

!Notice! I've moved the novel to a new one in order to participate in a contest. It will have the same name. Thank you for all your support! Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-a-strength-based-society-i-am-the-strongest_19781300606367105 - When a mysterious creature crashes on Earth, it jump-starts a startling mutation in the genetic makeup of humans and the planet. This leads to what will be called the Awakened Era. With no external threat, will those with new powers remain subservient to the current system, or will they bring the downfall of society as we know it? Follow the story of Kairo, a college student who learns he can absorb the powers of other Awakened.

Corion · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Mysterious Creature

Shutting the door of my one-bedroom apartment, I finally relax, and the gravity of this afternoon's events hits me.

I finally have an ability, but it will bring me endless enemies should it be revealed. I was almost killed in an alley by a homeless person and indirectly caused his death.

I took off my sweaty and dirty clothes which reminds me that there's still blood on the back of my head.

Walking into the cold water slowly diluted and peeled away the dried blood on my back. My mind wonders about my mysterious stealing ability.

As far as I can tell, I can still manipulate the air in my surroundings. I played around for a bit by scattering the water droplets around me with air before finishing up my shower.

Dinner was a delicious bowl of beef ramen.

After everything that happened today, my school assignments were at the back of my mind. Quickly finding an unused notebook, I started to write down everything I know about my ability.

Just like my analysis in the alley earlier today, I don't have the slightest idea how powerful my ability is, what the limits are, and its uses.

The exhaustion finally caught up with me and so I decided to rest, pushing everything over to do tomorrow.


[Time - 21:23:00 Day of the Crash] [Location - USS Blue Ridge, 300 miles off the coast of Hawaii]

"This is the Commander of the US 7th Fleet, you are infringing upon US territorial waters, please withdraw, this is your final warning." A stern man can be seen repeating another warning to a fleet of ships on the horizon.

"Fuck! Can't we just blow those ships to the bottom of the ocean?" Yells a rather disgruntled Marine officer on the bridge.

"We have orders to screen the 3rd fleet while they recover whatever they wanted. Not to mention technically they are still in international waters." Responded the stern man, 4 stars can be seen on his epaulet.

"Fuck those guys, what's so important anyway? Can't they let the Pacific fleet do operations in the Pacific? Why did they have to call in those guys from the Third?"

"All I know is that at 0650 today I was ordered to bring the entire fleet back from patrols and reach the Midway Atolls to form a perimeter screen. Nothing gets in or out."


[Time - 22:30:00] [Location - Pentagon, Washington D.C.]

"Have we found it yet?" Asked the Secretary of Defense that's been on edge for the past 12 hours.

"No sir, we have submarine drones searching in a 50-by-50 mile area of the supposed crash site." A naval attache responded, "But since we haven't told either fleet admiral what to look for aside from a large asteroid, progress has been slow."

"I'm not sure for how much longer we can hold off the international pressure," reported the Secretary of State that just came back from a meeting with other diplomats.

"We have to get it, I don't care what it takes, burn some bridges or something!" Snaped the Secretary of Defense.

"If it was only China or Russia then sure, would you like me to also ignore Korea and Japan? The entire European Union?" The Secretary of State rolled her eyes.


[Time - 22:40:00] [Location - Unknown]

<Mysterious Creature POV>

I cannot heal... There is no void energy here...

Where am I?

I'm surrounded by a dense fluid, the pressure is immense.

My senses are telling me to go west. I drew from what remained of my energy to propel towards this attraction.

The endless dark abyss reminds me of my home in the void region, I regret leaving now. If I only knew how they would hunt me so relentlessly, causing me to forcibly jump into the unknown regions.

I approached a cliff, my senses told me to go deeper, to dive down. I kept on diving, the pressure grew, but it only tickles compared to the stress of wormhole travel.

Just like the void space, it was pitch black, however, my senses could accurately provide me with a 'view' of my surroundings.

The two opposing walls of the trench narrowed, the lower I went. A few strange creatures tried to attack me but were vaporized by my energy attacks. It surprised me how easy it was considering their size.

Could I be on a dead planet?

My thoughts got interrupted when I suddenly saw a light. It got brighter and brighter as I dived further down with renewed vigor. I sensed that I might be able to save myself when I reach it.

I finally reached the end, a glowing stream seemed to winddown the bottom of the trench.

I realized what it was.

An exposed vein of the planetary core.

But that was where the good news ended.

This planet had no energy. It was a dead planet.

Wait... No, it was very much alive... It's been artificially sealed.

But why would a random planet in the unknown regions have such a powerful sea-

No... it can't be...


[Time 01:00:00 Day after Crash] [Location - Pentagon, Washington D.C.]

"Dammit!" The Secretary of Defense slammed his hand on the conference table. "Fine, let them search, I don't believe they'll turn anything productive!" He turned around and stormed out, leaving behind a large collection of instant coffee cans.

"You heard the man, let the other countries have a look, keep an eye on them." An admiral commanded.


While suspicious, with no proof that the US had already found the mysterious object, the other countries secretly began their search as well.

But all their efforts yielded no results, suspicion couldn't help but arise in the minds of the other leaders.

Completely out of the eye of the public, the news that an extraterrestrial lifeform might have landed on earth has already spread within the very top circles of society.

But no one knew that deep within the Earth's core, something was changing. A dormant energy will once again rekindle the flames of human civilization.

Bringing about a new era.

I'm not sure if I should restructure the first few chapters as it jumps all over the place and the timeline is not linear. I tried to do character introductions as well as adequately build the plot. Tell me what you guys think in the comments.

Corioncreators' thoughts