
Winning the Tourney


"Lost, LOST against a woman. King Slayer, the best fighter in Westros? You couldn't even win against a woman." Tywin threw his goblet of wine on the wall and shouted in pure rage. Tywin was in his solar accompanied by his son Jaime and daughter Cercei.

"Its not my fault. She was amazing fighter. She blocked all my attacks and almost killed me with a single attack." Jaime was also feeling very constipated.

"Yes father it is not Jaime's fault. Who knew that those barbarians had such an amazing fighter." Cercei also tried to lessen her father's anger towards her brother.

"Yes it is not Jaime's fault. It is YOUR fault. You think you are very intelligent? No you are not. Didn't you hear me and Jaime talking before the tourney? We decided not to plan against the north. And yet you went and did that. Now whole of the westros is laughing at house Lannister." Hearing Cercei Tywin snapped at her.

"Father we still have jousting. We will gain our lost prestige with jousting. And i don't think that there will be anyone who can best the mountain." Said Jaime while trying to shift the topic to jousting.

"I hope so. Now go, i have matters to attend." Tywin said and ushered them to leave him alone.

While this was happening in the solar of Tywin Lannister, the residence of Starks was also bubbling with excitement.

Every one from the north was super excited by the win of Mia. Every one from the north knew that the people from south consider them as the savages. And this victory in front of all the people over Jaime Lannster gave them their face. But the only one who was getting suffocated by this victory was the victor of said victory, Mia, who was crowded by people.

Not only the people of North but also from the people of south.The people from north wanted to show their appreciation and the people from south offered her many different positions and gifts some even offered lands. But she rejected every one.

In the room of lord Stark, Eddard stark was sitting with his son Zack stark and some of the banner men of north. Eddard asked Zack " You have got amazing underlings. How did you get them."

Zack smiled and said " I trained them. And lets discuss about tomorrow's jousting. Who will compete in that tournament?"

Ser Rodrick also understood that Zack wanted to change the subject as such he said "We don't have any good warrior now. May be we should let Lady Mia to once again compete in jousting."

When Ser Rodrick said that many of the present people nodded in acceptance. "I also think that it will be good for her to participate in joust." Ned also gave his opinion.

"It will not be good. As far as i know the rules for jousting will be changed, such as 'the ones who participated in one on one fights will not participate in jousting.'"Zack said in an amused voice.

"And how do you know that." asked Ned. "Well you can say intuition." Said Zack.

"So what do you suggest?" Rodrick asked. "I will be participating in jousting." Zack said to Rodrick.

"Absolutely not. The mountain will be participating. And above all you are not even ten names day." Eddard stark said.

'I knew this will happen. I should have used mind manipulation from the start.' Thinking about it Zack used mind manipulation and TADA he was given the permission to enter jousting.


The next day every one came to the stadium where the jousting will be held. When the king also sat on his seat Tywin lannister came to stage and announced "Today will be jousting. But before starting the tournament i would like to announce that any one who have already participated before will not be allowed to enter the jousting competition as to give other people chance to perform in front of the king."

When Eddard stark heard that he looked towards Zack who was also looking towards him with the expression of 'Look i told you'. "Well you are up Zack." Eddard sighed and told Zack.

"Of course." Zack laughed. Tywin continued."And as such the participating people are requested to come in the front so that the people know who will be participating."

"Ok so i will be going." Zack said that and started to walk down the stadium stairs. After which all eight participants including Zack and the mountain came in front of the king and waited for further statement.

When the people saw Zack among the participants they started to whisper amongst themselves. The most shocked among the people was definitely Cercei. She was already thinking about ways to make things difficult for the little devil and here he was providing her with an amazing opportunity himself.

Robert was also shocked but after some time he became angry. "Boy who are you? State your name." Robert demanded in an angry voice. "My king i am second son of Ned Stark. And currently lord of Moat Cailin." Zack calmly stated.

"Ned stark's second son, i seem to remember that you are only ten names day old." Robert said that while looking towards Ned. "Nine names day old precisely." Zack again answered. "Do you think this is the game for a child still smelling of his mother's milk?" After Robert said that, the smile on Zack's face receded and he coldly answered. "Weather this is a game for child or not will depend on my opponents. And i hope they don't lose to a child 'smelling of his mother's milk'. If that happens then i am afraid this game will become a game for children."


When people heard they gasped for breath. They didn't think that this little kid will say such words. He instantly made every other competitor his enemy. And they were correct in thinking that. As soon as he said that every competitor looked towards him in anger. They wanted to slap this kid to death, but controlled themselves due to the presence of king.

