
Rise of the Forgotten Part 1

"Kisa?!" A voice called out. A girl laid staring up at the ceiling that towered above her. Her pink frizzled hair covered her eyes as she made out the outlines of shadows that were covering her walls from the trees outside her window. "Kisa?! Are you up yet?" The voice called out again. "Ughh...." Kisa groaned as she slowly rolled out of bed, "I hate Mondays..." There was a small knock on the door followed by it opening, "Oh you're awake," a tall man said with a smile. Kisa nodded, "Yeah...could you tell mom I'll be down shortly?" She asked as she put her hair into a braid. The man nodded and closed the door behind him. Kisa turned towards her mirror and began preparing for the morning. "My name is Kisa, I'm 15 years old and the daughter of Jayden and Yuki, my parents are both elementals, but not only that they are also Vessels, or Elementals who have made packs with Elemental Gods," Kisa thought to herself, "My parents were involved with the revolution that took place 15 years ago that ended the reign of Oracle, who abused their power to hunt down Elementals and kill them..." Kisa stared out of her bedroom window, the trees outside rocked back and forth as the autumn wind blew through them. "Kisa! Breakfast!" Yuki called from downstairs. Kisa quickly grabbed her school bag and ran down stairs to the kitchen. There was a strong scent of bacon and eggs and Kisa smiled as she sat at the kitchen table. "The usual?" Kisa asked with a grin. Yuki turned from the stove and smiled "Same as it has been since you were little," she replied. Yuki placed a plate of freshly cooked bacon and eggs in front of Kisa. Kisa smiled and began eating, "Where's dad?" Kisa asked. Yuki sat down and began to drink her coffee, "He just left, he has a board meeting with your uncle this morning, and Ashe should be here soon to pick you up for school so I'd eat as quickly as you can so you guys aren't late for class again," she replied. Kisa sighed, "Ugh...ya know I can walk...I don't need Ashe escorting me everywhere..." Yuki laughed, "I'd rather know you've made it to school safely that's all," she replied. Kisa groaned and continued eating. "By the way...your aunt is stopping by after school, she wants to continue your training," Yuki said. Kisa shrugged, "Our last session was cut short...apparently she had an errand to attend to," Kisa replied. Yuki looked down at the red crystal orb that hung around her neck, "Have you made any progress with your abilities?" She asked. Yuki snapped her finger and a small flame burst from her finger tip. "Getting the hang of the control...though aunt Miki says that I hesitate too much when I release any power..." Kisa said. Yuki chuckled, "You'll get better, I was like that too at your age, but I had to control my power quickly due to the circumstances I was in...your lucky to have your aunt to teach you." Kisa smiled slightly, "Why can't you teach me?" She asked. Yuki wrapped her hands around the red orb and sighed, "Due to my bond with Kikuri I exert more power than you would be able to handle in a training environment....your aunt; however, can exhaust just enough to train you properly," she replied. Kisa nodded, "I suppose..." she said. There was a knock on the front door and Yuki stood from the table, "Seems like Ashe is here, I'll let him in," she said as she stepped out of the kitchen. Kisa groaned and continued eating. "Well, good morning..." a voice said from behind Kisa. Kisa's pink hair spiked, "Hey Ashe...." she said. Ashe grinned as he brushed his blue bangs out of his face, "You ready to go?" He asked. Kisa stood to her feet and grabbed her bag, "I don't understand why you have to bring me everywhere...." she said. Ashe sighed, "Well aren't you just peachy in the morning...you'd think after being around you for the last 12 years I would have grown accustomed to your morning qwerks..." Kisa laughed and walked past Ashe towards the front door, "Bye Mom!" She cried as she headed towards Ashe's parked car. "Bye sweetie!" Yuki replied. Ashe shrugged and followed, but Yuki stepped in front of him. "Before you go I wanted to say thank you for looking out for her, things have been rather hectic with Jayden working and my meetings with President Mavis...it's been difficult to be around Kisa lately..." Yuki said. Ashe smiled, "It's not a problem...my parents are busy too," he replied. Yuki smiled and waved as Ashe and Kisa drove off down the road. "You seem chipper this morning," Kisa said. Ashe gave a small smile, "Well your company just makes every morning a special one," he replied. Kisa glared stared out of the passenger window. "So...I've been wondering, do you know why my dad has been running off with your dad and Uncle Vere lately?" Kisa asked. Ashe shook his head, "Not a clue...I'm assuming they are busy with work with the winter solstice approaching and we will be getting a break from class soon...I'm sure all of the instructors have a lot going on..." he replied. Kisa sighed and looked out the window. "Whatever you say.." Kisa said. Meanwhile, back at the Citadel the Council met with President Mavis to update her on recent security concerns. "What are we doing here again?" Jayden asked as he looked at the giant table that sat before him. Vere sighed, "Mavis wanted to discuss something with all of us...apparently it was urgent enough to drag us away