
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

feipei · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Levi and the Merchant King (3)

A flash of confusion made its way into Levi's dainty features. Why was Luke suddenly all worked up that he even barged into his room bearing all this angst? He was pretty sure he didn't do anything these past few days. Levi has been so behaved he could almost rival a saint, alright?

'Okay. I might be exaggerating. Is this about that cake I smuggled into my room last night? Oh no, did Luke find out I took it?' Levi sat upright in panic and started twiddling his fingers like a kid caught red-handed.

However, even before he could utter a single word of defence Luke had grabbed unto his collar. Being a bit deprived in the height department while Luke had been blessed by the heavens, Levi could only look on helplessly at the raging man.

"You're in here hiding like a rat and causing your Lady, the master you're supposed to serve whole-heartedly, all sorts of problems. Chalice is about to sacrifice the best course of action for her plans and for the fief for a coward like you! And I dare say you were too caught up in your own world that you didn't even notice it or think about it. Say Levi; are you really a knight or masquerading just as one?"

The scathing tone of Luke's every syllable made Levi even more puzzled.

'What is Luke saying? So, this isn't about the cake...what then?' Levi was confounded. He gaped at the striking, more often than not calm and gentlemanly man that was about to spit fire at him. It seems Luke has a fiery side to him as well. And his reverse scale was none other than their mistress.

"Let me down, first. I really don't get what you're saying alright? I'm long-winded like that." Levi chose, and quite wisely too, not to fight fire with fire. After all, he really was clueless as to what Luke was furious about.

Luke haphazardly released him causing Levi to hit the marbled floor painfully. But he dared not say a single word of complaint for fear of infuriating the former even more.

"I thought so. You really weren't aware. I'm not surprised since you just up and left the moment you heard the words Merchant King. And you never showed yourself afterwards. How stupid of you. If you had just been conscientious enough and curbed whatever demons it was that you were hiding, and actually asked Chalice what she needed the Merchant King for then maybe your dim-witted head would finally understand."

He loosened his tie as Luke glared disdainfully at the knight. He has gone back to his usual, calm self. Although, his anger has subsided it didn't mean that he wasn't still annoyed with Levi. The man was usually bright on most days. Though most of it he spends unhealthily admiring himself. (William and most of the maids were witness to this.)

"What does Lady Chalice need the Merchant King for Luke?" Levi disregarded the pain in his rear brought from Luke's merciless handling. His tone took a sombre turn.

Has his unusual reaction triggered something in those brilliant cogs of her mind?

'I say! That woman and her over thinking.'

Luke sighed resignedly as he headed for the door. He tilted his head pointedly at Levi with a neutral expression masking his face.

"Collaboration for the opening of the first ever Auction House in the fief; its aim is to open up a new commercial centre and a trade route for the Eashen jade. The lady has stumbled upon a jade vein and it has opened up an industry with high economic potentials. One that can catapult Amaranth into unimaginable heights."

He paused and turned his back to the knight. Luke knew it was easy for him to ruminate on the possible results of the said collaboration. He didn't need to explain to Levi its overall impact to the Lady and the fief's future prospects.

"Unfortunately, my lady has assumed that the Merchant King has somehow done her precious knight wrong. She'd rather suffer setbacks than cooperate with a probable foe."

With one last glance at the dazed knight, Luke walked away in a manner far from that of how he came.


'Levi, this is Juliann. He'll be living with us from now on. You must treat him well, alright?'

His curious hazel eyes gazed at the boy at his mother's side. Levi tilted his little head to him. The boy seemed to be a lot older than him and a lot taller too. His platinum hair was cropped short but Levi noted that its silvery strands glistened like silver in the light. His gray eyes had a frosty glint to it that did not fit his age.

"Juliann, this is my son Levi. I hope you could look after him from now on. He's quite sickly and delicate."

Levi's mother said with a warm smile. Juliann regarded Levi with a cold nod. While the latter's face reddened with embarrassment.

"Mommy! I am not delicate. I'm a boy. Boys are not delicate." He stomped his tiny foot and gave his mother an anxious glare. Levi's outburst was met with only an amused laugh.

"Ah, my Levi is super cute." His mother further teased and pinched his plump cheeks which were flushed with pink. Levi felt even more enraged at his mother's antics but it all vanished when he saw that the silent newcomer also held the faintest trace of a similar amused smile.


Levi peered at the face reflected in the mirror. His hazel eyes glazed over as he recalled the first time he met the Merchant King. Chalice was right. He did know the man. Levi knew him absolutely well. After all, they grew up together.

Levi came from a small merchant family originating from the Heidelberg territory in the South. During one of their caravan travels, they found Juliann, ragged, dirty and injured at the rubble of a ruined village. His mother felt pity on the child and took him in.

Later on, they came to know that the village where he was found were ravaged by bandits. Due to the lack of warriors aside from the village chief, Juliann's father, they didn't stand a chance. Juliann was the sole survivor. How he had managed to escape, he never did tell them. And they never pressed him on for it.

Juliann proved to be quite a help to Levi's family. Even then, he had shown exceptional intelligence. Oftentimes, Levi's father would ask for Juliann's assistance in their merchant business. Levi's mother was also quite fond of him, for despite his cold exterior Juliann was quite caring for the young Levi.

Levi looked up to him as well. He was the only person who had not treated Levi as delicately as others nor did he make fun of his features which were a bit too feminine for a boy. Juliann was every bit the older brother, albeit an ice block incarnate older brother.

He always had an eternally cold expression and a frosty glint in his eyes. Juliann also refrained from talking unless he felt like it or he needed to. Levi was the only one who could make him speak in sentences and paragraphs. Mostly because Levi does not stop talking unless he answers.

Even in Levi's darkest times, when his parents passed away and were lost forever at sea, Juliann kept his word to his mother and stayed with him. He took care of the depressed Levi and handled the mantle of their family.

In all facts, Juliann has never done him wrong.

And yet Levi still ran away.