
Mortal Thrill Seeker

what would happen if a Battle maniac who seeks a good fight was thrust into a Battle royale for the chance of becoming a god? Living a world unfit to him, Daniel, now known as Yuuki Wakura will relish in the thrill he seeks. "Becoming a God? The hell with that!! I just want to fight and have strong women standing beside me!" Now armed with the Talent of Garou's Martial Art, Downgraded Intellect of Lex Luther and Physiology of a Viltrumite is now ready to fight. [ World ] Mato Seihei No Slave ======== if you read God Succession System then this is basically that but without the weird NTR moments. If yah the author hope you don't mind taking inspiration. Warning, my mc is like Kenpachi who likes to hold back mentally and I will constant Nerf him. Not to make drama, but to make him stronger. Don't worry, it's not like he'll suffer but his path won't be smooth either. Regardless, if you want to read for fun then I suggest turning off your brain. ======== I won't dedicate myself to this fic since I still have DxD: Time Leap.

ChesterCure · Tranh châm biếm
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93 Chs

Chapter 50 - Shushu's First Time~♥️+18

The next day Yuuki felt something heavily on top of him and woke up  to find Tenka smiling at him while he smiled back and pulled her for a kiss which she happily took. 

"Good morning, Tenka."(Yuuki)

"Good morning, Slave-kun."(Tenka)

She buried herself on his chest while Yuuki rubbed her back and let her stay for a moment and said.

"How have you been these past two days?"(Yuuki)

"I've been busy giving my report and checking on the others but it all washes away now that I'm here."(Tenka)

Yuuki chuckled and held her tightly enjoying each other's warmth until Tenka began to become more touchy and lick his body while Yuuki let her be and she went on top of him looking at Yuuki hungrily. However they were interrupted when Kyouka enters and finds the two in a compromising position.

"Yuuki time to wake up…"(Kyouka)

She froze when she saw the two were about to do something and was somewhat jealous but didn't let her emotion get to her knowing what kind of person Yuuki is. 

"Aren't you supposed to get your subordinate out of the hospital?"

"Your Right, then let's see each other again at the Chief's Gathering. Let's continue this later, Slave-kun."(Tenka)

Tenka kisses Yuuki before she leaves using Ame-No-Mitori leaving Yuuki and Kyouka alone in the room where 

"Good Grief."


Yuuki stood in front of her and pulled Kyouka closer making her blush then recieve affectionate kiss from him. Kyouka has been alone for the past two and enjoyed every second of it even though Tenka would visit them often when she can and get pampered by Yuuki. 

"Alright enough, we still have to train today."(Kyouka)

"Alright, alright."(Yuuki)

After a while, Yuuki and Kyouka went to train outside with a clone ridden by her. They hunted a few shuuki and exercised for a few minutes until the two went to have breakfast and continued their training. 

Few hours later Shushu and Himari came back where they received a warm welcome from everyone as Yuuki prepared a wide array of dishes for them to enjoy.

"I'm glad to see you both healthy again, Himari-san, Shushu-san."(Nei)

Nei said with a wide smile on her face as she ate some pasta.

"I'm almost better than before!"(Shushu)

"I'll definitely have my revenge."(Himari)

Everyone was having lunch and Himari told Yuuki that the two would train soon after. He nodded and said.

"Then on our break I'll take you two out on a date again." 

They nodded with blush as Himari and Shushu had the intention to give themselves to Yuuki. When they finish eating, Yuuki and Himari went outside the base.

"Slave Training? Shouldn't we continue your training with my martial art?"

Yuuki was teaching her a specific fighting style that suited her and her body but Himari nodded and said.

"I know and I'll obviously train other abilities. The amount of times we will have two people might increase as we fight the Eight Gods. The more I master this ability, the stronger, I can get."


"And…"Slave" has proven to be successful during the interunit matches."

Himari suddenly had a bitter expression forcing Yuuki to move closer and embrace her to loosen her stress.

"What's the matter?"

"Both Yachiho and I got sent to the hospital together, right?"

Yuuki simply nodded knowing exactly what was bothering her but decided to let her speak her heart. 

*Our mother…said Yachiho got hurt because her sister was dragging her down."

"You're too hard on yourself."

"But it's true that it's my fault that she got tired though."

He frowned hearing her and flicked her forehead making Himari look at him in pain.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"That's for being too hard on yourself. Don't be sorry, Be better. What's done is done, don't think too hard and keep moving forward." 

