
Multiplied by Infinity

Amidst the chaos of a world torn apart by conflict, where kingdoms crumble and countless lives are lost, hope emerges from an unlikely "hero". This lone individual sees a path forward where others see only darkness and destruction. His quest to end the racial and global strife that threatens to engulf the world is both daunting and exhilarating. As this man steps forward, he encounters incredible challenges and obstacles at every turn. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, he refuses to back down. Instead, he embraces the adventure that lies ahead, taking pleasure in the struggle to make a difference in a world that has lost its way. As he journeys through a landscape scarred by war, this "hero's" exploits become legendary. He inspires others to join his cause, and soon, a small spark of hope begins to grow into a roaring flame of revolution. With each battle won and each obstacle overcome, this man draws ever closer to his ultimate goal: a world where all races and kingdoms can coexist in peace. This is the story of one person's journey to change the fate of a world torn apart by conflict. It is a tale of courage, determination, and the unshakeable spirit of hope in the face of overwhelming darkness.

XPolisGames · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Matter of Time

Reden walks around the town looking for place where he can reside in hoping to see his wife healthy and in one piece soon. He decided to look for the inn that is not in some kind of dark alley with low security and low quality but at least a decent one being in view where potential robbery or attack would be easily seen.

He walks like that for a while and sees one of the promising looking inns. He walks inside and sees as the inn is crowded. There are a lot of people there enjoying their time like there is no war happening right now. Few people are lauging, another few are sleeping drunk on tables, another few are just talking and sometimes drinking. Reden slowly and cautiously walks to innkeep who is on his place cleaning his bar.

"Hello. Do you still have a one room for two available here?" Asks Reden.

Innkeep looks at Reden then under the bar for a few seconds looking for any keys left. Then he looks back at him.

"There are two more rooms available. If you want them then the cost is 6 copper per night." Answers innkeep

"Yes. I will take it." Responds Reden

As Reden answers he reaches for his pouch with his free left hand while his right hand is holding a baby. He places the pouch on table, spills the coins out of the pouch and starts counting them.

"One. Two..." He counts slowly.

"Seventeen. I got it." He says it to himself.

Reden takes 12 coins and places them near innkeep.

"Two days." He says with forced smirk.

Innkeep takes the copper coins, writes something down and hands Reden the keys without saying anything else.

"Thank you." Reden says gratefully as he collects rest of the coins back into his pouch.

After that he pinned his pouch back to his hip and once again slowly goes into the hallway looking for his room with number 4. He walks like that for a while looking left and right for the correct door passing by weird looking man with torn clothes knocking on the closed door with number 11 while creepily licking his lips. He passes by and after going up the stairs he finally sees the room with number 4. He places his key into the keyhole of the door and opens the door.

The room looks... clean and well-kept. It's not too big and there is no toilet but it still looks quite cosily. Reden gets into the room, closes the door and looks around the room for a while but before that he places the baby on one of the two beds.

After few seconds Reden sits on the bed with baby Gah-Hal and sits still for a moment looking foward into nothing.

"I just realized I ran for hours without break." Reden says to himself quietly while looking at his hands.

"Even now I dont feel tired in anyway. What happend? Was that adrenaline?" Reden says to himself quietly.

"Was it one of Mary's supporting spells? No, no. She doesn't know any boosting spells..." Reden says to himself clearly lost in minds.

Reden then looks at his child while still thinking.

"You are awfully quiet, Gah-Hal. You didn't cry since the birth..." Reden says it while picking the baby up to take a close look at him again.

"Oh. You aren't even asleep. Heh. You were sleeping while daddy was sweating and running for hours? Ah you little guy." Reden jokes teasingly but with no bad manner or intention while carrying him in his arms.

"This is so confusing. Did I accidentally got boosted by mage for some reason while I was evacuating? When? Where?" Reden keeps asking himself these questions while carrying Gah-Hal in his arms.

Eventually Reden calms down with his thoughts and spends the rest of the day in the room waiting for his wife to hopefully come.

𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝘆, 𝗡𝗼𝗼𝗻

Reden comes back with Gah-Hal on his arms to his room from small shopping.

"I spent last of my copper for these things. I need to find a way to regain them, but I cant take him to any reasonable paying work or at least commission." As he says it he places 2 breads and wooden bottle for baby on the table in center of the room.

"Im not leaving Gah-Hal here all alone. Totally urresponsible and dangerous. I also don't trust anyone here to leave him to. Leaving to the forest and living for free is the last thing I want to do to survive..." As Reden says it he places baby back on his bed.

"I know that Mary has ability to sense my aura, so I dont believe the idea of "she can't find me"." Reden sits as he says it. He sounds as he really trusts her that much.

Reden once again starts getting stressed with his mind full of pesimistic ideas he never wanted to think about, however he does as it's been already a one day since he saw his wife. He is worried that she actually didn't make it out... alive.

Reden sits on his bed while holding his head with both hands. Anxiety on his face and the way he is sitting makes him look like he went insane.

After few minutes he finally calms down and once again becomes optimistic. He refuses to believe that anything bad happend to his wife as she is a mage who can manage to survive in hard circumstances.

Reden stands up and picks up the loaf of bread, rips it in half and starts eating one half when he puts another half back to it's place. While eating he walks around the room looking through the window and thinking again.

Gah-Hal meanwhile lays on Reden's bed totally calm making small and smooth moves with his arms and legs.

Reden looks at baby and then back through window.

"I wish I was as chill as you are right now..." Reden says with a little smile and a little worried look.

At this moment it seems like a matter of time until special measures have to be implemented.