from the Academy for a few hours so just enjoy it...not like we have anything scheduled due to the holidays coming up..." He said. "Oh? You two are here as well?" a familiar voice asked. "Ah Martin good for you to join us," Vere said. Martin smiled, "Yeah seems the whole gang is here, but why?" He asked. Jayden shrugged, "Your guess is about as good as mine," he replied. "Gentlemen," Mavis said. "Honey," Vere said, "What was so important that you needed us here for?" Mavis turned and waved towards the chairs, "You all may want to sit down...this may take time to explain...." She replied. As everyone sat at their seats, another gentleman entered the room. "Ah, Julius, you made it," Mavis said. Julius walked to the table and placed a large file on it. "Madame President, the files as requested," Julius said. "What's this?" Jayden asked. Mavis sighed, "A few days ago Intelligence Operatives began hearing chatter across a classified network that a suspicious person had appeared and was making declarations that he was the embodiment of the old order and that the time had come to reclaim the world that he had planned to take..." she said. The room was quiet for a moment, "Do we have any information on this person?" Vere asked. Mavis nodded, "This folder contains images that our operatives were able to obtain of the person in question...though I'm not sure how well you three will react..." she replied. Jayden and Martin both looked at each other, "What do you mean by that?" Jayden asked. Mavis pushed the folder over to Jayden, "Do you believe in ghosts?" she asked. Jayden opened the folder, and his eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Martin asked. "Well....this is an interesting turn of events..." Anubis growled, "And to think that after all of these years he has resurfaced...." Vere walked over to the folder and looked at the pictures, "Who the hell is this...?" Vere asked. Martin also looked at the images but his face turned pale, "There is no way that he should still be alive..." he said, "Nexis Bane...he's reappeared after all this time...." Mavis nodded, "These images show him wandering around the capital, though we aren't sure what his intentions are," she said. Jayden stared at the images and sighed, "Did you tell Yuki and Mikiu?" he asked. Mavis shook her head, "No....I only wanted to inform you three, Martin you have Ashe and Jayden you have Kisa, I would only assume that they stay with their mothers out of this situation..." she replied. Martin walked over to the windows overlooking the entire city, "To think that all this time Nexis has been in the city.." he said. "What are we going to do?" Vere asked, "If Nexis is planning something shouldn't we be doing something about it?" Mavis sighed, "I understand your frustration dear...but we don't exactly know what he is planning...and what threat he poses to us..." she replied. "Mam," Julius said, "We did intercept a transmission that Nexis had broadcasted stating that Operation Zero Hour was a go...though the recipient was hard to trace..." "Zero Hour?" Jayden asked. Martin's eyes widened, "That's not possible...." he said. "You know what that is?" Vere asked. Martin nodded, "When Miki and I fought Oracle years ago they were developing a super weapon that had the potential to wipe out all existing Elementals...or so we thought until our last encounter with them in which we discovered that Nexis was harvesting the power from Elementals for his own purpose....Zero Hour was the code word for the project," he replied. Mavis looked at the documents on the table and looked back at Vere. "I will have Intelligence move to gather more information on this matter...as for now please keep vigilant, especially you Jayden...Nexis tried to take you before and who's to say you aren't his target again..." Mavis said. Jayden sat for a moment and nodded, "I understand, let us know if you hear anything else..." he said.

Mavis stood to her feet, "I will, but for now that's all I have to give to you guys," she said. "Then we better be off," Martin said as he, Jayden, and Vere stood up. "Vere...?" Mavis asked, "Could you wait a moment?" Vere nodded, "I'll meet you guys downstairs," he said. Jayden and Martin left the room and Vere stared at Mavis. "You don't think he will act rationally knowing this information do you?" Mavis asked. Vere shook his head, "Who knows...I'll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't try to act on his own..." he replied. Mavis nodded, "Then for now we wait....I'll see you at home," she said. Vere smiled, "Yes dear..," he said as he walked out of the room. Outside Jayden and Martin watched as people walked passed them and cars passed through the busy intersection. "Crazy that all of these people don't realize that some power hungry maniac is out there plotting to destroy all of this..." Martin said. Jayden laughed, "Yeah...and we will be the ones to prevent that from happening..." he said. "Oh Jayden...." a voice called through Jayden's mind. Jayden froze and looked across the street. A man dressed in a black coat and hat stared intently at Jayden, his smile peaked from under the red scarf that wrapped around his neck. Jayden could feel a sudden surge of terror course through him. "I'm coming for you..." the man said. "Jayden?" Martin asked, "You alright?" Jayden shook his head and looked at Martin, "Sorry...I