
Mugen No Chiheisen: Infinite Horizons

A Tale of A Boy Named Alex who gets Isekaied into a new world, Alex thinks the world is perfect intill his friend dies in a labyrinth, and realizes this world is not what it seems, join Alex and his allies as they go on a great adventure across a massive continent and discover the truth behind this world and Alex destiny to defeat the evil god Shona.

Chase_Kittrell · Kỳ huyễn
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137 Chs

Chapter 3: The Journey Home And The Path Forward

### **A Happy Return**

After countless adventures, battles, and encounters with both friends and foes, Alex and his companions decided it was finally time to head back to the kingdom. Their journey back was filled with scenes of breathtaking beauty. The sun shone brightly, casting a golden hue over the lush valleys and rolling hills they crossed. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the distant songs of birds echoed through the air. Alex had never felt so content. Each step through the vibrant landscape filled him with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy, as if the very earth beneath his feet was welcoming him home.

As they walked, their conversations flowed easily. They reminisced about the perilous adventures they had undertaken—the towering beasts they had slain, the enchanted forests they had navigated, and the ancient ruins where they had unearthed forgotten treasures. They laughed as they recalled the quirky friends they had made along the way: a gregarious dwarf with a penchant for storytelling, a reclusive alchemist obsessed with perfecting an elixir of immortality, and a band of nomadic elves who had taught them the secret art of moving silently through the forest. Each memory was like a precious gem, glittering with the excitement and wonder of their travels.

Nature seemed to celebrate their journey, with the landscape around them unfolding like a living tapestry of vibrant colors and lively sounds. The fields were awash with a riot of wildflowers, their petals opening wide to the sun. Streams babbled merrily alongside the path, their crystal-clear waters reflecting the sky like a mirror. The mountains in the distance stood tall and proud, their snow-capped peaks gleaming in the sunlight. Every moment was a reminder of the incredible world they had explored, and the bond they had forged along the way.

### **Back at the Kingdom**

As they approached the familiar walls of the kingdom, a wave of nostalgia washed over Alex. The towering stone fortifications that had once seemed so imposing now felt like a comforting embrace, a symbol of safety and stability. The bustling streets of the kingdom were just as he remembered—full of life and energy, with merchants calling out their wares, children playing in the alleys, and the ever-present hum of activity that made the kingdom feel like the heart of the world.

They headed straight for the tavern where they had stayed before their adventures began. The sight of the old, weathered wooden structure brought a warm sense of homecoming to each of them. The tavern was as lively as ever, with the familiar sounds of clinking mugs, raucous laughter, and the murmur of conversations filling the air. The smell of roasting meat and freshly baked bread wafted through the room, mingling with the faint scent of ale and pipe smoke.

They settled into their usual spot, a large, sturdy table near the hearth that had become their unofficial headquarters. The flickering flames cast a warm glow over their faces as they relaxed into the well-worn chairs, letting the comfort of the tavern envelop them. The noise and bustle of the other patrons felt like a soothing background melody, grounding them in the reality of being back home after so long on the road.

Elandor, ever the pragmatic elf, leaned forward with a thoughtful expression. His sharp features were softened by the firelight, but there was a seriousness in his eyes. "We need money," he stated bluntly. "Our adventures are thrilling, but they're not always profitable. If we're to buy a house on the outskirts, we need to lay low and work for a while."

Alex, his youthful energy still burning bright, protested immediately. "Come on, we need to go on more adventures! There's so much more to see and do!" His eyes shone with the same fire that had driven him through all their previous exploits.

Lyra, seated beside him, smiled sympathetically. Her red hair, usually wild from battle, was now brushed and shining, reflecting the fire's glow. She placed a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder. "We do, Alex, but we need to be practical. Not all adventures pay well, and we need a stable base. We can't keep relying on the odd job here and there."

Thrain, the wise old wizard whose eyes held the weight of countless years, nodded in agreement. His deep voice carried the tone of experience. "She's right, Alex. Let's gather our resources, work hard, and prepare for future adventures. We need to build something solid that we can return to, no matter where our travels take us."

### **Laying Low and Working Hard**

The decision was made, and they committed themselves to staying in the kingdom for a few years, taking on various jobs to save enough money for a house. Alex threw himself into his work with the same determination he had shown on the battlefield. He trained tirelessly, both in magic and swordsmanship, pushing himself to the limits of his endurance. Despite his initial interest in magic, he soon discovered that he had a natural affinity for the blade. There was something about the weight of a sword in his hand, the balance and precision required to wield it, that resonated deeply within him.

