
More Than A Business Deal

"this marriage is nothing more than a business deal so don't expect anything from me" Those were the words he uttered as soon as we were married. How do you make your arranged marriage work especially when the man you are paired with has a mistress threatening to kick you out just few weeks into your wedding? Hazel Reyes finds her words turned upside down when she is told that her father is currently on his death bed and she must return home from her vacation. She rushes back home and her father arranges for her to be married out of fear that she may not be able to survive the capitalist world alone as she would be an orphan when he is gone. Unable to refuse her father's dying wish, Hazel finds herself married to the King of the capitalist world, Atticus Hayland. Atticus Hayland, the youngest billonaire and the most brutal force of the business world gets an offer to marry Martin Reyes only daughter in exchange for thirty percent shares and manangemt right of his construction business which is the largest in the country. As a business man, that is an offer he can't refuse so he accepts with the intention of marrying the young girl just for name sake and tossing her aside but he is surprised to see that she would not allow herself to be tossed aside. Hazel is determined to make Atticus hers only and make sure he gets ride of his ex fiancee who is also his current mistress as she threatens to do everything in her power to make sure Hazel doesn't remain Atticus wife Would Hazel succeed in becoming the only woman in Atticus's eyes or would she be unable to severe the relationship he already shares with his mistress?

Ress Amah · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs

Chapter 15

Today was moving day. I was finally moving in with Atticus and it was not in the least exciting. Atticus sent the movers here and they were loading everything that I wanted to take with me into the van. There was not a lot to be moved so I didn’t bother contacting a moving company but Atticus did and like always without contacting me first.

Some of the workers have been laid off regrettably but the house didn’t need as much staff caring for it when nobody would be living here anymore. Maybe one day in the future, I could actually come here sometimes for a break but only time would tell.

I was currently in dad’s bedroom trying to get one final look at it before I left. Everything was still the same way it was before it was filled with medical machines that were currently gone. This room holds so much memory and I was leaving it behind. If I could stuff it in my bags, I would.

“Dad, do you think they would like me?” I spoke to the empty room. I spent last night thinking about today. I was not able to catch any sleep so I let my mind drift to how well I would be welcomed into his family.

I may not care about the man but that doesn’t mean I also didn’t want to be tolerated. I was aware he had three siblings, two sisters and a brother. From my share of experience, girls hardly take a liking to their brother’s girlfriends or wives and I suspect they may not like ,e since I was basically forced on their brother

“Miss Hazel, it’s time for you to go,” Duke’s voice came from behind me. I turned to see him standing by the door

“When will you be leaving?” I asked because I had made sure to warn him not to stay behind and keep working because I suspect that is exactly what he was going to do. He was a bit hesitant to talk about his final working days and I understand why. He had been working with us for a long time and must have gotten used to being here so leaving will be a bit difficult for him just like it was for me

“Next week. I would need to appoint someone that can oversee the management of the house properly and make sure things are properly sorted out before I retire”

I could not stop myself from pulling him into a hug. He tensed under my fingers before he let himself relax. It took some seconds before I felt him hug me back

“Thank you Duke, for everything. I am going to miss you so damn much” and it was the truth. Duke has played a very important role in my life and I wasn’t going to see him again at least for now

“You’ll be fine. You are a strong woman, my dear. Don’t let anyone step over you or try to intimidate you. Never let them see your tears and everything would be fine” we pulled back from the hug and I gave him a small smile

“You’re right. I would be fine.”I gave him a small nod and gave the room one final look before walking out the door.

When I got downstairs, I couldn’t find the moving vehicle, they had started the journey to my new home already. Instead, there were two black cars and some guards standing outside

“Good morning, Miss Hazel, my name is Justin and I will be in charge of your security from now on along with these guys here.” One of them, a blonde, approached me as soon as I stepped out. He was really attractive and huge, emphasis on the huge. I had to glance from him to the car, wondering how he was able to fit in there

I didn’t need protection but I didn’t also need to say it to them. They were only acting out of orders. There were three other guys including the one driving. There weren’t a lot so I guess I could manage.

“It’s nice to meet you Justin. I hope we get along” I told him with a warm smile.

“Shall we?” He gestured towards the opened door of the car’s back seat and I gave him a curt nod before entering the car. The door shut behind me and Jason took his place at the front seat with the driver, while the remaining too filed into the other car behind me.

I stared out the window to see Duke and the remaining staff standing on the front porch, watching as their cars began to drive away. I didn’t wave back at the staff who were waving at me. I only watched them as we drove down the paths that led to the main gate until I couldn’t see them again.

Atticus’s home was a bit far from my house. We have been driving for almost an hour and I don’t think we were any closer and I was getting tired and dizzy. I have never been a fan of long rides. I could not stop the yawn that escaped my lips for the fourth time in less than ten minutes

“Are you tired ma’am? We will arrive soon” Justin replied from the front.

