
Multiplier System : Getting Superhumans as Starting Race

Twenty-year-old Ethan Smith is unexpectedly transported into the world of 'Conquest of the Realms,' a game he knows inside out. In this strategic battleground, players are assigned races at random and fight for ultimate control of the map. Ethan, a seasoned player, discovers a mysterious multiplier system that amplifies his rewards and resources. With this newfound advantage, Ethan embarks on a quest for supremacy.  *Ding! The host received 1000 woods, 1000 stones, 500 raw food, 500 gold coins, a title, Wealth Accumulator.* *Multiplying ten times...* *Partial Success... Proceeding with upgrade...* *Congratulations, the host has received 10,000 woods, 10,000 stones, 5,000 raw food, 5,000 gold coins, title, God of Wealth.*

Humo_Sofi · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Rescuing the Damsel in Distress

A total of two thousand soldiers were following me. We had just left the mountain and were moving towards the forest. It was dark without any moonlight; the only things emitting light were our torches, which we had taken from dead ravagers. It would take about ten minutes for us to reach the forest.

After ten minutes had passed, we were already at the entrance of the forest, and we could hear the sounds of battle. Swords clashing, and something like a laser beam? If what I was hearing was right, then that meant Min-ji Park's race was Mecha.

A minute of walking later, we arrived at the battlefield. Each mecha was fighting against ten ravagers who were trying to break through their armor. But to no avail, their attacks were nothing but mosquito bites to the mechas. Each second, one ravager dropped dead. The mechas were ruthless and unforgiving. Their laser beams were cutting through the leather armor the ravagers were wearing.

Upon arriving at the battlefield, I quickly texted her so that her mechas wouldn't consider us enemies. After that, I ordered my soldiers to join the fight alongside the mechas. Complying with my order, they rushed forward, screaming out. They were hoping to release the remaining anger in their hearts.

Once my soldiers joined the battle, the tides changed, and the ravagers' numerical advantage became useless with me covering the disadvantage. We were strong and we had great numbers, thus making it impossible for the ravagers to stand against us. It didn't take long before we squashed them. Seeing that they were losing the fight, they started running away, scattered in the forest.

After that, I walked to the hut and knocked on the door. From inside, I heard rustling sounds followed by a sweet voice replying.

"Coming!" she said. A few seconds later, the door opened, and I could see her beauty with my very own eyes. She had green eyes, precious as emeralds. My eyes moved downward; she was wearing a white shirt that was torn and only covered her chest. Noticing my gaze, she quickly used her arms to cover herself while saying, "Excuse me?"

"Ah, right, I'm Ethan, I came to rescue you, so I hope you'll fulfill your promise," I said, raising my head to look into her eyes. Unexpectedly, my heart raced as I kept looking into her eyes.

"Of course I will. Here are two hundred gold coins, and as a special thanks, take this blueprint. I can't actually use it now, so maybe you can," she said. The next second, the PM section of the system appeared in front of me. There, I saw her request for trade. She was offering two hundred gold coins and a blueprint for BiBOT. Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the screen once again.

"This... are you sure about giving me this blueprint?" I asked, knowing what this BiBOT was capable of.

"Sure, I mean, I already have mechas, so I don't need these worker robots. It also requires so many resources to build. Even though I have resources stockpiled, I want to save them for the common people. You know how troublesome they can be," she said while looking at my superhumans.

"I guess you got humans as the starting race. Not the best, but still better than most," she said, gazing over my soldiers. I think she was searching for weapons. That's normal because the Superhuman race isn't something casual to see in the game. It's also hard to guess that they are superhumans.

"Yeah, thankfully, I got them rather than demons," I replied, looking at my soldiers and smirking. "Anyways, thank you for the additional reward. If there is nothing more, I would like to take my leave," I said, turning my eyes back to her.

"There is one more thing. I want you to protect me, and in return, I'll provide you with the resources you need, as it's clear that you don't need military assistance," she said, looking at me and my soldiers.

"You are right, I don't need military assistance. And I also don't need any resources, as you can see my name at the top of the resource ranking. But I can promise protection if you agree to become my vassal," I proposed to her.

"You know that once I become your vassal, I won't have a chance to go back to my world. Why would I accept such an offer?" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Well, I doubt that this attack was the last one, but if you think you can handle it, there is nothing I can say," I said, then turned around and walked towards my soldiers, deciding to go back. "I can take care of myself, thank you!" she yelled behind my back as I kept walking without even sparing a glance at her.

