

Isn't it obvious he hates you? maltreatment by his family, divorced and driven out. why do you both still get entangled in your daily lives? Is this fate or a game set by love to play you both?

favour_omoregbe_4429 · Thành thị
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8 Chs

The Housewife

Serving your husband and his family is your duty as a wife. You just need to stay home and do the chores. The husband is the head of the house, you will do as he says.


Mrs Chu got up from her kneeling position. She gently swept the pieces of broken glass.

'. Be fast with that!!!'.

'. Yes, mother!'.

'. The Xiao must have lost their mind when they gave such a daughter to my son!!!'.

'. I will be fast, mother!'. She gently cleaned the floor.

Mrs Chu did the house chores and prepared dinner. Mrs Mu sat there in the dining room, she waited patiently for Mrs Chu to serve her.

'. Here!'. She placed the dishes on the dining table.

'. What is this?'.

'. Your favorite!'.

'. My favorite?.....this?'. She gently raised the bowl of porridge.

'. Yes!....you have always loved this, I thought I should make some for you!'.

'. This?'. She threw the bowl of porridge on her.

'. Ahh!'.

'. Kneel!!'. She yelled. Mrs Chu knelt there covered with porridge.

'. You bastard!!.....is this how you will cook for my son?!'.

'. I am sorry!.... I thought I could make you have a good dinner!'.

'. A good dinner!!'. Mrs Mu threw the dishes on her, both hot and cold.

'. You are nothing but a bastard!!....say it!!... I am a bastard!!'.


'. I said say it!!'. She slapped her.


'. I didn't hear you!'.

'. I....I...I am....a....bastard'.

'. Louder!'.

'. I am a bastard!!'. She shouted with her eyes filled with tears.

'. That's good.....as for the meal, I won't eat a poisoned meal made by you!'. She pushed her out of the way and walked away.

'. [Crying]...what did I do wrong?'. She gently wiped the floor.

Aunty Shen the maid of Mrs Mu stood there with her as she drank tea in the garden.

'. Madam!'.

'. Yes?'.

'. Permit me to say this!'.

'. Go on!'.

'. I think Mrs Chu is a good lady....if we continue to mistreat her, we might lose a virtual woman!'.

'. You?'. Mrs Mu turned to her.

'. I am sorry!'. Aunty Shen bowed her head.

'. It's okay!..... I dislike the Xiao family, having one in my home is like a spy had made her way in!'.

'. Why would Mrs Chu endure all the pain to spy on the Mu family?'.

'. The Xiao can go to any length to get what they want!'.

'. I see!... I just feel sorry for her!'.

'. Get it out of your head!'.

'. Yes!'. She bowed her head.

Mrs Chu gently walked down the road, she was coming back from the market.

'. I am sorry!'. She apologized as she bumped into someone.

'. Who are you?...are you blind?'. The lady yelled at her.

'. I am sorry!.... I seem to have tripped!'.

'. Oh!'. The lady looked at her.

'. [Sighs]'.

'. ChuXiao?'. Haitang,the step sister of ChuXiao.

'. [How come it's you?]'.

'. The wife of Mr Mu?....'. She laughed.

'. I heard that it's been a year, but your husband still hasn't returned....he didn't even show up at the wedding!!'. She laughed.

'. Does he even care about his wife!'. She mocked her.

'. Did someone get too bored today?'.

'. Of course!, after you left I felt sad!'.

'. [Sighs].....Haitang, as you can see, I am in a hurry!'. She tried walking away but Haitang pulled her back.

'. How dare you walk out on me!!'.

'. Let go, Haitang!'.

'. What will you do, if I don't let go?!'.

'. Let go!!'.

'. Let's see how you run!'.

'. You!!'. ChuXiao slapped her.


'. Who do think you are?!'.

'. You slapped me?'.

'. And I will do it again!!...spoilt brat!!'. She walked away.

'. You dare to hit me!.....you are dead!!'.

Mrs Mu sat there with Mu Dong Yuan, her younger brother.

'. What are you doing here?'.

'. Me?.....just came to see how my sister is!'.

'. Is that so?'.

'. You don't believe me?'.

'. You only come here when you need something,....talk!'.

