
Mother at 16

Beth has had a normal life up until the night she went to her first prom. Beth didn't know it that day but her life would be forever changed. Go with Beth on this exciting journey to find out what happens next.

NinaLow · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Not Home

Warning may trigger some unwanted memories. Take caution reading.

That night was a blur. I remember Darren said we were going home, but we never did. I remember him and some of his friends taking me to a small room. I remember he kissed me, then laid me on the bed. That's when I knew, I wasn't safe with him. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I was too drunk. Darren pushed me against the bed so I couldn't move. I remember him taking off my clothes, even though I begged him not too. That's when all my nightmares started.

"No, stop. Please don't do this Darren." I begged.

"Shhh, calm down. Trust me your ok, this will be the best experience of your life," he said.

"No, I don't want this," I said.

"Just relax, I promise to make you feel good," he said.

"Please don't ruin our friendship by doing this. I begged.

Though no matter how much I begged he didn't stop. The man I thought was my best friend, had hurt me. This would leave several scars later, some seen and some unseen. Though the scar that never faded was the one where I lost my best friend. I wish I could say I hate him, but the sad truth is I don't. Some of you might be thinking I deserved this, but I didn't. The next morning I woke up in a strange place. I realized later I was at Tyler's house, but what scared me the most is I remembered what Darren had done that night. I run back to my house and cried on my pillow. Why had he done it I thought. When I confronted Darren about it, he lied and said I asked for it. When I told my best girl-friend Lily, she called me a liar and said, Darren would never do such a thing. That's where the rumors began.