Later on, my soldiers and I embarked on our journey back home. As we had already passed the path leading here, we were familiar with it, thus making our journey shorter compared to when we came here.

After reaching home, I sent my soldiers to their houses to rest while I built 800 houses for the remaining soldiers. Placing the houses neatly close to the entrance, I started the construction. Building 800 houses cost me 12,000 wood and the same amount of stone. Though with my current resources, it wasn't something hurtful.

Leaving the construction to be completed, I moved to my hut and dropped myself onto the bed. I couldn't enjoy my sleep before, but now that the threat was neutralized, I hoped to have a good sleep.

When the sun rose, I woke up to the cheering sounds of my people. Apparently, they were celebrating something, which puzzled me because of last night's events.

Leaving the bed and walking outside from my house, I was greeted by the sight of my people's party. There were multiple campfires even though the sun was shining brightly. Next to the campfires, people were chattering and joking with each other. I was dumbfounded; last night, they were crying while boiling with anger, but now they were having fun.

Not wanting to be someone who breaks the mood, I didn't say anything and joined them. Coming closer to one of the campfires, which had ten people sitting in a circle, I sneaked in among them and started listening.

"Do you remember what Jack did when he reached the age of eighteen?" one of the superhumans asked another while laughing.

"Yeah, that stupid guy just hit on our instructor at school," the other superhuman replied, shaking his head while smiling.

"Well, it would have been better if he had just hit on a normal teacher, but that idiot chose teacher Aurora," the one who asked the question replied, laughing harder.

"Then he got his ass beaten by the teacher before getting a disciplinary punishment. A week of doing errand jobs for nerds at the research department," he kept talking while laughing.

"I heard that they made him touch a venomous snail. Was that true?" one of the listeners asked, looking at the guy who was laughing without stopping. After he finished his sentence, the guy laughed even harder to the point of getting teary-eyed.

"Not just venomous; it was venomous to males. You know, once he got infected, he couldn't wake the sergeant up for a whole week! After the third day, he went to the hospital crying like a little baby. 'Doctor, my pp doesn't respond whatever I do for him!'" he finished talking after losing his balance because of laughing too hard.

Listening to them, I was also smiling at the memories they shared. After listening for a few more minutes, I understood that Jack, who they were talking about, was among the first group who defended the entrance. Unfortunately, he died while waiting for reinforcements.

After staying for another minute, I left the place and walked to another campfire. Everyone who was circled around campfires was talking about my soldiers who had died. Apparently, they had their own lives before coming here. They were humans just like I was before coming here. They were struggling to become someone worthy of their parents, strong enough to protect their loved ones, and rich enough to marry a beautiful wife.

Then I spotted someone sitting alone at one campfire. Deciding to check on her, I moved towards the campfire and took a seat. Then I used my appraisal skill on her.


Nyla S***

Race: Human |Superhuman|

HP: 5000

MP: 600

ATK: 170

DEF: 150

DEX: 90

AGI: 60

WIS: 35

INT: 30

CON: 250

Ability: Concussion Fists

{As someone possessing concussion fists, the user is able to apply a concussion effect on enemies by 50% with each attack. (Doesn't stack up)}

Status: 100%

Mood: Angry, Grieving, Sad


[Concussion Effect: The concussion effect applies the following: -25 ATK, -45 DEF, -45 DEX, -45 AGI, -15 INT, Dizziness, Blurry Vision.]

I guess I can see my soldiers' moods if there is anything affecting them, huh?

"Nyla, why are you sitting here all by yourself?" I asked, softening my voice, not wanting to become a tyrant ruler.

She raised her head slowly and looked at me. Then she stopped and wiped her eyes using her hands. The next second, she jolted up and stiffened just like a military personnel after seeing a senior officer. "My lord, forgive my rudeness," she said, looking straight ahead as she stood upright.

"Sit down, Nyla. I'm not here as your lord right now. I'm here as someone you can talk to, I hope," I said, while pointing at the seat she had just risen from. After hearing me, she hesitated but, seeing my serious face, she sat down.

"Now, tell me about your friends who were supposed to be sitting here," Sweeping my gaze over the empty seats.

At that time, I didn't know how disrespectful my actions were as I didn't know their culture. But after talking for almost an hour with her, I began to understand the importance of their traditions. Then I rose from the seat and left her alone to grieve.

Apparently, every fighter had their own group, and each group member had their own seat circling around the campfire. So, me sitting on an empty seat without asking was disrespectful to their customs.