thought...I thought I saw someone just now..." he replied. Martin looked confused, "Who?" He asked. Jayden looked across the street and noticed that the man had vanished. "No one...just a figment of my imagination..." Jayden replied. Martin frowned, "Alright, well let's grab Vere and get to work," he said. "It was him wasn't it?" Anubis asked. Jayden nodded, "No doubt...we don't have a lot of time..." he replied. Back at Ortega Academy Kisa awaited the final bell to ring so she could leave for the day. "Ya know...instead of staring at the clock maybe you should pay attention in class more...." Ashe scoffed. Kisa glared, "Please...this class is a bore and you know it..." she replied. Ashe laughed, "Just givin you a hard time...anyways I hear Mom is coming to train you again today?" He asked. Kisa nodded, "I'm assuming you will be doing yours with your dad?" She replied. Ashe nodded, "Yeah...though I feel like he isn't taking me seriously...I can do so much more but he won't let me.." he said. Kisa looked back at the clock, "Well it's about that time," she said. Ashe looked up as the bell rang. The light outside had grown dark as the clouds rolled in. Ashe and Kisa made their way to the schools lobby. "I suppose I'm dropping you off too?" Ashe asked. Kisa shrugged, "No clue...I don't see my mom so I would think so," she replied. The two made their way to Ashe's car and began to make the drive back to Kisa's house. "We may get our first snow tonight," Ashe said. Kisa nodded, "The temperature is dropping quite fast...so it's possible," Kisa replied. Ashe laughed, "You probably can't feel it can you?" He asked. Kisa sighed, "Not really...I constantly feel like I'm burning up, which ironically enough can be said since I'm a fire Elemental...what about you? You shouldn't feel the effects of the cold either right?" She asked. Ashe shrugged, "I can manage my abilities, but keep in mind I'm also not like you..." he replied. Kisa stared, "Oh right...you're a fox thingy demon...I don't know...our family is extremely dysfunctional...." she said. Ashe laughed, "I'm a Kitsune...and yeah...we sure are and speaking of which...I can finally relax since I'm not at school..." he said as two fox like ears appeared through Ashe's bluish hair, "Much better....it's really hard keeping these things in check sometimes..." Kisa laughed, "I remember the time you let them pop out in class and everyone thought you were cosplaying a neko...." she said. Ashe sighed, "Yeah...it was even more awkward when I couldn't "take them off"...." he replied. "Well looks like this is my stop" Kisa said as the car came to a stop in front of Kisa's house. Ashe nodded, "Yeah and looks like my mom is here too..damn she's on top of your training..." he replied. Kisa sighed, "Yeah...looks like I'm gonna sleep good tonight then..." Kisa and Ashe said their goodbyes and Ashe drove off. Kisa made her way through the front door, "KISAAAAA!" A woman shouted as she embraced Kisa. "He...ey Aunt Miki..," Kisa said. "Ah it's been awhile since I've seen you!" Mikiu said. "Only a few weeks, but I understand you've been busy.." Kisa said. Mikiu sighed, "It's been rough with work and all but I'm taking some time off to focus primarily on your training, I don't want you getting rusty on me," she said smiling. Kisa stared, "Oh goody..." she said. Mikiu grinned, "That's the spirit, I knew you'd be excited" she said. Kisa sighed, "Where's mom?" She asked. "Oh she's in the kitchen preparing dinner, apparently your father won't be home until later tonight," Mikiu replied. Kisa nodded, "Sounds about right..though I did notice that dad, Uncle Martin, and Uncle Vere weren't in any of their classes today.." she said. Mikiu smiled, "They had to meet with the Citadel today, though I didn't think their meeting took all day..." she said. Yuki walked into the living room and smiled, "Ah Kisa, how was school?" She asked. Kisa shrugged, "The usual...boring and uneventful.." she replied. Mikiu laughed, "That's the same response I get from Ashe everyday, I'm surprised you two are the top of your class..." she said. Kisa laughed, "Well what can I say...the classes we take are mediocre..." she replied. Mikiu grinned, "Well if you've got that attitude with school then let's see if you can keep up with it during our training session today," she said. Outside Mikiu stood facing Kisa, "We are going to try sparring today, so with that in mind I'm going to change things up a bit..." Mikiu said. Kisa gave a puzzled look, "Sparring? We've only done technique practices..." she said. Mikiu smiled, "Well it's bout time we took off the training wheels and moved on to bigger better things then..." Mikiu said with a smile. Mikiu clapped her hands together and purple flames erupted around her. "Let's change the scenery first...I'd hate to ruin your parents back yard.." Mikiu said. The purple flames around Mikiu sprang into the sky and exploded. A white light emerged through the explosion and began to envelop both Mikiu and Kisa. "What the hell is this?!" Kisa shouted. As the light faded Kisa realized that both her and Mikiu were standing in a large white room filled with fog. Mikiu grinned, "This is my own personal subspace that I created for myself to train in," she said, "You see time doesn't exist in here so you can train as much as you want...though, I have to use my own power to keep this