Yuuki said while Himari paused, then nodded and said.

"One day, my mother might challenge me for a Mato Interunit match…And when that time comes, I want to blow her away using [ slave ] and the martial art you taught me." 

"Hahaha that's the Himari I know and love."

Himari blush hearing her words then received a kiss from him which she happily took afterwards a few second later pulled back and held out her hands.

"So lend me your strength."

Yuuki smirks and kisses her hand transforming into his slave form using his original since they won't be anyone worth fighting in his true form. The two then went hunting for Shuuki.

"Care to tell me what's your plan?"(Yuuki)

"By aiming for even greater form."

"Oh, like my [ Four Armed Vajra Asura Form ]?"

Himari was confused about what he was talking about since he was knock out when he was in his form.

"It was a transformation that ascended from channeling my strength and gave me extra limbs and power."

"Really? You have to show it to me next time then. How did you get that form then?"

"I simply channel my strength and spirit throughout my body. The principal of [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] helps me a lot."

"Then try doing that."

Yuuki did as told taking deep breath channeling his power from within then spread it throughout his body similar to flexing your muscle as he grows stronger until he reach a certain point but felt that his previous injury and halted his transformation.

"I noticed a change, why did you stop?"

"Rushing wouldn't be good, it's best if I could have balance between you and my new form or it might take a toll for the two of us."

It was then a group of Shuuki appeared from the ground and without a moment of hesitation immediately dispatched them with ease. 


At the moment, Himari moaned as Yuuki received his reward licking her body and receiving their foreplay placing his hickey all over her body until it ended since they didn't want to escalate the situation. Once they're done training was over, Himari was in the bathhouse thinking about something

'Kyouka-san and Tenka-san even his sister might have already given themselves….'

Himari thought they're maidenhood rather easily and she was not hesitant, unsure that Yuuki might betray her but seeing that he's been honest to her and cheating was already impossible since he plans for a harem. It was strange but she felt compelled to do it with him. 

'Maybe after our date we can….'

She decided to think about it since Yuuki has never been too forceful and has been a great help in making her stronger. 


On break, Yuuki finally had break training with Himari since she will have her date the next day and today was with Shushu as the two were having their date heading to a pastry restaurant. Shushu noticed that he was wearing the clothes that she bought and was happy to see him in it.

"I'm glad you're wearing the clothes I bought."(Shushu)

"Yeah I thought it looked great."(Yuuki)

Shushu then wrapped her arms and hugged Yuuki tightly showing the people around them that she belongs to Yuuki. 

"So where to?"

Yuuki looked at her with a smirk and said,

"You complain that I took the Himari in the sky and not you."

Her eyes suddenly lit up since she wanted to experience what Himari had. Shushu became excited and said,


"Oh, there's more. Hope you won't be scared but I was thinking of taking you to the moon and having our date there."

"...are you serious!?"

"Yeah, I already had a place on the moon for us to stay on long ago."

Yuuki built a space station on the moon without anyone finding out by jamming their satellite. He made the moon base as a one of the places to meditate that helps him a lot in understanding himself more as he was trying to rediscover himself after reincarnating. 

"Wow! Now I'm excited! How will we get there?"

"Get close."

Shushu did and embraced Yuuki as the two teleported to the moon station where Shushu closed her eyes and the next moment she saw something breathtaking. It was a large window that overlooked the earth and found herself in what seemed to be a space station. 

"Woah, this is…amazing."

She moved closer to the window to get a better view and couldn't begin to describe how beautiful and surreal the earth was. Yuuki smiled seeing her reaction and walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer. 

"I always wondered what the world looked like from outer space….how come we aren't floating?"

"I made a gravity field inside this moon base."

The two silently enjoyed the scenery taking it in for a moment , burying the memory into their minds and Shushu looked at Yuuki and he did the same as their lips got close before they kiss each other. 

"Thank you for bringing me here."

"You're welcome and this isn't the not the only place I'll bring you. But for now, how about we have some dinner?"

Shushu heard a door open and an Android came in and bowed before them then said. 

{ Welcome, Master Wakura, Lady Saruga. Please follow for your table. }

Soon enough the two followed the android and got into their table where it had an opened view of the outside. They had a variety of dishes and everything was Shushu's favorite and saw her eyes glisten in excitement. She eagerly ate her food while they were chatting about they're days along with their past. 

