
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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27 Chs

A Dance with Shadows

Year 150 AC

Darius, the enigmatic and powerful individual, had spent years carefully crafting his plans to form the spy organization known as "Death Skull." His unique ability to control the minds of others gave him an edge in understanding people's intentions, allowing him to distinguish friend from foe. As he pondered his next move, he set his sights on Talos, one of the Thirteen rulers of the city of Qarth.

Talos, a noble lord with vast wealth and influence, had been unaware of Darius's true intentions. To the outside world, Darius served as Talos's loyal and capable protector, a familiar face well-known throughout the city. However, in the shadows, Darius had a different agenda. He needed to control Talos and gain access to his vast resources to build and nurture "Death Skull."

Late one night, as the master indulged in wine and debauchery, little did he know that danger lurked in the darkness. Darius, the man with a lean and hardened body, had arrived, cloaked in the shadows of the night. He entered the master's room, his presence swift and silent, a testament to his years of rigorous training.

With a flick of his wrist, Darius subdued Talos, swiftly tying him to a chair and sealing his mouth to ensure no noise would escape. The master's eyes widened in fear and confusion, his drunken stupor replaced by an ominous sense of dread.

Darius's voice cut through the silence like a chilling blade, "You are just a slave...you have no place...you better set me free as soon as possible, or else you will face a heavy punishment."

Talos's eyes widened in disbelief, then narrowed with fury. He struggled against the restraints, his heart pounding in his chest. "How dare you threaten me, you wretched creature!" he spat back, his pride refusing to bow to this unexpected challenge.

With a sinister smile, Darius took a step closer, his aura of authority growing stronger. "You may be a lord in the light of day, but here, in the shadows, you are nothing but a puppet to my will," he declared coldly, relishing the fear he saw flickering in Talos's eyes.

The room seemed to shrink as tension filled every corner. Darius held all the power, and Talos realized he was at the mercy of a formidable adversary. Panic surged within him, but he couldn't let this stranger witness his vulnerability.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Talos forced a mocking laugh, "You think you can overpower me with your mind tricks? I've faced far worse than the likes of you!"

Darius's eyes flashed with determination, his voice unwavering, "Your delusions of grandeur won't protect you from my abilities. You will soon learn the true extent of my power."

Despite the brave front Talos put up, the chilling reality of his situation weighed heavily on him. He had heard rumors of a mysterious individual with mind control powers, but he had never imagined he would find himself face to face with such a threat.

"Why are you doing this?" Talos demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and anger. "What do you want from me?"

Darius's expression remained impassive, but a glimmer of intensity danced in his eyes. "I want you to know the consequences of your actions. The pain and suffering you've caused countless innocent souls will not go unpunished," he said, his voice resonating with a restrained fury.

Talos tried to maintain his composure, but the weight of guilt gnawed at him. He had been blind to the suffering he had inflicted on others, believing his power shielded him from any repercussions.

"You have no right to judge me!" Talos retorted, defiance masking his vulnerability.

Darius leaned in closer, his voice a chilling whisper, "No right? I have every right, for I am the instrument of justice in this city of shadows. And you, Talos, will face the consequences of your sins."

Fear and regret mingled in Talos's eyes as he realized the gravity of his actions. His pride was no match for the overwhelming force of Darius's will.

Darius straightened, a semblance of sadness in his cold gaze. "You were given power, and you chose to wield it with cruelty and indifference. Now, it's time to face the consequences," he said, his voice cutting through the room like a dagger.

Talos knew there was no escape from this enigmatic man's control. In that moment, he understood that he was facing a reckoning for his past deeds. The thought of punishment loomed over him, and he braced himself for the heavy burden he would bear.

As the night wore on, the power dynamic in the room shifted irrevocably. Talos, the once arrogant and oppressive ruler, found himself shackled by an unseen force, paying the price for the pain he had inflicted on others. Darius, the wielder of mind control, stood as the harbinger of justice, determined to bring balance to the scales of power in the city of Qarth.

In the world of "Game of Thrones," where darkness and intrigue lurked at every corner, the fate of these two individuals was forever entwined. Talos's rule had come to a dramatic end, and Darius had emerged as the silent force that would reshape the destiny of Qarth.

As the city slept, unaware of the pivotal events unfolding within its walls, Darius stood as a silent sentinel, a symbol of the consequences that awaited those who abused their power. The shadows whispered of his actions, and the world would soon bear witness to the enigmatic figure that had appeared in the heart of Qarth.

As days turned to weeks, Darius and Talos navigated a delicate dance of power and control. Talos's demeanor shifted, his once haughty and oppressive attitude now subdued and compliant. The city of Qarth noticed the change in its ruler, but none could fathom the truth behind it.

In the private chambers of the Thirteen, Talos became an advocate for change, advocating for the abolishment of slavery and the establishment of fairer systems. The people were intrigued by his sudden transformation, unaware of the invisible strings that pulled him in this new direction.

