
Mr Playboy betrothed to Mrs Tomboy

"Get the fuck away from me!" She yelled In Anger and Slammed the guy's head on the counter and Zane's eyes almost bulged out What the hell? How could a girl did this? Gosh this is Crazy * * * * Yeah Crazy, unknown to him that's she is his betrothed... She is the Craziest woman he had ever met While he is the most Arrogant billionaire she had ever seen They are the craziest couples you will ever read about * * * " Mom there's no way I'm getting married to that asshole" she rejected.... She is ROXIE KATZ, she is one of Mexico's Billionaires daughter, Surprised right? Why would a billionaire daughter be a tomboy but that's who she is she is crazy, doesn't take shit, but one thing she hates the most is her life is being controlled * * " Mom I preferred being single than getting married to that crazy tomboy woman" he rejected but can he avoids it? He is ZANE CARTER, the CEO of MALI COMPANY, he is a damn god with his handsomeness but he is a Playboy, How would they coped? Will they ever love each other?Ready for the craziest couples ever?

Ifeoluwa_Olosunde · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Episode 6


There is a shock on both their face, as they pointed at each other

"You...., What are you doing here?' Roxie asked with her eyes widened same as Zane wanted to ask same question

Just hope it is not what they are both thinking, what are they even thinking?

Of course, it is

" Mom please don't tell me this is my asshole betrothed husband?" Roxie asked, the both parents surprised at her picked of words

" Roxie, mind your speech!" Her mother snapped and Zane chuckled turning to her mom

" She is not the one you are talking about, is she?" He asked just praying she is not the one

" What are you talking about Zane? Do you Know each other already, of course she is your wife" Mrs Carter said and Roxie couldn't help but Bursted into a laugh causing them to turn to her

" Mom, no fucking way I'm getting married to him, not him Never" she said remembered the way she caught her supposed husband fucking a Attendant in the toilet

What the fuck? Husband my foot

" You know what I'm just gotta get out of here" Zane said and walked out in anger

What the shit? He was expecting an ugly girl

Shit! He had to admit she is beautiful but she is one crazy lady and can't never and won't be his wife

No fucking way!



The two parents were shocked as Mrs Katz watched her daughter stomped away also

They are confused with their both children

" What is happening to our children?" Mrs Carter palmed her forehead

" I swears I didn't know, my daughter is just a pain in my neck" Mrs Katz said

" I will just follow him" Mrs Carter quickly followed her son

What's really wrong with his head?

Mrs Katz fumed in anger, why is it ruined?

And that Roxie, she is going to get punished for this

" Roxie!!" She yelled her name storming upstairs


" Zane what the hell did you do there?" Mom yelled and i scoffed in anger

The whole shit is making me furious, the hell my supposed wife kick my groin

Gosh I can't believe this

Who the hell does that?

" No fucking way I'm getting married to that crazy tomboy lady, did you even know what she did?" I said in anger

" What did she do? Where do you even know her? Tell me? She yelled and I palmed my face

How am I supposed to tell her that she fucking...she fucking...

" Okay, you Know what I'm not getting married " I said with my final tone

To my surprise, I heard Mom's started sobbing as she slowly sat down sobbing

" Mom?" I was surprised, why is she crying?

" Mom" I try touching her but she swat my hand away still sobbing

" Mom, can you stop? I hate it" I said with Sighed and she looked at me

" You don't even care, they saved our family and this is the only way to repay it, back then they help us, we almost die in a car accident with you but they help us" she said with so much pain and I sighed

So this is was it,

" You're just an ingrate, so ungrateful, you should just married her this is our promised, the only way to repay them!" Mom yelled and I was surprised

" Mom calm down" I sad trying to calm her Down but she continues sobbing

Damnit, her tears, so I must get married to her

What the fuck!

" Ok fine I will do it " I said with a Sighed and she turned to me

" You will?" She asked and I scoffed

Isn't that what she wants?

" I will and stop crying" I said walking away

I don't want to do this, it just seems I don't have a choice

Just marry her


" Can you just stop being silly for once?" Mom yelled while I was fuming inside

The hell she is controlling my life and I fucking hate it

I hate the shit,

" Mom stop okay, you can't continue controlling me, I hate the fuck" I yelled and she was surprised

I don't care, she had reach up my neck and I can't take it anymore

" I Know what I want, I can't Married him, he is just an asshole who devour lady and screw them" I yelled and mom suddenly hit my back continuously while I winced

"Mom that hurt" I said loudly and she pulled my ear

" Yeah, that is it, I want you to wake up" she said and I rolled my eyes rubbing my ear

I'm sure it redden already, shit mom

" You're marrying that man, no matter what and you know what I can do," she said and with that she Walked out to the room

Damnit! I gritted in anger

Does it have to be that guy? I don't even like him one bit

Imagine him screwing attendant, that's so disgusting

I don't care what is going to happen, I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED!

I need to get the shit out of the house


I don't plan for becoming a slut, not now but it all happened to be

I need to save mother and cure her Illiness

I don't want to lose her

Now I should just accept Mr Zane's offer

But why me? Why does she want me as his personal bitch, I can't lie he is every girls dream

Yeah, I like him but now he wants me to become his personal slut

Isn't that a chance? Maybe I may ended up getting married to him

" Cynthia!" I heard mom's voice and I jerked

" What are you thinking about? I've been calling out your name" she said sitting beside me and I smile

"Mom, Don't worry, " I said smiling

" Mom we are becoming billionaire very soon, just watch out and I will save you" I said and she furrowed her brows

" What are you taking about Cynthia?" She asked and I smile

I will make Zane Carter fall in love with me and thanks God he isn't even married

So It will be easy to make him fall for me.....