But there was one competitor who didn't worry about king and drew his sword and started walking towards Zack. The mountain didn't like the way he called them children so he decided to teach this kid a lessen. But as soon as he took three steps towards Zack a spear came wooshing towards him and pierced the ground till the hilt, only a step away from him, making him stop his advance.

Every one was shocked and looked towards the stands from where the spear was thrown and saw one of the clippers at the edge of stands with a throwing posture and another clipper with a ready spear. Then a cold voice rang in the stadium. "If you dare to take another step towards our lord the next spear will pass through your head." The person who spoke was Mia. Who was looking towards the mountain as if looking at a dead person.

"Hey you baboon. If i were you i would take my sweet Mia's warning seriously." Zack again smiled and looked towards an angry faced mountain. And then continued "I have heard very much about you." Zack said.

"And what have you heard you little shit." Gregor Clagane barked. "Oh I heard that the mountain is very good at killing when it comes to women and children." Zack said while smiling.

"I will KILL you! you little bastard." Gregor directly snapped and was about to rush towards Zack but was stopped by an angry shout of Robert Baratheon. " STOP at once. Or are you defying your king's order." When Gregor heard this shout he looked towards Tywin Lannister but when he saw Tywin shaking his head he stopped and sheathed his giant sword and looked towards Zack and said. "Yes you heard correctly and i will enjoy skinning you alive."

"Oh~~ i am scared. The fuck is wrong with you? Do you think i will be afraid of a person who can only kill women and Children? And remember the next time you point your sword towards me will be the last day you will enjoy looking in a mirror." Zack said mockingly and then turned towards the king and totally ignored a fuming Gregor.

"You boy have guts i must say. But you have really angered your competitors. So be prepared to die because accidents happens in competitions." Robert said to Zack, And subtly warned him to be careful due to his friendship with Ned Stark.

"Ah~ i will not die yet. I still have many amazing things to do." Zack answered the king and walked towards his stand.

"He is more foolish than i thought." Cercei scoffed at Zack's performance. "We will see. If he have the capital to talk like that. Maybe i overestimated him." Tywin also said and a look of disappointment surfaced on his face.

After this drama the competition started. The first fight was between the mountain and Hosteen Frey who was is a knight of House Frey, the sixth son of Lord Walder Frey. But he was really unlucky to be against a furious mountain and lost his life in the second run by the wooden blunted lance directly through his throat.

"oo~ the baboon have really the strength of a gorilla." Zack joked when he saw mountain looking towards him with Hosteen still hung on his lance. He also gave a middle finger to the mountain. He really want the mountain to lose control and attack him. Then he will have a justifiable reason to deform him.

And so different matches happened and Zack was also paired against Lord Whent. Zack easily dismounted him on the very first clash by hitting him directly on the chest with lance.

When he won the first match every one was shocked. They didn't think that he will win. He even participated without any armor and helmet. They were also amazed by his riding skills but more than that they were amazed by his war horse 'Typhone', who was dark red in color and looked like he was on fire when sunlight reflected from his skin.

After his first match every other opponent took him seriously but were still defeated by him. The mountain also won his every match and most of his opponents were heavily injured.

The time passed, and the moment came, which was awaited by every one present. The final match between the mountain Ser Gregor Clagane and the little wolf from the north Zack Stark.

When both of them them stood on the opposite side Gregor said to Zack "You little shit, After i kill you i will take your horse." When Typhone heard Gregor he neighed loudly while knocked his front hoofs on the ground angrily. When Zack saw this he laughed and said to Gregor. "You fucking Baboon! My horse says that he fucking hates baboons. hahahaha".

At this moment the game started and both opponents rushed towards each other. When they neared each other Gregor stabbed his lance directly towards the head of Zack who simply tilted his head to the other side and avoided the hit while also swiping his lance towards the back of Gregor and hitting him hard on the back.

* Thump * there was a thumping sound of Zack's Lance hitting the back side of Gregor who was wearing a full bodied armor. After this exchange the horses passed each other and went towards the opposite sides. Every one present saw the winner of this clash.They were once again shocked by the battle awareness of this child. His perfect estimation of the direction of attack and then avoiding it by the simplest of movements.

Once again the horses rushed towards each other and at this moment Zack attacked first and directly hit the mountain on his open neck with such a force that the mountain alongside his horse directly fell to the ground. When Gregor Clagane fell to the ground there was a pin drop silence in the stadium after which the audience burst into cheers.

The shock was so great that Cercei along side her father Tywin stood up with open mouths. Cercei couldn't believe what happened and could only mutter 'impossible' again and again.

