
Chapter 6 Why Marry Me?_1

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"..." Ye Anran expressed, this joke wasn't funny at all!

And besides, Bo Xiaoshu, why are you leaning so close?

The handsome face close enough to touch, his breath touched her face during their conversation, tickling her lightly.

"Do I look like I am joking?"

"I didn't say you were joking!" This man can read minds, right? She clearly didn't say it out loud.

"It's written all over your face!"

Leaning towards her slightly, his deep voice echoed in her ears, "How about it? This idea isn't so bad, right? If you marry me, you'll become their auntie, they'll have to treat you with respect, even bow down to you! You can openly and justly, berate them!"

"Uh... Bo Xiaoshu, you... step back a bit!" Ye Anran, with her hands on his chest, had an embarrassed flush on her face.

This must be the legendary Flirting God Technique!

She didn't have any feelings for Bo Xiaoshu, but at this moment, her heart started to race.

Bo Jinyu admired her blushing face, his lips curled into a smile, but he didn't tease her further, stepping back.

Ye Anran exhaled, her eyes flickering slightly, she tried to stay calm and asked, "But why? Why do you want to marry me?"

It sounded like a pretty good method.

But what was his benefit?

They were strangers. Why was he helping her?

"The old man's health has declined significantly over the past two years, his only wish is to see me get married and have children. This time when I returned, I'm sure he's going to start the Deadly Thirteen Pursuit! I need a woman to deal with it."

Anyway, he couldn't find a woman he loved for now, and she was pleasing to the eye, besides, she wouldn't obsess over him like a fiend, so... he conscripted.

Of course, Bo Jinyu didn't say the last sentence aloud.

"See, I can help you tread on them, and you can help me, this is mutual benefit. Isn't it great?"

"But he is your nephew!"

"A wife is more important than a nephew!"

Um... Xiaoshu, your logic seems sound, I have nothing to say.


"It's still not feasible."


Why, was an awfully simple question.

She couldn't marry this guy, no matter who she would marry in the future!

This was Bo Youlin's uncle, who knew if his bad traits were hereditary!

And looking at Bo Xiaoshu's face, he is surely bound to attract romantic trouble!

She didn't want to spend her days fighting off romantic pursuits!

More importantly, she could never allow herself to marry someone just to get back at others, even if that person was attractive, it was not alright!

At least she was still rational, Ye Anran thought.

"Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly, what I meant is, we will have a sham marriage."

"That's not feasible either." Ye Anran refused instantly without a second thought.

Pretend to marry, or real marriage, all are unjustifiable.

Bo Jinyu was taken aback, someone rejected his proposal!

"You can consider it!"

Ye Anran needed to nip this terrifying idea in the bud!

So she looked up, seriousness written on her face, "I'm into intelligent men, let's call it this way Xiaoshu, let me test your intelligence with a question, if you get it right, I will marry you."

'Hm? Okay."

'"At noon we hoe the fields, soaked in sweat we fertilize the soil. Who knows the dishes on the platter, each and every grain was toiled. Tell me, how many were 'hoed' by the fields in this poem?"'

Bo Jinyu's facial expression became bewildered, his eyes full of complexity.

Looking at Ye Anran, he was beyond surprised.

Miss, the question you asked right there, was incredibly dirty!

How could she be so calm talking about 'hoeing' in front of such a gorgeous man she just met, let alone asking such a dirty question?

Moreover, this question seemed far from simple, right?

Bo Jinyu was truly stumped by her question. He initially wanted to say one, but then he thought Ye Anran wouldn't set such a simple question, and it struck him, weren't there the sweat drops and the soil?

"Three." he responded confidently.

Ye Anran shook her head slowly upon hearing his answer, and she laughed.

"Then, how many?"

Ye Anran raised five fingers, and smiled faintly, "Who knows, the dish on the platter and every grain, all toiled!"

This question was truly... extremely dirty.

But Ye Anran thought, if she came up with a very conventional question, it would probably be too easy for Bo Jinyu. This man was a top scholar, the top student in both arts and sciences during the college entrance exam in City A, and no one had managed to break his record till date.

"See, our intelligence level is clearly not on the same line, so, I can't marry you!"

"Alright then, I concede!" Bo Jinyu laughed warmly, a noble smile on his thin lips: "At least, let me walk you back home."

"No need, I can go back by myself."

She must be kidding, if she were to allow him to walk her back home, this journey would get even more entangled!

If it's not ended when it should be, chaos will ensue!

Ye Anran hailed a taxi and got in as she spoke.

Rolling down the window, she waved at Bo Xiaoshu, "Bo Xiaoshu, you should better go inside now, the party has just started! Bye!"

Bo Jinyu, hands in his pockets, a faint smile curved on his thin lips.

He turned and went back into the banquet hall.

When he passed a hallway at the entrance, he heard some people discussing and mentioning Ye Anran.

He stopped in his tracks.

"Don't be upset, Mom will teach that little bitch a lesson!"

"Mom, Ye Anran that bitch ruined me and Youlin too, we've lost face tonight. Also, what if Youlin gets mad at us~"

"Your father won't allow Ye Anran to marry Bo Jinyu. Even for the sake of those twenty percent shares, your father has to agree to our plan! Just need to drug her, and make it a fait accompli, then she will have no choice but to marry Li Ming. Let's see what tricks she can pull in Li Ming's hands!"

"Mom, we need to act quickly then!"

