

Unlucky soul get reincarnated in DC Universe with power ups.

TyrantTron335 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

I don't know where I read that in the universe all places and space-time are not the same. For example, 1 second in one galaxy is equal to 1 day in another galaxy. So I will use that concept.


Unknown Sector

Almerac Planet

Military Camp

In the Military camp of the military Almeracian Empire. Here every single soldier, military officer, General, and is waiting.

30 Million soldiers are standing, Space Battleships Such as 50 Assault Super Carrier, 200 Combat Battle Cruiser, 200 Advanced Capital Assault, 50 Heavy Assault Super Carrier, 300 Destroyer, 500 Super Heavy Plasmyr Tank, and 500 Strategic Frigate Drone.

All the ministers are standing on line two sides. In the middle of them, there is Thrthe one of the emperors.

All ministers, military officers, and soldiers are bending down their heads respectfully.

Then Terry sits on his throne. All Military Officers are standing except Minister who sits on their respective chair.

Terry: "Start the Meeting."

After Emperor's order, Prime Minister stand up from his chair.

P. M.: "Your Majesty, Everything for Conquest has been prepared."

Prime Minister report about conquest preparation. Terry signals to continue.

P. M.: " We have prepared 20 million infantry, 8 million heavy weapon infantry, 1 million Special force, 500k Tracker, 500k Supporter. "

P. M.: " As for our heavy weapon we have 50 Assault Super Carrier, 200 Combat Battle Cruiser, 200 Advanced Capital Assault, 50 Heavy Assault Super Carrier, 300 Destroyer, 500 Super Heavy Plasmyr Tank, 500 Strategic Frigate Drone. "

Terry: " Good, But we have to increase our military power. "

P. M.: " Your Majesty, we'll do as you say. "

Terry: " Just doing as will not be enough, Increase our production if you need any help let me know. "

P. M.: " As you wish, your Majesty. "

Terry then rise his hand, and all of the soldiers rises their heads one by one.

Terry: " I plan to conquer the Vega System first."

P. M.: "That's a Good Decision My Emperor, But?"

Hear from Prime Minister Terry Glared at Him.

Terry: " But What?"

P. M.: "Your Majesty for Conquering Vega System, especially you have to destroy two empires. "

Prime Minister stop talking.

Terry: " Continue. "

P. M.: " Thank you, Emperor, for allowing me to explain to myself. "

Terry shows signs to continue.

P. M.: " Emperor, there is two race we need to defeat, first Tamaraneans and Citadel. Citadel is low intelligence but they have technology might that can counter our technology and military. As Tamaraneans they have a powerful military that counters citadel technology."

Terry: " I want to whether you can win or not without my interference. "

P. M.: " My Grace, We can win this war with our might. "

Terry: " Good. "

When Prime Minister stopped talking the Thinker want to say something.

Thinker: " Your Majesty."

Terry: " You can say it if you want to say something."

Thinker: " Your Majesty, the Quality of the weapon is not making our expectations. "

Terry: " Why? "

Thinker: " Your Majesty, even though we have Almeracian Empire Scientists to work they're not working to my expectations. "

When Thinker was talking to Emperor Alamgir, one Royal Assembly Member interpret the conversion.

Labor Minister: "An Outsider telling that our scientist is not his exceptions."

Even though the labor minister whispers it to himself. Terry hears his voice. Terry channeled his Heat beam to his eyes and blasted the labor minister's chest, which sent him a few meters backward and kneeling.

Terry: " Prime Minister threw him out of my assembly and his ministry. "

Guards take the labor minister to the infirmary.

Terry: " You continue."

Thinker: " Thanks, your Majesty. Your Majesty, I need assistance to faster and more effectively upgrade our weapon's."

Terry: " Hmm. So what do you suggest."

Thinker: " I think we should capture the Gorilla City. "

Terry: " Are you talking about. The Gorilla City that located in Africa. "

Thinker: " Yes, your Majesty. "

Terry: " Don't worry I'll arrange it. Spymaster. "

Spymaster: " Yes, Your Majesty. "

Terry: " The Spy team must be doing their job under you."

Spy Master: " We able to inside every powerhouse in this universe except New Genesis and Apokolips."

Terry: " Good, keep doing it. "

Terry Stand up from his throne all the minister also do the same while now their head. He comes before his soldiers.

Terry used his Sound Manipulation so that every soldier can hear his voice.

" I'm the Emperor of the Almeracian Empire. I have my trust in you that, you can conquer the whole universe. It's we who conquer the whole universe. I know you will never disappoint me. Today we're just Almeracian Empire but tomorrow we're going to a universal empire if that's God's will. "

Terry's Charisma and Life Equation Affected the whole army. Now they can truly fight for Conquest.

" All Hail The Emperor Alamgir."