room maintained..." Kisa stared with a blank expression on her face. "Now...like I said, today we will be sparring so I hope you're prepared..." Mikiu said. Kisa could feel her hands shaking, "So she's serious then..." she thought to herself. Mikiu smiled, "Here I come!" She shouted. Red flames erupted around Mikiu and in an instant teleported in front of Kisa. "SHIT!" Kisa shouted as Mikiu drove her fist into Kisa's face. "You need to be faster than that dear..." Mikiu said as Kisa flew back to the ground. "What the hell!? Are you trying to kill me?!" Kisa shouted. Mikiu laughed, "No..but I am expecting you to use the lessons I've taught you up until now to protect yourself..." she replied. Kisa gritted her teeth, "Fine...." she said. Mikiu grinned and teleported again, Kisa turned around and clapped her hands together, "BURST BURN!" she shouted. Red sparks ignited from Kisa's hands and a surge of orange flames exploded towards Mikiu. "Ah you knew where I was going to be," Mikiu said, "But you're gonna have to do better than that!" The flames surged towards Mikiu, consuming her. "You can't escape that!" Kisa shouted. The flames swirled around Mikiu as she stood in the center of the inferno, "Can I though?" She said. Mikiu snapped her finger and the flames extinguished, causing steam to explode around them. "Wha...WHAT?!" Kisa shouted, "I hit you head on!!" Mikiu smiled, "Do keep in mind that I was and still am a Dragon Tamer....controlling flames are easy for me..." she said, "Now...my turn.." Kisa braced for Mikiu's incoming attack. Blue flames erupted around Mikiu as she charged Kisa, "Midnight Blaze!" She shouted as a giant blue fireball erupted from her hand and surged towards Kisa. Kisa jumped into the air and clapped her hands together once more, "PHOENIX SPIRE!" she shouted as a blast of flames ignited and intercepted the fire ball causing a massive explosion. Through the smoke Mikiu appeared above Kisa and flipped forward driving a kick into Kisa, sending her crashing into the ground. "You're timing is slow..." Mikiu said, "You won't be able to hit me if you don't get your reaction time in order..." Kisa coughed as she slowly got to her feet. Blood dripped from Kisa's mouth and she glared at Mikiu. "She's so strong..." Kisa thought to herself, "I've heard stories but I never thought she'd be this powerful..." Mikiu smiled, "If you want to stop we can for today," she said. Kisa bit her lip, "No way...I want to get at least one hit in.." she replied. Mikiu smiled, "Then hit me..." she said. Kisa closed her eyes, "Focus all of your energy into a single point and release it..." she thought to herself. The steam around Kisa began to rotate around her and red aura began to rise from her body. "Focus..." Kisa thought to herself, "NOW!" Kisa opened her eyes and red flames erupted around her. "Oh?" Mikiu said in surprise, "This is new..." Kisa's Eyes were bright orange and the flames around her began to take the form of a Phoenix. "I'm going all out so I hope you're ready Aunt Miki..." Kisa said. Mikiu grinned, "Well then, come and get me!" She shouted. Kisa teleported and an explosion of flames erupted around her as she surged towards Mikiu. "What the hell? She's different than before.." Mikiu thought to herself. Kisa appeared in front of Mikiu, "Spring Fire Roulette!" She shouted as the flames around her fists began glowing. "SHIT!" Mikiu shouted as she tried to avoid the oncoming attack. Kisa drove her fist into Mikiu's stomach and began to unleash a barrage of continuous attacks. "FINAL FLAME!" Kisa shouted as she blasted Mikiu with a giant fireball. There was a massive explosion and Mikiu was sent flying back into the ground. Kisa panted heavily as the phoenix flames around her dispersed. "Ho..How was that..." Kisa asked exhaling heavily. Mikiu struggled to her feet laughing, "Well I wasn't expecting that, but I gotta say I'm impressed," she replied with a smile. Kisa sighed and fell to her knees, "Good...because I'm wiped..." she said. Mikiu laughed, "I'd assume so...where did you learn a move like that?" She asked. Kisa grinned, "Mom showed me a while ago..but she told me to only use it in an emergency..." she replied. Mikiu laughed, "Of course Yuki would teach you an ace move like that..." she said. Kisa took a deep breath and looked at her tattered clothes, "Mom's gonna kill me...." she said. Mikiu smiled, "No...you'll be fine, again I control everything in this place," she said as she snapped her finger. Kisa's clothes returned to normal and her injuries healed. "Wow...." Kisa said, "That must really come in handy." Mikiu laughed, "It sure does....now let's get back to reality, and we can continue this some other time," she said. The room around them faded and Kisa and Mikiu stood in the middle of the back yard again. "Oh you two are done?" Yuki asked, "You are just in time, dinner is ready." Mikiu grinned, "Good cause I'm starving!" she said. Meanwhile, Ashe had returned home. "Dad?" Ashe called out. There was silence, "Where the hell is he?" Ashe thought to himself. Just then Ashe's phone vibrated, "Hm? who could this be?" Ashe thought to himself. The light on the phones screen lit up and a text message appeared. "Some stuff came up at work I'll be home later...let your mom know," Dad...the text said. Ashe sighed, "Great...now what...." he thought to himself, "Well looks like I'm eating