
Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

"I hope my wife liked the arrangements... for the wedding night." His low husky voice made her heart skip a beat. She tried to walk away from his reach but to her dismay, he held her wrist in his hand. She licked her lips. He pulled her wrist and her body crashed into his broad chest. Trying to calm her breathing, Xu Mey looked up at his face to say something but couldn't do it. Ye Jie was pleased with her transfixed countenance. He lowered his face towards her. Inadvertently, Xu Mey took a step back. They continued with a step back and a step ahead until Xu Mey's legs felt the edge of the bed behind. There was a haughty smirk playing on Ye Jie's lips. He lowered his face again towards her. Xu Mey bent her body backwards but she lost her footing making both of them fall on the comfy bed. As she laid on her back with Ye Jie's body pressing on her own, gazing at his handsome face inches away from her own with his piercing gaze penetrating her soul, she realized she had no ability to push him away. She wanted to get him off her body. She wanted to stay far away from him. But she couldn't do it. His face was so close that his breath tingled her. When his soft thin lips touched her cherry plump ones, her mind was electrified. He softly nibbled on her lower lip, sucking it slowly. The kiss was not urgent or passionate. It was just a simple kiss which displayed a gentle but sincere feeling. --------- What do you do when your family abandons you? Do you start to hide? Xu Mey wasn't the one to hide. The only thing she hid from the world was her real self. Seemingly, a timid girl was terrifying inside but only a few knew about it. She was running for revenge. For every wound that she received, she had a burning desire to pay back ten folds. Ye Jie was heartbroken. He had a perfect life for the world but only he knew what he was trying to hide even from himself. At first, Xu Mey was just his interest. A girl who popped up in his life out of nowhere and yet wreaked havoc. But he soon realized that she had walls built around her heart keeping the world at bay. Losing love once felt enough to him but with a certain someone's appearance, a lot is intended to bring a change. What will happen when she'll alter his idea of love? Will he be able to shatter the thick walls around her heart? Or, She'll shatter him? Life shattered her into pieces. Will his love be able to pick up those broken pieces? ********* This is an original work and not a translation. All rights reserved! ~~~ Join Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gwfrsYyc Instagram: amaya_meehee ~~~~~~ Other works from the Author: "The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise" "Imperfect Desires" "Master's Untamed Wife" "The Moon Mistress"

XiaoMeeHee · Thành thị
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440 Chs

Let's Hug On It

Mother Ye along with Xu Mey's step-mother, Fu Lan was busy with all the planning of the wedding. From florists to food, from the wedding dress to the wedding hall everything was decided by her.

When she went for Ye Jie's opinion or asked him to contact Xu Mey, he simply replied, "She'd love whatever you choose and as for my opinion, I only have one request. Keep a short guest list." He asked to invite a few guests because of Xu Mey but Mother Ye didn't know that. She actually thought her son was still depressed over his breakup.

It wasn't like he forgot his ex-girlfriend but now most of his spare time was spent in thinking about Xu Mey. He wanted to solve the mystery she was. She was like a Pandora box, the more he opened, the more layers there were to peel off.

When the wedding dress arrived from the designer, Mother Ye sent it to Ye Jie's place first. Since Ye Jun wanted Xu Mey to try the dress, he called her to Ye Jie's place. There were only 4 days left for the wedding and everyone was pretty busy which gave a way to Xu Mey to escape from Xu Residence.

When she arrived, Ye Jun was not there yet but Ye Jie was busy on his laptop not knowing when or why his brother called Xu Mey. Xu Mey told him the reason for coming and he led her to the second bedroom upstairs where the wedding dress was.

It was a floor length long lace open sleeve dress with a mandarin collar style. The upper body was tight fitted like a qipao but from the waist down, there was trailing chiffon with a slit down one knee. All in all, it looked half like a qipao and half like a modern gown in red color. It hugged her slim body like an outer skin.