"I'm happy that you finally reunited with your sister."

"Yeah, I've been helping her these past few days and been finding a cure for it. But shuuki physiology is far too complicated that it might take a while."

"Umu, so long you don't give up I believe in you, Yuu-chan!"

Yuuki chuckled, then leaned, confusing Shushu, then wiped the sauce on face before licking it, making her blush and feel embarrassed. They finished eating and decided to watch a movie together until they got to bed where Shushu clearly had the intention to give herself.

"Yuu-chan….please take responsibility for making me feel this way."

Shushu moaned as she said those words shuddering while Yuuki wanted to make sure and said.

"Shushu, are you sure about it?"

Hearing his voice turned to look at him before nodding then kissed his lips. Her heart pounding became aroused by the pleasure of his lips that began to move resulting in a moan. 

Yuuki felt her tongue along with his trying to win over him that made him impressed how it made him aroused.  He then pinned Shushu on the bed, surprising her but seeing the moist gaze only aroused him even more. 


A moan escaped her mouth as Yuuki moved his hand between the fabric of her clothes. He groped her breast while continuing kissing Shushu lips. 

The young girl felt every touch that resulted in jolt of pleasure causing her eyes to be clouded letting him caress every part of her body. 

Drenching sweat let her clothes turn translucent revealing her erect nipple through the fabric. Seeing this Yuuki smirk aroused at the sight before him.

"C-Can I pleasure you too? It feels unfair for me to be the only one on the receiving end."

She came out of her daze looking at him that showed he was the one in her mind. 

"Sure but let's remove these clothes first."

The two began to undress one another, roaming their hands at each other's body. Moments later, their naked body was in full display giving Yuuki a sight to behold. Seeing the naked figure of Shushu aroused and allured him even more than before.

'I will never get used to seeing how big he is!?'

Shushu blushed seeing the young man's third leg that was semi-erect. It didn't let her stop from continuing and began to move her way between his legs.

She took a whiff of his spunk that was intoxicating, letting her primal instincts do the work. He grunted as the wet tongue started to lick his dick looking down, seeing Shushu  moving in and sloppily drenching his dick with her saliva. Shushu took the whole thing, having been sucking nonstop when they had the chance and adjusted her throat. 

After a while, rapidly bobs her head and sucking his dick greedily while soaking it thoroughly. The sound of slurping and sucking could be heard yet none came out as he made a sound barrier in case someone was watching.

"I'm about to…!"

Few minutes later Yuuki released his massive load and  covered her alluring body in white sticky liquid, letting Shushu instantly moan.

She grew increasingly aroused but continued to lick the excess semen on her body to display an erotic show for Yuuki. Shushu was pinned down afterward on the bed seeing Yuuki lick lips between her legs.

The next day Yuuki felt something heavily on top of him and woke up  to find Tenka smiling at him while he smiled back and pulled her for a kiss which she happily took. 

"Good morning, Tenka."(Yuuki)

"Good morning, Slave-kun."(Tenka)

She buried herself on his chest while Yuuki rubbed her back and let her stay for a moment and said.

"How have you been these past two days?"(Yuuki)

"I've been busy giving my report and checking on the others but it all washes away now that I'm here."(Tenka)

Yuuki chuckled and held her tightly enjoying each other's warmth until Tenka began to become more touchy and lick his body while Yuuki let her be and she went on top of him looking at Yuuki hungrily. However they were interrupted when Kyouka enters and finds the two in a compromising position.

"Yuuki time to wake up…"(Kyouka)

She froze when she saw the two were about to do something and was somewhat jealous but didn't let her emotion get to her knowing what kind of person Yuuki is. 

"Aren't you supposed to get your subordinate out of the hospital?"

"Your Right, then let's see each other again at the Chief's Gathering. Let's continue this later, Slave-kun."(Tenka)

Tenka kisses Yuuki before she leaves using Ame-No-Mitori leaving Yuuki and Kyouka alone in the room where 

"Good Grief."


Yuuki stood in front of her and pulled Kyouka closer making her blush then recieve affectionate kiss from him. Kyouka has been alone for the past two and enjoyed every second of it even though Tenka would visit them often when she can and get pampered by Yuuki. 

"Alright enough, we still have to train today."(Kyouka)

"Alright, alright."(Yuuki)

After a while, Yuuki and Kyouka went to train outside with a clone ridden by her. They hunted a few shuuki and exercised for a few minutes until the two went to have breakfast and continued their training. 