out tonight..." Meanwhile across town Jayden, Martin, and Vere sat in a car waiting. "So let me make sure I understand this...you saw Nexis and you are assuming that he is tracking you, and to avoid any further complications with his presence you want to lure him out hiding and finish things once and for all?" Vere asked. Jayden nodded, "I'm not sure who I saw earlier...but I know who I heard in my head...this is our best course of action though..." he replied. "Even if it was him and he does manage to come to us, it's three on one.." Martin said. Vere sighed, "We don't know what we are up against...shit changes in 16 years..." he said. "Well there's no turning back now..." Jayden said, "And on the bright side we've managed to keep the girls out of this..." Martin sighed, "If Miki finds out about this she's gonna kick my ass..." he said. The moon illuminated the field before them, outside the cool air blew through the trees and there was silence. Jayden got out of the car and walked forward. "What's wrong?" Martin asked. Jayden looked off into the distance, "Someone is here..." he replied. Vere stepped out of the vehicle and walked forward, "I don't see anyone?" He said. Jayden nodded, "That doesn't change the fact that someone IS here..." he replied. Just then a white light surged towards the three. "MOVE!" Jayden shouted as they jumped out of the way. The blast hit the car sending it flying into the air and exploding. "Son of a bitch! My car!" Vere shouted. The car fell to the ground engulfed in flames. "Jayden...it's him.." Anubis growled. Jayden nodded, "I know..." he replied. In the distance two figures approached, both dressed in black coats. "Who the fuck are these guys?" Vere asked. The two figures stopped in the middle of the field and removed the coats. "Well, well, it has been quite a long time..." One of the figures said. Jayden stared in confusion, "Is this him? He seems to young to be Nexis?" He thought to himself. The man smiled, "What's the matter Jayden? You don't recognize me?" He asked. "Nexis Bane..." Jayden said. "Bingo...give the man a prize..." Nexis replied. "What the hell...there's no way..." Martin said, "You are younger than before..." Nexis laughed, "Oh well you see a lot has changed recently...after I managed to complete my life's work I was able to use the power that I accumulated from all of the Elementals we hunted down and infuse that power into my body...needless to say the after effects have been life changing..." he replied with a smile. Jayden glared at Nexis, "Jayden...something's different...this power...it's astounding..." Anubis said. Jayden nodded, "Then we need to be careful...." he replied. Nexis stepped forward followed by the other man, "You know Jayden you are a real hard man to track down....but you made this too easy..." he said. "Better to stop you now then deal with you later..." Jayden replied. Nexis laughed, "Oh please dear boy...stopping me? I think in this case you should be more worried about yourself..." he said. "And why is that?" Jayden asked. Nexis stopped and grinned, "Because I no longer need you anymore..." he replied. The ground around everyone rumbled and Nexis teleported in front of Jayden. Martin and Vere both turned, "JAYDEN LOOK OUT!" Vere shouted. "Too late..." Nexis said smiling. Nexis drove his fist into Jayden's stomach sending him flying backwards into the ground. "JAYDEN!" Martin shouted as he turned to swing at Nexis. The other man teleported in front of Martin grabbing his arm. "What the hell?" Martin said in surprise. "Oh where are my manners...let me introduce you to Malcom...he is as you might say my personal bodyguard..." Nexis said. Malcom forced Martin back and jumped into the air sending a kick right towards Martin's head. "I don't think so..." Vere said jumping forward and grabbing Malcom by the leg. "You'll have to take on both of us if that's the case!" Vere shouted as he threw Malcom into the ground. Nexis smiled, "Well now where was I?" He said as he turned towards Jayden. Jayden lunged forward, driving his fist into Nexis' face. Nexis flew back and hit the ground. "Your fight is with me..." Jayden said. Nexis laughed and got to his feet, "Well now...if that is the case then why not use that power of yours? I'd hate to see it go to waste..." he said. Jayden smiled, "Oh trust me...you'll get what you are asking for.." he replied gripping his Embodiment Orb, "ANUBIS!" There was a bright purple surge of energy that erupted around Jayden as his body was encased in black armor and black electrical energy filled the air. "Time to cast judgment..." Jayden said as he spun his scythe in the air. Nexis grinned, "We will see..." he said. Meanwhile, Vere and Martin began fighting Malcom. Malcom jumped into the air and put his hand out towards Vere, "Harbinger's End..." Malcom said as white energy formed around his hand. Vere slammed his hands into the ground, "Vortex Barrier!" He shouted as a gust of wind erupted from the ground and spun around him. The white blast erupted from Malcom's hand and surged towards Vere. "I don't think so!" Martin shouted, "Spirit Blaze!" Blue and white flames ignited from Martin's hands and intercepted the incoming blast causing a massive explosion. "VERE NOW!" Martin shouted. "AEROSPLITTER!" Vere shouted as he fired a blast of wind energy towards Malcom. "Try avoiding that!" Vere said. Malcom