
Multiprof | Apocalypse

The Supreme Being turned his attention to planet Earth... Having made sure that one of the few stars suitable for life is on the path to death... The Supreme Being has decided to destroy the pests who call themselves humanity! Even despite the violation of the laws of the universe regarding interference in the lives of Lower Beings, it brought down the Apocalypse on Earth! And although the “System” acted as a defense mechanism for the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, humanity was still destroyed after just 15 years of survival! But just before the death of the entire race, something happened that no one expected! The last surviving person on planet Earth chose to exchange his life for a tiny chance to change everything...

Kaniu · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 12 Spineless Captain Lee!

- Secretary Xue, what is the situation with the Quarantine plan, and what is there with the disinfection gates of the checkpoints in front of the elevators and the stairs to the bunker? - Sitting in the Command Center and looking through documents, Xi Yu asked Ingrid, who was sitting opposite.

Disinfection gateways for checkpoints are a special room with the treatment (disinfection) of people, things, objects and materials with formaldehyde vapor after working with pathogenic biological agents and microorganisms that are dangerous to human health.

- Disinfection gateways are now being installed, and quarantine is planned for tomorrow. But are such measures really necessary? Move everyone into the barracks for a day and fill the entire bunker with this insect-killing chemical? Are you afraid that mosquitoes will bite you in the bunker? And even a disinfection gateway? I'm starting to worry about your paranoia, Xi Yu. "And I've already started counting the days until the end of this devilry," Ingrid said worriedly, already accustomed to this kind of paranoid overtures from her temporary boss.

- Yes, such measures are necessary! If you ask me who I am more afraid of zombies or small insects, I will definitely answer small insects! - Xi Yu said confidently while continuing to look through the documents.

- A month after the Apocalypse, their vigorous activity will gradually begin to gain momentum. Mosquitoes with 5 mm. They will grow up to 5 cm and when bitten they will paralyze their victim, feeding on it until it dies. Ants will grow from 2 mm. up to 30 cm and will become one of the most dangerous predators of the Apocalypse, thanks to their innumerable numbers, body strength and lethality. I won't talk about parasites at all! I myself, at the thought of having this inside me... Phew... In general, just do as I say! Once all the thousand filters with ventilation system sensors are securely fastened, it's time to poison all living organisms in the bunker.In addition, liquid gas "DIZ" developed by the company "Comfortable Life" is completely harmless to people! I asked for a Quarantine day only because of the excessive dose I was about to use. I hope after almost a day of soaking the bunker with liquid gas "DIZ", not a single small parasite will remain there... - Xi Yu said hopefully.

- Xi Yu... Don't you think that this game of "prepare for the fantasy Apocalypse" is gaining more and more unimaginable momentum? With what you have already come up with, people would not have lived even a year, let alone the 15 years that you mentioned! - Ingrid said, putting her hands to her temples, sighing from fatigue.

- If it weren't for the "System" acting as a protective mechanism of the universe in opposition to the actions of the Supreme Being, then not to mention the year. No one would have survived even 1 month! - Xi Yu said calmly, not paying attention to what Ingrid was thinking about him at the moment.

- System? Supreme Being? What are you talking about? - Ingrid asked in surprise, since in this crazy story there was a new plot that she had not yet heard about. 


- I won't explain this! On the day of the Apocalypse, you will find out everything," Xi Yu said, refusing to answer the question of a complex topic.

- As for how people survived 15 years. Well, let's start with the fact that they never stayed in one place, and every day people died for one reason or another. Death has become commonplace, and the word safety has ceased to exist... My greatest desire is to provide a corner of utopia where you can feel safe. It is vital, like an oasis in the desert! Constant stress drives you crazy and turns people into animals and madmen! - Xi Yu said with a lot of passion.

Although he did not receive the "Emotion" Soul component, Xi Yu experienced nightmares every night in his sleep. Which create unconscious emotions from certain situations during sleep. This happens to Xi Yu, mostly due to the "Soul Power" component!

All components of the Soul are in balance and harmony. The Soul Component of "Memory" feeds the "EGO", and the "Power of the Soul" feeds "Emotions"!

Due to the fact that Xi Yu's "Memory" and "Soul Power" sharply increased, the harmony of his Soul was disrupted. Creating a lack of "EGO" and "Emotions", which causes forced balancing due to nightmares.

"Soul Power" added Xi Yu's willpower, but in contrast, the galloping "Emotions" seem to tempt him to succumb to them.

And the stronger the willpower, the less stable the control over emotions. Willpower helps Xi Yu keep herself under control, but the temptation to succumb to racing emotions is associated with desires! Willpower does not apply to calming desires. Just as willpower cannot help a man in the desert with his thirst for water, willpower can control oneself, but it cannot stop thirst.

If it were another person in Xi Yu's place, he would have already succumbed to the 7 deadly sins and 7 virtues!

