

In the heart of the city's financial district stands the towering headquarters of Sterling Enterprises, led by the formidable CEO, GABRIEL KNIGHT. Known for his ruthless business acumen and icy demeanor, Gabriel r is a force to be reckoned with in the corporate world. Enter Parker Elena, a dedicated employee who never expected to find herself walking down the aisle with her CEO. When a sudden twist of fate leads to a fake engagement between Elena and Gabriel, they must navigate the challenges of blending their personal and professional lives. As Elena and Gabriel embark on a whirlwind journey of wedding planning and public appearances, they find themselves drawn to each other in unexpected ways. Despite their initial animosity, sparks fly between them, igniting a passion neither can deny. But as their fake relationship begins to feel all too real, Elena and Gabriel must confront their own insecurities and fears about love and commitment. With the eyes of the world watching, they must decide whether to follow their hearts or succumb to the pressures of society and business. "MR CEO, MY GREAT ENEMY " is a heartwarming and romantic tale of love, loyalty, and second chances, where two unlikely souls discover that sometimes, the best partnerships are found where you least expect them.

sunmisolaligali · Thành thị
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55 Chs


After my tense encounter with Gabriel Knight, I retreated to my office, my ceo is so.annoying , he makes crazy demand and he thinks money can get everything . I entered my office and took my seat seeking solace in the familiar surroundings of my workspace. As I buried myself in my work, the steady rhythm of typing served as a welcome distraction from the whirlwind of emotions that still lingered from our conversation.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the knock on my door until it swung open, revealing a familiar face framed by a cascade of golden curls.

"Elena, darling, are you ready for our lunch break?" came the cheerful voice of my best friend, Olivia. "I brought your favorite – sushi from that new place down the street!"

I couldn't help but smile at Olivia's infectious enthusiasm, grateful for the timely interruption. "Thanks, Liv," I said, setting aside my work and rising from my chair. "I could definitely use a break."

As we made our way to the small café down the street, Olivia chattered animatedly about her latest escapades, regaling me with tales of her adventures in the world of fashion design. Despite my preoccupation with Gabriel and his proposition, I found myself laughing at her anecdotes, momentarily forgetting the weight of my worries.

Over plates of delicious sushi, Olivia sensed my subdued mood and gently prodded me for details. "Okay, spill it, Elena," she said, fixing me with a knowing look. "What's got you so preoccupied today?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. But with Olivia, there were no secrets – she was my confidante, my sounding board, and my closest friend.

"It's Gabriel," I confessed, taking a deep breath. "He approached me with this... proposition, and I don't know what to make of it."

Olivia's eyes widened with curiosity as she leaned in closer. "What kind of proposition?" she asked, her tone eager.

I recounted the details of my conversation with Gabriel, watching as Olivia's expression shifted from intrigue to concern.As Olivia listened to my recounting of the encounter with Gabriel, she paused, her sushi roll halfway to her mouth. "Wait, let me get this straight," she said, furrowing her brow. "He wants you to do what?"

I nodded, feeling a knot of unease forming in the pit of my stomach. "He wants me to... play the role of his wife," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Olivia's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're joking, right?" she exclaimed, setting down her chopsticks with a clatter. "Elena, that's insane!"

I sighed, nodding in agreement. "Believe me, Liv, I know," I said, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "But he seemed so serious about it."

Olivia leaned in closer, her expression serious. "Elena, you have to be careful," she warned, her voice low. "There's no telling what Mr. Gabriel's true intentions are. And getting involved with him like this... it could be dangerous."

I nodded, grateful for Olivia's concern. "I know, Liv," I said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "But what am I supposed to do? I can't just ignore him...I'm thinking of reconsidering him."

Olivia hesitated for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip in thought. Then, with a determined glint in her eye, she leaned back in her chair, fixing me with a steely gaze.

"You don't have to ignore him, Elena," she said firmly. "But you also don't have to play into his hands. Stand your ground, and don't let him pressure you into anything you're not comfortable with."

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me. "You're right, Liv," I said, my voice stronger now. "I won't let Mr. Gabriel push me around. I'll figure this out on my own terms."

Olivia smiled, a proud glimmer in her eyes. "That's the spirit, Elena," she said, her tone filled with conviction. "You've got this." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Elena, guess what?" she exclaimed, barely able to contain her excitement.

I leaned in closer, curiosity piqued by Olivia's infectious energy. "What is it, Liv? Don't keep me in suspense," I said, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Olivia grinned, unable to contain her excitement any longer. "I just got an email from the organizers of the city's annual charity gala," she said, practically bouncing in her seat. "And guess who they want to feature as the keynote speaker this year?"

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Olivia's revelation. "Who?" I asked, unable to hide my curiosity.

Olivia beamed, her eyes shining with excitement. "You, Elena!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. "They want you to share your story and inspire others to give back to the community."

I was speechless, the news taking me completely by surprise. "Me? Are you serious, Liv?" I asked, barely able to believe what I was hearing.

Olivia nodded eagerly, her smile widening. "Absolutely! They said they were impressed by your work with the local shelters and wanted to honor you for your contributions," she explained, excitement bubbling in her voice.

I felt a rush of excitement coursing through me, the idea of sharing my passion for helping others filling me with a sense of purpose unlike anything I had ever felt before. "Wow, I don't even know what to say," I said, my voice filled with awe. "This is incredible, Liv. Thank you for telling me."

Olivia grinned, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You deserve it, Elena," she said earnestly. "And I have no doubt that you're going to blow them away with your speech."

" You can say that again" I grinned

As Olivia's excitement for the gala bubbled over, her eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Elena, I'm happy for you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy. "Let's pick the perfect dress for the occasion!"

" Now... Calm down liv"i said smiling.

"We have to make sure you stand out in the gala night, I've got this fashion designer, let her help you style your dress " she said as she couldn't hide her happiness.

I couldn't help but smile at Olivia's infectious enthusiasm. "Thanks, Liv," I said, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support. "I'm excited too, but let's take it one step at a time, okay?"

Olivia nodded eagerly, her enthusiasm undimmed by my words. "Of course, Elena," she said, her voice bubbling with excitement. "But first things first – let's pick out your dress!"

" Of course we would do that ... Gala is not anytime closer, we would do that later" I said and she nooded as she smile flashing her teeth.

With a shared grin, Olivia and I dove back into our conversation, the thrill of planning for the gala filling the air between us. And as we poured over countless options, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Olivia's unwavering support and the promise of a glamorous night to remember. With time we stood up and went back to our offices .