
Mortal Comprehension

Alex Cooper full of regrets is granted the chance to reincarnate in a new world. The problem is... It's a cultivation world! Full of hundreds of arrogant fucks. How is he going to survive! Now it's time to tell the story on how Alex's story ended in that strange world.

Losoo · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs

Basic Information

The general concept

[Technique Ranks]

All technique ranks have miner ranks of low,mid,high,peak.

- Mortal

- Earth

- Heaven

- Divine

- Immortal

- Primordial

[Cultivation Realms]

All cultivation realms have miner realms of low,mid,high,peak.

[Mortal Realms]

- Meridian Cleasing(670 meridians) Realm

This the realm where user opens there meridians to distrubtiut energy throughout there body.

(Low is 167 Meridians cleansed)

(Mid is 335 Meridians cleansed)

(High is 502 Meridians cleansed)

(Peak is 670 Meridians cleansed)

- Body Refining Realm

This is the realm where the user start to collect [Spirit Energy] and use to strengthed, and purify there body to handle spirit energy.

(Low is 25% of the body refined)

(Mid is 50% of the body refined)

(High is 75% of the body refined)

(Peak is 100% of the body refined)

- Fundation Realm

This is the realm where the user is to build the fundation behind there cultivation.

(Low is 25% of the fundation completed)

(Mid is 50% of the fundation completed)

(High is 75% of the fundation completed)

(Peak is 100% of the fundation completed)

- Core Formation Realm

This is the realm where the user builds the core which all there energy will be stored.

(Low is gathering)

(Mid is shaping)

(High is crystalization)

(Peak is sharpning and refinement)

- Spirit Knight Realm

This is the realm where the user awakens there spirit within themself.

(Low is the stage where the user can feel there spirit)

(Mid is the stage where the user can draw out small amounts of power from there spirit)

(High is the stage where the user truly fully awakens there spirit from its slumber)

(Peak is the stage where the user is united and merged with there spirit)

- Spirit Lord

This is the realm where the user learn to project out there will to there sorrundings.

(The stage only give better control over there will)

- Mortal Ascension Realm

The is the realm where the user goes through ascension from a mortal to an immortal

(Low is the stage where the user is blending there energy with there will)

(Mid is the stage where the user starts to cut of the chains of time in there body and soul)

(High is just more chains cut off)

(Peak is when all the users chains have been cut off, and they prepare to ascend to a higher plane)

[Immortal Realms]

- Immortal King Realm

- Immortal Emperor Realm

- Immortal Ascension Realm

[God Realms]

- Spirit God Realm

- Supreme God Realm

- Primordial God Realm