
Mr Captain's Unexpected Proposal: A Tale of Love in Schubert

[Mature Content] Inez Cal Buford, the youngest daughter of a count in the capital city, Beetheaven, faced financial troubles when her brother's invested ship was wrecked, almost leading to bankruptcy. To save their family's honor during the war era, it was suggested that Inez marry a famous aristocrat or a wealthy man from the bourgeoisie in a business marriage. However, Inez, an 18-year-old girl, refuses to marry someone she doesn't love. Instead, she attends a ball hosted by a famous countess at Beetheaven, where she meets the crown prince, Lennox Percevil De Schubert, who is rumored to be like a poisonous mushroom. Under the luxurious chandelier lights, Inez falls in love with Lennox, and they become lovers, attracting attention from newspapers all over Schubert. However, their relationship faces opposition from the king and queen, who underestimate its significance, just as they did with Lennox's previous affairs. Inez knows that she is not considered suitable to become a crown princess in Schubert, yet she chooses to remain Lennox's lover, but with a clearer view of the future now. However, their love affair comes to an end when Inez receives a letter from Lennox, leaving her heartbroken. She experiences challenging times as her reputation is tarnished by scandals, leaving no man in the capital city willing to marry her. Unexpectedly, a marriage proposal arrives from a famous Marine Captain, Dante Arthur De Ignacio-the king's prominent nephew and the only successor to Marquess of Verthall on the west coast. Will Inez accept the proposal from the man who once caught her almost kissing Lennox?

Jean_Cadieux · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Love Affair at Beetheaven



"Huh?" Inez immediately looks at the man, and she almost misses a step.


"Focus, My Lady," the man warned, looking at Inez with a faint grin.


"Your Highness?" Inez was shocked, but her feet were still following the music quite well.


"Yes, Lady. Sorry for being late. I'm Lennox Percevil De Schubert. The crown prince of this kingdom," Lennox said, which made the girl turn around for him.


Inez could not hide her surprise. She stopped dancing, as did Lennox, who made the other couples stop, and the music too.


The Count and Countess Turin, who were dancing, also stopped and looked at Inez and the crown prince.


"Huh, isn't that the Lady of Buford?" Countess Turin just realized that. She is surprised to see Inez curtsy again to the crown prince. She quickly understood the situation when she saw the change in Inez's expression.


"It seems that His Highness asked to dance without introducing himself," the Count whispered to his wife, who nodded in agreement.


Lennox is still trying to get Inez to stand up from her curtsy, and it works after he seems to whisper in Inez's ear.


The dance floor instantly becomes noisy. The crown prince had never done such a thing in public. So, to quell the bluster, the Count and Countess Turin decided to approach them.


"Your Highness the Crown Prince," the Count called out to him.


"Count," Lennox says, looking up at the 45-year-old man with a smile, "I'm sorry for making a scene."


"It's nothing, Your Highness." The Count glances at Inez, who is still bowing her head.


"I've got something to discuss with Lady Inez," said Lennox, which made all the attention go to the girl in the light green dress. "I will go to the balcony," he said.


"Ah, yes, Your Highness." Countess Turin was slightly startled, but she immediately gave permission.


Lennox looks at Inez. He extended his hand once more. "My Lady?" he offered.


The peering Inez swallows heavily. This time, his hand seemed burdensome to her. But she couldn't refuse the crown prince's offer in public, or her name would be tarnished. She looks at the crown prince and then accepts his hand.


They turn around and cut through the sea of people to the main balcony, which could only be settled by private guests.


Instantly, the dance floor becomes rushed and noisy. Rumors abounded that Inez was the new lover of the crown prince, who had the nickname poisonous mushroom.




The balcony door was firmly closed. Like adding salt to food, Lennox lowers the curtains, making Inez wary of the crown prince's movements.


"Relax, My Lady," said Lennox, who then looks at Inez with a wide smile. "I won't do anything to you." Lennox stepped past Inez and stood at the edge of the balcony. 'At least not yet,' he thought.


Inez swallows heavily as she stares at the back of the crown prince, who is looking at the main courtyard of Turin Mansion.


"Won't you join me?" Lennox turned briefly to Inez, who was still standing in the doorway clutching the side of her dress.


"Is this an order?" asked Inez spontaneously, which made Lennox laugh out loud.


Inez shook her head. 'How can a grown man laugh like a child?' she thought.


"Come here, Lady Inez," Lennox asked, indicating the empty sides on his right and left. The girl was free to choose.