smiled and extended his arm, "Sound Void..." he said as a loud echoing sound began resonating from his hand. The wind blast dissipated and Vere glared at Malcom. "Damn...this guy is good..." Vere thought to himself. "Do I need to step in?" Loki asked. Vere shook his head, "With me and Martin working together we should be okay..." he replied. "Just don't get yourself killed..." Loki replied. Vere nodded, "I don't plan on it..." he said. As the fight between Martin, Vere, and Malcom continued, Nexis and Jayden's fight was heating up. "Siren's Sphere!" Jayden shouted as a black and red energy ball erupted from his hand and surged towards Nexis. "That's all you've got?" Nexis asked as he deflected the attack with his hand, "You'll have to do better than that..." "Then how's this?" Jayden asked as he teleported behind Nexis. "What?!" Nexis said as Jayden sent a blast of black energy right into his back. There was an explosion and Nexis flew to the ground. Jayden breathed heavily, "He's strong...really strong..." he said. "Nothing we can't handle.." Anubis said, "Just stay focused..." Nexis got to his feet and wiped the blood from his lip, "Well..I wasn't expecting you to put up this much of a fight...though I think it's about time that we wrap things up here..." he said smiling. Jayden glared, "Taking me down will not be so easy..." he said. Nexis laughed, "Oh you just don't understand...you haven't witnessed anything yet..." he said. Nexis stepped forward and a burst of white light surged around him, "Allow me to demonstrate...." he said. There was a loud snap and blood filled the air. Martin and Vere both stared in horror at what had just taken place. Jayden fell to his knees, his armor shattered and a spear like bolt of energy pierced through his chest. "Now then...I believe that will do..." Nexis said smiling. Jayden's eyes widened as he could feel blood drip from his mouth. "JAYDEN!" Vere shouted as he began running towards him. "We aren't finished yet..." Malcom said as he teleported in front of Vere, kicking him into the ground. Nexis walked over to Jayden and lifted his chin, "You see...I am unstoppable now...and you...you are going to die here..." he said smiling. Jayden could feel his heartbeat slowing and his vision began fading in and out, "Jayden! JAYDEN!" Anubis shouted, "Stay with me!" Jayden couldn't move, "Wha...what is this..." He said weakly. Nexis grinned, "You see...my power allows me to cancel out yours...and any Elemental in that matter, with that being said this attack is my ultimate move...the Spear of Fate...it slowly drains your power and gives it to me..." Jayden coughed up blood and lowered his head, "No...I can't die like this..." Nexis smiled, "Shhhh it'll be over soon enough..." Meanwhile back at Kisa's house, there was a loud knock on the front door. "Mavis?" Yuki said as she answered. Mavis had a look of worry on her face as she entered the house. "Yuki...have you heard from Jayden at all?" She asked. Yuki shook her head, "No I knew he had a meeting earlier but he said that he had to work late...why?" Mavis frowned, "I can't get a hold of Vere..." she replied. Mikiu and Kisa entered the living room, "What's going on?" Mikiu asked. Mavis sighed, "I guess there's no avoiding it..." she said. "No avoiding what?" Yuki asked. Mavis frowned, "Earlier I brought the guys in to discuss an important matter...we discovered that Nexis Bane is alive and is currently on the move..." Mikiu and Yuki's eyes widened. "What..." Mikiu said, "What do you mean?" "It's exactly what I mean...he's back...and I fear that the guys may have gone to track him down..." Mavis replied. Mikiu and Yuki looked one another and Yuki took out her phone, "I'm calling Jayden...." she said. There was silence in the room as the phone rang, but there was no answer. Yuki's eyes filled with tears, "Oh god..." she said. Mikiu pulled out her phone as well, "I'll try Martin..." she said. Once again there was no answer. Mikiu quickly dialed another number and waited for an answer. "What's going on?" Kisa asked, "Who are you guys talking about? Where's dad and the others?" Mavis frowned, "It's a long story Kisa...but let's just say your dad and uncles are in trouble okay...." she replied. "ASHE!" Mikiu shouted on the phone. Ashe quickly pulled the phone away from his ear, "Shit mom...." he said, "Please be aware that my ears are pretty sensitive...." Mikiu fumbled as she tried to find words to explain what was taking place. "Mom calm down...what's going on?" Ashe asked. "Where are you?" Mikiu asked. "I'm in town..why?" Ashe asked. "Your father, I need you to tell me if you can sense your father's spiritual energy...." Mikiu replied. Ashe stared at his phone in confusion, "Uh okay...gimme a sec.." he replied. Ashe pulled his car to the side of the road and closed his eyes. "C'mon dad where are you..." Ashe thought to himself. There was a bright flash of blue flames and Ashe opened his eyes, "Mom I gotta go..." he said. "What?! Go where?! Did you find your dad?!" Mikiu asked. "I'll find him..." Ashe replied as he hung up his phone. Mikiu stood in silence staring at her phone, "Wh...WHAT THE HELL?!" She shouted. Ashe through the car back into drive and sped off down the road. "I don't understand what the hell is going on, but dad's fighting someone...and he's activated his Kitsune..." Ashe thought to himself. Meanwhile, Malcom