" Victory For Almeracian Empire."

The Army is shouting and cheering for Terry.




Royal Palace.

Currently, Terry is calculating with Mother Box, he finished his plans.

Terry: " Mother Box. Open a big Boom Tube before the intelligent Gorilla City of Africa Continent."

Mother Box: [ Command Accepted. Opening Boom Tube. ]

A Boom Tube opened before Terry, he put his hands in Boom Tube.




Africa Continent

Gorilla City

Every Thing was going normally like every day but Suddenly a large portal opened before their city in the sky. The portal was bigger than the city, and from that portal, two hands come out.

Feeling they're in danger they immediately try to put down the threat. No weapon and shield can stop the Two hands, Suddenly two hands glow purple energy type thing. All weapons and Shield get disintegrated by it. The Whole city got covered by Forcefield which wasn't their Forcefield. The Hands Lifted the city that was covered by Forcefield and take it inside.

There's nothing but a hole left now in the Former Gorilla City area.




Almerac Planet

Terry Put the city into an uninhabitable area. Terry comes before the Gorillas. He sees they're currently using stone weapons. He destroyed all the weapons but seeing they quickly made a few weapons for themselves satisfied Terry.

One Group Comes before Terry with a stone weapon.

Terry: " Which One of is the leader of your group."

When Terry asks One Gorilla to come before him.

Ma Ark: " I'm the leader of Gorilla Nation, my name is Ma Ark. Current Patriarch of Ark Household."

Terry: " I'm the Emperor of the Almeracian Empire, I am known as Emperor Alamgir. "

Ma Ark: " What do you want from us? "

Terry: " Form Now on You people belong to Almeracian Empire as normal citizens. "

Gorillas are Currently whispering with each other.

But Ma Ark stops them.

Ma Ark: " Sorry, we reject your offer. "

Terry: " Sorry, Did I hear anything wrong? "

Terry Unleash power Aura with the Fear power of the Emotional Spectrum. That put everyone in paralysis with terror. Terry Stopped his Aura.

Ma Ark: " I know we accept your offer."

Ma Ark and the rest of the Gorillas say bowing their head to the ground.

Terry: " Good. My officers will take the other matters."

Terry leaves the new Gorilla city of the Almeracian Empire with a High-speed flight.


Is Aquaman a god?

Short Answer: No

Long Answer: Maybe?

He's been referred to as a God in several comics Thor issue 2 had a copycat Justice League reference mentioning what would be assumed to be that universes Aquaman

"A Sun God" is an obvious reference to Superman while "A God of The Ocean" is a clear reference to Aquaman. I think in a traditional sense Aquaman would be just as much of a God as someone like Superman would be. But it gets a bit tricky with Aquaman because he's someone who's routinely hanging around Gods. He's been given markings by Gods indicating him as one of them. He wields a weapon giving him the powers of the Greek God of the Sea. So it's not really clear cut. He's not a God in the sense that he doesn't get power from worship or hear prayers or anything like that.

From Justice League of America Vol 4 Issue 2

The Irony is that this seemed like all buildup by Hitch when you go several issues into the arc to issue 7 and see Aquaman being armed with an upgrade.

"God Of The Oceans"

A few more issues in issue 10 you have Aquaman full on embracing the idea.

It's honestly been a reoccurring thing in reference to Aquaman outside this look at the way The Giant Born were reacting when Arthur was trashing Hercules in Aquaman Vol 7 issue 30

They referred to him as "Apollo in a new form" as well as "A Sea God" and "Scylla and Charybdis as one" those are heavy compliments in terms of power to refer to an enemy as a God. The Giant-Born continued interpreting Aquaman as a God beside another born Demi-God Wonder Woman in Aquaman Annual 2 of the v7 run.

Both Arthur and Diana are referred to as Infant Gods as well as Child-Gods by the Giant Born in this issue.

I think overall the fact that he's been marked by Old Gods as one of them could potentially be taken as a sign of being a God himself at this point.

Aquaman Vol 8 Issue 47.

In summary he's been referred to as a God in DC Comics and ironically over in a Marvel comic. He traditionally wields the power of a God with his trident among other abilities that over all make him appear to be some kind of sea deity and he's been marked by a Pantheon and is considered as a brother to actual Old Gods. So technically he is a God, just not by birth like someone like Thor or Wonder Woman is. He's more like been adopted into the role. Which would be in line with characters like Loki who is the God of Mischief but was born a Frost Giant. When Jane was wielding Mljonir she was considered the Goddess of Thunder and if I'm not mistaken they're are legends in Greek mythology who were granted Godhood I'd say that pretty much applies to Aquaman in multiple different ways.

Long Answer: Yes by wielding the powers of a God he could be interpreted as one himself. In a power standpoint it's definitely valid.