Inez sighs softly. She approaches the crown prince and takes a position on the right. Her hair is blowing in the spring breeze, making Inez bow slightly.


"Are you surprised?" Lennox didn't remove his gaze from Inez.


The girl immediately turns to him with an incredulous look because of Lennox's question.


"Hahaha... well, the answer it's all on your face," Lennox chuckles with satisfaction.


"How could I not be surprised, Your Highness?" Inez protested slightly. "First of all, forgive me for not recognizing the face of the future king of this Kingdom."


"Well, you're so bad, Lady." Lennox leans on the balcony and looks at Inez in detail. "But I apologize."


Inez breathed a sigh of relief. "I have my reasons," she said.


"Let me hear you."


"Because I have never seen you, Your Highness. I often read the newspapers, but Captain Dante's picture appears on the main page more often than you. If there is news about you, the photo will be blanked out," Inez explained calmly.


"But you attend the party quite often. And like I said, this isn't our first meeting," said Lennox, who sounded a little dissatisfied. "Or does my face really not catch your attention, Inez?"


The girl immediately turned when Lennox called her by name only. She furrowed her brows, but Lennox seemed to relax. "It's not like that. If it was wedding season last year, I'd already had another man. And if it had been a party a few months ago, I had no intention of finding a husband. But now I intend to. So all the men who are present and suitable will be of interest to me." She paused for a moment. "After all, you always attend parties without announcing your identity. And blond-haired, blue-eyed men are quite numerous at Beetheaven. How would I know?"


"Hey, Lady."


"Yes, Your Highness?"


Lennox stares at Inez in silence. Suddenly, he smiles with satisfaction. "You are very honest," he said.


"Is that a compliment?"


"Yes, of course. I like honesty."


Inez bows her head. "Thank you, Your Highness." She looks at Lennox again. "So, Your Highness..."


"Did I mess up your plan?" Lennox turns to face Inez. He glances at the closed balcony door. This was completely private. "A crown prince dances then takes Lady of Buford to a private balcony and lowers the curtains. I wonder what the guests will talk about?"


"Ha..." Inez frowned. "That's bad, Your Highness." But she chuckles and faces the main courtyard again.


"Why are you laughing, Inez? Did you say it was bad?"


"Hold on. I don't remember allowing you to call me by my name." Inez glanced at that man.


"Well, I don't need to ask your permission for that," Lennox replied with a shrug. "So, why are you laughing? I already messed up your plan."


"Not you. But I did mess it up before the ball even started," Inez replied with a bitter smile. "Instead of that, I thought you were going to dance with the Lady of Spencer."


"Ah, I don't want to." Lennox immediately refused, making Inez give him a curious look. "The Lady of Spencer often steps on my feet when we dance. It seems she has a personal grudge against me."


Inez gave a small chuckle in response.


Lennox suddenly leans toward her. "You caught my eyes anyway."


"Ey," Inez responded skeptically and distanced herself. She clears her throat briefly, shaking off her surprise at Lennox's sudden approach. "The Lady of Spencer is my savior today. So you must not reproach her."


"Oh? There's such a heroic story?" Lennox sounded like he was teasing Inez. But he nods afterward. "Alright. I'll keep my mouth shut to not reproach the Lady of Spencer," he chuckled. "Inez, about the previous one. Have you ever seen the boat festival in the Edenbel Kingdom?"


"Not yet. But someday, I intend to go there, at least once," Inez replied. "By the way, it's reasonable if you say you see that festival every year. You were invited there."


Lennox laughs out loud. He looked intensely at Inez once more, then smiled. "Would you like to go there with me, Inez?"


Inez blinked rapidly many times. She snorts amusedly, then. "Is that what you usually say to ladies?"

She fell into a stiff silence after that. 'Damn,' she cursed herself, not daring to glance at Lennox. 'What did I say to the crown prince? I'm dead now,' she thought.


However, satisfied laughter could be heard on the main balcony instead of anger. Inez turns her head in surprise, and again, Lennox seems to be laughing carefree.


"Inez Cal Buford, I like you. You're so honest," Lennox complimented her, which made Inez's heart beat even faster.


"A..." Inez broke her gaze with Lennox. She nods slowly. "Thank you, Your Highness. I take it as a compliment."


"No, Inez." Lennox suddenly sounded serious. He looks straight at the girl, giving Inez the courage to return his gaze. "I like you ... I mean, I'm attracted to you."