Every morning, Alex would rise before dawn and begin his training. The clang of steel against steel echoed through the courtyard as he sparred with Lyra and Elandor, their movements a blur of speed and power. Under their tutelage, he learned new techniques, refining his skills until his swordsmanship became second nature. The muscles in his arms and shoulders grew stronger, his reflexes sharper. He became faster, more precise, more deadly with each passing day.

When he wasn't training, Alex worked odd jobs around the kingdom. He labored in the fields, helping farmers with their harvests; he hauled goods for merchants, his strength and stamina making him a valuable asset; and he even took on work as a guard, protecting the city gates from petty thieves and bandits. Each coin he earned brought him closer to his goal, and though the work was hard, it gave him a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, Alex turned to Lyra, his chest heaving with exertion but his eyes gleaming with pride. "I'm getting really good with the sword," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Lyra, ever the encouraging mentor, nodded with a smile. "You are, Alex. In fact, you're good enough to become a knight. You have the skill, the discipline, and the heart."

Alex shook his head, his expression resolute. "That's not what I want to do. I want to adventure this world and see every part of it. I want to explore places no one has ever seen before, to uncover the mysteries of this world."

Lyra chuckled, her green eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, alright then. Just know that you're capable of much more than you realize. Whatever path you choose, you'll excel."

### **The Katana**

As Alex's skills grew, so did his ambitions. He began to envision a unique weapon, something that would reflect his growing prowess as a swordsman. Drawing from his memories of stories and images from his own world, he sketched out a design for a blade inspired by the Japanese katana—a weapon of elegance and deadly precision. The design was sleek, with a curved, single-edged blade that was both beautiful and functional.

"I want to make a blade called a katana in this world," he explained to Lyra one evening, showing her the detailed sketches he had drawn. The drawings depicted a sword with a hilt wrapped in silk, a guard shaped like a blooming flower, and a blade that gleamed with deadly sharpness.

Lyra studied the sketch, her eyes widening in surprise. "That's a beautiful design, Alex. But it will cost a lot of coin to craft something like this. The materials alone will be expensive, and you'll need a master blacksmith to forge it."

Alex grinned, his determination shining through. "I'll work harder. This is something I really want. I want to create a blade that's truly mine."

True to his word, Alex took on even more work, pushing himself to the limit as he saved every coin he could. He worked from sunrise to sunset, his hands blistered from labor, his muscles aching from endless training. But he never complained—each hardship only fueled his resolve to see his dream realized.

After months of relentless effort, the day finally came when Lyra told him he had enough money to commission the blade. Together, they visited the kingdom's most renowned blacksmith, a grizzled old dwarf named Borin who was known for his skill and craftsmanship.

Borin was a master of his trade, his hands scarred from years of working with fire and steel. He examined Alex's sketches with a critical eye, nodding appreciatively at the design. "This is a fine blade you've imagined, lad," he said, his voice gruff but approving. "It'll take time, and it won't be easy, but I can forge it for you. You'll have a katana worthy of a true warrior."

The process of crafting the katana was long and painstaking. Borin worked tirelessly, heating the steel until it was glowing red, then hammering it into shape with precise, measured blows. Thering of hammer on metal echoed through the blacksmith's workshop, a steady rhythm that spoke of skill and dedication. Alex visited often, watching in awe as the katana slowly took shape. Borin's hands moved with a practiced grace, each strike carefully calculated to bring the blade closer to perfection. The dwarf's brow was furrowed in concentration, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead as he worked.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The forging process was meticulous, with Borin folding the steel over and over again, creating a blade that was both incredibly sharp and remarkably strong. He tempered it with great care, ensuring that it would not only cut cleanly but also withstand the rigors of battle. The hilt was crafted from the finest materials Alex could afford—wrapped in dark silk and adorned with intricate carvings that symbolized strength and resilience.

Finally, the day came when the katana was complete. Borin presented the finished weapon to Alex with a sense of pride that mirrored Alex's own excitement. The blade was a thing of beauty—sleek and elegant, yet undeniably deadly. The steel gleamed in the light, the edge honed to a razor-sharp precision. The weight of the katana was perfectly balanced, fitting into Alex's hand as though it had been made for him alone.

