
More than 100 years

How far can someone go for the sake of their love? Beyond life? Or maybe even beyond death?

Aescwine · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Monolgue: I/You Will Die For Sure

In the deepest part of the most dangerous labyrinth of the Kingdom of Eonia, where the most dangerous and the evilest of criminals are detained, a man is lying face up. He is looking above. His expression is serene. He is staring at the dark ceiling. There is nothing there but the man still continues to stare at it. As if he can see something, clearly.

His face is covered by his dark hair, hiding his blood-red eyes. Black clothes befitting a noble adorned him. The dress he was wearing, however, was sinisterly black. There was an equally black sheath dangling on his waist but the sword was missing.

There were blood marks splattered across his dress. The blood had dried out, staining his clothes.

The man slowly extended his hands. Clumsily, he managed to hold his hand in the air, firmly. Through the gaps in his fingers, he was seeing something. He was envisioning the future.

He then slowly brought his hand down, placing it gently on his left chest.

He found that his heart was still beating. His serene face formed a small, self-deprecating yet somehow happy and relieved smile.

If his heart was beating then he was sure that 'her' heart was beating as well.

'She' was definitely alive. The biggest proof? Because he was still alive.

'She' couldn't die, as long as he was alive. The converse was true as well. He couldn't die, as long as 'she' lived.

He got up and sat crossed legged, his legs folding underneath.

He again looked up. There was nothing but darkness above. There was no way he can see what is there up in the sky. But, he knew what was up there. He was sure what was up there in the dark, night sky. He could feel it. He knew that, wherever 'she' was, 'she' was definitely looking at that very sky and at that very luminescent figure hanging in that sky.

Against the backdrop of a crescent moon, he then thought to himself; he made a vow he had made countless times.

"I will definitely save you."

- "I will definitely save myself."

"I will definitely kill you."

- "I will definitely kill myself."

"I am the only one who can kill you."

- "You are the only one who can kill me."