Few hours later Shushu and Himari came back where they received a warm welcome from everyone as Yuuki prepared a wide array of dishes for them to enjoy.

"I'm glad to see you both healthy again, Himari-san, Shushu-san."(Nei)

Nei said with a wide smile on her face as she ate some pasta.

"I'm almost better than before!"(Shushu)

"I'll definitely have my revenge."(Himari)

Everyone was having lunch and Himari told Yuuki that the two would train soon after. He nodded and said.

"Then on our break I'll take you two out on a date again." 

They nodded with blush as Himari and Shushu had the intention to give themselves to Yuuki. When they finish eating, Yuuki and Himari went outside the base.

"Slave Training? Shouldn't we continue your training with my martial art?"

Yuuki was teaching her a specific fighting style that suited her and her body but Himari nodded and said.

"I know and I'll obviously train other abilities. The amount of times we will have two people might increase as we fight the Eight Gods. The more I master this ability, the stronger, I can get."


"And…"Slave" has proven to be successful during the interunit matches."

Himari suddenly had a bitter expression forcing Yuuki to move closer and embrace her to loosen her stress.

"What's the matter?"

"Both Yachiho and I got sent to the hospital together, right?"

Yuuki simply nodded knowing exactly what was bothering her but decided to let her speak her heart. 

*Our mother…said Yachiho got hurt because her sister was dragging her down."

"You're too hard on yourself."

"But it's true that it's my fault that she got tired though."

He frowned hearing her and flicked her forehead making Himari look at him in pain.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"That's for being too hard on yourself. Don't be sorry, Be better. What's done is done, don't think too hard and keep moving forward." 

Yuuki said while Himari paused, then nodded and said.

"One day, my mother might challenge me for a Mato Interunit match…And when that time comes, I want to blow her away using [ slave ] and the martial art you taught me." 

"Hahaha that's the Himari I know and love."

Himari blush hearing her words then received a kiss from him which she happily took afterwards a few second later pulled back and held out her hands.

"So lend me your strength."

Yuuki smirks and kisses her hand transforming into his slave form using his original since they won't be anyone worth fighting in his true form. The two then went hunting for Shuuki.

"Care to tell me what's your plan?"(Yuuki)

"By aiming for even greater form."

"Oh, like my [ Four Armed Vajra Asura Form ]?"

Himari was confused about what he was talking about since he was knock out when he was in his form.

"It was a transformation that ascended from channeling my strength and gave me extra limbs and power."

"Really? You have to show it to me next time then. How did you get that form then?"

"I simply channel my strength and spirit throughout my body. The principal of [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] helps me a lot."

"Then try doing that."

Yuuki did as told taking deep breath channeling his power from within then spread it throughout his body similar to flexing your muscle as he grows stronger until he reach a certain point but felt that his previous injury and halted his transformation.

"I noticed a change, why did you stop?"

"Rushing wouldn't be good, it's best if I could have balance between you and my new form or it might take a toll for the two of us."

It was then a group of Shuuki appeared from the ground and without a moment of hesitation immediately dispatched them with ease. 


At the moment, Himari moaned as Yuuki received his reward licking her body and receiving their foreplay placing his hickey all over her body until it ended since they didn't want to escalate the situation. Once they're done training was over, Himari was in the bathhouse thinking about something

'Kyouka-san and Tenka-san even his sister might have already given themselves….'

Himari thought they're maidenhood rather easily and she was not hesitant, unsure that Yuuki might betray her but seeing that he's been honest to her and cheating was already impossible since he plans for a harem. It was strange but she felt compelled to do it with him. 

'Maybe after our date we can….'

She decided to think about it since Yuuki has never been too forceful and has been a great help in making her stronger. 


On break, Yuuki finally had break training with Himari since she will have her date the next day and today was with Shushu as the two were having their date heading to a pastry restaurant. Shushu noticed that he was wearing the clothes that she bought and was happy to see him in it.

"I'm glad you're wearing the clothes I bought."(Shushu)

"Yeah I thought it looked great."(Yuuki)

Shushu then wrapped her arms and hugged Yuuki tightly showing the people around them that she belongs to Yuuki. 

"So where to?"

Yuuki looked at her with a smirk and said,

"You complain that I took the Himari in the sky and not you."

