
Chapter 06

Since my parents returned, things have been somewhat tense. Tense? This feels like a battlefield with all the tension. 

The idiot Lucius, because he doesn't deserve to be called father, has been unbearable! He looks for any excuse to punish me with a Crucio, a pity for him that it doesn't affect me; I've been subjected to so much pain while training in Hell that it just feels like a tickle, but I still have to pretend it hurts. 

Mother is the one who saves me from the Crucios, or at least she tries. I've seen her attempting to get close to me, but it seems she doesn't know how.

I let out a sigh as I pricked myself with a thorn from the white rose I was pruning. In case you haven't noticed, I have a certain obsession with roses.

Narcissa: -"Are you alright?! (She kneels beside me and sees my bleeding finger) What happened?"- 

Lira: -"It's nothing, I just pricked myself (she looks at me and sighs)."- 

Narcissa: -"You need to be careful (she casts a spell and the wound heals). So you're the one who fixed the garden, (she says somewhat amused, I look at the rose in my hand, this is strange; I haven't spoken more than a few lines to her since she arrived a week ago and now…) I'm sorry for distancing myself from you since the Gringotts incident (I look up and see the regret and suffering in her eyes). It's just that I was afraid that if I got close to you, I would end up hurting you like my mother did to me and my sisters, but... I ended up distancing myself and leaving you aside when I shouldn't have. Could you ever forgive me (I see her teary eyes, I feel how distressed she is, I don't hesitate to hug her and she immediately hugs me back)? I promise never to distance myself from you or leave you aside again, my little one (I feel the magic emanating from her making a magical vow)."-

When we separate, we look at the white roses I have already pruned on the ground. 

Lira: -"Can you help me put them in my room?"- (I feel a bit embarrassed to ask, she smiles tenderly).

Narcissa: -"Of course, dear."-

After taking the roses to my room and placing them in a vase, I saw her looking at a painting where Harry could be seen in the garden of Grimmauld Place with Sirius in his Animagus form.

Lira: -"I finished it a few days ago (I said as I approached). I need to deliver it to Sirius so he can put it in Grimmauld Place."- 

Narcissa: -"I don't remember the garden at Grimmauld Place looking like that."- 

Lira: -"Since I've spent more time there than here, I took it upon myself to fix the garden (after saying that, I realized how venomous my comment was unintentionally, she just laughed, and I looked at her puzzled)."-

Narcissa: -"You remind me a bit of my sister Bellatrix; she also made those kinds of comments without realizing it (she sighed nostalgically, she sat on my bed; and I followed). When I was little, she and I would bake cookies; you know, it was just the two of us. Our older sister, Andromeda, always left us aside because we were 'dark'. She was the reason Bella fell into madness. She set a trap with the Aurors during the War, and Bella lost her babies. That, and the marriage contract, were what caused Bella's current state (I looked at her surprised, and then I noticed the mark on her arm)."-

I made a book from the library at Morgan Manor appear and found the ritual I had written when I was a teenager. It was one of the few rituals I hadn't completed because it was for removing minor curse marks.

Lira: -"Maybe I can remove that (I said, pointing to her mark, showing her the ritual). It's missing some details, but if I finish it, I can remove it (she looked at me surprised, and with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly while thanking me)"-

The rest of the week, we spent time together, and I finished the ritual. It turns out that thing is a ticking time bomb. If the mark is removed, one dies. If it is disconnected or disabled, it starts a countdown that ends in an explosion; with the range of a Maxima Bombarda. What I can do is transfer it to another human. Well, I have the solution now.

Mom and I decided to go out to eat since Lucius hasn't shown any signs of life all week, so I finish getting ready, and we left.

The dinner passed with some laughs and various topics of conversation. When we returned, we found Lucius sitting on one of the armchairs in the living room with a sour expression.

Lucius: -"Where were you? (He asked angrily, Mom and I returned to our Pureblood masks)"- 

Narcissa: -"Morgan, go to your room."-

Lucius: -"No! The brat stays here!"- 

Narcissa: -"Watch how you speak to my daughter, Lucius."- 

Lucius: -"That brat is also my daughter!! Now answer! Where were you?!!"- 

Lira: -"We went out to eat."- 

Lucius: -"I didn't give you permission to speak, brat!! Cru- (he couldn't finish speaking as he fell to the floor screaming in pain because Mom had cast a Crucio on him)."- 

Narcissa: -"Don't you dare try to attack my daughter! Lira, go and get your things, dear. We're going to Grimmauld Place (I nodded and went up to my room. I started packing everything quickly and did the same in Mom's room. I shrunk the trunks and put them in a pocket)."-

As I approached where Mom was, the shouts of the argument grew louder. 

Lucius: -"You couldn't even give me an heir! You birthed the stupid brat! I don't want her!"- 

Narcissa: -"Then you should have married your lover! She could have given you an heir!"- 

Lucius: -"And she did!! She gave me a boy!! You know I never loved you! I only used you to gain access to the Black fortune!! But you weren't even good for that!"- (I walked down the stairs) 

Lira: -"We can go, Mom."-

Lucius: -"Where do you think you're— (I looked at him seriously while my eyes glowed golden)."- 

Lira: -"I withdraw my votes in the Wizengamot and, as the Malfoy Heiress, I claim the Heiress ring (the ring appeared in my hand, and together with Mom, we went to Grimmauld Place by Floo Powder)."-

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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).