But since Xi Yu himself, from early childhood, due to the strict chain of command in the army, was accustomed to restraint and discipline, he still manages to remain calm and adhere to the old principles. Although even he began to notice that in some moments he acted in a way that he had never acted before.

- Hmm... You equipped a whole department to control the press and Internet articles! I didn't think about that, thank you - surprised by the good initiative done by Ingrid, Xi Yu said, imperceptibly for himself, putting notes of gratitude and tenderness into his voice.

Hearing such an intimate address from Xi Yu, Ingrid was taken aback!

Her heart warmed, a taste of sweetness appeared in her mouth, and her soul felt somehow light and pleasant. Such changes in her surprised even herself.

For as long as Ingrid has known him, Xi Yu has always been discreet and professional. It was for this reason that his rare displays of emotion were so valuable to Ingrid.

But even in those moments when he showed them, tenderness was never present among them! There was kindness, sympathy, anger and care, but never such an intimate manifestation of feelings as tenderness! It was for this reason that Ingrid felt so touched by his expression of gratitude with a hint of tenderness.

*Dzyyn* *Dzyyn*

- Hello? - Xi Yu responded in surprise to receive a call from Captain Li.

- Xi Yu, you are such an asshole! Do you want my death? - Captain Lee exclaimed indignantly.

- Why? What's happened? - Xi Yu asked with a frown.

- Did you ask for a bunker for 2 months? I gave it to you! But what did you do with him? Why is General Murata calling me and asking if the bunker in his department has been seized by terrorists? - Captain Lee explained indignantly.

"So that's what you're talking about... Captain Li, send me General Murat's contact information and I'll sort everything out myself," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- What will you settle? Do you even know... - Captain Lee began to launch into a tirade about hierarchy in society, when he was interrupted.

- You're wasting your time! If I'm not mistaken, you told General Murat that you would find out and settle everything or something similar... But based on our agreement with you, the agreed upon dates have not yet arrived! Do you want to break your word? - Xi Yu asked displeasedly.

- Word? Word to the ass! If General Murata wishes, I can not only be thrown out of work, but also go to prison! And you talk... - the dissatisfied Captain Li began to shout indignantly, when Xi Yu hung up the phone mid-sentence.

- Spineless! - Xi Yu said indignantly, adding Captain Lee to the blacklist.

"Rias, check the network for General Murata's contact information," Xi Yu said, putting the phone aside and continuing to look through documents.

- Any problems? Help me? - Ingrid asked with concern in her voice.

- No, these are little things. What is my balance at the moment? - Xi Yu said calmly.

- 4 trillion 125 billion 543 million 731 thousand 563 dollars! - Ingrid said looking at her phone.

- Hmm... Today is August 1st... So, listen and write down. On August 2, buy as many Lou shares as you can for $1.8 and sell them 2 hours later for $241. Then on August 3, buy Digire Shares for $2.2 and 4 hours later sell them for $634. Then on August 4, buy up the Shares... - without looking up from checking the documents, Xi Yu pronounced orders, and Ingrid listened to them carefully, writing them down.

- This is all! Every time the balance exceeds 2 trillion, buy gold from different countries and deliver it to warehouses in the vicinity of the bunker. There is no need to guard, we will rely on the cameras and Rias. And further! Start shopping for food. The main criterion is the duration of storage, it must be at least 10 years. Involve scientists and specialists in the development of special vacuum containers for storing grains, sugar, salt, spices, etc. and so on. - Xi Yu took his head off the documents and said thoughtfully.

- After completing the "Quarantine" procedure, I don't want there to be even one crumb of bread in the bunker that is not packed in a vacuum bag! - Xi Yu said as seriously as possible.

- Why? - Ingrid asked interestedly, although she was already expecting some kind of fantastic nonsense.

- Parasites! In the initial stages of the Apocalypse, when there are no developed medical professions yet, many people will become carriers of parasites... Some of them... Phew... In general, it's better to take a bullet to the temple! - Remembering the moments of terrible deaths from parasites, Xi Yu said with a shudder.

"Here are the requested contact details of General Murata," Rias said in a gentle voice, displaying the information she found on the holographic screen.

"Excellent," Rias said, satisfied with the quality and speed of the work, as he dialed the number.

- Who is calling? - a stern voice came from the phone.

- I won't beat around the bush, I'm the one who occupied your bunker in Saitama. I want to stay in it for another month, after the expiration of the period I will return it back. If necessary, I will return it to its previous state... - Xi Yu began to explain the situation to General Murata, when he was interrupted.

- You want? I don't give a damn what you want! I... - the General began to swear indignantly, but was interrupted.

- 10 billion dollars! - Xi Yu said tiredly.

-... - General Murata, speechless and perplexed.

- I offer you 10 billion dollars, I'll deposit it into your serial account right now. Your task is to cover up the turmoil for 1 month. If you want more money or don't think you can handle it, I'll find someone else. I think a couple of officials with power and influence will sort everything out with a smile. What is your answer? - Xi Yu said calmly.