Her eyes suddenly lit up since she wanted to experience what Himari had. Shushu became excited and said,


"Oh, there's more. Hope you won't be scared but I was thinking of taking you to the moon and having our date there."

"...are you serious!?"

"Yeah, I already had a place on the moon for us to stay on long ago."

Yuuki built a space station on the moon without anyone finding out by jamming their satellite. He made the moon base as a one of the places to meditate that helps him a lot in understanding himself more as he was trying to rediscover himself after reincarnating. 

"Wow! Now I'm excited! How will we get there?"

"Get close."

Shushu did and embraced Yuuki as the two teleported to the moon station where Shushu closed her eyes and the next moment she saw something breathtaking. It was a large window that overlooked the earth and found herself in what seemed to be a space station. 

"Woah, this is…amazing."

She moved closer to the window to get a better view and couldn't begin to describe how beautiful and surreal the earth was. Yuuki smiled seeing her reaction and walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer. 

"I always wondered what the world looked like from outer space….how come we aren't floating?"

"I made a gravity field inside this moon base."

The two silently enjoyed the scenery taking it in for a moment , burying the memory into their minds and Shushu looked at Yuuki and he did the same as their lips got close before they kiss each other. 

"Thank you for bringing me here."

"You're welcome and this isn't the not the only place I'll bring you. But for now, how about we have some dinner?"

Shushu heard a door open and an Android came in and bowed before them then said. 

{ Welcome, Master Wakura, Lady Saruga. Please follow for your table. }

Soon enough the two followed the android and got into their table where it had an opened view of the outside. They had a variety of dishes and everything was Shushu's favorite and saw her eyes glisten in excitement. She eagerly ate her food while they were chatting about they're days along with their past. 

"I'm happy that you finally reunited with your sister."

"Yeah, I've been helping her these past few days and been finding a cure for it. But shuuki physiology is far too complicated that it might take a while."

"Umu, so long you don't give up I believe in you, Yuu-chan!"

Yuuki chuckled, then leaned, confusing Shushu, then wiped the sauce on face before licking it, making her blush and feel embarrassed. They finished eating and decided to watch a movie together until they got to bed where Shushu clearly had the intention to give herself.

"Yuu-chan….please take responsibility for making me feel this way."

Shushu moaned as she said those words shuddering while Yuuki wanted to make sure and said.

"Shushu, are you sure about it?"

Hearing his voice turned to look at him before nodding then kissed his lips. Her heart pounding became aroused by the pleasure of his lips that began to move resulting in a moan. 

Yuuki felt her tongue along with his trying to win over him that made him impressed how it made him aroused.  He then pinned Shushu on the bed, surprising her but seeing the moist gaze only aroused him even more. 


A moan escaped her mouth as Yuuki moved his hand between the fabric of her clothes. He groped her breast while continuing kissing Shushu lips. 

The young girl felt every touch that resulted in jolt of pleasure causing her eyes to be clouded letting him caress every part of her body. 

Drenching sweat let her clothes turn translucent revealing her erect nipple through the fabric. Seeing this Yuuki smirk aroused at the sight before him.

"C-Can I pleasure you too? It feels unfair for me to be the only one on the receiving end."

She came out of her daze looking at him that showed he was the one in her mind. 

"Sure but let's remove these clothes first."

The two began to undress one another, roaming their hands at each other's body. Moments later, their naked body was in full display giving Yuuki a sight to behold. Seeing the naked figure of Shushu aroused and allured him even more than before.

'I will never get used to seeing how big he is!?'

Shushu blushed seeing the young man's third leg that was semi-erect. It didn't let her stop from continuing and began to move her way between his legs.

She took a whiff of his spunk that was intoxicating, letting her primal instincts do the work. He grunted as the wet tongue started to lick his dick looking down, seeing Shushu  moving in and sloppily drenching his dick with her saliva. Shushu took the whole thing, having been sucking nonstop when they had the chance and adjusted her throat. 

After a while, rapidly bobs her head and sucking his dick greedily while soaking it thoroughly. The sound of slurping and sucking could be heard yet none came out as he made a sound barrier in case someone was watching.

"I'm about to…!"

Few minutes later Yuuki released his massive load and  covered her alluring body in white sticky liquid, letting Shushu instantly moan.

She grew increasingly aroused but continued to lick the excess semen on her body to display an erotic show for Yuuki. Shushu was pinned down afterward on the bed seeing Yuuki lick lips between her legs.