'. It's been a year since the Mu family got a daughter-in-law,.....but the media seems to be very curious why the groom didn't show up!'.

'. Are you here to discuss this or find out something?'.

'. You can say both!'.

'. Dong Yuan!.....what are planning to do?'.

'. Me?.....nothing!'.

'. You can deceive others, not me!'.

'. Mú Chèn refused to return, I was wondering if I could run the company before he returns?'.

'. The company?'.

'. Hmm!'.

'. I will take care of the company before he returns!'.

'. You?'.

'. Is there a problem?'.

'. Sister, you are already getting old, why can't you let the young generation take over!'.

'. Who are these young generation, if I may ask?'.

'. Me!!..'.

'. [Sighs]'.

'. Sister!'.

'. I would rather leave the company to Wenxi than you!'.

'. She is your niece, I am your blood brother!'.

'. There's no difference, I chose who I want!'.

'. Really?'.

'. Really!'.

'. I wonder how the young Miss get along with you!'. He mumbled.

'. Am I hard to get along with?'.

'. Everyone can see that right from high school!'.

'. Dong Yuan!.....you want the company, don't you?'.

'. No, I don't!'.

'. [Sighs].....rather than trying to plot something, dear brother, get a wife!'.

'. I don't need a wife!'.

'. [Shakes her head].....A foolish man is always a foolish man!'.

'. Who are you calling foolish?!'.

'. You know yourself!'.

'. Mother!'. Mrs Chu gently walked there with a juice and a cup.

'. Niece-in-law, you look very stunning, today!'. He smiled at her as she served him.

'. Uncle, thanks for the compliment!'.

'. It's a shame that my nephew refused to come home...he kept his pretty wife alone'.

'. Mu Dong Yuan!!'.

'...'. He turns to her.

'. ChuXiao, are you going to stand there and watch us?!'.

'. I am sorry!... I thought you needed more!'.

'. Really?....or do you want to hear something?'.

'. What could I possibly hear?'. She took steps back as Mrs Mu walked towards her.

'. If you don't stay off my path, I will kill you!!'. She emptied the cup of tea on her.

'. Sister!!'. Dong Yuan stood up.

'. What is it?'. She turned to him.

'. She is your son's wife!'.

'. Does someone like her deserve to be my son's wife, talk more of being my daughter-in-law!'.

'. I am sorry, mother!'. She ran away.

'. Sister!!'.

'. What is it?.... I didn't do something bad!'. She sits.

'. That was too much!'.

'. Really?.....do you want me to show you more?!'.

'. No! No!'. He chuckled.

Mrs ChuXiao was in her room. She sat there on her bed. She was on her phone call.

'. [You bastard!!!]'. The voice yelled.

'. ...'.

'.[ How could you embarrass your sister in public!!]'.

'. Father.....!'.

'. [Be quiet and let me speak!!....don't think being in the Mu family gives you the right to treat your family badly!!!]'.

'. Father...can you listen to my side of the story!'.

'. [I don't want to listen!!.....you have always been troublesome....now that you are married behave like a mature being!!]'.

'. Father!....Haitang.....'. Her father cut in.

'. [If you don't behave well!....how will you manage your family?]'.

'. Father.....you have always been on the side of my siblings....what about me?... I am your daughter!!'.

'. [My daughter?....my daughter isn't as shameless as you are!!!....pah!!]'.

'. Father!....'.

'. [Now that you are in the Mu family, it will be of good achievement if you help your family!]'.

'. You didn't gamble again, did you?'.

'. [What's your business if I did, huh?..... I am your father, I can do all that I want!!....your job is to help!!]'.

'. You said you would stop gambling!'.

'. [ChuXiao!!.....stop making a fuss about it!]'.

'. If you continue gambling, what about your family?'.

'. [The main reason I called]'.

'. Huh?'.

'. [I need some money!]'.

'. Money?..... I don't have!'.

'. [You!...how can you do this to your family?!]'.

'. I don't have!'.

'. [The daughter-in-law of the Mu doesn't have money!...pah!!]'.

'. It's not as easy as you think!'.

'. [I don't care...you must fulfill your duties!!, you unfilial child!]'. He hung up.

She took in a deep breath.