When Alex finally held the katana in his hands, he knew it was perfect. It was more than just a weapon; it was a symbol of his journey, a testament to the hard work and dedication that had brought him this far. He felt a deep connection to the blade, as though it was an extension of his own spirit.

From that day on, Alex trained with the katana every morning, the blade flashing in the early light as he practiced his forms. The katana moved through the air with a whisper, cutting with such precision that it left the trees and grass around him untouched, but Alex knew that in battle, it would strike true. Lyra often sparred with him, her own sword clashing against the katana in a series of rapid, fluid exchanges. She was impressed by his dedication and skill, watching with a mix of pride and admiration as Alex became a one-of-a-kind swordsman.

"You're good enough to be a knight," she remarked again one day, after a particularly intense training session. Her breath was heavy, but her eyes sparkled with respect.

Alex smiled, lowering the katana and wiping sweat from his brow. "I don't want to be a knight," he said, his voice steady. "I want to explore every corner of this world, to see things that no one else has seen, to uncover the mysteries that lie beyond the horizon."

Lyra laughed, a deep, hearty sound that echoed through the training yard. "Well, alright then. Just promise me you'll be careful. The world is vast, and it's not all beauty and adventure. There are dangers out there that even we can't foresee."

Alex nodded, his resolve firm. "I know, and I promise. But I have to follow this path. It's what I'm meant to do."

### **Coming of Age**

Three years passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, and soon Alex's twentieth birthday arrived. In this world, twenty marked the age of adulthood, a significant milestone that was celebrated with great enthusiasm. His friends gathered at the tavern, the same place where they had begun their adventures together, to mark the occasion.

The tavern was filled with the sounds of laughter, the clinking of mugs, and the hum of lively conversation. The warmth of the fire in the hearth mixed with the cheers and toasts that echoed around the room. The patrons, many of whom recognized the group as seasoned adventurers, joined in the celebration, raising their glasses to the young man who had grown so much since they had first seen him.

Alex sat at the head of the table, surrounded by his companions, his heart swelling with emotion. He had come so far from the boy who had first set out on this journey. The man he had become was forged through trials and triumphs, and tonight was a celebration of that journey. They shared stories of their past adventures—each tale more grandiose than the last—reminiscing about the battles they had fought, the enemies they had bested, and the victories that had bonded them closer than family.

Lyra, Elandor, and Thrain raised their mugs high, their faces alight with joy and pride. "To Alex," Thrain proclaimed, his deep voice carrying over the din. "To the man he has become and the adventures that still await him!"

"To Alex!" the tavern chorused, the cheer echoing off the walls as everyone took a hearty drink.

That night, the tavern was filled with camaraderie and joy. They laughed, they drank, and they celebrated not just Alex's coming of age, but the bonds they had forged over years of shared experiences. It was a night none of them would ever forget, a moment in time that seemed to capture the essence of their friendship and the unbreakable ties that bound them together.

The next morning, despite their hangovers, the group set out to fulfill the promise they had made to themselves—to buy a house on the outskirts of the kingdom, a place they could truly call home. They found a cozy cabin, nestled in a small clearing just outside the city walls. The cabin was modest, a fixer-upper with potential, but it was theirs, and that was all that mattered.

As they stood outside their new home, taking in the sight of the cabin surrounded by trees and wildflowers, Thrain spoke, his voice filled with a mix of pride and a touch of resignation. "This is what we could afford," he said, his eyes sweeping over the cabin. "Inflation in the kingdom is high, but at least we have a home."

The group agreed, feeling a sense of accomplishment. It wasn't grand, but it was perfect in its own way. They had a base now, a place to rest between adventures, a sanctuary where they could regroup and plan for the future. It was more than just a building; it was a symbol of their journey, their perseverance, and the life they had built together.

### **A New Adventure Looms**

One evening, as they sat around the hearth in their new home, the warmth of the fire casting flickering shadows on the walls, Thrain pulled out a map. It was a well-worn piece of parchment, edges frayed from use, but it still held the promise of discovery. "There's a labyrinth about ten days' ride from here," he said, his finger tracing a path on the map. "The Great Labyrinth of Hell. It's said to contain demons, and at its deepest depths, the devil himself."