Meeting Lennox and spending time together on the balcony last night was unexpected. Inez didn't hate it. It wasn't bad. At least until Lennox's confession, which made the atmosphere between them a little awkward afterward. However, Lennox was able to control the situation well, and Inez responded well too. Lennox was a man of authority and knowledge, obviously because he was the crown prince of this kingdom. Fortunately, Inez was able to respond well to most of the topics of conversation. So, last night ended with Inez being escorted by Lennox to his car.


Of course, it immediately became a big scandal at Beetheaven. Because this morning, when Inez sat in her chair while holding the newspaper as usual, neither Captain Dante's face nor the news about the military were on the main page, but her face was plastered there alone with a blank photo of the crown prince beside her.


[Breaking News!] Is Inez Cal Buford having a secret love affair with His Royal Highness, Lennox Percevil De Schubert?


"Oh shit," cursed Inez when she saw the main page. However, she smiles widely. "I expected it to be like this. But if it's the headline of the newspaper, isn't that a bit much?"


The whole of Beetheaven must have been shaken up again by this news, or perhaps even the whole of Schubert. Because the crown prince's romance scandal is always an interesting topic to talk about,


The sound of fast-paced feet could be heard approaching her bedroom. Inez turns her head instantly, and a second later,




"My Lady!" Anne called out. Inez sees her with a letter in hand. She is breathless when she reaches Inez.


"What is it, Anne?" Inez asked curiously.


Anne's gaze immediately fell on the newspaper in Inez's lap. Of course, Inez already knew that her lady was making headlines in Beetheaven's famous newspaper. "Ah, Lady..." She gave Inez a letter that had the crown prince's seal on it. "There is a letter coming from Schubert Palace for you."


"For me?" Inez accepted the letter. She picks up the teaspoon that was placed on the table, then unstamped the letter with the spoon.


[To Inez Cal Buford,


Did you arrive safely at the mansion and sleep well last night?


As for me, I didn't sleep well last night because I thought of you, Inez. I mean it.


I'm sure you saw the headlines in Beetheaven's newspaper this morning, considering you read the newspaper every morning. As soon as I saw it, I grabbed a pen and paper to write this letter to you. So, I apologize if this writing seems a bit difficult to read. I wrote while looking at the blank photo of me and you. I regret that I had forbidden the publisher to put up my picture.


Inez, you look beautiful in the newspaper. Tell me, who took your picture? Don't answer now because I want to hear it directly. I've invited you to the Schubert Palace flower garden at nine in the morning. I'll be waiting.


Lennox Percevil De Schubert]


Inez closes the letter and chuckles a little. She is leaning back in the chair and staring at the letter from Lennox once more.


"My Lady," Anne said, looking at Inez, waiting for her lady.


"Anne," said Inez, turning to her maid. "You said the crown prince is the poisonous mushroom of this kingdom, right?"


"Yes, My Lady," Anne replied excitedly.


Inez laughs bitterly at that. She stares blankly at the letter. "It seems I've eaten the poisonous mushroom." She looks at Anne again. "I was invited to the palace gardens by His Royal Highness at nine in the morning."


"What?!" Anne was shocked. More than that, she was even more surprised that at nine in the morning, she only had forty-five minutes left before the meeting time. "You will come, My Lady?"


Inez gets up from the chair. She took a sip of tea to wet her throat. "Of course. It is the crown prince's invitation, not the son of a Viscount or Baron, that I can refuse."






"Inez!" exclaimed Anthony as he walked unannounced into the girl's bedroom.


Inez, who had almost finished dressing in front of the mirror, was surprised, as was Anne.


"Why did you break the door too?" Inez protested.


"Inez Cal Buford!" called Anthony, approaching the girl with a hectic step.


"Ugh," Inez complained, exhaling harshly. "That's enough, Anne." She waves her hand.




"Enough ." Inez gets up from the chair and turns to greet Anthony, who appeared to be holding the Beetheaven newspaper. She sighs softly. "What's wrong?"


"This!" Anthony pointed to Inez's photo on the main page. "How did it get like this, huh? I didn't ask you about the ball last night because you came home late. And what a surprise I got this morning! What were you doing at the ball, Inez?"


"Anthony," Inez complained, holding her forehead. "I was just doing what I was supposed to do. I also didn't know that the crown prince was dancing with me," she said frustrated.


"Yes but--" Anthony stops suddenly. He saw Inez's neat appearance in a sky-blue dress. "Wait. Where are you going?"


Inez took the letter from the crown prince, which she placed on the dressing table. "His Highness invited me to the flower garden of Schubert Palace."


