
Episode 5

The next morning came and the sun burned through the curtains of Martin's flat. Jayden rolled over and slowly opened his eyes, "Yu..," Jayden began to say as he clasped his mouth with his hands. Yuki was laying next to him, her arms wrapped around his. Jayden felt like his head was about to explode. "So what..are you two a thing now?" Anubis asked. Jayden shook his head, "I don't know, but whatever we are I'm happy," He replied with a smile. Anubis grunted, "Normally this would be the point where I tell you not to get too attached, but what the hell do I know, your bloodline continues to reproduce so I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut," he said. Jayden's face turned red, "What are you getting at?!" he asked. Anubis laughed, "Doesn't take a scholar to see where this is going," he replied. "Whatever," Jayden said. "Anyways, it's a good thing that Martin had a place to stay," Anubis said. Jayden nodded "I agree, though he's been keeping a low profile ever since he started his own vendetta against Oracle, he's avoided detection this whole time and as far as financial status I'd assume he has plenty of money to own a place like this." Anubis sighed, "Well since he's been alive for over 518 years I'd assume he'd have something saved up." Everything was quiet for a moment. "You are aware of the dangers that await you once you are fully involved with this fight right?" Anubis asked. Jayden nodded, "Yes, and I'll accept those risks, Oracle's reign of terror has lasted too long and although the government is well aware of their existence they haven't done anything." "It's just that, they've been around too long and have power," Anubis said, "They don't need to answer to anyone and no one is going to stand in their way." Jayden frowned, "Well, hopefully the information that Vere and Devin gathered will be more than enough for us to use to figure out how to crush Oracle once and for all," he replied. "Speaking of which..." Anubis asked, "Weren't you supposed to be meeting up with them at the train station over an hour ago?" Jayden's face turned pale, "Oh..God...." He replied as he reached for his phone, "25....missed calls..." Anubis laughed, "Whatever punishment comes to you is what you deserve," he said. Jayden quickly scrolled through his text messages, "One missed text from Vere.....it says....I'm going to destroy you...fuck me...." he said. Jayden quickly left the flat leaving Yuki asleep and rushed to the train station. "I'm going to end you...I hope your aware of this?," Vere asked as he glared at Jayden. Jayden scratched the back of his head, "Sorry guys, last night was kind of crazy and some shit went down, I must have slept through my alarm," he replied. Vere grinned, "Oh? crazy huh? Guess we can't leave you for two weeks and you're already doing things?" he asked. Jayden blushed, "Sh...shut up! It's not like that!" he replied. Vere laughed, "Right right...anyways you can explain over breakfast...were starving," he said. "Wait didn't you guys eat on the train?" Jayden asked. Devin grinned, "About that..." He said, "I wasn't aware that the breakfast meals were separate and well...I kind of got carried away..." Vere nodded, "Both of you are dead to me at the moment, but we also have things to discuss so lead the way to a diner, we can discuss everything then."