“A bit but it’s fine.” i rested my head against the windows and watched as the buildings went by fast and in a blur

“We’ve arrived” Justin’s voice startled me awake. I have been developing a habit of having people wake me up from my nap.

“Oh. Thank you. Just give me a minute and I’ll be out” Justin exited the car to stand outside by my door and I took that chance to make myself look presentable. I know I looked horrible even after a short nap

I whisked my powder from my purse and opened it so I could see what my face was like and I was right, I looked horrible. I took some moisturiser from my bag and rubbed it all over my face. I was not wearing any makeup and that little nap had managed to make my face so dry and obvious that I had been sleeping.

When I was satisfied with how I no longer looked like a walking dead, I exited the car. The building before me was in a very spacious compound that was as big as my father’s but the mansion had an urban and modern look to it rather than mine that was a bit historical.

Justin began walking towards the front door and I followed behind him into the house. I wonder if Atticus would be waiting for me. On a second thought, there was no way a busy man like himself would be waiting for me to arrive, not when he had better things to do.

I noticed the moving people were nowhere to be found. Guess they already arrived and unpack my stuff. I couldn’t help the involuntary shivers at the thoughts of strangers going through my things. Maybe I could have asked for one of our female staff to come with me but I doubt Atticus would have allowed it.

When we entered the living area, Justin left me alone so I was left with the two ladies who were sitting down and giving me dirty looks as though I had committed the worst crime on earth by standing in the living room

Judging by how familiar their faces were, they were probably Atticus sisters. I almost let out a groan at having to face his family alone because it didn’t seem like he was around. I hated dealing with siblings of the people I dated , especially the ones that didn’t like that their brothers were dating a spoiled girl.

I knew I could not escape seeing them regularly since they were his sisters and we were married. I just hoped they didn’t live here and were just here to see the kind of girl that was forced on their beloved brother.

“Hello, I’m Hazel Reyes Hayland. It’s nice to meet you” Damn that felt powerful. I don’t know what came over me when I decided to add his last name to mine but it felt way too better than I had anticipated. I almost moaned in delight as I watched both their faces turn red from anger

“Wow.. the audacity she has to confidently claim the hayland name” the first one scoffed while looking at me with so much disdain. I don’t know if she was expecting me to cower but she won’t be getting her wishes tonight. Santa was on a break.

“Tell me about it Serena.. She is so shameless” The second spoke as she looked me up and down with so much disgust and I could not help but let out a scoff at how childish they were acting

“Can I be shown to my room? I am a bit tired and would like to rest”I said to annoy them more and I got what I was asking for

“How dare you speak to us like that? Do you know who we are? My brother would not be happy if he finds out you were disrespectful to us” Serena gloated

“Why should I care who you are? I am married to your brother and not you. I also don’t care about how your brother would act regarding this, it’s not my fault you are behaving like kids’’

“You better watch your mouth Hazel, You should not talk to us like that” The other sister reprimanded me

“Then you should have watched your mouth when you first saw me” I raised my brow,daring her to challenge me. It seems Serena didn’t like to lose and wanted to have the last words

“Don’t get cocky now, you may think being married to my brother should allow you to be this confident but know that you are nothing but an arranged wife and would never truly be the one he loves” Now that hurt but there was no way that I was going to let them see how much it affected me, instead I stood up straighter and faced her

“And who said I want to be the one your brother falls in love with? As long as he manages my company well and I get insane amount of profits< i don’t give a fuck about where his love will be” Serena scoffed in disbelieve but before she could talk, her sister beat her to it

“So you are a gold digger huh? You only married my brother because of money”

“No hun, it’s the other way around. Your brother is the one who married me because of what he is getting from me so I guess that makes him the gold digger, doesn’t it?” I felt bad about bad mouthing Atticus when it was his sisters who were making me mad but there was no way to avoid him being roped into the argument

“How dare you insult my brother?” Serena screeched. I had to wince at how loud and scratchy her voice was, it was so annoying

“Please don’t burst my eardrums. You should start the heat if you can’t take it” I was so close to smacking some senses into her, she was obviously the younger one of the two. She looked just a little bit older than me.

“You…how…why…” she stuttered like a fool and I was just looking at her as she tried to come up with words.

“Emily say something” She finally cried out and I turned my focus to the sister whose name i have just learnt

“Let’s go Serena. This one lacks manners” I could have tried to hold myself but I couldn’t. I burst out laughing

“Me? Hazel Reyes? Don't have manners? Sweetheart, you must be referring to yourselves. Please show yourself out, I have no intention to do so” I watched in amusement as they both grab their bags and marched out of the house, slamming the door on their way out and all I could say was

“It’s your brother’s house, slam the door all you want”