fired another blast of energy at Vere and Martin. "We need to get to Jayden!" Vere shouted. "I know!" Martin replied, "But this fucker will not go down easily..." Malcom smiled as he walked towards Vere and Martin, "You won't be able to save your friend at this pace...and here I thought you two would be worth my time..." he said. Martin gripped his chest, "Shit....the Kitsune is starting to take affect on my body....I won't be able to stay in this form for much longer..." he thought to himself. Vere stepped forward, "Martin go to Jayden, ill handle this..." he said. "Oh? Is it my turn now?" Loki asked. Vere nodded, "Sorry...I thought we could handle this without me having to rely on you...." he replied. Loki laughed, "I'm here to help you...all you need to do is ask..." She replied. Vere grasped the green Embodiment Orb around his neck, "COME LOKI!" he shouted as green and white light erupted from the Orb consuming him in a torrent of wind. "What's this?" Malcom asked, "Are you going to take things seriously now?" Vere opened his eyes as they burned with green energy, "Yeah....but things aren't going to look well for you..." he replied, "MARTIN GO NOW!" Martin nodded as he raced towards Jayden and Nexis. "Oh no you don't!" Malcom shouted as he went to intercept Martin. Vere teleported in front of Malcom, "What?!" Malcom said in surprise. Vere drove his fist into Malcom's face causing the wind around him to unleash a massive blast of energy with it, sending Malcom flying back into the ground. "Your fight is with me..."Vere said. Martin rushed towards Nexis and Jayden as Jayden laid motionless on the ground. "Your body is slowly shutting down...it'll be over soon..." Nexis said with a smile. Jayden looked up at Nexis, blood slowly dripping from his mouth, "Y...you bastard..." he said. Nexis smiled, "This is for the hardship that you caused me all those years ago...and oh is vengeance so sweet..." Martin jumped into the air, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He shouted, "AZURE FLARE INFERNO!" Blue flames erupted from Martin's hands and surged towards Nexis. "Oh? You want to feel pain too?" Nexis asked. The flames engulfed Nexis and exploded sending a massive column of flames surging upward into the sky. Martin landed on the ground and rushed over to Jayden. "Jayden stay with me...." Martin said, "We gotta get out of here..." Jayden nodded, "Be...careful this spike is slowly draining my life force..." he replied. Martin looked down at the energy spike that Nexis had impaled Jayden with. "It'll be okay...we'll get you help..." Martin said as he picked Jayden up around his shoulders. Nexis appeared behind Martin, "And where do you think you are going?" Nexis asked. Martin slowly turned, "Shit.." he said as he stared at a blast that Nexis had aimed at him. There was a white flash and an explosion that sent Jayden and Martin flying into the air. Vere laid helplessly on the ground, "Damnit...I couldn't stop him..." he said weakly. Malcom stood over him and wiped the blood from his head, "Pathetic..." he said as he walked towards Nexis. "You really think you could just blast me away?" Nexis asked as he walked towards Martin. Martin gripped his chest as the blue flames around him dispersed and his Kitsune reverted back to normal. "Shit....I've used up too much energy...." Martin thought to himself. Nexis grinned as he extended his arm towards Martin, "I guess you'll be the first one to die after all..." he said as a white blast of energy formed in his hand. Martin gritted his teeth, "I'm sorry Miki...Ashe....I'm sorry..." he thought to himself. "Goodbye..." Nexis said as the blast surged towards Martin. There was an explosion and the night sky filled with white light. Nexis grinned, "That's one Dow..." he began to say, "What's this?" Nexis turned around as a blue light surged around Martin. Martin opened his eyes to see a figure standing before him, "A...Ashe?!" He shouted. Ashe stood, blue energy surging around him, his eyes bright blue and his hair white and pale as ice, there was black flames that swirled around him as he stood, glaring at Nexis. "You'll pay..."Ashe said as the ground below him began to crack, "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" Martin's eyes widened, "What power is this?" He thought to himself, "It's the power of the Kitsune...but something's different...I almost sense Miki's power as well..." Nexis laughed, "The son of Martin? Well, well today is my lucky day!" He said, "Killing you will bring me great joy!" Ashe slightly grinned, "Good luck with that..." he said. Ashe teleported in front of Nexis, "What the hell?" Nexis said is surprise as he stumbled back. Ashe smiled, "What's the matter?" He asked. Nexis gritted his teeth, "You little cocky shit!" He shouted as he reached for Ashe. Ashe teleported again and drove his fist into Nexis' stomach. The flames erupted from Ashe's fist and engulfed Nexis causing a massive explosion. Martin stared in shock, "Is this really Ashe?!" He thought to himself, "In training he never showed this much power?" Then Martin remembered, "Wait....he did always tell me that I needed to go all out during our training sessions..but I never thought he could handle it..." Nexis slammed into the ground and the ground below him shattered. Ashe walked forward, "What's the matter? Too much for you to handle?" He asked. Malcom