

One could see clouds of smoke rising and can hear gun shots on a cliff under which a river is flowing. There is a group of three men in army uniform two of which are a little behind the third one and the third one have his computer with him and is waiting for the uploading to be completed.

????="hey Adam how much time is remaining? hurry up we don't have too much time remaining."

Adam="Don't rush me Zack it will take thirteen minutes we have to hold on for this much time."

"boom* boom*

"how do you expect us to hold for thirteen minutes with this whole shit of gun fire"

Steven who was in the middle of firing at opposite side shouted.

As these three were on the run for almost previous two hours were now at the end of their patience but they have to hold on because the data which they are uploading is very essential for the whole world.

They had to complete this mission and the mission was to retrieve the data which have all the codes and locations of atomic bombs.

Zack was the leader and now when he saw the miserable sight of his companions he was very anxious he knew that if the data transfer somehow got interrupted then the whole world will suffer due to the launch of nuclear weaponry.

After a little thinking he shouted for both of his companions "Adam! Steven! give me you ammo i will stay behind that hill and try to buy some time for you guys."

"No *huff* we have to go together." said steven.

"Yeah we will not leave you *huff* alone." Adam said while panting for breath.

"shut up! both of you listen to me carefully my life is not as important as this mission even if i die and you are able to secure the data my life will be worth it. Now hurry we don't have much time."

Both of them looked conflicted but they also agreed because they knew that their mission is very important.

After this both of them steeled their heart and gave all the ammo and grenades to Zack. After which Zack threw the bombs towards his pursuers and took the cover behind a stone.

As he watched the fading backs of his companions and the approaching enemies he suddenly smiled.

The reason behind his smile is that now he is going to fulfill his dream, which is to die a meaningful death and be remembered by every one forever.

After this there was a fierce crossfire between his enemies and Zack. When his ammo was at the end, he heard sound of helicopter he looked upward.


Due to the helicopter's fire my pursuers who were eight in total were hit.

"Oh! our rescue have arrived in time." i thought.

At this time i felt relief as well as some loss. the emotions which i was feeling were very bizarre at this time because i was feeling happy that i lived as well as i was feeling sorrow as i was not able to fulfill my dream, now i will not be remembered as a martyr they will just give me a meddle and that's all.

When i finally gained control over my emotions i saw that a rope stair was thrown from the helicopter for my evacuation.

i easily caught the stair and the helicopter started to fly towards my companions.

when i was still hanging with stair and looking down at the river below i heard a gun shot *BANG* after which i felt soul tearing pain at my left chest and with that i started to lose my grip on the rope stair and with a splash i fell into the river.

I could feel my life leaving my body as where i fell in the river it was near the cliff so after a moment due to water flow i hit the wall of the cliff and when i was trying to push myself away from cliff instinctively with the remaining force left inside me i felt another sheer pain in my hand which i used to push myself away from cliff when i looked at that direction i was amazed to see an extremely amazing stone which is pitch black at the center and have rainbow color rings encircling its core,

but now some of my blood is also coating its surface.

"So beautiful" i thought and before i closed my eyes i saw that stone vanish into thin air .

"haa so now i am seeing things as well ."

and this was my last thought before i closed my eyes.

Hello guys

this is the first time i am writing any novel.

But seriously guys the start really consumes time.

well now that we have taken the first step it will become easy with time.

From the next chapter our story will start.

Ghori4343creators' thoughts