The room fell silent as they all stared at the map, the gravity of Thrain's words settling over them like a heavy cloak. The thought of facing the devil was terrifying, even for seasoned adventurers like themselves. The labyrinth was infamous, its name spoken in hushed tones by those who knew of its existence. It was a place of unimaginable danger, where few ventured and even fewer returned.

Alex felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. Despite his training and the confidence he had gained over the years, the idea of confronting the devil was overwhelming. He hesitated, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke. "Are we really ready for this?"

Lyra, ever the reassuring presence, placed a hand on his shoulder. Her touch was warm, grounding him in the moment. "We'll be fine, Alex. We've trained hard, and we have each other. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger. This will be no different."

Alex took a deep breath, calming himself. The fear was still there, gnawing at the edges of his mind, but Lyra's words gave him the strength to push it aside. He knew that they were a formidable team, and if anyone could conquer the labyrinth, it was them. "Okay," he said finally, his voice steadier. "Let's do this."

The group decided to start their journey in the morning. They all headed to bed, but Alex found it hard to sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of the labyrinth and the challenges ahead. The fire had died down to embers, casting a soft glow in the room, but the darkness outside seemed to press in,threatening to engulf his thoughts. The weight of what lay ahead settled heavily on his chest, making it difficult to find the rest he desperately needed. He tossed and turned, his mind racing with possibilities—visions of the labyrinth's twisting corridors, shadowy creatures lurking in the darkness, and the ominous presence of the devil waiting at the heart of it all.

Just as he began to drift off into a fitful sleep, a soft knock came at his door. Alex blinked in the dim light, his heart skipping a beat. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and called out quietly, "Who is it?"

"It's me," came Lyra's voice, hushed and gentle. "Are you still up?"

"Yeah," Alex replied, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Come in."

The door creaked open, and Lyra stepped inside, closing it softly behind her. She was dressed in a simple tunic, her hair loose and falling in soft waves over her shoulders. In the faint light, her green eyes seemed darker, more somber. She approached the bed, her expression serious, and sat down beside him.

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted, her voice low, as though she were afraid of disturbing the stillness of the night. "I keep thinking about what's ahead."

"Me too," Alex confessed, feeling a strange sense of relief that he wasn't the only one with doubts. "I'm scared, Lyra. The labyrinth... the devil... It's more than anything we've faced before."

Lyra sighed, her gaze dropping to the floor. "I'm scared too," she said quietly. "I fear that one of us might not make it out. We've been through so much together, and the thought of losing any of you... it's terrifying."

Alex looked at her, seeing the vulnerability in her eyes. Lyra had always been the strong one, the fearless leader who faced every challenge head-on. Seeing her like this, so uncertain, made his own fear seem more manageable. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"We've faced a lot of dangers," Alex said, trying to keep his voice steady. "But we've always come out on top because we stick together. We've fought dragons, outwitted warlocks, and survived traps that would have killed lesser adventurers. This labyrinth... it's just another challenge. We'll face it like we've faced everything else—together."

Lyra looked up at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You're right," she said, her voice gaining strength. "We've been through too much to let fear stop us now. We have each other, and that's what makes us strong."

"Exactly," Alex said, feeling a warmth spread through him as he saw the confidence returning to Lyra's eyes. "No matter what we face in that labyrinth, we'll find a way through it. We always do."

Lyra squeezed his hand back, the weight of her fear seeming to lift. "Thank you, Alex," she said softly. "You always know how to find the right words."

Alex shrugged, a bit sheepishly. "I just speak the truth."

Lyra smiled more fully now, the tension in her shoulders easing. "Goodnight, Alex. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Lyra," Alex replied as she stood up and made her way back to the door. She paused briefly in the doorway, giving him one last grateful look before disappearing into the hallway, closing the door softly behind her.

As Alex lay back down, a sense of calm finally began to settle over him. The fears that had gnawed at him all night were still there, but they no longer felt insurmountable. He had his friends, and together, they were stronger than any obstacle that stood in their way.

With that reassurance, Alex finally drifted off to sleep, his breathing deep and steady as he prepared himself mentally for the journey ahead. The fire had burned down to embers, casting a faint, warm glow in the room, and outside, the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day—and a new adventure.

The final chapter of volume 1, volume 2 will hold more chapters.

Chase_Kittrellcreators' thoughts