"Oh God, Inez..." Anthony complained in frustration. "I did tell you to get a husband, but the crown prince is too much!" He was talking like that because Buford was on the edge of bankruptcy. If only Buford hadn't gone bankrupt, Anthony would have been the first to rejoice at the news. "You know, Inez, how much dowry should I return to His Highness? Buford is not in good condition. At this rate, it'll be nothing!"


"Anthony," called a tired-looking Inez. She slept late and woke up as usual. Then she had a surprise morning and received an invitation to Schubert Palace. "I did what I had to do. And when I said I would bring the best future husband at Beetheaven, you didn't refuse."


"That's because--"


"The crown prince is the best potential husband at Beetheaven. Even in Schubert. I kept my promise to you," Inez interrupted, staring boldly at her brother. She paused for a moment. "I cannot refuse His Highness' invitation. Besides, if I could, I wouldn't."


"Inez," Anthony complained, holding his head, which felt dizzy. "Please, I would be embarrassed if I had to bargain for a dowry with His Highness."


"For now," Inez swallowed nervously, "let's talk later. I'm almost late."


Anthony exhales a rough breath. He stared at Inez as he girded his loins. "I know you're beautiful."


"Thank you," Inez replied with a short nod.


"Go on," Anthony waves a hand, "we'll talk after you get home."


"Yes." Inez looks at Anne, who is still holding the makeup kit. "Finish your work, Anne. Bring my hat," she pleaded.


"But you are not done yet, Lady."


"That's enough," Inez replied and stepped outside.


"Use my car!" Anthony shouted.


Inez only nods briefly without looking back. Without being told, she would use the car instead of the carriage with the Buford family crest. It would only implicate Inez when passing through the main road at Beetheaven since she was now the main character.


Anne hurriedly picks up a hat that matches Inez's dress, then nods quietly to Anthony and chases after the lady.


Anthony stared at them with worry, then turned to stare at the letter from the crown prince that Inez had left on the dressing table. "What should I do now?" he muttered in desperation.




The car enters the vast and luxurious Schubert Palace. This is a palace that has been built since the 17th century. The noblest people in Schubert lived here for many years. And this is the favorite palace of Her Majesty, Queen Virginia.


After getting a briefing from the gatekeeper, the driver drove through a road that could only fit one car. It seemed that the road would directly connect them to the entrance of the palace garden.


It was good that Inez could avoid the gaze of the palace people, who were curious about the rumors of her romance with the crown prince.


"I think that's the entrance up ahead," said the driver, slowing down the car.


Inez looks ahead. She saw a beautifully decorated flower arrangement on the curved iron fence. It did look like an entrance. "You can stop here," she said.


"Yes, Lady." The driver applied the foot brake, and the car slowly came to a stop. He got out first, then opened the door for Inez.


"Anne, you wait here too," Inez pleaded before she got out.


"Yes, My Lady?" Anne was stunned.


"I'll go alone," Inez said firmly.


Anne nods hesitantly. "Alright, Lady. I will wait. Be careful," she warned Inez with a worried look.


Inez smiled faintly at Anne. She gets out of the car and pulls her hat over her face.


"I'll park the car on the curb, Lady."


"Yes, I'll leave it to you," Inez said, stepping slowly into the flower garden of Schubert Palace.


Let's be honest. This is the best flower garden Inez has ever seen. All kinds of flowers bloomed here beautifully. The fragrance overpowered the scent of Inez's body. And one thing she liked the most was that red roses are the dominant flower in this garden.


Inez watches her step as she crosses the rocky path. And she did it quite easily.


The girl clenches her fists in front of her chest, which is beating faster and faster. In front, there was the second gate, which meant the crown prince was probably there. She paused for a moment, closed her eyes, then caught her breath.


Whatever would happen, Inez would face it gracefully.


The girl opened her eyes again and took a confident step. However, her confidence seems to collapse when she saw a blonde-haired man with his back to her. He looked authoritative in a formal royal suit.


Inez swallows saliva heavily. 'This is so bad. I've eaten Schubert's poisonous mushroom,' she thought as she looked at the man with his back to her.


The wind suddenly picks up in the garden, carrying a floral fragrance that beats any perfume in the world. That blonde hair shines brightly in the sun.


Inez summoned courage within herself once again. Especially when she realized there was a table and two chairs set up in the middle of the flower garden, complete with a small banquet.


"Your Highness The Crown Prince," she called out, which made Lennox turn around slowly. Inez trembled slightly as the man's smile grew wider for her.


"Finally you came too, Inez!"

