
Mr.CEO hates me

"why can't you give me a divorce," Xavier said to Juliet and hold her shoulder tightly in her grip "Because I love you and I will never leave you," Juliet said and the tears stained her face "but I hate you and this marriage is a sham marriage, Xavier knight promised you that I will show you hell until you agreed to divorce me," Xavier said to Juliet with conviction in his voice and pushed her hard that she falls on the floor Juliet cursed her fate that she was in love with a cruel man like Xavier. Juliet loved xavier since childhood but she never thought in her dreams that her dreams shattered like this. Juliet Gracia was a commoner who got married to the hot billionaire, Xavier knight due to the circumstances but what would happen when she found out that her marriage was nothing but sham marriage. will Xavier ever accept juliet or there was someone else who occupied Xavier heart?

mahima_chauhan · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Meeting her admirer James

"Juliet are you fine" Sofia asked when she saw her crying face.

Juliet wiped her tears and looked at Sofia

"The biggest modelling agency in the country rejected me which means that my career is over before starting," Juliet said to Sofia who shook her head

"My dear Juliet, you are so naive. Do you think that in the years I have made only one contact" Sofia asked Juliet who looked at her with confusion lingering on her face

"What do you mean," Juliet asked innocently and Sofia smirked

"I have another agency in my eyes which can help you in your career and trust me one day Xavier will cast you in his company," Sofia said in confidence but Julietchuckled internally because she knew that Xavier hates her and would never cast her in his company.

"There is no agency bigger than Xavier," Juliet said in disappointment and her dream to capture Xavier's heart shattered.

"Agreed but there is one agency which is as bigger as Xavier," Sofia said and instructed the driver to drive to the destination.

Juliet didn't understand what Sofia wanted to say but she has faith in her because Sofia was the only woman who showed her faith in her.

Soon Sofia and Juliet reached outside the bug building of white classic colour and on the bold letter 'J. CORPORATION' is written on it.

"Let's go it's your time to shine," Sofia said and wore her goggles and step out of the car.

Juliet adjusted her dress and followed Sofia inside the building.

Juliet was astonished to see the interior because it was very beautiful and amazing.

She was looking at everything in awe but then she got scared that what if she got rejected here too.

Sofia talked to the receptionist professionally and then went toward the CEO's office but Juliet hold her hand

"Don't you think that we need to take permission first?" Juliet said and Sofia chuckled

"I don't know how well you handle this new world and my sweetheart and the CEO of this corporation is my best friend," Sofia said with pride but Juliet was not satisfied with her answer

"Then why did we go to Xavier's office first when the CEO of this company is your best friend," Juliet asked not understanding the concept of Sofia.

"I took you to Xavier because I want to give you the best start but never mind everything happens for the best," Sofia said with a smile and Juliet was touched by her kind gesture

"Now if you are done with your question, can we meet my best friend," Sofia said and Juliet smiled softly.

Sofia entered the CEO's office and Juliet followed her with a nervous expression

The handsome man sitting in the head chair raised his head to look at the two women who entered the office without his permission.

But instead of getting angry, he was astonished to see the woman who he desired all her life.

"Juliet," he said and got up from the seat, Juliet raised her head and look at the unknown man in front of her.

Sofia looked at both of them in a confusing way.

"James do you know her," Sofia asked and the person standing in front of Juliet was none other than James who was Xavier's best friend and the admirer of Juliet.

James controlled his emotions because he can't show his true emotion in front of Juliet who was unaware of all his feeling.

"Yes I know and it's good to see you Sofia," James said averting his eyes from Juliet and hugging Sofia.

"Feeling is mutual James," Sofia said and they both broke the hug.

James offered them a seat and he pull the chair out for Juliet especially and his action didn't go unnoticed by Sofia.

On the other hand, if Juliet was seeing James for the first time then how would James know her?

James took the head seat and there is a permanent smile plastered on his lips.

"So tell me James how do you know Juliet" Sofia asked with a curious expression on her face.

James was about to reply but then realization hit Juliet and she remembered that she saw James with Xavier and they both were best friends.

Juliet was a hundred per cent sure that James knew about her marriage and she couldn't afford to let herself be exposed in front of Sofia.

"We both met at the party and he is a friend of my boyfriend," Juliet said the first thing which came to her mind but she regretted it after saying

James' eyes widen hearing Juliet and he understood that something was not right.

He looked at Juliet who was pleading with her eyes not to say the truth.

"Yes she is right," James said but he was determined to find out why Juliet lied and what was the reality of Xavier and Juliet's relationship.

"Okay anyways then the work is easy if you both know each other" Sofia said clapping her hand in excitement

"tell me Sofia how can I help," James asked being a gentlemen and from time to time he looked at Juliet was nervous with her finger.

James didn't want to avert his eyes from Juliet because that was the best sight for him.

"Juliet wants to be the model and you have to give her some project and train her under you," Sofia said and James smiled

"Juliet is so so beautiful and it is my pleasure to hire her in my company as a model and I can guarantee you that in a later time, no one can match her beauty," James said admiring Juliet who raised her head hearing her praises

Confidence filled Juliet's heart that the CEO of a big agency was praising her

"I know you have the talent to recognise the rising star," Sofia said with a smile and she could see the bright future of Juliet

And she had also seen the softness in James' eyes for Juliet and she was eager to see find how their story would unfold?

But Juliet was afraid of one thing what reason she would give James to hide her marriage with Xavier?

James on the other hand curious to know why Juliet lied.