
Chapter 19

I made macaroni and cheese for dinner, and after that we all hung out for a while in the living room, not really saying much to each other.

I sat in the middle of the couch this time, with Rhys on one side of me, and Lee on the other. Both of them had a head on each of my shoulders. It was sweet.

I found something to watch on TV and just let that flow over us while we sat there. Eventually both Rhys and Lee fell asleep. I woke Rhys up once the show was over so he could go get ready for bed.

A few minutes after he left, I kissed Lee’s hair and shook him awake.

“Wake up. Time for bed.” He blinked at me and sat up straight.

“What time is it?” he asked, after a huge yawn.

“Ten o’clock.” I stood and pulled him into my arms. “You want to sleep on the couch, or in a bed?”

“Is it your bed?”


“Lead the way.” I shut off all the lights, and Lee followed me up the stairs after grabbing his laptop carrier and garment bag, which I assumed had his suit for work the next day.