns of the E427 series," Rias said in a gentle voice.

"Are they crazy? Did they order the AI ​​to produce false reports? Is this all so that I can hear it? What were they up to, so obviously bluffing? Do they really want to steal our processor technology? But this is impossible! He signed the contract! And in addition to the installed cameras for my father and the board of directors, I will not leave the Matz AI processor for a whole month! You need to be careful! If our technologies are stolen from under my nose, I'll definitely be in trouble..." Samuel Davis thought, bewildered as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

- Rias, how many barrels for preserving biological materials do you have? Xi Yu asked as he continued to look through the documents.

"There are 1 million 340 thousand barrels for bio-preservation in stock," Rias's same gentle voice rang out.

- Why do you need so many of these barrels? What are you going to do with them? Concert vegetables? - Ingrid asked, stopping in front of a traffic light.

"Zombies," Xi Yu answered briefly.

- What? Are you serious? - Ingrid asked, not believing what she heard.

- Yes! - Xi Yu still answered calmly.

"Maybe they speak using some kind of code? But what could a zombie mean? Cucumbers? Why do they need bio-preservation barrels?" - Samuel Davis thought, staring blankly from the back seat at Ingrid and Xi Yu.

- Why do you need to preserve zombies? - Ingrid asked interestedly, although she knew that all this was just nonsense, she was still interested.

- After a year of accelerated Evolution, the first plant race, the Elves, will appear! Their main source of life is a tree, and the best fertilizer for its accelerated growth is zombies! - decided to share the knowledge he had, since Ingrid was so interested.

Xi Yu generally did not pay attention to Samuel Davis. The chances that he will understand or believe something are so low that it is not worth even thinking about them.

- A tree fertilized with dead zombies? I once saw a post with a huge tree and a beautiful girl with pointy ears, is this it? - Ingrid asked, amused by the look of complete bewilderment on the face of Samuel Davis, who did not know how to interrupt or get involved in such a crazy conversation.

- Yes. Call it the Tree of Life or the Tree of the World as you wish. Everyone called it differently, based on fantastic works. The main fact remains that this is a giant tree whose height in the 8th year of the Apocalypse was 4 km! And it somehow gave birth to a whole race of human-like creatures - noticing the motivation of Ingrid's questions, and himself amused by the way this gentleman Samuel Davis sits silently and absent-mindedly, Xi Yu said.

- What's special about them? Are they strong? - Ingrid asked, interested in more and more fantastic information from Xi Yu, while waiting for her arrival at the base.

- I don't know, everything that was known about them. From the letters from the postman class, this is that they are blessed by nature itself! Any vegetation or animal, when meeting them, treats them as sacred beings," Xi Yu calmly answered, looking through the documents on the arrangement of the high-temperature room in which he will burn garbage.

- But I still don't understand why you need fertilizer? Have you decided to trade with the elves? - Still not receiving an answer to the question for using bioconservation barrels, Ingrid asked.

- No, I'm going to steal their tree as soon as it starts growing. Since I know the exact coordinates of its location, it would be a shame not to try," Xi Yu said while looking through the last remaining pages of documents.

- And where will it appear? - Ingrid asked without much interest.

- Can you guess what place with virgin nature occupies 5.5 million square kilometers, which is half the total area of ​​​​the remaining tropical forests on the planet? - Xi Yu said as if it was already obvious.

- Amazon rain forests! Yes, it takes 2-3 days to fly there by helicopter! - Ingrid exclaimed in shock.

- No, if you fly on a helicopter of the "JT-311" series, then you can get to the coordinate point of the germination of the Tree of Life in 1.5 days! - Xi Yu said confidently.

- And when will you go there? - Ingrid asked, looking suspiciously at Xi Yu.

"I plan to do this 2 weeks after the start of the Apocalypse," Xi Yu answered briefly, putting the documents back in the folder.

Since the technological revolution of ubiquitous hologram equipment took place in 2029, all information, as well as work with it, is limited to the network. But due to frequent hacking and cybercrimes, important documents that require signatures and carry legal implications are still in paper form. The documents Xi Yu reads are mainly contracts and documents certified by companies about the completion of projects on time and the payment received.

- After the start of the Apocalypse... When will you buy a helicopter of the JT-311 series? - Ingrid asked, trying to calculate Xi Yu's finances.

- The day before the Apocalypse, I will spend the remaining 2 trillion on helicopters of the JT-311 series, an armored car of the LAT-C2 series and an all-terrain vehicle of the RA-43 series! - said Xi Yu, introducing Ingrid to the already planned project.

- Will someone explain to me what is happening here? Do you play any game about the Apocalypse? - Samuel Davis still couldn't bear it.

"We've already arrived at the exit," Xi Yu said as he got out of the car, not understanding where he got such antipathy for this pontoon cutter.