She looked at herself in the floor length mirror and couldn't recognize her own reflection. The girl in the mirror was beautiful but Xu Mey never took herself as a beautiful person. 'A Fairy with A Devil's Heart' That's what she always called herself.

She walked outside the room and descended the stairs to find Ye Jie. The moment Ye Jie's eyes caught sight of her figure clad in the red wedding gown, he was stunned to his place. He even forgot to blink for a moment.

"Sister-in-law, I hate your sister. She's getting on my nerve-" Ye Jun wanted to say further but just like his brother, he lost the words at her sight. And he could only utter, "Wow..."

Under their gazes, Xu Mey felt awkward. She started fidgeting and ran back to the room to change back to her clothes. She wasn't a shy person but she didn't like it when people look at her for a long time. When she came back down, Ye Jie and Ye Jun were discussing something in a serious tone.

When they turned to saw her coming, Ye Jun announced, "Sister-in-law, brother and I decided that we're getting you a veil with that dress."

"Yes, I'm not letting you up on that stage without the veil." Ye Jie stated with a stern look.

Xu Mey gaped at both of them for a while before asking, "Who wears a veil in this era?"

"We don't care. You're wearing it. That's final." Both brothers replied simultaneously making her roll her eyes at them. She had to grumble a 'fine' at the end. Her answer elated both of them.

"Oh, what were you saying before the veil-drama?" Xu Mey asked Ye Jun remembering his words before he went into a stupor.

His expression changed instantly as he said, "I was saying that I don't like your sister at all. She was sitting with mom at home and she was trying to curry favor with her. It seemed like she wants to take your place and become my sister-in-law and I'm telling you, I won't let that happen." His wrathful expression made her chuckle a little.

"Let's be best friends from now on, Jun." Her words made Ye Jun look at her stupefied. "Enemy of my enemy is obviously my friend. I don't like her as well." She came closer to him to say it in a low murmur like telling a secret. "Let's shake on our newly found friendship." She stretched her hand towards him to take.

"Let's not shake on it." He pulled her in a bear hug and said, "Let's hug on it."

Ye Jie dragged him away from Xu Mey from his collar and said, "Let's not hug my wife again, little brother." Ye Jun grumbled 'mean brother' under his breath but Ye Jie heard it.

Ye Jun was busy teasing Ye Jie who was giving him a stoic look when they heard a gentle voice talking to herself. "When did that drama queen came back? Didn't she run away from home 3 months ago? Why is she back now?" She tapped her chip in a thoughtful manner and suddenly widened her eyes as if realized something. "Oh, so your mother managed to contact you and told you that now Ye Jie is the groom. So, you decided to come and please everyone by showing your graceful and polite upbringing. Huh, Shameful. Like mother, like daughter." She snorted and saw the brothers looking at her weirdly.

"I said that out loud right?" Both of them nodded. She folded her fingers to knock on her head and said, "Let's pretend like I said nothing, okay?" She made an okay sign with her hand and both of them followed her actions.

"But you need to tell me about the running away part. We were told that she fell in love with another person and that's why the bride was being swapped." Ye Jie was the first to indulge himself in details.

Xu Mey snorted again. "Fell in love?" She laughed in a mocking way. "Who will love that scheming witch? She ran away because the one to marry from the Ye family was Jun and not Jie. After all, for her like everybody else, Jie is a lot better choice."

Both brothers didn't pay attention to the content of her explanation, they were busy thinking about the way she called them by their names affectionately. 'Let's see how you take Jie from me, Xu Liqing.' Xu Mey thought and a cold smirk spread on her delicate features.

Watching out for a scheming sister is not an easy task. *sigh*

Okay, moving on...

A lot of you are asking for extra chapters.

Well... It's not impossible...

You have to do a teeny tiny thing...

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Because those comments give me the courage to press that publish button every time.

So, I'll be waiting for your comments.

Until next time!!!

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