teleported behind Ashe, "DON'T GET COCKY BOY!" He said as he lunged for an attack. Ashe smiled, "I could say the same for you..." he said. Blood sprayed the ground as Ashe's fist impaled Malcom's chest. "Wha...What...." Malcom said in surprise as blood spilled from his mouth. Ashe glared at Malcom, "Garbage..." he said as blue flames consumed Malcom, "Get out of my sight..." Malcom's body erupted in blue and black flames. Nexis got to his feet, "Well....that is unfortunate...though it would seem I found someone worth testing my full power on..." he said. Ashe dropped the burning remains of Malcom and turned towards Nexis. "You've seen what I can do...I suggest you leave immediately..." Ashe said. Nexis smiled, "Oh my dear boy...you haven't seen anything yet..." The air around them whipped and a sudden force burst from Nexis. "Wha..what the fuck?!" Ashe said as he stared in shock. Nexis' body began to change as prismatic spikes broke through his skin, the ground below him cracked and shattered and white electrical energy filled the air. Ashe stared in horror as the energy around him pulled towards Nexis. "Wh...what the hell are you?!" Ashe asked. Nexis smiled, "You're end..." Ashe gritted his teeth and began to build Blue and white energy around his hand, "I'm not going to go down so easily..." he said. Nexis also began forming white prismatic energy around his hand, "We will see..." he replied. Ashe charged at Nexis, "HYPER FANG!" He shouted as he extended his arm out. "PRISMATIC RAPTURE!" Nexis shouted as the spikes on his arm dissolved and a white blast erupted from his hand. Martin laid on the ground and watched in horror as a white light consumed the two and exploded. Ashe hit the ground battered and torn, his arm had been disintegrated from the blast and blood soaked the ground below him. Nexis stood weakly, "Well...I wasn't expecting you to hold up against that attack...but it would seem that I've won this battle...now you die!" He said as white spikes of energy formed around Nexis and he extended his arm outward, "FATE'S SPEAR!" Martin struggled to get to his feet and he charged towards Ashe, "NO!" He shouted. The spikes surged towards Ashe but in an instant Jayden dove in front of the oncoming barrage. "Anubis...." Jayden said, "We've had a good run haven't we?" Anubis looked down at Jayden, "We did didn't we..." Anubis replied, "Sucks that this is how we go huh?" Jayden smiled, "Yeah....take care of Yuki and Kisa for me won't ya?" He asked. Anubis looked confused, "What do you mean?" He asked. Jayden held up the Embodiment Stone, "Goodbye old friend..." he replied. Anubis' eyes widened, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He shouted as he jumped from his throne and ran towards Jayden. Jayden smiled, "GOD OF DARKNESS, I, YOUR VESSEL AND CONTRACTOR HEREBY RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR CONTRACT!" Jayden shouted. Anubis reached out towards Jayden, "NO! THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANTED!" Jayden smiled one last time and the Embodiment Orb shattered. There was a bright light and Anubis stood alone. "You....You bastard...why...." Anubis said through gritted teeth. Jayden shook as blood dripped from his body, the spikes had impaled through him as he jumped in the way of the attack to protect Ashe. Martin fell to his knees, "Jay...den no...." he said. Nexis grinned, "Well...I wasn't expecting that..." he said weakly. Jayden collapsed to the ground and Martin quickly ran over to him and Ashe. Nexis laughed, "This was my day after all....though it would appear as though I've over done it..." he said as blood dripped from his mouth, "No matter though...my main objective is now complete...and now to move on to phase two...I think I've made you suffer enough for today..." Martin glared at Nexis, "You....son of a bitch..." he said. Nexis smiled, "Oh don't worry...you get yours soon enough too..." he replied as he vanished, "This whole world will soon taste my vengeance..." there was silence in the air. The moon above shined down on Martin as he stared at Jayden's lifeless body and Ashe's injuries. "I wasn't...strong enough to protect them..." Martin said as he slammed his fists on the ground. The wind blew around them, and Martin looked around. Vere and Ashe laid unconscious, and Jayden remained motionless, Martin gritted his teeth and slowly got to his feet. "I'm sorry Jayden...I will avenge you...I swear.." Martin said as he picked Vere and Ashe up, "So long my friend...until we meet again..." silence filled the air as Martin turned and walked off towards Ashe's car. As Martin drove to Yuki and Jayden's house he stared into the night. As he pulled into the driveway of the house the outside lights turned on and the front door flew open. Mikiu, Yuki, Mavis, and Kisa rushed out of the house towards the car. "MARTIN!" Mikiu shouted as she embraced him, "What happened?! Where's Ash...OH MY GOD ASHE!" Mavis ran to Vere's side and pulled out her phone, "I'm calling emergency services!" She shouted. Yuki and Kisa stood together in silence. "Wh...ere where is dad?" Kisa asked. Martin's expression faded as he turned towards Yuki and Kisa, "I'm....I'm so sorry..." he replied as tears ran down his face. Yuki fell to her knees and began sobbing uncontrollably, and Kisa's eyes widened, "No....dad...no...NOOOOOOOO!" She screamed.

End of Part I