
Multi-dimension Gamer

A male teen receives the chance to live in New worlds.

WanderingWomanizer · Khác
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3 Chs

Meeting God

It was like any other day. My name is Gadreel, am 17 years old. I was just walking to my family's dojo after playing my video game Skyrim. I mean ever since I discovered Skyrim I have been a fan of this game. Anyway this isn't the only game I have been interested in, ever since my brother introduced me to anime, manga, novels,comics, and games I have been hooked.

Well anyway as I was walking to the family dojo I noticed the sky darken out of nowhere. Looking up I thought ' god must be angry'. As the rain started to pour I started to run. As I was running I heard a thundering sound. I look up to see a lighting bolt right above my head. As I felt it hit me I couldn't even think properly as I passed out


"Ouch what with this headache" I asked my self as I waked up to see all white around me.

As I looked around I noticed this old man with a ashamed look on his face.

I started to walk to the old man wanting to ask where we were.

"Excuse me, yeah hello. I want to asked where are we" I asked the old man as I approached him.

"Well young man I'm sorry to say this but your dead"he said as he looked at me while taking glance at the floor.

"Wait how am I dead. Last I remember I was running them I looked up to see..... the lighting bolt was what killed. Really, like come on what are the chances of a fucking lighting bolt hitting me." I asked a little mad at the thought that a lighting bolt was what killed me.

"Yes sorry young man. But I'm god and I'm giving you a chance to be moved into new worlds to fix this mistake of mine." Said god looking ashamed of his mistake. Hearing he responded I was shock that god was right I in-front of me. I mean come on who wouldn't be shock to be speaking to god.

"Wait you want to give me the chance to go to another world."I asked excited at the thought of a world of magic and fantasy.

" Yeas young man. I'm giving you this chance as compensation for getting you killed. And before you ask yes all fictional works have there own worlds of where their story's and games of your world where derived from. Not only that I'm giving you 5 wish to help you survive. And before you ask I'm giving you the bonus of traveling to different worlds. Just you can't go back to your home world."hearing god I was shocked at the shocking news he just l gave me.

"So what I just ask for 5 wishes and go to another world." I asked god looking for confirmation at this proposal of his.

"Yes, I will give you 5 wishes. But let me tell you that the first world will be picked through lottery." God told me as I shake in excitement.

" Well god could you give me some time to think about the wishes." I asked god for time caused i needed time to think about my wishes.

"Well certainly young man, take all time you need" hearing god I went into a thinking state thinking about what wishes to make.


While later


"Well god I have my wishes ready" I told god as I was ready to make my wishes.

"For the first wish I want the gamer powers and I want a extra feature of mods. So that I could acquire certain items." I told god looking at him waiting for confirmation at my wish. I picked this power as through this my body will have unlimited potential.

" Well thats do-able but to access the mod items that will be added you will need to enter that dimension you will be able to create with the gamers power." Asked I heard god I couldn't be happier of being able to have this power.

"Now for my second wish I want to have the powers and knowledge of my character of the game Skyrim." I asked god as through mods I made my character this Op war machine capable of one-hitting ever enemy in the game.

"Well the wishes is accepted but let me tell you that you won't be able to use all your power at ones as some will need you to train to have certain physical prowess to use with out backlashes. Okay, because I will move you there with your current body"

"Yes, I guess that is acceptable." I agree with god as I will mostly like need to have a high physical ability to use some powers cause I doubt with my body I could do some of them. And come on the Dragonborn is badass, I mean come on how cool will it be able to change the very world with your shout.

"Okay, for my third wish I want the ability to gain triple the exp points and status points."I told god cause through this I would have a easier time. And with this power I would have triple the status points to use, so instead of just receiving 5 per level and the regular 1 add add for every level up. I would receive 15 points and instead of just 1 point to my status I would receive 3 for every level.

" Okay that a wish that I'm able to grant."hearing god I was in cloud nine. I mean with this I would be able to pursuit more then one type of playing style with messing up my stats.And with the power of my Skyrim character I would be Op.

"Okay, now for my fourth wish I want the power of Saiki Kusuo." I asked god for this overpowered power.

"Okay that's doable but I will but some limiters to tone it down a little bit. Don't want you destroying the world by just thinking of destroying the world. But don't worry the limiters could be taken off at any time you wish, just be careful."hearing god I was sad as the thought of limiters but I was happy to hear I'm able to turn off the limiters. Now that I think about its only right that I have limiters, I mean even Saiki put them on to stop himself from the possibility of destroying the world.

"Now then for my finale wish. I want my family to live happy life's and I want you to erase my existen from that world. I don't want them to be sad now."I asked god because I don't want my family to go through the pain of losing me.

"Are you sure, I will erase every thing that will put you there." I accepted as this way they will need not worry about me anymore.

"Well young man, those are all your wishes. They will all be granted. Now time to see what world you will be taken to first." God told me as a spinning wheel appear with a bunch of small unreadable writing on them. I think those are the worlds I will be able to visit.

God waved me over to spin the wheel. I walked over and took the wheel and spun it crazy. As the wheel moved I saw it slowly down and stop on some words I couldn't read as they where to small.

" Well young man, the first world is that of the son-in-law of the dragon king. I want you to know you don't have to do anything. You could just rest and relax as your travel the worlds. And know that I will teleport you a year before the story starts in the city." God told me as I was happy to be going to this rather peaceful world that wouldn't be trying to kill me at all times.

"Well are you ready" god asked me as a door appeared right next to us.

"Yes I'm ready to go. Thank you god for this chance." I thanked god as I walked through the door.