
More Than A Business Deal

"this marriage is nothing more than a business deal so don't expect anything from me" Those were the words he uttered as soon as we were married. How do you make your arranged marriage work especially when the man you are paired with has a mistress threatening to kick you out just few weeks into your wedding? Hazel Reyes finds her words turned upside down when she is told that her father is currently on his death bed and she must return home from her vacation. She rushes back home and her father arranges for her to be married out of fear that she may not be able to survive the capitalist world alone as she would be an orphan when he is gone. Unable to refuse her father's dying wish, Hazel finds herself married to the King of the capitalist world, Atticus Hayland. Atticus Hayland, the youngest billonaire and the most brutal force of the business world gets an offer to marry Martin Reyes only daughter in exchange for thirty percent shares and manangemt right of his construction business which is the largest in the country. As a business man, that is an offer he can't refuse so he accepts with the intention of marrying the young girl just for name sake and tossing her aside but he is surprised to see that she would not allow herself to be tossed aside. Hazel is determined to make Atticus hers only and make sure he gets ride of his ex fiancee who is also his current mistress as she threatens to do everything in her power to make sure Hazel doesn't remain Atticus wife Would Hazel succeed in becoming the only woman in Atticus's eyes or would she be unable to severe the relationship he already shares with his mistress?

Ress Amah · Thành thị
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40 Chs

Chapter 32

I blame my nerves entirely. I tried but I could not go through with it. Atticus left for work as usual and I was ready to prepare the lunch I had in mind but Danielle’s comment about my plan being too domesticated and how women of our class didn’t too it had me retrieving my plan.

I don’t blame Danielle at all because she had encouraged me to do it but I had been too scared to do it. As much as I wanted to do it, I didn’t want it to reflect badly on me or my husband. It didn’t have to be bad in a bad way but I would not have those snubby women call me average class for cooking for my husband.

It was also my fault because I had gone looking at a website about what upper class families thought about cooking lunch for your husband and several comments said it was an average family thing to do which was pretty stupid if you ask me.