When the audience was cheering there was an angry shout from Gregor who stood up, threw his helmet down and took a spear from a guard's hand and plunged it directly into the head of his horse. He then pulled the spear from horse's head and rushed towards Zack who also jumped down from his horse and also rushed towards Gregor while taking two daggers from the holster attached to his waist. Gregor directly thrusted his spear towards the neck of Zack who ducked under the spear hand and avoided the thrust while also cutting the armpit muscles of Gregor making him throw his spear down and shouting with pain.

Groegor was so angry that he again took the spear in his other hand and again tried to impale Zack but Zack continuously avoided his spear while also cutting the main muscles of his legs with his sharp dagger. After some more clashes Gregor could not stand or wield his spear and fell to the ground face first.

After which Zack calmly walked towards Gregor and yanked his face upwards and put his dagger on his throat ready to slit it but at this moment an angry voice of Tywin rung in the stadium "STOP. How dare you try to kill a knight in front of the king?" Tywin totally didn't expect for this to happen. Everything happened so fast that people couldn't react on time. But at the last moment Tywin came out of his shock and shouted.

"And who the hell are you to stop me from killing this baboon?" Zack looked coldly towards Tywin and asked without removing his dagger from mountain's neck, who was growling like an injured animal.

"My Lord he is Tywin Lannister, head of the richest house Lannister, as well as the warden of west. And the mountain is serving under house Lannister." Mia answered me.

"And now i am ordering you to release Gregor Clagane." Tywin ordered Zack as if it was normal for Zack to obey. "HAHAHAHA You are ordering ME. I am the son of Warden of the north, Lord of Moat Cailin and i have more gold than you. On what bases are you ordering me to release your dog. Who after warning still attacked me?"

When Tywin heard that he didn't have any words to reply. He could only look towards the king. Who by this time also came out of his shock. "Boy You are good. But Tywin is right you should not kill him." Robert also stood up and said to Zack.

"And with due respect i am once again asking. WHY should i not kill this dog who wanted to kill me." Zack didn't let go of mountain and asked Robert.

"Because the KING is ordering you BOY." Robert looked towards him and said in a loud voice.

Zack looked into the kings eyes and then looked towards his father Ned who was also shaking his head for him to not kill Gregor.

"Sigh~~ ok as my king wishes. But the dog must be shown his place. And must be punished for attacking a lord or it will not be good for you majesty's image. There may come more dogs who will think that it will be ok to kill the Lords under king's eyes." Zack said while removing the dagger from his throat.

"What are you suggesting?" Robert asked Zack. "I told this baboon that if he attacked me again i will make sure that it would be the last day where he sees a mirror and i want to fulfill my promise." Zack told Robert. "Without killing and blinding him i suppose?" Robert wanted a confirmation.

"Of course." Saying this Zack once again lifted mountain's head and looked him in the eyes and said. "So it seems that you are only good at killing women and children who don't even fully talk. You are a worthless human." Saying this he slashed his dagger at Mountain's nose and cut it cleanly from its base. After which he cleaned his dagger and started to walk towards the stands leaving a wailing mountain behind.

After some time when the excitement finally died down. Robert announced that now the awards will be given as such the first, second and third position holders were requested to come in front.

The called winners came in front of the king and bowed to show the respect and then got their prises. After which king Robert announced "Zack Stark and Mia you both have performed very well in the tourney so i allow you to ask one request from me and i will fulfill it." When Robert announced it Cercei looked like she had just eaten a fly.

Mia looked towards Zack and then turned towards Robert and said "My king i have everything i need. But still there is something which i would like to request you." " And what is that request?" Robert asked. "My king if it is possible i would like you to allow ladies to become knights." When people heard that they began to chuckle. Because from the era of first men no lady was made a knight.

"So you want me to allow brave ladies to become knights?" Robert confirmed the request.

"Yes my king. There are many ladies who want to and are more than qualified to become knights." Mia nodded and answered Robert.

"OK from today onwards i allow deserving women to become knights." Robert boisterously allowed it. "Now what is your request Zack Stark?" Robert then turned towards Zack and asked him his request. "My king i wish for my bastard brother Jon Snow to be legalized as Jon Stark." Zack asked Robert.

"Hm~ It is very easy i will order Maester Pycelle to document the legalization of your brother." Robert told them and returned to his seat.

When Zack returned to his seat Ned stood and hugged him tightly while saying "Thank you".

"Its ok Jon is my brother." Zack said to Ned while returning his hug.

After some time every one returned to their residence and prepared to return to their homes.

'Now the time has come to go towards Essos. Eve is waiting for me i have delayed very much but now it is time to reunite. i don't want my eve to be called beggar queen.' Zack thought about his immediate plans.