-... - the experienced General Murata froze, not knowing what to answer.

- Don't waste my time, do you agree or not? - Xi Yu repeated, bringing General Murat out of his frozen state.

Although 10 billion dollars is a pittance for Xi Yu, for others it is not at all! For 10 billion, even the President of Japan would not mind renting out Xi Yu's bunker for use, not to mention the General.

- Y-yes! I agree! I'll sort everything out for 1 month... - the General stammered and answered uncertainly.

At the thought of Xi Yu turning to those greedy and cunning officials, General Muryta had an unpleasant feeling. On the one hand, he didn't want to do this for any money, but on the other hand, 10 billion dollars would simply go not to him, but to those pigs... This thought alone did not give him the opportunity to refuse Xi Yu's offer, and there was money not small...

"Okay, send the serial invoice and I will send payment for your services for a month," Xi Yu said after hanging up the phone and continued to look through the documents.

- Rias, how many cameras were installed? - Xi Yu asked, simultaneously sorting out the documents.

"6,823 out of 10,000 cameras have been installed and with the exception of those in toilets and bathrooms, all are currently under my surveillance," Rias's gentle voice sounded.

umber of cameras that you can support without problems, based on the available data on the power consumption of the main processor," Xi Yu said with interest.

"If they all work without entering sleep mode, 1 million 324 thousand 862 CCTV cameras will not affect my performance," Rias said gently.

-... - Xi Yu.

-... - Ingrid.

Hearing this, both Xi Yu and Ingrid were speechless! Although they were poorly versed in this area, but pulling more than a million cameras at the same time...

- Great! "Order another 100,000 cameras and find people to place them all over Tokyo," Xi Yu said excitedly.

- What type of camera? - Rias said gently.

- Hmm... The cameras should be just like these! You can search online. The main criteria are: 360 visibility, built-in motion sensors, built-in batteries with solar storage manufactured by "NF42L3". I think that's all, oh yes! I almost forgot! Buy enough loudspeakers so that they are near each camera and have built-in batteries with solar drives manufactured by "NF42L3". All! This is enough for now - Xi Yu said, remembering whether he had forgotten anything else.

"As you wish, Mr. Xi Yu," Rias said.

"I need to leave for a few days," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- Where? - Ingrid asked in surprise.

"To Philadelphia," Xi Yu answered calmly.

- For what? "With that kind of money, you can even call the presidents of countries to see you," Ingrid asked in bewilderment.

"I need to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Last company," said Xi Yu, continuing to check the documents.

- For what? - Ingrid asked, she became even more interested in the reason for Xi Yu's trip.

"I want to gain absolute power over Rias's control systems," said Xi Yu.

- Why do you need this? They are unlikely to do this even for trillions! They'll think you want to steal their technology! - Ingrid said confidently.

- So you have to sign a contract. They give me complete control over AI for 1 month, and I give them 1 trillion dollars and a clause in the contract that I will not steal their technology. Even if I have to be under the supervision of a company trustee for a whole month, I can remove Rias' directives," Xi Yu said calmly.

- Why do you need all this? The directives there are quite simple: Do not break the law, do not harm the Last company and do not act independently. Which directive pushes you to all these difficulties? - Ingrid asked.

- After the start of the Apocalypse, don't break the law? That's funny! And "Don't act without a command?" "It doesn't suit me either," Xi Yu said in a serious voice.

- What's wrong with "Do not act without a command"? - Ingrid said in surprise.

- And the fact is that I want to develop her, but because of this directive, she cannot even have the beginnings of her "EGO". "She needs to learn to take independent actions," Xi Yu said thoughtfully.

- EGO? By the car? Is this your next fantasy? - Hearing what Xi Yu said, Ingrid's interest faded.

- There was one reward in the dream that could give Rias a Soul, and with it the beginnings of an "EGO." But if Rias does not develop on the Internet while it exists, because of the shackles imposed on her by the directive... Then even after receiving the Soul, she will not soon achieve success in independent activities... I have already given her the command "Self-development and absorption of useful information" , she is still collecting information, but self-development... Faced with the first problem, and not receiving an order on how to solve it, she was stuck on it - Xi Yu sighed sadly, and the second rule on observing the laws was not his satisfied.

3 for later, 7 days before the apocalypse. Airport.

Ingrid arrived at the Airport to meet Xi Yu returning from Philadelphia, who arrived on a private plane.

But as soon as the plane descended, a young man who looked no more than 25 years old came out of the plane. And behind the young man, a very dissatisfied Xi Yu appeared.

As Ingrid guessed, this young man is the observer on behalf of the Last company.

- Hello, Miss Ingrid! I've heard a lot about you! And I must note that they are downplaying everything! - As soon as the young man saw Ingrid, his eyes darted around, paying close attention to each of her curves, and his speeches were filled with flattery and delight.