Darius found himself torn between achieving his goals and confronting the ethical dilemmas of his actions. The power he wielded was both a blessing and a curse, and he grappled with the responsibility that came with it. He knew that every decision he made had consequences, and he was determined to wield his abilities with caution and restraint.

As "Death Skull" began to take shape, Darius's focus shifted from controlling individuals to gathering intelligence and uncovering secrets. His team of skilled individuals proved invaluable, as they operated in the shadows, their actions undetectable to the unsuspecting eyes of Qarth's inhabitants.

In the wake of that fateful night, when Darius confronted Talos and set his plan into motion, the construction and development of the Death Skull organization gained momentum. Darius knew that building a powerful spy network required careful planning and a selective recruitment process.

As the master of mind control, Darius took on the responsibility of handpicking the individuals who would become part of his covert team. He sought out individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds, ensuring that each member brought something unique to the table.

Among the chosen few was Ariana, a skilled thief with a talent for slipping in and out of places unnoticed. Her nimble fingers could snatch valuable information and priceless artifacts with ease. She had been an orphan, surviving on the streets of Qarth through her wit and agility. Darius recognized her potential and offered her a chance to belong to something greater.

Then there was Jonan, a former soldier with a deep knowledge of combat and warfare. He had served in the city guard under Talos's rule, but his disillusionment with the corruption and cruelty of the system led him to seek a different path. Darius appreciated Jonan's sense of justice and recruited him into the organization, knowing that his combat skills would be invaluable in protecting the spies and carrying out missions.

As the team grew, Darius established a hierarchy within the Death Skull organization. He appointed Ariana as his second-in-command, recognizing her leadership qualities and ability to inspire loyalty in others. Together, they became the foundation upon which the spy network would thrive.

Training became a crucial aspect of the organization's development. Darius and Ariana honed the skills of their recruits, turning them into masters of espionage and manipulation. They learned the art of disguise, the subtleties of eavesdropping, and the intricacies of code-breaking.

Each member of the Death Skull had a code name, a mask to wear in the shadows. Darius himself took on the moniker of "The Shadowmaster," a name that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared cross paths with the organization.

As time passed, the reputation of the Death Skull began to spread throughout Qarth. Rumors of a clandestine group that knew everything and could reach anyone reached the ears of the city's elite. Fear and paranoia seeped into the hearts of those in power, never knowing when a spy might be lurking in the shadows, gathering information that could be used against them.

Darius understood the importance of maintaining secrecy and anonymity. The Death Skull's base of operations remained hidden beneath the bustling streets of Qarth, accessible only through a maze of tunnels and passageways. The spies would gather in this hidden lair, sharing their findings, analyzing information, and strategizing their next moves.

But as the Death Skull grew in influence, so did the risks and challenges it faced. Rival factions sought to dismantle the organization, and Darius knew that the shadows were not always safe. His mind control powers were a double-edged sword, both a weapon and a vulnerability. He had to be cautious, for if his abilities were exposed, it could mean the end of the Death Skull.

As the spy network continued to evolve, Darius and his team found themselves entangled in a web of political intrigue and power struggles. They navigated the dangerous waters of Qarth's elite, uncovering secrets that could shake the very foundation of the city's ruling class.

But amid the deceit and danger, a sense of camaraderie and purpose united the members of the Death Skull. They fought not for personal gain, but to bring justice to the oppressed and to protect the innocent from the corrupt grasp of power.

As the years passed, the Death Skull became an integral part of the political landscape of Qarth, operating discreetly, but effectively. The city's rulers may have been oblivious to their existence, but their actions reverberated throughout the city, shaping its destiny in ways unseen.

The story of the Death Skull organization was far from over. The shadows held countless secrets, and Darius knew that his quest for justice and truth would lead the Death Skull to confront even greater challenges. But he was prepared, for within the darkness, he had found purpose, and within the hearts of his comrades, he had found loyalty.

As the years turned, the Death Skull's legacy grew, etching its name in the annals of history as a force to be reckoned with – a silent protector of the innocent, a master of shadows, and a beacon of hope in the city of Qarth.

The spy organization's existence remained a well-kept secret, and Darius ensured that it remained so. Secrecy and privacy were paramount to the success of "Death Skull," and any breach of security was met with swift and severe consequences.

Darius's journey was far from over. As the years passed, he continued to navigate the complex web of politics, power, and deception, all while wrestling with the moral implications of his actions. He remained the quiet and calculating force that had emerged from the shadows, but his resolve was tempered with a newfound sense of empathy and responsibility.

In the year 150 AC, the stage was set after Dance of Dragons, a tumultuous period that would shape the fate of Westeros for years to come. Little did the world know that behind the scenes, a single man's actions would reverberate through history, leaving an indelible mark on the realm. The shadows held secrets, and the puppet master behind the scenes would reveal himself in due time. As Darius continued to wield his power, he sought a delicate balance between achieving his goals and remaining true to the principles he held dear.

Only time would tell the true extent of his influence and the legacy he would leave behind in the annals of the world of "Game of Thrones."

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