
Mr Liam's Secret Baby

It's been Five years since Amelie Lodge got divorced from her husband. She spends those years trying to rebrand herself, and chase a better life. And when it seems like she might finally get the life she deserves, her past came spiraling into her new life like an untamed tornado. Her life is bought over by the man she that haunts her in her nightmares, and she is once again the slave of Liam Hardwood. However a new discovery changes Amelie's life for good. When she discovers that Liam needs an heir in order to maintain ownership of his family's business, Amelie escapes from her captives into the hands of the enemy, with Liam's baby growing in her. Will she finally be able to escape from the clutches of her ex husband, or will she end up falling for him again?

Aniagboso_Martins · Thành thị
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192 Chs

Stabbed II


I woke up in a haze, my head pounding and my entire body aching. My entire body felt heavy, and just as I was about to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my abdomen, jolting me back to the grim reality. I clutched onto the bandaged wound , and only then did I remember—I'd been stabbed. The memory flooded back, bringing with it a wave of fear and confusion.

Opening my eyes slowly, I found Junior seated by my side, his expression heavy with worry. He wasn't the only person in the room, by the door stood a familiar figure which I spoke recognised to be Melisandre. Her face was swollen, and I could tell from one glance that she had been crying.

"Junior," I croaked, my voice barely above a whisper. He looked up and upon seeing my open eyes, a smile spread across his face. It was a genuine smile, and I was a bit shocked that he was even by my side.

"You're awake," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion.